View Full Version : Hard core list WIKI project

11-28-2019, 01:18 PM
Hello all I'm Foaly, (Dova Facta Non Verba on the hard core server) and am one of the Wiki editors for the DDO wiki we currently have THE ENTIRE Hall of fame for those who lived on Hard Core I'm putting out on forums sense there is OVER 6000's characters on that list (6104 if you wanna get technical :P) but as its my project and some of the wiki editors don't wanna touch this and we MAY end up protecting the page later on but for now I'm in charge of editing the page.

If people wanna CLAIM THEIR characters (Main character and their server) I will add it to the wiki page so if you wanna see who represented their server you can. but as of right now only my character is representing.

please be honest if your characters made the list or not its not a braging rights thing its an archival project.

Thanks Foaly and the rest of the DDOwiki editors