View Full Version : Dashing Inquisitor Enhancement.

11-01-2019, 01:29 AM
Dashing Inquisition: You can Swashbuckle while wielding a Light (non-repeating) Crossbow.

There seems pretty much no point to this enhancement as you only receive a 1% Doublestrike and Doubleshot as well as +1 to the Enhancement Bonus of the weapon in your main hand when you are Swashbuckling with a light crossbow in hand and none of the other benefits of Swashbuckling with a finessable weapon.


11-01-2019, 08:28 AM
Dashing Inquisition: You can Swashbuckle while wielding a Light (non-repeating) Crossbow.

There seems pretty much no point to this enhancement as you only receive a 1% Doublestrike and Doubleshot as well as +1 to the Enhancement Bonus of the weapon in your main hand when you are Swashbuckling with a light crossbow in hand and none of the other benefits of Swashbuckling with a finessable weapon.


While swashbuckling u benefit of the enhancements that say "while swashbuckling" (lol), so u could take canoneer or dashing scoundrel, which gives 6 damage regardless of lvl and 10 ds for inquis

Keep in mind that most swash enhancements say "while swashbuckling your finnesseable weapon" but that works on non finnesseable if u're swashbuckling

11-01-2019, 10:01 AM
Dashing Inquisition: You can Swashbuckle while wielding a Light (non-repeating) Crossbow.

There seems pretty much no point to this enhancement as you only receive a 1% Doublestrike and Doubleshot as well as +1 to the Enhancement Bonus of the weapon in your main hand when you are Swashbuckling with a light crossbow in hand and none of the other benefits of Swashbuckling with a finessable weapon.


Dashing Scoundrel's 10% Doubleshot bonus will also apply if your offhand is empty (i.e. no Runearm equipped).

11-02-2019, 03:29 AM
Dashing Scoundrel's 10% Doubleshot bonus will also apply if your offhand is empty (i.e. no Runearm equipped).

My issue was more for Dashing Inquisitor, not Scoundrel.

11-02-2019, 03:38 AM
While swashbuckling u benefit of the enhancements that say "while swashbuckling" (lol), so u could take canoneer or dashing scoundrel, which gives 6 damage regardless of lvl and 10 ds for inquis

Keep in mind that most swash enhancements say "while swashbuckling your finnesseable weapon" but that works on non finnesseable if u're swashbuckling

Agreed, but my question was more to how actual useful the enhancement is considering it gains no benefit from the Swashbuckling enhancement without requiring additional enhancements to be taken.

11-02-2019, 07:36 PM
Based on my testing on Lama before Sharn came out, what works while using Dashing Inquisition + Swashbuckling:

The Enhancement and Doubleshot bonuses from the Swashbuckling cores and Dashing Scoundrel
Resonant Arms
Battering Barrage
Abilities which don't depend on Swashbuckling like Fast Movement, Doubleshot boost, etc.

What didn't work:

the crit bonuses from level 3 core
the melee-only abilities like Different Tack (for obvious reasons)
Wind at my Back (expected since not a thrown weapon)

What I didn't test: Sword Dance, Elegant Footwork, the tier-5 abilities (i.e., Thread the Needle, Coup de Grace, etc.).

By itself, Dashing Inquisition does nothing. You have to spend at least 6 APs in Swashbuckler to get Swashbuckling; then you need to spend more APs to take advantage of the aforementioned bonuses.

It's the same deal with Divine Inquisition. Unless you're playing a divine character with Favored Weapon bonuses (e.g., War Soul), it does nothing on its own.

11-03-2019, 04:46 AM
By itself, Dashing Inquisition does nothing. You have to spend at least 6 APs in Swashbuckler to get Swashbuckling; then you need to spend more APs to take advantage of the aforementioned bonuses.

You nailed it on the head, basically it's a lot of enhancement points for a whole lot of nothing.

11-30-2019, 05:41 PM
Dashing Inquisition: You can Swashbuckle while wielding a Light (non-repeating) Crossbow.

There seems pretty much no point to this enhancement as you only receive a 1% Doublestrike and Doubleshot as well as +1 to the Enhancement Bonus of the weapon in your main hand when you are Swashbuckling with a light crossbow in hand and none of the other benefits of Swashbuckling with a finessable weapon.


for 6 levels of bard and 12 action points you can get 7 damage and 10 doubleshot. thats pretty cheap. you loose 5 doubleshot from inq. if you allready spent 20 in inq this is not too bad. one more level of bard and you have displacement too...