View Full Version : >Death Smile< is Recruiting

08-16-2019, 07:37 PM
<Death Smile> is recruiting!

Welcome to the Death Smile, brought to you by Mary of Sarlona!
Founded for the Hardcore League DDO event.

Weary of dying alone, we resolved to build a community in which friends could die together and perhaps live longer.

We are friendly and helpful to those in the guild and courteous to those who are not.
In Death Smile, it matters not what the person wears, but the quality of character underneath. Though you may have been cast aside more than once on your journey, you shall not be here.

Welcome home!

Guild Buffs
The biggest Daedalean Kraken Guild ship (Mary spared no expense!)
Death Smile Discord

Guild Rules: (Things you must do)

1. Be nice, friendly and helpful to all.
Don't be mean or rude to anyone
-Remember that you are representing the guild wherever you go.

2. No cursing please in guild chat(including abbreviations or masking curses through misspellings).

3. Keep conversations classy in ALL chats; no offensive, vulgar, or polarizing topics.
- 3.1. This rule also applies to character names.

4. Everyone in the guild is required to have fun and respect the other members. We are all dying over and over in this event, losing gear, money, time - be understanding.

5. No begging or selling in guild chat (we're a family, not a business). Please use the trade-crafting channel in Discord.

6. During adventure groups, especially reaper, the leader of the group has the final say regarding decisions/strategies. Be polite and listen.

Loot Rules

-Please pass what you don't need to someone who can use it.
-Please do not be greedy (or needy).

Courtesies: (Things you should do (because you're awesome))

1. Be helpful to other guildies (e.g. answer questions/offer assistance).

2. Say hi to guildies logging on and goodbye to those logging off. Say welcome to new guildies.

3. If you know specific tactics for a dungeon please help others!

Guild Ranks:

Guild Master – Mary, our fearless leader and token dead!

Officer – Officers are responsible for managing the guild and enforcing guild policy by assisting other members and promoting guild values. If you survive to lvl 5 I will make you an officer !

Member – The Core of the Guild - we have 90 days for this events - we are here then for players who have recently discovered the best guild, this side of hardcore. Members are encouraged to socialize and survive past lvl 5 to become officers.

08-17-2019, 02:31 PM
Message me for the Discord Info

08-17-2019, 05:17 PM
Guild Ship is a Daedalean Kraken and I will be buying the lvl 10 unlocks with Astral Shards for everyone to use.

08-17-2019, 05:22 PM
Very nice Guild Charter. :)

If I can get over my reflexive anti-social tendencies* I will keep Death Smile in mind for my HCPD play time.

*I have a slew of medical issues that have made soloing preferable 99% of the time, since I can only let myself down.

08-19-2019, 04:35 PM
We now have guild buffs pinned on the ship and are working on Sagas.

09-03-2019, 02:06 PM
Hardcore server has been a huge success with the community - the population of hardcore, the groups, the adventuring all remind me of the game 13 years ago. Very cool.

09-13-2019, 05:14 PM
One of the Hardcore takeaways is how fun it is to play an Iconic character from level 1! I think it would be fab if the devs allowed this on the regular servers for those who wish for whatever reason, to play their character's entire life from 1-30.

09-14-2019, 05:05 AM
In game type in /joinchannel DeathSmile to ask for a guild invite

10-09-2019, 03:07 PM
Patch seems to have broke something - everything on Hardcore is very laggy - adventure at your own risk!

10-29-2019, 05:05 PM
At the end of the Hardcore League event, SSG is offering free character transfers off of the Hardcore League server to any server of your choice. All are welcome to join us, Death Smile, on our home server of Sarlona.

We are a small but active guild there. Sarlona is presently one of the top three servers in terms of population and has a very active community of raiders.

I personally have been on Sarlona since it was opened in 2006. My main is Mary there too.

I plan on being involved in any future SSG events including any future Hardcore League events, so even if you don't join me and Death Smile on Sarlona, keep an eye on the forums, and stay in touch with me via in Discord and we can hang out in any future events.

To everyone who participated in the Hardcore League, playing, dying, over and over; weary of dying alone, I resolved to build a home in which strangers could become acquaintances, could adventure together, perhaps live a little longer, and with luck become fast friends. It's been a pleasure and an honor meeting everyone, I love you all, thank you. I hope your adventures go well today and each and every day!

Safe travels,
- Mary

11-12-2019, 03:43 PM
Just a reminder to make sure you spend all your astral shards on the Hardcore League server as you will not be able to take them with you when you transfer off. You can purchase items on the shard market or gold roll for items that you can take with you.


11-24-2019, 02:37 PM
Super Fun event - thanks to everyone who participated - those of you wishing to join me us on Sarlona are invited - just send me, Mary, a tell - we can do a real after-party there lol

Much love, and to everyone going to other servers,
Catch you guys in the next Hardcore League.