View Full Version : Game Client crashes once it's loaded and trying to patch

07-31-2019, 11:40 AM
As stated, my game client automatically closes when it's trying to do in game patching.

Anyone else facing this issue?

07-31-2019, 11:59 AM
As stated, my game client automatically closes when it's trying to do in game patching.

Anyone else facing this issue?

Yes. I run on a 2016 MacBook Pro on Mojave 10.14.5. Everything was running ok before today's patch.

Now the client launches, allows log in credentials and selection of server, passes through the first (static) loading screen, hits the second (the one that's customized and has something about the latest sale)....message for "loading new game data" appears at bottom...then crash.

Edited to say: tried a suggestion not related to today's patch, but given earlier this month for client problems: located the Dungeons and Dragons Online folder and renamed as OLDetc. No fix -- still same experience, client launch > log in > world select > loading screen 1 ok loading screen 2 referring to Current sales, a bit of "authenticating/loading new data message" at bottom....fail.

07-31-2019, 12:00 PM
As stated, my game client automatically closes when it's trying to do in game patching.

Anyone else facing this issue?

Same boat. Specifically, crashes on the loading screen after the initial banner. Hoping someone finds a solution or it miraculously fixes itself.

07-31-2019, 12:03 PM

Looking into it, they say

07-31-2019, 12:28 PM

Looking into it, they say

Update from Coco:


07-31-2019, 12:29 PM
This is the reply I got from ssg:


I apologise for the problem you are encountering. Unfortunately, we do not offer technical support for DDO on MAC and as a result our knowledge is very limited. We still try to help when we can, but we do not have suggestions for this particular problem. I can only recommend that you visit the dedicated forums for a potential solution:


If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.

Thank you,
Customer Support
Standing Stone Games

07-31-2019, 11:04 PM
This is the reply I got from ssg:


I apologise for the problem you are encountering. Unfortunately, we do not offer technical support for DDO on MAC and as a result our knowledge is very limited. We still try to help when we can, but we do not have suggestions for this particular problem. I can only recommend that you visit the dedicated forums for a potential solution:


If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.

Thank you,
Customer Support
Standing Stone Games

yeah, i've received the same from "support" twice now. tried running Beta Wine which runs beautifully considering it retained no key mapping and will not allow the mapping of mouse buttons. now i'm trying to reinstall the native client after it continued to crash on load but to no avail. reinstalling from the ddolive.dmg just appears to crash once downloading .dat files; the process seems to mysteriously reset it's counter of files downloaded in what seems to be an endless cycle.

frankly, i find it brazenly unscrupulous not to disclose clearly on the mac/dmg download page that they DO NOT support the Mac client considering that DDO is a game with paid content they strongly hope we'll buy, and they know we must. i get that they're making a calculation to save time, money, and personnel by not supporting the least used platform, but they could at least make this abundantly clear from the get go with minimal effort. oh, and if you're gonna make a workaround client for Mac, get it working.

08-01-2019, 01:20 AM
Same, cant log in here either, gotta renew them ship buffs

08-01-2019, 03:39 AM
So i tried the wine client and it actually works so I think that's a good workaround for now.

It also seems to take less resources than the native Mac DDO client. As I run it on a Macbook Air, the native Mac client always puts the laptop into full drive (fan blasting sound) but the wine clients seems to be less heavy.

08-01-2019, 07:32 AM
Anyone have any basic walkthrough tips on how the "Wine client" is supposed to work?

Yesterday's threads on this problem are the first I'd heard of this thingie: before that, I'd heard Wine listed as one of several toolsets you could install if you wanted to run Windows applications in general on your Mac. I was reluctant to add something like that since there aren't any other Windows-limited stuff I needed.

Then I saw in yesterday's discussion that this foobar for DDO didn't need you to separately install Wine, just this one item.

Downloaded it---got it up and running, which is a bit annoying since it seeks permission to install several related dealios and doesn't even have a readme.txt or any other documentation.

And everything looked *terrible*. Aspect ratios, resolution, any sort of label or toolbar, were all to hell. Buildings and figures were distorted. The game displayed as letterboxed even on "full screen." Text looked like it had been beamed in from 2004.

Tried carefully changing settings one by one, with only minimal improvement.

Using that tick box for letting the game select the right graphics settings for me resulted in the system selecting "lowest possible" ----before this crash, on the regular client, I was using graphics settings on high or very high with no problem (beyond the standard ones all MacDDO players get).

So. Those of you who've used this, did you have such issues? If so, could you fix them? And if yes, any advice?

Or is it just the case that a Windows game ported to a Mac with this type of tool is going to look like vomit?

At the moment, I'm looking at going back to the Steam download I've used up till now and hope the issue from yesterday is fixed today, but any wisdom is appreciated.

08-01-2019, 11:39 AM
Anyone have any basic walkthrough tips on how the "Wine client" is supposed to work?

Yesterday's threads on this problem are the first I'd heard of this thingie: before that, I'd heard Wine listed as one of several toolsets you could install if you wanted to run Windows applications in general on your Mac. I was reluctant to add something like that since there aren't any other Windows-limited stuff I needed.

Then I saw in yesterday's discussion that this foobar for DDO didn't need you to separately install Wine, just this one item.

Downloaded it---got it up and running, which is a bit annoying since it seeks permission to install several related dealios and doesn't even have a readme.txt or any other documentation.

And everything looked *terrible*. Aspect ratios, resolution, any sort of label or toolbar, were all to hell. Buildings and figures were distorted. The game displayed as letterboxed even on "full screen." Text looked like it had been beamed in from 2004.

Tried carefully changing settings one by one, with only minimal improvement.

Using that tick box for letting the game select the right graphics settings for me resulted in the system selecting "lowest possible" ----before this crash, on the regular client, I was using graphics settings on high or very high with no problem (beyond the standard ones all MacDDO players get).

So. Those of you who've used this, did you have such issues? If so, could you fix them? And if yes, any advice?

Or is it just the case that a Windows game ported to a Mac with this type of tool is going to look like vomit?

At the moment, I'm looking at going back to the Steam download I've used up till now and hope the issue from yesterday is fixed today, but any wisdom is appreciated.

yes, had the exact same isssue; tweaking resolution settings and between fullscreen/windowed eventually made it all look normal, but i could not key map buttons on my mouse [dead in the water]. anyone unable to map?

08-01-2019, 12:23 PM
left the client to download AGAIN last night, and woke to find it here:


08-01-2019, 03:02 PM
I backed out of the Wine version after tweaking did not help resolve what seemed to be a lot of display issues.

De-installed that version and related folders, also ini file to try to get everything "clean."

Reinstalled via Steam. Like you, it took a looooong time.

Once that ordeal was done, today's hot fix was out.

Now back to normal.



08-01-2019, 11:30 PM
same issue/another thread:


08-13-2019, 11:05 AM
Welp round 2 of same error is here woot!

08-13-2019, 11:11 AM
Welp round 2 of same error is here woot!

Mine was fine before today's update but now does the same!


08-13-2019, 11:25 AM
Same boat....round 2 in a row update crashes.

08-13-2019, 11:30 AM
Same boat....round 2 in a row update crashes.

Did they get it sorted last time? How long did it take?


08-13-2019, 01:01 PM
Same exact issue as last big patch.

Logging in crashes for anyone using Mac client.

Last time they were able to do a hot fix, which if I remember, took place about two days after the initial issue.

It is very frustrating that their team seems to have forgotten to align that fix to the latest build.

Ugh, this update is causing so much static for other reasons (fears and concerns over changes to xp and leveling), hope it doesn't bog down getting this repaired....


At least there is a quick acknowledgement and update in the thread on today's patch under "Service News"

Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
We have identified the issue that is preventing users of certain Mac clients from launching the game, and are preparing a tentative hotfix for tomorrow to address it.

08-13-2019, 04:44 PM
Same exact issue as last big patch.

Logging in crashes for anyone using Mac client.

Last time they were able to do a hot fix, which if I remember, took place about two days after the initial issue.

It is very frustrating that their team seems to have forgotten to align that fix to the latest build.

Ugh, this update is causing so much static for other reasons (fears and concerns over changes to xp and leveling), hope it doesn't bog down getting this repaired....


At least there is a quick acknowledgement and update in the thread on today's patch under "Service News"

Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
We have identified the issue that is preventing users of certain Mac clients from launching the game, and are preparing a tentative hotfix for tomorrow to address it.

glad to see that they're at least trying to communicate, but this is just getting ridiculous. saddly, the Beta Wine client, although it takes tweaking **** near all the graphic settings, eventually appears correctly, even feels snappy, but it refuses to let me keymap my mouse at all like the native client. guess we just have to wait until they decide to devote a sufficient amount of resources to maintaining the integrity of the Mac client...or just let the game die altogether xD

suggestion for SSG: at least post a notice on the download page indicating that the Mac client doesn't consistently function correctly

08-13-2019, 07:07 PM
i perhaps should have reported an official bug but:


08-14-2019, 09:55 AM
Wed Aug 14

It's a bit buried in the "Service" thread but the hot fix they were talking about doing this morning (Aug 14 9ish EST) has been delayed.

It sounds like they are trying to bundle a bunch of fixes to issues with yesterday's big download together, including the Mac client issue.

There wasn't an official update, just a comment from a developer in the Service News thread dated with today's date that they are still working on a build and not ready to publish a hot fix yet.

08-15-2019, 12:18 PM
as far as i can tell, the "hotfix" seems to have fixed things that most players care about and left the Mac client standing on coals. the Mac client now crashes at the character selection screen and not after hitting Play.


try this:

Restoring Mac app from Time Machine backup: WORKING

11-16-2019, 03:46 PM
Now the client launches, allows log in credentials and selection of server, passes through the first (static) loading screen, hits the second (the one that's customized and has something about the latest sale)....message for "loading new game data" appears at bottom...then crash.

Edited to say: tried a suggestion not related to today's patch, but given earlier this month for client problems: located the Dungeons and Dragons Online folder and renamed as OLDetc. No fix -- still same experience, client launch > log in > world select > loading screen 1 ok loading screen 2 referring to Current sales, a bit of "authenticating/loading new data message" at bottom....fail.[/QUOTE]

mine does not crash but the data transfer slowly drops to about .02 kbs and stays there forever. I have to wait 20-30 min to get back into the game. some times i can get in on another server but maybe not as well.

my issue has been happening for a year or more though. its mostly random.

12-10-2019, 03:30 PM
Crossover 19 (recent release) can NOW run 32-bit Windows programs on a 64-bit OS. Since Crossover uses Wine, my guess is that the latest WINE version can do this.

I got the email from Crossover about a half hour ago, I upgraded to 19 (free for me) and tested it. DDO runs great on it now.