View Full Version : Inquisitive Scoundrel - build ideas and suggestions

05-29-2019, 11:02 AM
Hi all

I am going to TR my current scoundrel bard into another scoundrel of some kind, and I really wanted to try inquisitive with it. The main purpose of the build is to get the scoundrel PL and preferably one class PL that I want. There will be no +1 lesser heart, saving that for the third scoundrel life as a sorcerer.

There is no need to be uber at 30, cause i will tr again quite soon after reaching it (might do some legendary reapers for the rxp, but no more than once per quest).

I am currently completionist with 3x fvs, 2x sorc, 3x wiz, 2x bard (once I TR).

So here are my constraints/desires
1) 1x bard as first level (scoundrel with no lr+1)
2) A Past life I lack
3) not sorcerer - already got a plan for that
4) Not be significantly worse when solo (for instance sneak attack being big part of dps without a way of getting sneak attack when solo)

I have thought up the following options:
1) 1x bard, 6x ranger, 13x rogue
AP: main inquisitor, harper for into to hit and KTA, mech to 3rd core for int to damage + goodies, dws for sniper shot (for SA). Rest spread around if anything left.

2) 1x bard, 2x fighter (for feats mainly) 17x cleric.
AP: main inquisitor, falconry to tier 4, Rest in racial/Kensai (little left after inq and falc though)

PL-wise I prefer 2 over 1 cause i want +1 dc to conjuration more than +1 SA damage (mostly play casters). Play-wise Cleric nice cause of heals, cc-spells and implosion, last two if and only if I can get DC high enough. Was thniking either luck or earth (earthquake). 2 should also allow me to have IPS at 15 instead of 18 (if taking both fighter levels at or before 15), which I would like if possible.

Now to my questions:
1) I have never ran a ranged build outside one pure arty, which was a long time ago, and they are not as feat-constrained as these builds would be. What ranged feats are a must on xbow
2) Which of the two suggestions are "best" and why?
3) What ED would you chose for the 2 above builds?
4) Any other build ideas under my constraints?

05-31-2019, 09:16 AM
1) 1x bard, 6x ranger, 13x rogue
AP: main inquisitor, harper for into to hit and KTA, mech to 3rd core for int to damage + goodies, dws for sniper shot (for SA). Rest spread around if anything left.

I did almost exactly this for one of my Scoundrel lives. With IPS immediately at level 15 and using a Barovian Crossbow from Ravenloft. The build was very capable all the way to 30. Also, I went Legendary Dreadnought, as its pretty easy to get it started and keep it charged especially as you get extra goes at Fusillade with the extra AB option in the LD tree.