View Full Version : DDOCast 554 - Past Life Prioritization: Racial Lives

04-08-2019, 09:17 PM

Nimvind joins us this week to take a look at the first preview of Update 42 including some quests and loot! Then we continue our Past LIfe Prioritization series by talking about Racial Lives

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Game News - 3:26
Community News - 40:33
Lightning Post - 56:22
Pastlife Prioritization: Racial Lives - 1:09:21

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DDO Chronicle 327 (https://www.ddo.com/en/news/ddo-chronicle-issue-327)
U42 Quests Preview (https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/504611-U42-Preview-1-Dungeons#post6197942)
U42 Loot Preview (https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/504613-U42-Preview-1-Loot)
Minor Artifacts Preview (https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/504612-U42-Preview-1-Minor-Artifacts#post6197944)
Biobreak: Never Again Pit (https://biobreak.wordpress.com/2019/04/04/ddo-as-muck-is-my-witness-i-will-never-again-do-the-pit/)
Micki’s Delirium: The Sharn Bundle (https://mickisdelirium.wordpress.com/2019/04/05/the-sharn-bundle/)
MMO Central PAX East SSG Interview (http://www.mmo-central.com/2019/04/05/pax-east-2019-interview-with-standing-stone-games-rob-severlin-ciccolini/)

04-09-2019, 03:11 AM
My first rule for racial past lives would be to worry less about being the most optimal class/race combo each time & instead pick a class or handful of classes that you enjoy playing for the whole spread from 1 to 20 rather than the "it comes together at level 15" or "it's a slog from 15 to 20" types of builds - personally I love running mastermaker artificer in heroic (cheap AoE healing from level 1 & a machine gun!) so would use that for a lot of them.

Definitely agree with doing the "worst" races (relative to your chosen class/classes) first, that way as you unlock more racial APs you can use them on relevant abilities giving a huge jump in power at low levels - eg. for an artificer, gnome racial things are amazing (colour spray on an INT class is phenomenal) so that'd be one of the last ones I do while if I was running warlock I'd probably go drow as one of the last so as soon as I hit level 3 I could have darkfire (does 50% of the damage of stricken from soul eater with half the cooldown time) in addition to whatever other tree I was focussed in.

Oh, another positive for drow beyond shuriken expertise: faerie fire - temporary displacement dispel making trueseeing unnecessary for dealing with some mobs for the whole group & it also destroys breakables :)