View Full Version : Gingerspyce's Week in Videos: Prioritizing past lives and Northwynd 2 episodes 1-3!

10-23-2018, 08:11 AM
The first Northwynd series was one of my favorites. I knew I wanted to do a sequel before the series ended. The first series took place 2 years ago when Slave Lords was the hot new thing and Reaper mode hadn't even come out yet! Revisiting Northwynd in the age of Reaper and the new Update 38 druid enhancements has been a lot of fun and an interesting challenge.

While anyone can watch and follow the fun, Northwynd 2: The Druid True Second Life Series is meant to be a guide to my druid caster/healer/quasi-tank build (https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/427398-Gingerspyce-s-caster-healer-quasi-tank-build) for newer players. It is also a way for me to reconnect with the new player experience and learn the capabilities of a youngling version of the build in reaper mode.

Prior to reincarnating I ran a few legendary quests on reaper mode so that that I could at least start the series with a couple reaper points. I haven't run a toon with so few reaper points since the early days of Reaper mode, so it's a bit of a culture shock and reality check. But that hasn't stopped me from taking on a challenge and I'm excited to share some of Northwynd's upcoming achievements later in the series.

In episode 1 I introduce the series, talk about my goals, starting gear, important supplies to start a life with and strategies for gearing up a lowbie. Then I show how to get to level 2 in minutes by invis running Stealthy Repossession.


In Episode 2: Level 2 - R1 Durk's Got a Secret (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAYkfX0mVQ4) I start with showing how to convert handwraps to a collar at a device workstation before discussing stats and gear and then doing Durk's to try for a Muckbane (http://ddowiki.com/page/Item:Muckbane). Prior to Update 38, a druid could melee oozes and rust monsters in wolf form without worrying about weapon damage. Unfortunately that was changed and it's now important for a druid to carry an ooze and rusty beater.

In Episode 3: Level 3 - R1 The Captives (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abm6Kx_fzLE) I discuss how the wolf has been more helpful in lowbie reaper questing that I expected. This was a pleasant surprise and I continue to use the wolf far beyond level 3. One awesome change in Update 38 is that druids no longer suffer a hp and sp penalty when the wolf dies, so we can now have our wolves out without worry.

How to Prioritize Past Lives

When I started live streaming on Twitch the question of prioritizing past lives came up a few times from viewers so it inspired me to do a video on the topic. There are over 100 past lives now and it can be a daunting if not confusing project to figure out where to start and how to plan out past lives. I asked Nimvind to join me for a discussion of strategies and considerations for how newer and more casual players can prioritize past lives. I had no idea the topic would be so popular, with about 3 times my normal views and lots of great feedback for the video. If you're confused or feeling overwhelmed by tackling your past lives, check out our video below!


Also if you missed, the devs snuck in a new dance for Dragonborn females in Update 40 that I made a quick video to show at New Update 40 Dragonborn dance (female)

Thank you for all the great comments on the past lives video and Northwynd 2! I am looking forward to sharing more of Northwynd's adventures with you soon!

Much love,
Gingerspyce of Sarlona

Older updates:
10/9/18 Gingerspyce's Week in Videos: Announcing Northwynd 2 Druid True Second Life Series! (https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/500088-Gingerspyce-s-Week-in-Videos-Announcing-Northwynd-2-Druid-True-Second-Life-Series!)
10/6/18 Gingerspyce's Night Revels 2018 First Look and Review (https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/500014-Gingerspyce-s-Night-Revels-2018-First-Look-and-Review)
10/4/18 Killing Time - new Update 40 raid - first thoughts and video (https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/499929-Killing-Time-new-Update-40-raid-first-thoughts-and-video)
8/6/18 Gingerspyce's week in videos: Reaper Life 2 series finale and Voodu reaper live stream (https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/498532-Gingerspyce-s-week-in-videos-Reaper-Life-2-finale-and-Voodu-reaper-live-stream)