View Full Version : cc reapers as bear

06-16-2018, 06:27 AM

Playing my main as a bear and have a good time. But am i missing something or do bears have 0 abilities that
cc reapers? I tend to feel i just want to do 2-3 skulls cause i cant dps them down fast enough wo cc if higher solo.

So what am i missing dear bear fellas? How do we stun/cc reapers?

Do we have any bear spell that cc reapers?

06-18-2018, 09:13 AM

Playing my main as a bear and have a good time. But am i missing something or do bears have 0 abilities that
cc reapers? I tend to feel i just want to do 2-3 skulls cause i cant dps them down fast enough wo cc if higher solo.

So what am i missing dear bear fellas? How do we stun/cc reapers?

Do we have any bear spell that cc reapers?

Doesn't great maul CC reapers?

06-18-2018, 11:27 AM
Doesn't great maul CC reapers?

No sadly not, ot atleast they dont get any stunned animation.

I must check more Close but is 99% it doesnt.

Will playtest tonight if "only" a graf bug.

06-18-2018, 02:22 PM
Hmm, I know tremor doesn't. Maybe Savage roar then.

06-18-2018, 02:28 PM
I was thinking about this, and I could not think of a Bear Specific CC option for Reapers.

However, for Wolf I know they can be effected by Fear, so I was thinking "Howl of Terror". But that isn't something available for Bear form.

06-18-2018, 03:20 PM
Hmm, I know tremor doesn't. Maybe Savage roar then.

No roar either.

Sadly there is none i understand.

Hmm, they so fun! Except this. Grr

(If any find out cc option on reapers for 20 druid bear Plz Plz tell!! :-)

06-18-2018, 03:33 PM
Right now the only options I can think of are not Druid/Bear form specific

1. Fearsome Guard Effect - Would require being hit - Not always a wise option
2. Weapon Proc effect - Paralyzer, Slow, or Fear Proc
3. Access to an ability from another class - Such as Arcane/Divine Spell like "Cause Fear" or "Command"
4. Stunning Blow Feat (has a tactical DC), or Sap (does not have a tactical DC but like charm breaks on damage)

06-18-2018, 07:20 PM
No roar either.

Sadly there is none i understand.

Hmm, they so fun! Except this. Grr

(If any find out cc option on reapers for 20 druid bear Plz Plz tell!! :-)


Well, since you're investing a ton in tactics as a bear anyway, Stunning Blow would probably be your best bet.

06-20-2018, 06:37 PM
Salt ray stun? It could require a wisdom focused build ans some evo gear maybe. Reapers saves are usually bad compared to alot of mobs with them though so I dont know what kind of dc's it would take.

06-20-2018, 07:11 PM
1. Sleetstorm (+FoM), other blinds include Celestia or a shroud weapon
2. Adrenaline (Require fury of the wild) ~ Balanced attacks (Requires TWF)
3. Freezing Ice (from Shroud, but requires adamantine to break)
4. Salt Weapon to slow em down (Shroud), Ice storm will also moderately slow them and if you're using a freezing weapon it procs pretty frequently.

I think there's other stuff but I don't think any of it is particular to bear form.

06-20-2018, 08:30 PM
Thanks for nice feedback!
Thanks to scaling reapers are so far nps solo in low skulls.
Just kill them, in higher skulls i want group anyway so it works better than i thought.

Lvl 23 so far and having a great time.

28 nw 47 np 17 aasimar

I want atleast 5 more races, so many things to get :-)

I must try fury destiny, right now primal avatar, works Nice. The extra melee power
Is strong imo.

06-25-2018, 10:09 AM
Thanks to scaling reapers are so far nps solo in low skulls.

This is my experience on skulls 1-4 also. I am just entering lvl16 instances, and so far the reapers have not been a problem. As for a workable CC against them, the usual tricks work ok. Trip, Stunning blow, sleet storm... and apparently Tremor is good also. It however does have some targeting issues: short range, does not hit mobs in the rear.

It would seem that Bear charge also trips reapers, but I haven't done very thorough testing with it.

06-26-2018, 07:06 AM
Guys are you absolutely certain you can trip/stun reapers? It has never worked for me and I'm in my second bear life. I haven't seen blind work on them either and usually in reaper I got with gs radiance scimitar. And my charge/tremor/great maul/roar things work on everything else in reaper.

06-29-2018, 10:52 AM
Guys are you absolutely certain you can trip/stun reapers? It has never worked for me and I'm in my second bear life. I haven't seen blind work on them either and usually in reaper I got with gs radiance scimitar. And my charge/tremor/great maul/roar things work on everything else in reaper.

This left me thinking, and I actually had to step back and put my words to test. Apparently trips do not work (and couldn't be bothered to swap feats in order to test Stunning blow). I must've mixed trips with wolf Takedown, which actually does work. Sorry for spreading inaccurate claims.

Video proof.
The interesting bit is at 5:00 mark, where I'm using trip agains a carnage reaper. Trip hits, hit causes damage and reaper says "Immune" to the effect.

Video proof.