View Full Version : Spot and search

04-19-2018, 02:48 PM
How much should your total skill be in spot and
search to catch most secret doors ?

If you need too much investment in those skills, why
not use a rogue hireling ?

Is ten total modifier in those skills enough ?

If not, how much ?


04-19-2018, 02:55 PM
How much should your total skill be in spot and
search to catch most secret doors ?

If you need too much investment in those skills, why
not use a rogue hireling ?

Is ten total modifier in those skills enough ?

If not, how much ?


Understand the question and the frustration behind it; however, the answer is equally as frustrating. A search of 10 or spot of 10 while in early levels works consistently that is about when it ends as well. In order to be able to get elite mid level and higher it takes a lot more investment. Most of the hidden doors are listed in the ddo wiki along with the skill check needed.

Why not use a rogue hireling? Because healing hireling more times than not is of greater benefit.

04-19-2018, 03:32 PM
To the best of my knowledge, all standard 'Secret Doors' can be detected by having a Spot skill of 1!

True Seeing SHOULD always show a 'Secret Door Detection Icon' for standard 'Secret doors' that can be found via Spot/Search.

Albeit with 'True Seeing' you'll notice the Secret Door won't be 'auto revealed' if the [Search DC] is higher than DC:30. Therefore we're loosely talking: Level 15 Elite, where the majority Secret Doors have a suspected Search ~ DC:30 and Level 16 Elite, Search ~ DC:32.

For most Heroic Elite 'Secret Doors', the suspected Search DC begins at Level 1 ~ DC:2, and increases in increments of +2 per Level. Of course there are some Secret Door [Search DC] outliers' but that's the general formula. Therefore by Level 19 (Elite), you'd Suspect a Secret Door [Search] DC of around 38 or low forties.


04-19-2018, 04:26 PM
This thread is a duplicate of a good thread on the subject in New Player Advice here. (https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/495788-Spot-and-search)