View Full Version : Thanks, +Crane!

04-08-2018, 11:30 AM
Last night in Strahd, the guy holding the Sunsword died on top of a mound of dirt. The Sunsword dropped into the dirt and couldn't be retrieved, because of course. We were already about to head into the end fight, so we put in a ticket, not really hoping for much given our recent long, long wait times. But lo and behold, +Crane answered within 5 minutes and moved the Sunsword for us!

I've posted plenty of complaints about slow GM responses, so I wanted to be sure to give kudos when it worked as it should. We were able to complete the raid quickly after that. Now, if only you guys could stop skunking us on the loot.


04-08-2018, 02:05 PM
Maybe this the start of a very welcomed trend.
We can all hope this will be the new norm.
Good job +Crane.

04-08-2018, 04:45 PM
Sounds like this GM deserves some credit so well done to him/her for doing this and to the OP for posting about it. I think SSG might be surprised at how willing even extremely disillusioned and critical posters would be to praise the company if they hauled themselves up to a decent standard in areas like this.

I'd be a very happy camper if this does mark a turnaround from GMs taking an age to respond and so frequently claiming they can't help us, when we know full well they can because we've been helped with the same problem before. Lying to customers about your ability to help is a really bad look; it's happened to me more than once in this game and I'm still resentful about it.

Being able to count on getting good quality help like this a big deal and can do a lot to improve our opinion of the company and willingess to spend. So keep it up please.


04-12-2018, 11:53 PM
I'm guessing he's having a rough day today?

I've often had quite good experiences with in game GMs, crane included... but just now I had a ticket closed by him with the automated "this is not an issue we can help you with" response, despite being an issue (very similar to one's) I've had in game GMs fix in the past. Didn't have to wait long, but it was still instantly closed without even sending me a message like they normally do.

(in case you're wondering, this was in the new quest Quarantine, I was in a group, but not all of us were able to enter the end fight before the gate closed. When I did it on heroic for story, a portal appeared on the gate to let latecomers in. This time (epic elite), no such portal appeared, locking half my party out of end chest loot. A simple move of those characters to the other side, lowering of the gate, or refreshing the portal that's supposed to spawn would have solved this, but nope. Closed without a word).

I am sad now.

04-13-2018, 12:45 AM
One of my friends who was in Quarantine with me also put in a ticket. She's premium while I'm VIP. She was not getting a reply after an hour of waiting even though I got my ticket closed within a few minutes (we really didn't want to redo as that would simply add ransacks to us). Out of curiosity, I stayed in the quest to keep it open while she VERY QUICKLY logged off and back on again. Took maybe 5 seconds. Upon loggin back in her ticket was auto-closed (apparently triggered by her logging off).

wow. just wow.
