View Full Version : How to use Auras

01-20-2018, 04:51 PM
Hello all,

I am a new player to DDOnline. I rolled up a Paladin and am at the mighty level of 4! Just finished WaterWorks and am looking for next adventure.

I believe I am missing something that is probably pretty basic. I notice as I level up Enhancements that there seem to be multiple Aura's I can use. For example I took Durable Defense, which states while in Sacred Defense I gain some bonus (I hope damage reduction), but I also am taking a lot of things in Knight of the Chalice line which mentions Aura of Courage. I am assuming I need to switch between these Aura's but I am not able to figure out how. Or if I am even using one at all.

How is this accomplished?

Cannith Server

01-20-2018, 04:58 PM
Paladin auras are all passive and always on, you don't have to do anything to get their benefits.

Durable defense however does not affect your aura, it affects the sacred defense stance. This is the 2nd core ability in the Sacred Defender tree. To use this you need to drag the enhancement onto a hotbar and toggle it on. (You will need to toggle it on every time you log in.)

If you've never put enhancements on hotbars before, you need to open your character sheet and go to the enhancements tab. (This is different from where you spend enhancement points.)

Any enhancement in the active section must be put on a hotbar and clicked to use. (Some are toggles and will stay on, others are active abilities and can be used whenever they are off cooldown.)
