View Full Version : Quest Compendium Spreadsheet

11-08-2017, 11:20 PM
A while back, someone had posted a spreadsheet that had all of the quests listed out that included some nice details for tracking progress. I took that sheet & built upon it, adding in some additional fields & organization to suit my needs, and I've been updating it consistently as the game has grown.


The order listed is the exact same as what you will see in the game compendium when it is sorted by Level.

The C-N-H-E columns are for the Heroic difficulty levels, and the EC-EN-EH-EE columns are for Epic difficulty levels. This is useful for those quests in the Compendium that have both versions, especially if you're trying to maximize favor or see what your opening options are on a non-VIP account. Copy the sheet to a new tab for each of your toons.

For quests that do not have both types, those squares are greyed out.

For Solo-only quests, all columns except Normal will have a S in them, as solo quests are considered Normal difficulty.

Color-coding is to represent quest chains or packs, along with the Chain and Module columns. Free to Play quests are in plain white & show F2P for the module name. Colors do repeat as you get further into it, but the packs should be sufficiently separated on the sheet to avoid any confusion.

Flagging is tracked in a couple of ways. For chains with progressive flagging, where it is intended that you have to complete quest A before quest giver B will even speak to you [speaking in terms of first-run], those are tracked sequentially by chain name i.e. DRUID 1, DRUID 2, etc. The finale for a chain will have an asterisk e.g. DRUID 4* is the final quest in that arc.

For open sequence flagging where the quests can be run in any order, those chains are noted with a letter following the chain name i.e. flagging for The Shroud aka The 13th Eclipse is listed as T13E 1a, 1b, 1c etc., as those quests can be run in any order & are of equal footing in terms of getting flagged. The Shroud itself is labeled T13E 2* to indicate that all the 1's must be completed prior, and it is the conclusion of that group of quests.

There are some other quirks & nuances to the sheet (I'm looking at you Devil Assault, among others), but hopefully it is pretty straightforward. The Epics tab is an ordered list of only Epic level quests, grouped in level & flagging order, that I did to add some visibility to that group of quests.

As I mentioned, this is based on someone else's work, so I am always tweaking or updating information as I find things that need to be changed, and correcting my own mistakes in it as well. It's definitely a work in process either way, and I hope that you can get as much use out of it as I have!

Note: I think this download site will only hold the file for 90 days. If the download expires, or if you have any changes or recommendations, please shoot me a PM.

Thanks, and good hunting

11-09-2017, 07:49 PM
Here is a sample portion of the sheet, to give you a feel for what it actually looks like:


Thanks to Mikarddo for encouraging me to share this & for everyone else who has shown interest.

04-11-2020, 03:45 PM