View Full Version : That it for divines?
10-21-2017, 02:23 PM
As my title says, the most recent update had a cleric pass pretty much and had a small change to fvs's (although an interesting one). Does anyone know if that's all they plan to do to favored souls? Used to be my most favorite class and they have been sort of gimpy for years now sadly. Their in dire need of a new tree or maybe just a tweaked AoV tree. Any info?
10-21-2017, 02:42 PM
Yes, no divine class will ever, as long as there is an internet, EVER be changed again.
Thanks for asking. Good question. :rolleyes:
Tree revamp sadly needed.
I'm praying for a hail Mary
10-22-2017, 07:27 AM
Yes, no divine class will ever, as long as there is an internet, EVER be changed again.
Thanks for asking. Good question. :rolleyes:
Thanks for the totally useless sarcasm, I'm sure OP appreciates your help.
OP - as far as I'm aware there hasn't been any further communication from SSG regarding FvS changes (though I do not watch their streams/podcasts).
10-22-2017, 08:33 AM
I have not found where I believe I read this, but I think the Domains and the FvS changes were just stage one.
I think they were still talking about revamps to...
1. War Priest/War Soul Tree - I believe the separation gives them flexibility
2. Turn Undead (Initial review of turning it into raw damage was not met well, I know I dropped my thoughts on how to make it better without making it OP)
3. Possibly a 3rd tree for FvS.
Again, I have not found the post saying they are not done yet. But my hope is that remembering this is not based on my own hope they are not done yet.
10-22-2017, 05:47 PM
Thanks for the totally useless sarcasm, I'm sure OP appreciates your help.
Yeah, that's uncharacteristic of me - for what it's worth, I apologize to the OP and the community.
In my defense, I have to say I'm sick and tired of every other post being so "doom and gloom", as if, if SSG isn't delivering pizza when you log on, and doesn't have a dedicated hotline linked to ~your~ telephone number, 24/7, they're just not acceptable as a game and deserve ridicule. I guess it was the pessimistic tone of the OP that made me appreciate the question just as much. Just struck me exactly wrong at the time.
Still, uncalled for - sorry. :o
10-24-2017, 12:55 PM
I'm pretty sure they've decided to switch from big single-pass overhauls to more gradual adjustments. I'm expecting more changes to come - at some point, might be a while.
After reading player feedback we are moving towards a system where meaningful improvement to specific characters or classes will sometimes be added to the game in smaller doses. While we realize everyone wants a complete and full class pass for the remaining classes, we are changing direction slightly and bring some balance relief in meaningful but smaller doses so players won't have to wait as long while their favorite class lingers behind.
10-24-2017, 01:41 PM
I can't/won't give any details, but there was a stream a while back in which Cordovan showed the titles of Player's Council threads which may or may not have included various Favored Soul changes. ;)
10-24-2017, 04:48 PM
They've been saying there's going to be tree revamps. They've been noncommittal with a time line, presumably because Ravenloft is top priority. They'll be coming though.
01-08-2018, 09:46 AM
Divines in DDO have been an odd journey for me. I started as a pure cleric when the cap was still 20 and epics quests the newest ****. Divines were in a good spot balance wise when you didn’t stick to the healbot-role and got your blade barrier or comet fall maxxed. Only drawback was that the game was over-dependent on healers (not a balancing but a mechanic issue) and players were rightfully annoyed by that - no one wants to wait in front of a quest.
Then divines got a bit overpowered (Not comparable with the later power creep of other classes but still a bit over the top.) with SoS WF Souls being one of the best solo heroes and clerics becoming invincible as long as aura and Divine Punishment kept going. But healers were still necessary for most content and as divines could solo most quests the shortage of healers got even worth. I took a party along if I felt like it.
With epic destinies the pendulum swung back hard and divines have more or less been flavor classes since then. Their main features were obsolete or didn’t scale with the new epics at all. As I see it DDO hasn’t recovered from this yet and perhaps never will. The change from “we have to wait for the perfect party set up to beat this” to “Weeeeeee - I am a vet and powerhouse through everything on my own” was a bit too harsh. Starting a fresh Divine in DDO nowadays may be one of the worst MMO experiences there is. “Maybe we can make this work OK-ish when you grind passive bonuses for the next couple of years.”
I hope there will be a point in logging onto my main again, but I doubt it somewhat.
Brother, I hear ya
I came back in 2015 after being gone 6 years
Guess when I left it was clerics are needed phase
And of course I played 2 clerics
Could always get a team
Felt like heyday of clerics
But now I come back, no clerics anywhere,
And even now, after pass
Still few and far between
But I envisioned a new comeuppance for clerics
Why I started #clericlivesmatter
But that hasnt played out,
Even after domains
They still have to do the pass on the trees
And third soul tree
So there's lot left undone
But clerics are needed in raids,
So there's hope
So, to original op,
Maybe that's not all for divines yet
Tho I haven't heard anything,
Maybe we will get it in producers letter
Like I said before,
Hail Mary
01-08-2018, 12:00 PM
This thread got a bit necro'd, but we still do have plans for further work in the cleric and favored soul enhancement trees.
01-08-2018, 03:11 PM
This thread got a bit necro'd, but we still do have plans for further work in the cleric and favored soul enhancement trees.2 1/2 months old is the new necro? It was on the first page still.
01-09-2018, 10:58 AM
This thread got a bit necro'd, but we still do have plans for further work in the cleric and favored soul enhancement trees.
Nice! Any chance this includes the AoV capstone? Depending on the deity, you either get a great spell (looking at you, Sun Bolt), an okay spell, or a near-useless one (Shield? Really?). Honestly, for a light nuker (seems to be the way Divine Disciple is geared if you go light side) the only one that really stands out is Sun Bolt. If you don't want to fork over money for a +1 to turn an iconic into a FvS, you can sort of use the Silver Flame for Searing Light but it's basically a significantly toned down version of Sun Bolt.
They both to 4-6 light damage, but Sun Bolt does it per caster level and caps at CL 15 while Searing Light only does it per 2 caster levels and caps at CL 10 except vs undead, where it is per CL but still caps 5 levels lower. Sun Bolt also can be shot through multiple targets which can triple+ damage output when used strategically. Not convinced that having no saving throw is worth it on a caster who likely specced into Evocation anyways, for the Exalted Angel destiny :)
01-09-2018, 12:08 PM
This thread got a bit necro'd, but we still do have plans for further work in the cleric and favored soul enhancement trees.
Good. I am revisiting a cleric after years of playing various types of melees and frankly, it's kinda boring. Even with domains it just doesn't have the juicy bits happening. New/refreshed trees will help a lot, along with some fun, INTERESTING new cleric items.
01-10-2018, 12:14 PM
...frankly, it's kinda boring. Even with domains it just doesn't have the juicy bits happening.
From my perspective, that's because we didn't really get domains. Instead of 2 domains, each providing 9 options for spells, we got 1 domain with maybe 3 (or less) SLAs. 3 is far, far less than 18. So the class feature that's supposed to provide Clerics with variety, in DDO's version just didn't.
01-10-2018, 03:07 PM
From my perspective, that's because we didn't really get domains. Instead of 2 domains, each providing 9 options for spells, we got 1 domain with maybe 3 (or less) SLAs. 3 is far, far less than 18. So the class feature that's supposed to provide Clerics with variety, in DDO's version just didn't.
Maybe we'll get a 3rd tree that focuses on your domain. It could add spell crit to the elemental domains, among other things. Multiselector similar to the AoV capstone could work
01-10-2018, 03:15 PM
The bonus spells provided by domains are regular spells, taking up memorization slots and using full spellpoints. There are plusses and minuses to the SLA route.
01-11-2018, 07:13 AM
The bonus spells provided by domains are regular spells, taking up memorization slots and using full spellpoints. There are plusses and minuses to the SLA route.
Are you sure? Quoting from the Air Domain:
"Level 5: You gain Shocking Grasp as an SLA. 4 Spell Points, 4 second cooldown. (Shares cooldown with Air Savant.)
Level 9: You gain Lightning Bolt as an SLA. 8 Spell Points, 6 second cooldown. (Shares cooldown with Air Savant.)
Level 14: You gain Chain Lightning as an SLA. 12 Spell Points, 12 second cooldown."
Seems to me like they are in fact SLA's
01-11-2018, 01:02 PM
In DDO they are bonus SLAs.
In PnP, domain spells are added to your spellbook and need to be memorized like any other spell, and are cast the same as any other spell: ie: With full metamagic costs.
DDO also gives extra boosts. Compare the 3.5 PnP Air domain with the DDO Air Domain:
Granted Powers: Turn or destroy earth creatures as a good cleric turns undead. Rebuke or command air creatures as an evil cleric rebukes undead. Use these abilities a total number of times per day equal to 3 + the character’s Charisma modifier.
Air Domain Spells
1 Obscuring Mist: Fog surrounds the caster.
2 Wind Wall: Deflects arrows, smaller creatures, and gases.
3 Gaseous Form: Subject becomes insubstantial and can fly slowly.
4 Air Walk: Subject treads on air as if solid (climb at 45-degree angle).
5 Control Winds: Change wind direction and speed.
6 Chain Lightning: 1d6 damage/level; secondary bolts.
7 Control Weather: Changes weather in local area.
8 Whirlwind: Cyclone deals damage and can pick up creatures.
9 Elemental Swarm*: Summons multiple elementals.
Level 2: You gain +1 to the DC of your Evocation spells. This increases by +1 at 6th, 12th, and 18th level Cleric.
Your lightning spells will use light Spell Power if it is higher. Your light spells will use Lightning Spell Power if it is higher.
Your Turn Undead works on Elementals
Upon Turning: When you use Turn Undead your party gains a bonus to Reflex saving throws equal to half you Cleric level, and points of Electric Resistance equal to twice your Cleric level for 20 seconds
Level 5: You gain Shocking Grasp as an SLA. 4 Spell Points, 4 second cooldown. (Shares cooldown with Air Savant.)
Level 9: You gain Lightning Bolt as an SLA. 8 Spell Points, 6 second cooldown. (Shares cooldown with Air Savant.)
Level 14: You gain Chain Lightning as an SLA. 12 Spell Points, 12 second cooldown.
So no, Clerics don't have PnP domains, but what they -do- have comes with its own benefits. No PnP Cleric gets +4 Evocation DC for choosing the Air Domain! DDO elemental domains give you the power to turn ALL elementals, not just ones specific to your element.
01-11-2018, 01:20 PM
In PnP, domain spells are added to your spellbook and need to be memorized like any other spell, and are cast the same as any other spell: ie: With full metamagic costs.
Full cost, but you also get an extra spell slot to prepare them.
No PnP Cleric gets +4 Evocation DC for choosing the Air Domain!
I know, right? Instead of the greater spell selection & customization Clerics desperately need in DDO, we got massive power creep that we didn't need.
01-11-2018, 03:25 PM
In DDO they are bonus SLAs.
In PnP, domain spells are added to your spellbook and need to be memorized like any other spell, and are cast the same as any other spell: ie: With full metamagic costs.
DDO also gives extra boosts. Compare the 3.5 PnP Air domain with the DDO Air Domain:
So no, Clerics don't have PnP domains, but what they -do- have comes with its own benefits. No PnP Cleric gets +4 Evocation DC for choosing the Air Domain! DDO elemental domains give you the power to turn ALL elementals, not just ones specific to your element.
Ahh, gotcha. I thought you might have been talking about the PnP domains, but then you mentioned spellpoints so I thought you might have misread the domains. There definitely are pro's and con's to this option, yeah. Currently a 15 Cleric/5 Sorc cleric will out lighting caster a pure air savant lol. The only reason to even take the /5 sorc is to get the lightning crit/bonuses in air savant since DD has very little to give elemental domain clerics.
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