View Full Version : Lay On Hands Question

10-17-2017, 11:55 AM
I do not play paladin often, or at all lately, but had a question in regards to lay on hands. Does anything beyond increasing charisma affect lay on hands? Heal skill, healing amp, empower healing, etc...

10-17-2017, 12:05 PM
I do not play paladin often, or at all lately, but had a question in regards to lay on hands. Does anything beyond increasing charisma affect lay on hands? Heal skill, healing amp, empower healing, etc...

it does not allow any metamagic feats
but anything that increases your positive spell power helps (heal skill, devotion item, enhancements that grant positive spell power, etc.) <== EDIT: this is not true

heal amp does increase the effect as well, yes.

10-17-2017, 02:02 PM
Healing amp helps, metamagics and spellpower do not.

10-17-2017, 02:40 PM
spellpower do not.

Oh? I guess I haven't played a Paladin for a long time.

EDIT: Rolled a test paladin and you are completely right, spell power does not affect LOH. Doh.