View Full Version : ghallanda - weekly twilight forge/titan awakes raid - wednesdays 9pm est

04-26-2017, 03:31 AM
Hi, so we did our trial run of the twilight forge/titan awakes raid on Monday afternoon with Budstein (thank you Budstein very much for hosting), and we decided we will try to make this a weekly raid on Wednesday evenings 9pm est, hosted by Steiner.

As mentioned in the previous post, in order to be flagged, you must have a complete sigil of Dal Quor (from having run the 2 restless isles quests: Slavers of the Shrieking Mines and Bring Me the Head of Ghola-Fan!). You are already flagged if you kept the completed sigil from a past life, as long as you pick up the twilight forge quest and repair the sigil by speaking to Karn Cold-Trail and Ostler Caulstone at the Restless Isles from the Soaring Otyugh ship.

Send me a PM if you need help with running the 2 Restless Isles quests, and hope to see anyone there.

We will be opening this to level range 13-30 for the time being.

04-27-2017, 03:48 PM
the pre-raid and raid for titan awakes went very well, and we were able to fill the raid group in no time.

our assigned lumberjack was able to coordinate with the laser cannon operator to hit the warforged titan 4 times consecutively, then there was 1 miss, and the another pillar just spontaneously collapsed, after which they finished with the final pillar strike. thanks everyone for joining, it was very nerve-wracking, but we got it done.

jungle cloak
rattle charm (I pulled this myself, but ended up discarding it to be honest)
rattle charm (mythic +1)
titan's fist runearm (mythic +2)

we will run the raid again next wednesday.

04-27-2017, 03:57 PM
Yes, always ups the stress level a bit when extra pillars bug out. I had to take a breath when we missed and two other pillars went down with the one I had originally dropped. :eek:

Heck of a loot drop though, first time I have seen that many named items drop in a raid, especially that one in particular.

05-03-2017, 09:55 PM
we did not fill out today for the titan raid, we only had 10 in the raid group.

2 x nullcloth gown
centurion armor

05-11-2017, 12:38 AM
hi all, sorry for the late notice -

steiner was unavailable to host the titan raid this wednesday evening; he will be hosting the titan raid tomorrow (thursday) at 9pm, so anyone with a sigil of dal quor is welcome to join us.

we will be running a defiler of the just raid afterwards, followed by chronoscope EE raid.

05-12-2017, 12:20 AM
thanks to steiner for hosting the raid, and for ague to coordinate the green puzzle room tonight.

5 drops tonight:
titan's fist
titan's fist (with +2 mythic bonus)
centurion armor
chattering ring
rattle charm

next week, we will resume running the titan raid at the regular schedule wednesday at 9pm est.

05-17-2017, 11:16 PM
we had a successful run of the titan raid tonight, but just started a bit late.

(we had a snafu with the green puzzle room where an artificer pet died in one of the lock-out rooms, so we had to restart)

titanic docent (mythic +2)
battle coin
bravo's sword

05-31-2017, 10:18 PM
we did run the titan raid last week, I forgot to post the drops from last week (5/24/17):
jungle cloak
bravo's sword
belt of brute strength

today, senility hosted the raid again.
item drops in end raid chest:

seven fingered gloves (with mythic +1 bonus)
belt of brute strength (with mythic +1 bonus)
bravo's sword

ugh I totally forgot about the raid this evening, I woke up in a fog, and it is the one time that the seven fingered gloves dropped! *choke*

06-07-2017, 10:27 PM
another successful titan raid run hosted by senility - eventually we had 11 people that joined in tonight.

2 named item drops in the raid chest:
titan's fist
titanic docent (mythic armor boost +2)

06-14-2017, 09:46 PM
another successful run of the titan raid tonight.

skull fetish mask

2 x titan's fist (both with mythic +2 bonus)
chattering ring
seven fingered gloves
seven fingered gloves (mythic +1 bonus)
nullcloth gown

some good drops there. wow, I cannot believe both seven fingered gloves were given away. who could possibly not want one??