View Full Version : Hi all,

12-28-2016, 03:02 AM
i am a casual player looking to join a casual guild, i'm hoping to bring along my lady as well, thanks.

12-29-2016, 10:22 AM
Still looking?

I am part of a very small, casual guild (currently I'm the only one that is semi-actively playing, but we do have a few others that come and go). If you're looking for a guild to group with, we probably aren't a great fit, but if you are planning to duo with your lady we'd be happy to have you along for the ride. We're level 74 and try to keep all the 'vital' ship buffs available in the cargo of our ship.

Our guild rules are pretty simple: don't be a jerk, don't start drama. We have no rules on how often you need to log in before getting booted, no guild dues, or anything of that nature.

If interested, send an in-game mail or tell (if online) to Nephron

12-30-2016, 12:04 AM
thanks nephron, will do:)

12-31-2016, 02:24 AM
The Swords of the Light is always looking for sociable peeps to hang with. lvl 169 with all ship amenities available. All members are officers.