12-19-2016, 03:43 PM
Edit: I should have put this at the top, I would love any help or thoughts people on improving the build.
Greetings as this is my first ever post on any forum ever.
I have decided to very slowly work toward completionist. Rather than farming it, I have decided to theme every class into a fun build. As my first life Rogue 16/ Fighter 4 artillery turret build is hitting level 18 I settled on bard for my next life. Note that this build only has to get me to lvl 20, and I do not yet have all content unlocked.
This builds theme is to make as many people fall down while fighting me as possible. Here is a list of goals in order of import.
-Everyone fall down go boom (Mostly Elegant Footwork, Arcane Encumbrance and Low Blow)
-Not dying every three seconds
-Dealing a reasonable amount of damage in order to contribute (my dps is going to suck until different tack)
-Having a high dodge cap
-Slap some crits on there
So here is what I have puzzled out so far. I am very worried about my damage output, and any help would be appreciated.
Heir of the Stooges
Halfling Bard 8/ Barbarian 6/ Fighter 6
Chaotic good
34 point build
lvl 1: Bard lvl 6: Barbarian lvl 11: Fighter lvl 16: Fighter
lvl 2: Bard lvl 7: Fighter lvl 12: Barbarian lvl 17: Barbarian
lvl 3: Bard lvl 8: Bard lvl 13: Bard lvl 18: Barbarian
lvl 4: Barbarian lvl 9: Barbarian lvl 14: Bard lvl 19: Bard
lvl 5: Fighter lvl 10: Fighter lvl 15: Fighter lvl 20: Bard
Str: 10 Int: 8
Dex: 18 Wis: 8
Con: 16 Cha: 16
All level points into Dex, and I will have no tomes.
lvl 0: Past life Rogue
lvl 1: Single Weapon Fighting
lvl 3: Weapon Finesse
lvl 5: Shield Mastery
lvl 6: Dodge
lvl 7: Improved Single Weapon Fighting
lvl 9: Improved Critical: Piercing Weapons
lvl 11: Weapon Focus: Piercing Weapons
lvl 12: Greater Single Weapon Fighting
lvl 15: Precision
lvl 16: Mobility
lvl 18: Improved Shield Mastery
Max perform every bard level. Take Use magical device whenever you have extra bard skill points. Take 1 point of balance as lvl 12 bard for Greater Single Weapon Fighting. Put the rest of the Fighter and Barbarian points into swim and jump.
Final numbers look like this:
Balance: 7
Jump: 15
Perform: 23
Swim: 15
UMD: 14
Spell list
1st: Cure Light Wounds, Expeditious Retreat, Focusing Chant
2nd: Blur, Cure Moderate Wounds, Eagle's Splendor, Glitterdust
3rd: Cure Serious Wounds, Displacement, Haste
Halfling: 12 total
Core: 6 total
Halfling luck 1: 1 (+1 to all Saving Throws)
Dexterity 1: 2 (+1 Dexterity)
Halfling Luck 2: 1 (+1 to all Saving Throws)
Dexterity 2: 2 (+1 Dexterity)
Tier 1: 3 total
Acrobatic: 3 (+1/+2/+3 Balance, Jump, and Tumble. +2/+4/+6 Armor Class while tumbling.)
Tier 2: 3 total
Nimble Reaction: 3 (+1/+2/+3 Armor Maximum Dexterity Bonus and Maximum Dodge Bonus)
Swashbuckler: 35 total
Core: 3 total
Confidence 1 (1 dodge, reflex, and max dex bonus per core)
Swashbuckling 1 (1 doublestrike, 1 enhancement bonus to weapon, swashbuckling stance)
Uncanny dodge 1 (gain uncanny dodge feat, 1 doublestrike, 1 attack, 1 damage)
Tier 1: 4 total
Blow By Blow: 3 (Make a Melee attack with +(1/2/3) critical threat range that deals (+1/+2/+3 d6) extra Sonic damage, and reduces your threat with nearby enemies by 100/200/300)
Tavern Shanties: 1 (+1 Bard Songs)
Tier 2: 11 total
En Pointe: 3 (Melee Attack: Make two attacks with + 1/1.5/2 [W], +4/8/12 critical threat range, but -1 Critical Multiplier. Costs 10 Spell Points to activate.)
Deflect Arrows: 2 (You gain the benefits of the Deflect Arrows feat, knocking aside one incoming projectile that would have struck you every 6 seconds)
Doublestrike action boost: 6 (30% doublestrike)
Tier 3: 9 total
Elegant Footwork: 2 (When enemies miss you while Swashbuckling, they have a 20% chance to be knocked down with no save. Cooldown: 12 seconds)
Swashbuckling style - skirmisher: 1 (10% dodge, swashbuckle with buckler in offhand)
Resonant Arms: 2 (While Swashbuckling, the Finessable or Thrown weapon in your main hand deals an additional 2d6 Sonic Damage on critical hits)
Different tack Swift Strikes: 2 (You get Dexterity to Damage with weapon attacks while Single Weapon Fighting)
Dexterity: 2 (+1 Dex)
Tier 4:3 total
Swashbuckling style II - Low Blow: 1 (shield bash knockdown with perform d20)
Dexterity: 2 (+1 Dex)
Tier 5: 5 total
Thread the Needle: 2 (5 damage with precision)
Coup de Grace: 1 (Melee Attack: Make an attack with +3[W]. If it strikes any Fascinated, Sleeping, Dancing, Dazed, Tripped, Mesmerized, Paralyzed, Petrified, or Stunned enemy, it must make a Fortitude save (d20 + your Perform skill) or die instantly. 20 second cooldown)
Exploit weakness: 2 (stacking +1 crit range on non-crit hits until crit hit)
Occult Slayer: 14 total
Core: 3 total
Weapon Bond: 1 (You build a psychic bond with your weapons. You strengthen this bond by damaging enemies with attacks. (Passive) Each attack adds 1 to your weapon bond, up to a maximum of 200. Dying resets your weapon bond to zero. (Active) +5 Insight bonus to Attack for 20 seconds. This ability has a 2 minute cooldown timer)
Resistance: 1 (+1 to all saving throws. Improve your barbarian damage reduction by +1. +10 Hit Points)
Elemental Defense: 1 (When enemy spells deal elemental damage to you, there's a 25% chance you'll gain 25 temporary hitpoints for 30 seconds. This can trigger once every 12 seconds. Improve barbarian damage reduction by +1. +30 Hit Points. +20 Healing Amplification)
Tier 1: 6 total
Parrying Bond: 3 (While Weapon Bond 10+: +[2/4/6] Competence bonus to AC and +[1/2/3] Magical Resistance.)
Uncanny Dodger: 3 (You gain +[1/2/3]% Dodge.)
Tier 2: 2 total
Guarding Bond: 2 You gain +4 Insight bonus to Physical and Magical Resistance at Weapon Bond 30+.
Rank 2: another +4 Insight bonus at Weapon Bond 60+)
Tier 3: 3 total
Arcane Encumbrance: 3 (When enemies damage you with spells, there's a [10/20/30]% chance they'll be knocked down)
Kensi: 19 total
Core: 3 total
Kensei Focus: 1 (Light Blades: You focus your Kensei training in the use of light blades. You gain +1 to hit with daggers, kukri, rapiers, shortswords, and throwing daggers.)
Spiritual Bond: 1 (When you have a weapon equipped in your main hand that is part of your Focus, it gains On Vorpal: If this weapon has fewer stacks of Battle Meditation than the number of Kensei Core Abilities you possess, it gains one stack of Battle Meditation: This weapon gains a +1 Insight bonus to Enhancement bonus for 20 seconds. This stacks up to 10 times. On timer expiration, 1 stack of Meditative Focus is removed at a time.)
Strike With No Thought: 1 (Your weapons gain +1 competence bonus to Critical Damage Multiplier. When you have a weapon equipped in your main hand that is part of your Focus, you gain 1% Doublestrike or 1% Doubleshot (depending on whether your Focus is melee or ranged). Each Core Ability you acquire from this tree increases this bonus by 1%.)
Tier 1: 4 total
Extra Action Boost: 2 (+1 extra action boost.)
Weapon Group Specialization - Light blades: 2 (You gain +1 to hit and damage with your Focus group.)
Tier 2: 5 total
Weapon Group Specialization - Light blades: 2 (You gain +1 to hit and +2 damage with one handed weapons)
Improved Dodge: 3 (+1%/+2%/+3% Dodge when wearing light or no armor)
Tier 3: 7 total
Critical Mastery: 2 (+1/+2/ to confirm critical hits and critical hit damage)
Athletic Mastery: 3 (+1/+2/+3 Maximum Dexterity bonus and Dodge cap. -1/-2/-3 Armor Check Penalty.)
In total this build achieves the goals I set out for in these ways:
Everyone fall down go boom
-Elegant Footwork, on miss 20% chance to be knocked down with no save
-Arcane Encumbrance, on damage 30% chance to knock down
-Low Blow, shield bash knockdown with perform dc of 23+ 1d20
Not dying every three seconds
- Total of +6AC, +11 Armour max Dex bonus, and total Dex 27(+8) with no gear
-Con 16, DR 4, Hp +40, PR 13, MR 3, Elemental Defense on elemental damage, 25% chance you'll gain 25 temporary hitpoints for 30 seconds,
-Cure Serious wounds and +20 healing amp
- +3 to all saves, and a total of +6 to reflex
Dealing a reasonable amount of damage
-+5 to hit, +5% to hit, +2 bard song
-+9 damage, +25% fortification bypass, +2 bard song, +11 melee power, +50% Dex mod to damage
-+30% att speed, +13% double strike, +30% doublestrike action boost
-Blow By Blow: Melee attack with +3 critical threat range that deals 3d6 extra Sonic damage, and reduces your threat with nearby enemies by 300. and En Pointe: Melee Attack, two attacks with +2 [W], +12 critical threat range, but -1 Critical Multiplier.
Having a high dodge cap
-Dodge cap of 31% and total Dodge of 31% with no gear
Slap some crits on there
-Crit threat range 15-20, +2 to confirm crit, Exploit Weaknesses: damage ,you gain a stacking +1 Insight Bonus to Critical Threat Range until you successfully critically hit.
-+2 damage on crits, x4 damage multiplier, +2d6 sonic damage on crits
-Blow By Blow: Melee attack with +3 critical threat range that deals 3d6 extra Sonic damage, and reduces your threat with nearby enemies by 300. and En Pointe: Melee Attack, two attacks with +2 [W], +12 critical threat range, but -1 Critical Multiplier.
Well there we go. All done. Took way longer to write down then I thought it would. I would appreciate any advice you have to give.
Greetings as this is my first ever post on any forum ever.
I have decided to very slowly work toward completionist. Rather than farming it, I have decided to theme every class into a fun build. As my first life Rogue 16/ Fighter 4 artillery turret build is hitting level 18 I settled on bard for my next life. Note that this build only has to get me to lvl 20, and I do not yet have all content unlocked.
This builds theme is to make as many people fall down while fighting me as possible. Here is a list of goals in order of import.
-Everyone fall down go boom (Mostly Elegant Footwork, Arcane Encumbrance and Low Blow)
-Not dying every three seconds
-Dealing a reasonable amount of damage in order to contribute (my dps is going to suck until different tack)
-Having a high dodge cap
-Slap some crits on there
So here is what I have puzzled out so far. I am very worried about my damage output, and any help would be appreciated.
Heir of the Stooges
Halfling Bard 8/ Barbarian 6/ Fighter 6
Chaotic good
34 point build
lvl 1: Bard lvl 6: Barbarian lvl 11: Fighter lvl 16: Fighter
lvl 2: Bard lvl 7: Fighter lvl 12: Barbarian lvl 17: Barbarian
lvl 3: Bard lvl 8: Bard lvl 13: Bard lvl 18: Barbarian
lvl 4: Barbarian lvl 9: Barbarian lvl 14: Bard lvl 19: Bard
lvl 5: Fighter lvl 10: Fighter lvl 15: Fighter lvl 20: Bard
Str: 10 Int: 8
Dex: 18 Wis: 8
Con: 16 Cha: 16
All level points into Dex, and I will have no tomes.
lvl 0: Past life Rogue
lvl 1: Single Weapon Fighting
lvl 3: Weapon Finesse
lvl 5: Shield Mastery
lvl 6: Dodge
lvl 7: Improved Single Weapon Fighting
lvl 9: Improved Critical: Piercing Weapons
lvl 11: Weapon Focus: Piercing Weapons
lvl 12: Greater Single Weapon Fighting
lvl 15: Precision
lvl 16: Mobility
lvl 18: Improved Shield Mastery
Max perform every bard level. Take Use magical device whenever you have extra bard skill points. Take 1 point of balance as lvl 12 bard for Greater Single Weapon Fighting. Put the rest of the Fighter and Barbarian points into swim and jump.
Final numbers look like this:
Balance: 7
Jump: 15
Perform: 23
Swim: 15
UMD: 14
Spell list
1st: Cure Light Wounds, Expeditious Retreat, Focusing Chant
2nd: Blur, Cure Moderate Wounds, Eagle's Splendor, Glitterdust
3rd: Cure Serious Wounds, Displacement, Haste
Halfling: 12 total
Core: 6 total
Halfling luck 1: 1 (+1 to all Saving Throws)
Dexterity 1: 2 (+1 Dexterity)
Halfling Luck 2: 1 (+1 to all Saving Throws)
Dexterity 2: 2 (+1 Dexterity)
Tier 1: 3 total
Acrobatic: 3 (+1/+2/+3 Balance, Jump, and Tumble. +2/+4/+6 Armor Class while tumbling.)
Tier 2: 3 total
Nimble Reaction: 3 (+1/+2/+3 Armor Maximum Dexterity Bonus and Maximum Dodge Bonus)
Swashbuckler: 35 total
Core: 3 total
Confidence 1 (1 dodge, reflex, and max dex bonus per core)
Swashbuckling 1 (1 doublestrike, 1 enhancement bonus to weapon, swashbuckling stance)
Uncanny dodge 1 (gain uncanny dodge feat, 1 doublestrike, 1 attack, 1 damage)
Tier 1: 4 total
Blow By Blow: 3 (Make a Melee attack with +(1/2/3) critical threat range that deals (+1/+2/+3 d6) extra Sonic damage, and reduces your threat with nearby enemies by 100/200/300)
Tavern Shanties: 1 (+1 Bard Songs)
Tier 2: 11 total
En Pointe: 3 (Melee Attack: Make two attacks with + 1/1.5/2 [W], +4/8/12 critical threat range, but -1 Critical Multiplier. Costs 10 Spell Points to activate.)
Deflect Arrows: 2 (You gain the benefits of the Deflect Arrows feat, knocking aside one incoming projectile that would have struck you every 6 seconds)
Doublestrike action boost: 6 (30% doublestrike)
Tier 3: 9 total
Elegant Footwork: 2 (When enemies miss you while Swashbuckling, they have a 20% chance to be knocked down with no save. Cooldown: 12 seconds)
Swashbuckling style - skirmisher: 1 (10% dodge, swashbuckle with buckler in offhand)
Resonant Arms: 2 (While Swashbuckling, the Finessable or Thrown weapon in your main hand deals an additional 2d6 Sonic Damage on critical hits)
Different tack Swift Strikes: 2 (You get Dexterity to Damage with weapon attacks while Single Weapon Fighting)
Dexterity: 2 (+1 Dex)
Tier 4:3 total
Swashbuckling style II - Low Blow: 1 (shield bash knockdown with perform d20)
Dexterity: 2 (+1 Dex)
Tier 5: 5 total
Thread the Needle: 2 (5 damage with precision)
Coup de Grace: 1 (Melee Attack: Make an attack with +3[W]. If it strikes any Fascinated, Sleeping, Dancing, Dazed, Tripped, Mesmerized, Paralyzed, Petrified, or Stunned enemy, it must make a Fortitude save (d20 + your Perform skill) or die instantly. 20 second cooldown)
Exploit weakness: 2 (stacking +1 crit range on non-crit hits until crit hit)
Occult Slayer: 14 total
Core: 3 total
Weapon Bond: 1 (You build a psychic bond with your weapons. You strengthen this bond by damaging enemies with attacks. (Passive) Each attack adds 1 to your weapon bond, up to a maximum of 200. Dying resets your weapon bond to zero. (Active) +5 Insight bonus to Attack for 20 seconds. This ability has a 2 minute cooldown timer)
Resistance: 1 (+1 to all saving throws. Improve your barbarian damage reduction by +1. +10 Hit Points)
Elemental Defense: 1 (When enemy spells deal elemental damage to you, there's a 25% chance you'll gain 25 temporary hitpoints for 30 seconds. This can trigger once every 12 seconds. Improve barbarian damage reduction by +1. +30 Hit Points. +20 Healing Amplification)
Tier 1: 6 total
Parrying Bond: 3 (While Weapon Bond 10+: +[2/4/6] Competence bonus to AC and +[1/2/3] Magical Resistance.)
Uncanny Dodger: 3 (You gain +[1/2/3]% Dodge.)
Tier 2: 2 total
Guarding Bond: 2 You gain +4 Insight bonus to Physical and Magical Resistance at Weapon Bond 30+.
Rank 2: another +4 Insight bonus at Weapon Bond 60+)
Tier 3: 3 total
Arcane Encumbrance: 3 (When enemies damage you with spells, there's a [10/20/30]% chance they'll be knocked down)
Kensi: 19 total
Core: 3 total
Kensei Focus: 1 (Light Blades: You focus your Kensei training in the use of light blades. You gain +1 to hit with daggers, kukri, rapiers, shortswords, and throwing daggers.)
Spiritual Bond: 1 (When you have a weapon equipped in your main hand that is part of your Focus, it gains On Vorpal: If this weapon has fewer stacks of Battle Meditation than the number of Kensei Core Abilities you possess, it gains one stack of Battle Meditation: This weapon gains a +1 Insight bonus to Enhancement bonus for 20 seconds. This stacks up to 10 times. On timer expiration, 1 stack of Meditative Focus is removed at a time.)
Strike With No Thought: 1 (Your weapons gain +1 competence bonus to Critical Damage Multiplier. When you have a weapon equipped in your main hand that is part of your Focus, you gain 1% Doublestrike or 1% Doubleshot (depending on whether your Focus is melee or ranged). Each Core Ability you acquire from this tree increases this bonus by 1%.)
Tier 1: 4 total
Extra Action Boost: 2 (+1 extra action boost.)
Weapon Group Specialization - Light blades: 2 (You gain +1 to hit and damage with your Focus group.)
Tier 2: 5 total
Weapon Group Specialization - Light blades: 2 (You gain +1 to hit and +2 damage with one handed weapons)
Improved Dodge: 3 (+1%/+2%/+3% Dodge when wearing light or no armor)
Tier 3: 7 total
Critical Mastery: 2 (+1/+2/ to confirm critical hits and critical hit damage)
Athletic Mastery: 3 (+1/+2/+3 Maximum Dexterity bonus and Dodge cap. -1/-2/-3 Armor Check Penalty.)
In total this build achieves the goals I set out for in these ways:
Everyone fall down go boom
-Elegant Footwork, on miss 20% chance to be knocked down with no save
-Arcane Encumbrance, on damage 30% chance to knock down
-Low Blow, shield bash knockdown with perform dc of 23+ 1d20
Not dying every three seconds
- Total of +6AC, +11 Armour max Dex bonus, and total Dex 27(+8) with no gear
-Con 16, DR 4, Hp +40, PR 13, MR 3, Elemental Defense on elemental damage, 25% chance you'll gain 25 temporary hitpoints for 30 seconds,
-Cure Serious wounds and +20 healing amp
- +3 to all saves, and a total of +6 to reflex
Dealing a reasonable amount of damage
-+5 to hit, +5% to hit, +2 bard song
-+9 damage, +25% fortification bypass, +2 bard song, +11 melee power, +50% Dex mod to damage
-+30% att speed, +13% double strike, +30% doublestrike action boost
-Blow By Blow: Melee attack with +3 critical threat range that deals 3d6 extra Sonic damage, and reduces your threat with nearby enemies by 300. and En Pointe: Melee Attack, two attacks with +2 [W], +12 critical threat range, but -1 Critical Multiplier.
Having a high dodge cap
-Dodge cap of 31% and total Dodge of 31% with no gear
Slap some crits on there
-Crit threat range 15-20, +2 to confirm crit, Exploit Weaknesses: damage ,you gain a stacking +1 Insight Bonus to Critical Threat Range until you successfully critically hit.
-+2 damage on crits, x4 damage multiplier, +2d6 sonic damage on crits
-Blow By Blow: Melee attack with +3 critical threat range that deals 3d6 extra Sonic damage, and reduces your threat with nearby enemies by 300. and En Pointe: Melee Attack, two attacks with +2 [W], +12 critical threat range, but -1 Critical Multiplier.
Well there we go. All done. Took way longer to write down then I thought it would. I would appreciate any advice you have to give.