View Full Version : Are pale master forms immunities a must?

12-13-2016, 09:13 AM
So i am finally gonna be going into 20+ levels after getting completionist. I have been playing quite a few years but never past 20. Only thing I ever did was unlock primal avatar on accident. Though I hear that wasn't too bad of an accident. Anyways my question is this. I hear a lot about pale master forms. That they are absolutely needed in end game because of so many things they negate. Is this true?

I am playing a version of Sal'vations Pale Drawlock but I much prefer say a 12 fvs 6 fighter 2 monk to solo with or any strong dps self healer solo build. So if I end up not liking this build and reincarnate yet again, will I be ok not having a pale master build?

I am always up for learning more about this game. Thanimal was grooming me to kinda take over his role of being knowledgeable but i had a lot of personal things happen so i don't know as much about the game as I would like to or should. So I am ready to go down that path.

12-14-2016, 02:43 AM
Anyways my question is this. I hear a lot about pale master forms. That they are absolutely needed in end game because of so many things they negate. Is this true?

Other classes do fine in epics, and none of them have PM forms. :) Some of them do more than fine!

If you will be in epics going from 20-30 a bit, a full cannith crafted level 20 set of gear will be invaluable. They are roughly on par with level 27 dungeon loot.

12-14-2016, 07:11 AM
Hmm ok thank you. I have always been one of those people who like to challenge myself and to solo the hardest things I can. It just seemed like a lot of people were saying those forms were a godsend for soloing. On khyber even in my guild with a ton of people on no one ever seems to wanna group or reply when I talk. Maybe I am bugged o.0

12-14-2016, 08:31 AM
So i am finally gonna be going into 20+ levels after getting completionist. I have been playing quite a few years but never past 20. Only thing I ever did was unlock primal avatar on accident. Though I hear that wasn't too bad of an accident. Anyways my question is this. I hear a lot about pale master forms. That they are absolutely needed in end game because of so many things they negate. Is this true?

I am playing a version of Sal'vations Pale Drawlock but I much prefer say a 12 fvs 6 fighter 2 monk to solo with or any strong dps self healer solo build. So if I end up not liking this build and reincarnate yet again, will I be ok not having a pale master build?

I am always up for learning more about this game. Thanimal was grooming me to kinda take over his role of being knowledgeable but i had a lot of personal things happen so i don't know as much about the game as I would like to or should. So I am ready to go down that path.

There is a lot of different builds I have seen made for soloing end game missions. The pale dwarflock I created was specifically built for EE Ghost of Perdition where you had an undead boss beholder doing massive Con drain and a pale master build is the only build totally immune to Con drain. Note though I have seen a barbarian build also solo this mission by just using potions to undo the drains. Much like a pale master would have to do with a massive Chr drain attack.

A pure warlock or paladin builds do great soloing end game material and would most likely go a lot faster, but they would also be vulnerable to no save spells such as Otto's Irresistible Dance and Power Word Stun. A simple Harper's Pin and a few spell absorption items can be used to overcome them though.

In the end it just comes down to finding the right character to suit your playstyle. Most people on the boards say that range characters are the best for solo, but when I play them I get bored out of my mind.

Pale masters do have the most spell invulnerabilities in the game, but will never have the PRR/MRR that many builds use to survive soloing EE/EL.

The best idea is to be specific on the playstyle you enjoy and the goals of your build, and ask on the boards for help to build a character specific to what you are going to get the most fun out of.

12-14-2016, 08:55 AM
You just need the poison pots,death block, and ability to restore/not take negative levels (spell absorption item, Restoration scrolls, or enchantment/epic destiny ability).

Also you need evasion and FoM, or to memorize traps, but that's not that much of a PM immunity thing, as general thing.

In short no, but they are really nice to have.

12-14-2016, 09:30 AM
If the forms were a must then only PMs would be running the top content and that is not true.

Don't get me wrong, the immunities that come with being Undeadish are a bonus. But they are not a must because there are many alternate routes that are just as effective.

12-14-2016, 02:11 PM
So i am finally gonna be going into 20+ levels after getting completionist. I have been playing quite a few years but never past 20. Only thing I ever did was unlock primal avatar on accident. Though I hear that wasn't too bad of an accident. Anyways my question is this. I hear a lot about pale master forms. That they are absolutely needed in end game because of so many things they negate. Is this true?

I am playing a version of Sal'vations Pale Drawlock but I much prefer say a 12 fvs 6 fighter 2 monk to solo with or any strong dps self healer solo build. So if I end up not liking this build and reincarnate yet again, will I be ok not having a pale master build?

I am always up for learning more about this game. Thanimal was grooming me to kinda take over his role of being knowledgeable but i had a lot of personal things happen so i don't know as much about the game as I would like to or should. So I am ready to go down that path.

check this build: https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/480420-Poka-yoke-a-f2p-first-life-LE-meele?p=5891971&viewfull=1#post5891971

Is like a S&B paladin but with better self heal and spell buffs like deathward, freedom of movement, restoration spells, with haste boost for leveling epic destinies.
For soloing EE at level and without full epic destinies yet you at least want to be geared wih some cannith crafted lvl 20 gear or named gear as said above, (displascement clickies from green steel gear are a plus as well).

12-14-2016, 03:04 PM
If you will be in epics going from 20-30 a bit, a full cannith crafted level 20 set of gear will be invaluable. They are roughly on par with level 27 dungeon loot.

I'm quite curious what this "full cannith crafted level 20 set of gear" would be.... details?

12-14-2016, 03:51 PM
Thank you everyone for the responses. I really appreciate it. Immensely.

Thank you boredman. I have seen that build before and was thinking about running it also. It was between that or a 12 fvs 6 fighter 2 paladin(or 2 monk if evasion is just as good as heavy armor now and the 1 point for 10 mp in henshin). Using bastard sword, thf line with tower shields, t5 kensai for dps with stalwart defender for survivability and fvs heals.

Sal'vation, I tried a 20 vanguard paladin and it was just incredibly boring and I didn't think it was that great at all. Even as a completionist. I was probably doing something wrong of course. But the dps seemed ok and the survivability was ok. This was also not too long after the paladin pass. Then again I have no gear past like 30 various blue items from 1-20.

Who070aa, so is evasion back to being really good now that armor was nerfed for mrr?