View Full Version : Poka yoke, a f2p, first life LE meele

10-31-2016, 09:34 PM
Theory newby friendly meele S&B dps-tank build that focuses on defenses (prr, hp, ac, saves) and self heal, while keeping as good damage as possible, no tomes or past lifes required and should survive very well in LE while having enough dmg for soloing.

Cleric 11: heal spells, fom, dw, restoration, raise dead, true seeing, spell points, divine might

Fighter 6: feats, kensei enhancements for dps, stalwart for defenses and vanguard.

Paladin 3: +11 potential to saves from charisma mod. (requires lawful good alignment) (alternative non paladin option with non lawful alignment, take Barbarian 3 instead for ear smash+ knockdown, fast movement, plus maybe sprint boost and supreme cleave.)

Human: extra feat, heal amp and dmg boost

Stats (32pt): 14 str, 12 dex, 16 con (+lvl ups), 9 wis, 13 int, 14 cha (no tomes required, on 28pt drop dex, on 34/36pt get more str)

Skills: umd, intim, jump, heal, (1 pt into spellcraft)

Leveling: (Can use a Thf weapon for first levels if dont need the ac, then swap for S&B style at lvl 9 or 12)
1 ftr shield mastery, power attack
Human cleave
2 clr
3 clr improved shield bash
4 clr
5 ftr great cleave
6 clr toughness (or two handed fighting, require str tome)
7 clr
8 clr
9 clr dwarven axe proficiency (or khopesh)
10 ftr
11 ftr improved critical slash
12 ftr improved shield mastery
13 ftr combat expertise (or improved two handed fighting)
14 pld
15 pld empower healing
16 clr
17 clr
18 clr quicken
19 clr
20 pld
21 overwhelming critical
24 epic toughness (or greater two handed fighting)
26 epic spellpower acid (or perfect two handed fighting, or epic mage armor if ac stacks, or epic skill focus intim)
27 epic fortitude (or forced escape)
28 perfect two weapon fighting
29 deific warding (or dire charge)
30 epic damage reduction, scion of plane of earth

Alternative more dps option (at the cost of some hp and ac): Take two handed fighting feats for toughness, combat expertise, epic toughness, and pthf at lvl 26 (require +3 str tome with 14 starting str or 15 base str + 2 str tome dropping starting con to 15 in that case). With this option can also use a two handed weapon or keep dwarven axe for the glancing blow dmg in S&B mode.

kensei 34 ap (strike with no thought, keen edge, one with the blade, deadly strike, opportunity attack, haste boost, extra action boost, etc)
stalwart 27 ap (stance, +prr, +saves, +run speed, +6 con(or str), +20%hp, +50%armor ac, more ac, etc)
human 3 ap (heal amp and dmg boost)
warpriest 4 ap (divine might)
vanguard 11 ap (ac, hit, dmg, 5% attack speed, shield bash chance, fortitude save, meele power boost,etc)
kotc 1 ap (light dmg)

Epic destiny: Legendary Dreadnought (twists: Sacred ground, consencration, legendary shield mastery, cocoon), Divine crusader, Sentinel for tanking. (twists can change depending your needs and epic destiny you play)

S&B fighting style with very high prr, ac, hitpoints, self heal, saves (LE raid tanking capable when geared)
moderate-decent dmg with kensei stuff, legendary dreadnought + cleaves, divine might, shield bash and few extra attack speed from vanguard , good doublestrike plus haste boost, dmg boost, meele power boost, human dmg boost (should be ok for solo).

Some helpful gear: displascement clickies from heroic shroud, Platemail of celestial avenger, legendary ring of prowess, Thunderforged or Lgs (afirmation, vacuum) weapon, meele alacrity/speed, doublestrike. prr(enhancement, insight, quality), ac (natural armor, protection), constitution, strenght, charisma, dexterity, (wisdom just for lvl 6 spells), devotion, healing amplification, insightful fortification, resistance (saves), intimidate, sneak damage, fire absorption, acid spellpower (scion), etc.

This is the gear I have without slavers because don't have that pack and don't plan to farm it atm:
Weapon: Thunderforged Dwarven axe with ruby of good /LGS affirmation
Ring 1: Legendary ring of prowess
Ring 2: Cannith crafted constitution 15, protection 12, insightful spell saves 5
Bracers: Cannith crafted Strength 15, insightful physical sheltering 18, insightful fortification 75
Armor: Platemail of celestial avenger
Necklace: Legendary pendant of the warrior's focus
Head: Legendary Boundless
Googles: Epic Mentau's googles/ cannith crafted seeker 15, true seeing, insightful seeker 7
Boots: Epic Boots of the innocent/ orcish privateer's
Belt: Cannith crafted doublestrike 17, stunning 17, insightful constitution 7
Gloves: Cannith crafted healing amplification 61, devotion 159, insightful devotion 79
Shield: Cannith Crafted tower shield corrosive 159, shield bashing 23, insightful deadly 5 / terminus +corrosive slot
Cloak: Mysterious cloak / Cannith crafted spell saves 12, absorption, insightful magical sheltering 18 / jeweled cloak
Trinklet: Cannith crafted Charisma 15, Natural armor 15, Insightful dodge / pale lavender ioun stone (spell absorption)

Augments in slots: draconic soul gem, wisdom, good luck +2, golems heart, globe of true imperial blood, False life 35, vitality 20, topaz of power 250, heal 13, intimidate 15, spellcraft.


11-05-2016, 11:03 PM
Updated with cannith crafting gear (not planning with slavers)

11-06-2016, 12:11 PM
edited with thf option.