View Full Version : looking for a good solo build that starts Rogue (new+f2p here)

10-27-2016, 07:13 AM
i like the utility of being able to disarm traps and lockpick, but not sure how challenging pure rogue would be.

i tried the Pale Trapper from this thread https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/422622

but i find it incredibly boring. level 3 and still using a crappy melee weapon since my spells are complete jank. (in the time it takes me to actually land a spell on something that doesnt get a successful save i could kill 3 with a mace...)

plus the way spells work in this game is kind of irritating x) (only ever played figher/rogue in pnp)

i'd be into a rogue/ranger so i can go TWF for melee while having solid ranged attacks if the situation calls for it. (being pure ranged seems kind of pointless atm since everything just rushes you anyway)

but im open to ideas.

i just want a good mix of damage, survivability (access to self heals somehow) and utility, idc about min/max, just want to explore the world without feeling like i hit a brick wall or getting bored!

keep in mind im new, f2p, and have no idea what anything means or how to build, so im looking for guides with concrete info for leveling and what to pick rather than "oh just go 2 rogue 18 fighter as a Human"

10-27-2016, 07:40 AM
i like the utility of being able to disarm traps and lockpick, but not sure how challenging pure rogue would be.

i tried the Pale Trapper from this thread https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/422622

but i find it incredibly boring. level 3 and still using a crappy melee weapon since my spells are complete jank. (in the time it takes me to actually land a spell on something that doesnt get a successful save i could kill 3 with a mace...)

plus the way spells work in this game is kind of irritating x) (only ever played figher/rogue in pnp)

i'd be into a rogue/ranger so i can go TWF for melee while having solid ranged attacks if the situation calls for it. (being pure ranged seems kind of pointless atm since everything just rushes you anyway)

but im open to ideas.

i just want a good mix of damage, survivability (access to self heals somehow) and utility, idc about min/max, just want to explore the world without feeling like i hit a brick wall or getting bored!

keep in mind im new, f2p, and have no idea what anything means or how to build, so im looking for guides with concrete info for leveling and what to pick rather than "oh just go 2 rogue 18 fighter as a Human"

If you want to be able to do traps...I would recommend Rogue/Ranger or Rogue/Bard. Either one can use dex or intel to damamge and to hit. Ranger or Bard will allow you more skill points than fighter for your trapping skills. If you take the Ranger option, then Tempest is the route for TWF. However, you might like the Bard SWF swashbuckler style. Both Tempest and Swashbuckler are capable of very good DPS. Both will give you self healing. Bard will give a bit more self buffing options.

10-27-2016, 07:43 AM
Pretty much everyone when asked about multiclassing Trapper states to start as Lvl 1 Rogue because this gets you the most skill points.

What they generally don't say is that Lvl 1 on a Rogue is actually pretty bad {comparatively to other classes} - As a Mechanic you don't even get a Great X-Bow until you've completed the first 4 quests! {and you can't use the Ember Repeater without major penalties}.
As an Acrobat Staff fighting is level based and much stronger once you hit I think Lvl 3!
Assassins rely on TWF which isn't any good until you've got at least Improved TWF Feat!

If you don't mind not going Pure Rogue AND Have access to Artificer I would heavily suggest 2 Arti / 18 Rogue taking Arti at Lvl 1 and 2 or maybe 2 Arti/2 Ftr {for extra feats} /16 Rogue.

Ranger/Rogue seems an obvious synergy {especially if you're used to PnP} but rather like Bard/Rogue it's actually not that great in DDO - The classes don't actually synergise that well.

Wiz/Rogue in DDO synergises amazingly BUT you do have to accept that as a Wizard you will be behind and playing catch up right up to Lvl 20 and maybe even beyond unless you can get the right gear to make up for the loss of those 2 wizard levels.

Again though - for me the most synergistic class with Rogue in DDO is Artificer - If you have access to Artificer it's the obvious low level booster.

Just noticed you're F2P so I'd suggest following Loromir's Bard/Rogue Swashbuckler suggestion and take Rogue at Lvl 1 and Lvl 10 - You will be a bit behind on your trap skills in Elites unless you keep your trapgear maxed at every level but you have to spread out those Rogue Levels to make best use of your skill points.
You will need at least 16 base int and 15 base Charisma and 12 base Con {Drow is your go to race - easy to farm drow by earning 400 favour on your server on a different character - DO NOT WASTE TP BUYING DROW}.
On your Bard Levels skill points go into Perform, UMD, Bluff, Disable and Search {2nd Rogue level you play catch up with Spot and Open Lock}.

10-27-2016, 09:25 AM
Ranger/Rogue seems an obvious synergy {especially if you're used to PnP} but rather like Bard/Rogue it's actually not that great in DDO - The classes don't actually synergise that well.

This bit is complete nonsense. Due to the high number of skill points a Ranger gets, a 1 splash of rogue (18 Ranger 1 ftr or wizard), can max out trapping, UMD and sneaking. Have a look at: https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/423116-Tempest-Trapmonkey-for-new-players. Excellent solo build. I prefer the wizard (rather than 1 ftr) splash.

The sneak attack damage from the rogue level augmented with some from the deepwood tree is a nice bonus.

10-27-2016, 09:45 AM
Several good builds listed in the Repository (https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/470423-Build-Repository). In addition to Tempest Trapmonkey, I'll also recommend the Bard Trapper (https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/459103-Bard-Trapper-for-new-players) - or really any of the bazillionty rog-splashed Swashbuckler builds in the bard forum these days. Each has their pros and cons, but basically deep multiclasses trade higher-level bard abilities for more melee DPS. EDIT: or better survivability in the case of those who invest heavily in Stalwart Defender.

EDIT: one advantage to Swashbuckler is the biggest DPS boost - namely Swashbuckling - is pretty front-loaded (lvl 3 core). Which means you start seeing tasty crit bonuses pretty early on. The downside is higher-level Swashbuckler abilities are not as impressive as other, more recently buffed classes, IMO; but the silver lining is they multiclass better because of that.

10-27-2016, 10:19 AM
Just going to throw this out there... a pure rogue has access to lots of damage (Int based ranged damage or dex based melee damage), a source of self healing (heal scrolls with UMD) and plenty of utility (skills/trapping and UMD). It might be lacking a bit in terms of defense, but it should have enough to perform well in normal/hard without pastlives. And from my experience, a multiclassed rogue has much more difficulty hitting the trap DC's then a pure rogue when you're first life and f2p.

For a pure rogue, you have enough skill points to max: Jump, Hide, Haggle, Move Silently, Search, Spot, Open Lock, Disable Device, and Use Magic Device, with an int as low as 12. As cross classed, you have to scrape together skill points to hope that you have enough for Search, Disable Device and Use Magic Device (which takes 6 skillpoints/level if they're cross-classed).

Jump: Sure you can use pots or scrolls to get a lot of this, but there are some quests which really encourage you to have a lot of this.
Hide/Move Silently: Only useful in a handful of quests, but it can help a rogue sneak in for an assassinate.
Haggle: Sure your 30th life character has no use for plat, but first life characters actually need plat, this gives you plat.
Spot: Lets you know where to search for traps if you've never run the quest before. Very good to have on a first-character running through quests.
Open Lock: See point about first life characters needing plat. Being able to loot more chests = get more plat, in some quests open lock unlocks bonus chests for more loot.
Search/Disable Device: These are needed to be a useful trapper.
Use Magic Device: This grants any character access to self-healing, removal of negative effects, raise dead and teleport, to name a few useful things. Pretty much the best skill in the game.

10-28-2016, 04:36 AM
Just going to throw this out there... a pure rogue has access to lots of damage (Int based ranged damage or dex based melee damage), a source of self healing (heal scrolls with UMD) and plenty of utility (skills/trapping and UMD). It might be lacking a bit in terms of defense, but it should have enough to perform well in normal/hard without pastlives. And from my experience, a multiclassed rogue has much more difficulty hitting the trap DC's then a pure rogue when you're first life and f2p.

For a pure rogue, you have enough skill points to max: Jump, Hide, Haggle, Move Silently, Search, Spot, Open Lock, Disable Device, and Use Magic Device, with an int as low as 12. As cross classed, you have to scrape together skill points to hope that you have enough for Search, Disable Device and Use Magic Device (which takes 6 skillpoints/level if they're cross-classed).

Jump: Sure you can use pots or scrolls to get a lot of this, but there are some quests which really encourage you to have a lot of this.
Hide/Move Silently: Only useful in a handful of quests, but it can help a rogue sneak in for an assassinate.
Haggle: Sure your 30th life character has no use for plat, but first life characters actually need plat, this gives you plat.
Spot: Lets you know where to search for traps if you've never run the quest before. Very good to have on a first-character running through quests.
Open Lock: See point about first life characters needing plat. Being able to loot more chests = get more plat, in some quests open lock unlocks bonus chests for more loot.
Search/Disable Device: These are needed to be a useful trapper.
Use Magic Device: This grants any character access to self-healing, removal of negative effects, raise dead and teleport, to name a few useful things. Pretty much the best skill in the game.

cool, i decided to just make a pure rogue using https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/459362-Halfling-Dex-Assassin-1-0?p=5603580&viewfull=1#post5603580

i feel like ill have the most fun this way, not sure how much or how easily ill be able to solo things but i love the flavor of being sneaky and dealing with traps by myself like a true solo adventurer would hehe x)