View Full Version : Need build advice. (Epic destiny)

09-26-2016, 12:57 PM
Hye, guys. So, I'm not exactly new to the game, but I am way behind when compared to the elites and I have ever a question that's more about options than straight forward "which way should I go".

I have a warlock tank, it's my third life, and the first time I have ever TR'd more than once before getting bored because I screwed something up

I'm gonna lay out my stats, roughly since I'm not at my computer. I'll tell you what I do, and plan to do, with the toon. And then I would like to hear everyone's thoughts on the appropriate ED for my goals.

Blade forged (wlk/pal/rog - 12/6/2)
Basic stats;
No tomes




I have minimal gear ATM a day the only gear I invested in was Prr/Mrr, as I found a nice docent I can't remember the name of right now with huge boosts to it.

The goal; heavy tank with decent damage (or better if the ED boosts it.)

As it stands right now, there's no content "at level" that I can't solo and no creatures that can kill me on heroic, excluding a handful of heavy hitting rednames.

Now, my question is pretty simple.
What's are my ED options? And what will provide the most benefit given my current status?
I took the six pal for access to the Holy trees, originally thinking Unyielding Sentinel, but now I am debating on whether I should do that or go with one that boosts light and alignment based SP instead.

Are my stats good enough to hold up in epics? Should I boost defense or offense? What ED will do what I want?

As I said, I'm not at my computer so if this seems a little underexplained, let me know and I'll elaborate further.

Thanks in advance.

-Forgothae, Sarlona

09-26-2016, 02:20 PM
Unyielding Sentinel is the tank destiny.

Have a look at this thread.


09-26-2016, 11:16 PM
Sentinel is indeed the tanking destiny. Divine Crusader may give you a bit more in the way of DPS, though I'm not sure where you're at on all that. If you were fiend pact, it would have benefited you more. Exalted Angel is the other tree you mentioned, but unless you are primarily a caster, it won't help you a ton.

I'd start in Sentinel, work through Crusader, and then work over to Legendary Dreadnought (assuming you're melee). LD will probably give you the most DPS, and then you can choose whichever you feel works best for you and your toon's needs. Either way, working through all those will give you fate points, which you will want for your twists. The twists will allow you to pick and choose a bit.

09-27-2016, 12:58 AM
Unyielding Sentinel is the tanking destiny but might not be best choice in this case for that purpose. The question in my mind is this: What shield do you use and how often AND how does that affect your warlock spell casting?

If you are not using a shield then you might be better off just twisting Commanding Presence as a L1 twist for threat generation. The destiny I would then look at most closely would probably be Divine Crusader. It is close between that and Legendary Dreadnought in my mind but I think you'll need the healing from DC more than the DPS from LD.

Some might argue that tanking w/o a shield isn't tanking and I suppose that it depends on what *you* mean when you use that word. In DDO tanking is mostly "who can pull the aggro and keep it while not dying when getting beaten on." It is the last part of that which creates the problem because in DDO sometimes the answer is to just kill everything all at once -- something warlocks are generally good at with their auras and bursts, particularly if they manage to get some CC down as well.

That might be problematic with 12 levels of warlock so the alternative is to huddle behind a really big shield while the rest of the party rescues you and to have enough innate healing to stay alive until that happens. Unfortunately, blade/war forged is arguable the worst choice for that option. That's why I think Crusader might be the better destiny choice.

But, it depends on shield use and how that affects your warlock spell casting.