View Full Version : Quarreller build advice/suggestions needed please

09-11-2016, 07:38 AM
Kinda flavour build, dorf with great crossbow, but why not make flavors as good as possible?

18/2 Rogue/Artificer
Lawful Good Dwarf

Level Order

1. Rogue. . . . . .6. Rogue. . . . . 11. Rogue. . . . . 16. Rogue
2. Artificer . . . 7. Rogue . . . . .12. Rogue . . . . .17. Rogue
3. Artificer . . . 8. Rogue . . . . .13. Rogue . . . . .18. Rogue
4. Rogue. . . . . .9. Rogue. . . . . 14. Rogue. . . . . 19. Rogue
5. Rogue. . . . . 10. Rogue. . . . . 15. Rogue. . . . . 20. Rogue

. . . . . . . .36pt . . Tome . . Level Up
. . . . . . . .---- . . ---- . . --------
Strength. . . . .8. . . .+5. . . .4: INT
Dexterity . . . 16. . . .+5. . . .8: INT
Constitution. . 14. . . .+5. . . 12: INT
Intelligence. . 18. . . .+5. . . 16: INT
Wisdom. . . . . .8. . . .+5. . . 20: INT
Charisma. . . . 12. . . .+5. . . 24: INT
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28: INT


.1. . . . : Point Blank Shot
.3. . . . : Precision
.6. . . . : Rapid Shot
.9. . . . : Precise Shot
12. . . . : Improved Critical: Ranged
12 Rogue. : Crippling Strike
15. . . . : Insightful Reflexes
15 Rogue. : Improved Evasion
18. . . . : Improved Precise Shot
18 Rogue. : Opportunist
21 Epic . : Combat Archery
24 Epic . : Improved Sneak Attack
26 Destiny: Holy Strike
27 Epic . : Overwhelming Critical
28 Destiny: Doubleshot
29 Destiny: Embodiment of Law
30 Epic . : Watchful Eye
30 Legend : Scion of: Arborea

Enhancements (80 AP)

Mechanic (43 AP)
Arbalester, Tanglefoot, Targeting Sights, Improved Detection, Expert Builder
Sharpshooter, Lacerating Shots I, Mechanics III, Awareness III
Sharpshooter, Improved Traps III, Wand and Scroll Mastery III
Sharpshooter, Use Magical Device III
Sharpshooter, Fletching III, Leg Shot
Sharpshooter, Rapid Fire III, Sniper, Mechanical Reloader

Harper Agent (22 AP)
Agent of Good I, Intelligence, Agent of Good II
Harper Enchantment, Strategic Combat, Awareness III
Versatile Adept III, Know the Angles III
Highly Skilled III, Versatile Adept II

Assassin (8 AP)
Knife in the Darkness
Sneak Attack Training, Stealthy III
Sneak Attack Training

Battle Engineer (4 AP)
Battle Engineer
Field Engineer III

Thief-Acrobat (3 AP)
Staff Control
Fast Movement
Leveling Guide
Mec0 Arbalester; Mec1 Sharpshooter; Hrp0 Agent of Good I
Hrp1 Strategic Combat; Ass0 Knife in the Darkness
Ass1 Sneak Attack Training; Mec1 Awareness I, II; (Bank 1 AP)
Reset All Trees
Hrp0 Agent of Good I; Hrp1 Strategic Combat; Mec0 Arbalester; Mec1 Sharpshooter; Mec1 Mechanics I, II, III; Mec1 Awareness I, II, III; Mec2 Sharpshooter; Mec3 Sharpshooter; Mec3 Use Magical Device I, II, III; Mec2 Improved Traps I
Mec2 Improved Traps II, III; Mec0 Tanglefoot; Mec4 Fletching I
Mec4 Sharpshooter; Mec4 Fletching II, III
Mec0 Targeting Sights; Ass0 Knife in the Darkness; Ass1 Sneak Attack Training
Hrp1 Harper Enchantment; Hrp2 Know the Angles I, II
Hrp2 Know the Angles III; Hrp2 Versatile Adept I, II, III
Mec2 Wand and Scroll Mastery I, II, III; Mec1 Lacerating Shots I
Mec5 Rapid Fire I, II; Mec5 Mechanical Reloader
Mec5 Sniper; Mec5 Sharpshooter
Mec5 Rapid Fire III; TA0 Staff Control; TA1 Fast Movement
Mec0 Improved Detection; Hrp0 Intelligence; Hrp3 Highly Skilled I
Hrp3 Highly Skilled II, III; Hrp3 Versatile Adept I, II
Hrp0 Agent of Good II; Hrp1 Awareness I, II, III
Mec4 Leg Shot; Ass1 Stealthy I, II
Ass2 Sneak Attack Training; BE0 Battle Engineer; BE1 Field Engineer I
BE1 Field Engineer II, III; Ass1 Stealthy III

Destiny (24 AP)

Legendary Dreadnought
Extra Action Boost III, Attack Boost II, Constitution
Damage Boost III, Constitution
Critical Damage III, Haste Boost III, Constitution
Devastating Critical
Master's Blitz

Twists of Fate (35 fate points)
Echoes of Primal (Tier 4 Fatesinger)
Blessed Blades (Tier 3 Crusader)
Grim Precision (Tier 3 Shadowdancer)
Draconic Perception (Tier 1 Draconic)

Not sure about feats (do I miss anything, epic/ED/legendary feats), ED (which one to take, and what twists, and options for getting other EPLs), maybe some AP improvements.

I'm gonna wait until U32 and TR my main (barbx1, wizx2, clex1, bardx1, powerx3, bracex3, doublestrike x3 fortification x3, colorsx3, fast hjealx3, enchant weapon x3, doubleshotx1 past lifes), and use just a few named items/GS and majority cannith crafted stuff.

09-12-2016, 12:33 PM
Artificer splash is good for lower levels with rune arm benefits but for epics I think mechanic capstone is a bit better, so can consider going pure rogue.
about enhancements, many mechanics invest 23 ap on assasin tree for killer, assasins trick, sa, venomed blades, etc. Harper tree is mainly for kta and to hit with int and few ranged power.

About epic destinies, many will work with mechanics, Divine crusader is a strong option as well as Dreadnought, but you even can play in Sentinel for hard quests or fury of the wild for primal sphere xp or even shiradi champion. Shadowdancer also offers some things as well. You can try all those and see what work best for you. (my personal preference is Crusader with Sentinel for some solo or dreadnought if can keep blitz at max most of the time)

About feats if you go pure rogue you will lose 1 feat that would be rapid reload in replacement of insightful reflexes (not very needed since you will get improved evasion but could take it later at lvl 30 although epic dr or weapon focus ranged are other good options to take instaed watchful eye)
Scion of arborea is good for greatcrossbows since they do higher base damage and scales better with ranger power, Epic spell power positive is agood option to holy strikes as well. I have harbinger of chaos instead embodiment on my rogue but honestly haven`t tried other feat there.

About twists, rejuvenation cocoon is my first choice, followed by pin. then can take grim precision for some quests with fortified enemies or stay frosty for reduce movement speed of enemies. Sense of weakness is another good option for more dmg to helpless enemies or action boost damage or critical damage if you are playing outside dreadnought destiny.