View Full Version : Machanic and Elf and Arcane Archer enchancement synergy?

09-08-2016, 12:58 AM
excuse the topic name if its misleading, i just want some feedback from you guys to see if it seems like a valid concept for a rogue build.

I'm making an elven rogue mechanic because I figured the passive skill bonuses from all the trees could improve my ranged combat and give me some unique magic. I know rangers and artificers are a better choice, but i like the idea of both having sneak attacks and trapfinding/making and use magic device... also by being a rogue i can use a few last remaining action points in the assassin tree as a finishing touch for my stealth abilities. also elves get some token bonus enchancements and their own unique dragonmark that make them tempting to me.

09-08-2016, 07:35 AM
yes--the big issue is the AP cost to get to the AA tree
You could do a bow wielder pure mechanic ("flavor") even if the AA tree is stronger
Elf extends PBS & sneak attack range and dragonmarks are very useful.
People prefer drow mechanics for
higher INT or human for extra feat & damage boost. Even halflings are used to get better IPS lining up.
If you do a bow elf with AA you can go Dex or Wisdom based. If you hit cap and epic reincarnate, you can even go elven dex assassin for an epic life to chamge things up.

09-08-2016, 08:12 AM
Not enough points to get all the good stuff.Gonna be hard to squeeze it all in. Plus the wis, and nerfs to Paralyzing Arrows will make it way less viable, IMO. Expert builder is just too good to pass up to get full AA stuff, I guess you could do like 14( to unlock AA) 32 AA for slaying arrow, 31 mechanic for Expert builder. Seems plausible, but is gonna be hard to pull off. You have 3 "Free" points, and that is with skipping capstones (good news tho, you can splash 2 artificer on the rouge without missing out on stuff , if you want to(rune arm is great for dealing with undead, and getting extra gear slot)).

You are missing out on harper tree, and wonders of int to damage+KtA, and to hit too, so you have to spread your stats to use bow.

If you want sneak attack archer, you should try Deepwood sniper tree on ranger, with rogue and/or arti splash.

That said, go for it. worst thing that can happen is you needing to spend some plat to respec in regular rogue with repeater.Feats are all the same. (you might miss out on some INT tho).

09-08-2016, 08:38 AM
Just put Manyshot on your build and switch great crossbow and your bow occasionally

09-08-2016, 09:19 AM
I'm making an elven rogue mechanic because I figured the passive skill bonuses from all the trees could improve my ranged combat and give me some unique magic. I know rangers and artificers are a better choice, but i like the idea of both having sneak attacks and trapfinding/making and use magic device... also by being a rogue i can use a few last remaining action points in the assassin tree as a finishing touch for my stealth abilities. also elves get some token bonus enchancements and their own unique dragonmark that make them tempting to me.
Okay, first things first: it is possible to get AA primary imbues to apply to xbows and thrown weapons. This is definitely not WAI, but it's been like this for years and hasn't been fixed yet, soooo...up to you whether you base a build on known long-standing bugs.

Second, I posted a elf pure rogue AA (https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/464612-Elven-Pure-Rogue-Mechanic-Dreadnaught-Eviscerator?p=5750078&viewfull=1#post5750078) several months ago. It's a flavor build which uses bows only, but it still works as intended, AFAICT. In hindsight, I would probably multiclass, since there's not much point in staying pure rogue if you're not going for one of the rogue capstones. Splashing for extra feats - or barb for another +10% runspeed - makes more sense, IMO.

As to the general topic of AA Mechanics, as Saekee said the main issue is AP shortage, as it costs 14 APs just to unlock the racial AA PrE in the first place. Feats are at a premium too on a pure rogue, particularly if you want to add Shadow DM and/or Manyshot. Basically, be wary of trying to do too much on one character that might spread yourself too thin.