View Full Version : Gregorian's Barbarian

06-12-2016, 11:17 AM
Hello guys!
I wanted to share with you some of my experience with Barbarian Class and also I would like to share with you my barbarian build,
First of all i think it is time when you really can fill you'r equipment slots with many usefull items also in the past it wasn't so easy to reach high healing amplification so easy and on any class !
For many years of my experience with DDO i finally came back about month ago to my most favourite class with is barbarian... however i was very upset after my 5 years of absence with barbarian his capstone does not give him posibility to boost his strenght and the only option we have is constitution.... also couple items has nerfs and still I am suprised there is no weapon in crit profile as good as epic sword of shadows.
I decided to share with you my build because i have not seen any build with the lastest items included in build and also i tried here to put here a little bit more damage output but trying to not loose also too much healing and in general survival ability.

http://s33.postimg.org/t83q4vemn/Build.png (http://postimg.org/image/d9v0eqkej/full/)
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This stats on the picture i can have permamently and also i can rise it with yugoloth potions which i didnt unlock yet because i saved this after my epic tr

18-STR +7 Level Up +7 Tome
10-DEX +7 Tome
18-CON +7 Tome
8--INT +7 Tome
10-WIS +7 Tome
8--CHA +7 Tome


http://s33.postimg.org/bpy4r86vj/image.png (http://postimg.org/image/ln95kaeh7/full/)
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http://s33.postimg.org/6hbf5mhu7/image.jpg (http://postimage.org/)
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I score:
41.58 % Double Strike
180 Melee Power
300 Healing Amplification - Will be higher when finally turbine decide to fix stacking of quality bonus with exceptional bonus...

http://s33.postimg.org/x6kcsn51r/Items.png (http://postimg.org/image/xjbqytnbf/full/)
adult image (http://postimage.org/)


Power Attack
Two Handed Fighting
Improved Two Handed Fighting
Greater Two Handed Fighting
Improved Critical Slashing

Epic Feats:
Deific Warding
Pierce Silver
Perfect Two Weapon Fighting
Blinding Speed
Epic Damage Reduction
Epic Toughness
Overwhelming Critical

It was hard to me get max possible damage per swing..
Still maybe anyone wouldlike to give me some advice on this build ?
I was working hard to get something special... i tried half orc but half orc has less damage than human have because of free action boost.

06-15-2016, 05:24 PM
Hey, use Epic Litany of the Dead instead of Memorium: it will give you +4 damage :D

06-16-2016, 03:14 PM
yes +4 damage and i loose 75 heal amp actually with +2 str and melee power its + 15 dmg per hit... i hunt for memoriam with mythic bonus it would be more usefull for me

06-16-2016, 05:09 PM
yes +4 damage and i loose 75 heal amp actually with +2 str and melee power its + 15 dmg per hit... i hunt for memoriam with mythic bonus it would be more usefull for me

I agree with you on this.

I had my barbarian set up pretty similarly, except I like TWF. I take Epic DR at 27/Elusive Target at 28/ I like Dire Charge when I am no running legendary content consistanly, otherwise depending on whether we are running elite alot, or not, I take go with Deific Warding or Chaotic Weapons. Barbarian is a fun build, my fav as a matter of fact, but I have fallen in love with a pure fighters at the moment now.

Nice set up

06-21-2016, 09:38 AM
I do not like fighter at all, fighter now have bunch of overpowered feats and he was reworked, yes hes strong now but still i do prefer barbarian and im hope they will make some changes

07-08-2016, 12:21 PM
It's too bad fighters do more DPS than barbs making them useless if you are min maxin. About the build, you prefer piercing clarity over grim precision only for the true seeing passive? Not having Dire Charge with over 90 STR is hard bro... You have no SA item, you could get more DPs if you use dthe animated rope, that would also be more synergetic with Dire Charge, since the bonus to tatics is double of what the pendant does. Why blinding speed if the armor already have speed XV?

07-14-2016, 07:23 AM
IYou have no SA item, you could get more DPs if you use dthe animated rope, that would also be more synergetic with Dire Charge, since the bonus to tatics is double of what the pendant does.

Is SA really worth it for a barbarian? I'm just curious how much it really adds when you are up in the mix and normally the one with the agro.

07-15-2016, 08:34 AM
Is SA really worth it for a barbarian? I'm just curious how much it really adds when you are up in the mix and normally the one with the agro.

Well, it you have a +1 from a rogue PL, that's often good enough if you're the type to always have aggro, but letting someone being targeted first and those first hit w/ an item add up. I have +12 SA dmg and do around 25-34 damage depending on Blitz usally about 5 times out of a minute with improved deception proc. In those 4 seconds I get around 7.5 hits per sec.

So avg dmg 29.5^7.5^4= 885/4=221.3. I think trying to fit it in is worth it, but if you don't have the space you don't have the space.

However, For me it is more that chance for +1 sa to find it's mark and crit on a barbarian for 800-1200.

07-18-2016, 10:59 AM
Is SA really worth it for a barbarian? I'm just curious how much it really adds when you are up in the mix and normally the one with the agro.

Improved deception for the win. Also, even more synergy on the animated rope with Dire Charge, since they're helpless and take SA. Remember that SA scales 1.5x with mlee power. On raids the chance is that you don't have the aggro, specially against bosses because you are not doing the most DPS and because there will be people in stance for extra threat. When I was a barb I was doing 50-80 points of SA in U29 (varies with mlee power variance), and my barb wasn't that good, now with the U31 items you are going to see even bugger numbers.

07-18-2016, 05:14 PM
Couldn't the two feats spend on toughness be used for something else? Feat starved class, two feats, 80 hp. Still over 2100 without.