View Full Version : Harper Fighter

06-03-2016, 10:42 PM
For my next life I want to play a pure fighter. I chose human for the extra healing amplification, extra skill points and extra feat. Harper for flavor and extra healing amplification.
I will use khopeshes and SWF. This build is all about getting those tasty crits so I've taken precision instead of power attack. Strike At The Heart and Shattering Strike for extra fortification bypass. Relatively high charisma because I want to get the most out of UMD during heroic levels, also took Quick Draw to help with scroll healing. This character doesn't have access to the best equipment out there so stats are non-optimal. Does this build look viable?

STR {15 base + 5 tome + 8 psionic + 2 cap + 2 rage + 2 remnant potion + 2 ship + 7 levelups + 3 enhancement + 14 item + 4 alchemical + 1 destiny + 5 primal scream = 70 strength}
DEX {14 base + 5 tome + 8 psionic + 2 cap + 4 alchemical + 11 item + 2 ship = 46 dexterity}
CON {15 base + 5 tome + 8 psionic + 2 cap + 4 alchemical + 2 rage + 2 ship + 5 primal + 14 item = 57 constitution}
INT {14 base + 5 tome + 8 psionic + 2 cap + 2 ship + 11 item = 42 intelligence}
WIS {Who cares?}
CHA {15 base + 5 tome + 8 psionic + 2 cap + 2 ship + 14 item + 2 enhancements = 48 charisma}

25 BAB = 50 PRR
24 sheltering
10 insightful
5 quality
1 mythic
21 fighter feats
10 epic damage reduction
20 scion of plane of earth
20 improved combat expertise
10 heavenly presence
170 PRR

Healing amplification:
60 human
20 harper
20 ship
60 item
40 exceptional
200 healing amp

20% Fighter cores
10% Divine Crusader
5% Perfect Two Weapon Fighting
50% Zeal of the Righteous
How to further raise this?

11 ranks
3 skill focus
3 harper
19 charisma
4 greater heroism
10 epic
50 UMD

Harper Fighter
Fighter 20
True Neutral Human

. . . . . . . .36pt . . Tome . . Level Up
. . . . . . . .---- . . ---- . . --------
Strength. . . . 15. . . .+5. . . .4: STR
Dexterity . . . 14. . . .+5. . . .8: STR
Constitution. . 15. . . .+5. . . 12: STR
Intelligence. . 14. . . .+5. . . 16: STR
Wisdom. . . . . .8. . . .+5. . . 20: STR
Charisma. . . . 15. . . .+5. . . 24: STR
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28: STR

. . . . . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
. . . . .------------------------------------------------------------
Intim . . 4. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 23
Jump. . . 4. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 23
Spot. . . . .½ .½ .½ .½ .½ .1 .½ .½ .½ .1 .1 .1 .½ .½ .½ .½ .½ .½ . . 11
Balance . 2. ½. ½. ½. ½. ½. ½. ½. ½. ½. ½. ½. ½. ½. ½. ½. ½. ½. ½. . .11
UMD . . . 2. ½. ½. ½. ½. ½. ½. ½. ½. ½. ½. ½. ½. ½. ½. ½. ½. ½. ½. . .11
Heal. . . . . . . . . . . . . .½ .½ .½ . . . . . ½. ½. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2½ .9
Tumble. . 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
. . . . .------------------------------------------------------------
. . . . .20. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 7. 7. 7. 7. 7
. . . . .20. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 7. 7. 7. 7. 7. 7


.1. . . . : Stunning Blow
.1 Human. : Force of Personality
.1 Fighter: Single Weapon Fighting
.2 Fighter: Precision
.3. . . . : Weapon Focus: Slashing
.4 Fighter: Weapon Specialization: Slashing
.6. . . . : Exotic Weapon: Khopesh
.6 Fighter: Improved Single Weapon Fighting
.8 Fighter: Improved Critical: Slashing
.9. . . . : Skill Focus: Use Magic Device
10 Fighter: Greater Weapon Focus: Slashing
12. . . . : Quick Draw
12 Fighter: Greater Single Weapon Fighting
14 Fighter: Greater Weapon Specialization: Slashing
15. . . . : Heavy Armor Champion
16 Fighter: Tactical Supremacy
18. . . . : Heavy Armor Master
18 Fighter: Tactical Mastery
20 Fighter: Heavy Armor Combatant
21 Epic . : Overwhelming Critical
24 Epic . : Combat Expertise
26 Destiny: Perfect Single Weapon Fighting
27 Epic . : Epic Damage Reduction
28 Destiny: Perfect Two Weapon Fighting
29 Destiny: Dire Charge
30 Epic . : Blinding Speed
30 Legend : Scion of: Plane of Earth

Enhancements (80 AP)

Kensei (41 AP)
Kensei Focus: Heavy Blades, Spiritual Bond, Strike with No Thought, Power Surge, One Cut, Alacrity
Weapon Group Specialization, Exotic Weapon Mastery, Haste Boost III
Tactics III, Weapon Group Specialization
Critical Mastery III, Weapon Group Specialization, Shattering Strike III, Strength
Weapon Group Specialization, Strike at the Heart, Strength
A Good Death: Melee, Weapon Master, One with the Blade, Keen Edge

Harper Agent (22 AP)
Agent of Good I, Charisma
Harper Enchantment, Traveler's Toughness III, Awareness III
Magical Endurance III, Know the Angles III
Highly Skilled III
Vigor of Life

Human (17 AP)
Damage Boost, Charisma, Skills Boost, Strength
Skill Focus: Awareness III, Improved Recovery
Skill Focus: Athletic II
Improved Recovery
Improved Recovery

Destiny (24 AP)

Divine Crusader
Bane of Undeath, Strength
Consecration III, Flames of Purity III
Sacred Ground
No Regret, Crusade
Castigation, Heavenly Presence, Celestial Champion
Strike Down

Twists of Fate (26 fate points)
Piercing Clarity (Tier 4 Flowers)
Grim Precision (Tier 3 Shadowdancer)
Rejuvenation Cocoon (Tier 1 Primal)
Legendary Tactics (Tier 1 Dreadnought)

06-04-2016, 01:57 AM
I think it would be interesting to drop the focus on intimidate and spot and instead max heal and spell craft. You will have no points in defender and not alot for aoe damage so you will not be doing much intim in combat. Move the points in charisma to wisdom and drop force of personality for magical training. That way you can use a orb in the off hand.

In divine crusader and as a scion of earth you will want 3 high spell powers. Positive, fire and acid. the orb and spell craft will help you get there. As i recall double strike is capped at 100 (unlike double shot) so with max zeal you could be over 100 with the one obvious thing missing from your double strike total, a item that adds to double strike.

I know its cookie cutter advice but I think you are over spending on the human tree to get the extra tiers of healing amp. You would be better served in reducing the incoming damage a tiny bit more and boosting Hitpoints 20% by investing in defensive stance. Just spending 3 points in human.

It's better having 160 healing amp trying to heal 1100 points of a big hitters damage on a 1200 hp fighter than it is to have 40 more heal amp trying to heal that same hit that lands for 1150 on a 1000 h.p fighter.

06-04-2016, 03:04 AM
Thank you for your reply. A few questions:

I think it would be interesting to drop the focus on intimidate and spot and instead max heal and spell craft. You will have no points in defender and not alot for aoe damage so you will not be doing much intim in combat. Move the points in charisma to wisdom and drop force of personality for magical training. That way you can use a orb in the off hand.

I don't expect to use intimidate all that often but by my experience it can be invaluable when trying to save an incapacitated party member or when trying to protect an NPC.
Max heal would be 11 for a pure fighter instead of the 9 I got now. Are those extra 3 points really worth the hassle?

Also the high charisma really helps with UMD, which allows me to GH myself, resurrect fallen party members and remove negative levels. Also it helps with social skills for example the above mentioned intimidate. All in all, I've found that more charisma is always better.

Never had a non-swashbuckler SWF character before, so I don't know, but wouldn't using an orb negate my SWF?

In divine crusader and as a scion of earth you will want 3 high spell powers. Positive, fire and acid. the orb and spell craft will help you get there. As i recall double strike is capped at 100 (unlike double shot) so with max zeal you could be over 100 with the one obvious thing missing from your double strike total, a item that adds to double strike.

If you think spell power matters that much, wouldn't it be better for me to choose Scion of Fire then? It would cost me 10 prr but add 10 mrr and boost my fire spell power by a bit?

I know its cookie cutter advice but I think you are over spending on the human tree to get the extra tiers of healing amp. You would be better served in reducing the incoming damage a tiny bit more and boosting Hitpoints 20% by investing in defensive stance. Just spending 3 points in human.

An interesting thought. My only problem with that would be that the defensive stance would preclude any rages from working. During heroics I'll want all the heal amp that I can get since my healing options are so limited but during epics I'll have access to 2 powerful healing abilities so I might think about redistributing my points then.

06-04-2016, 12:11 PM
Thank you for your reply. A few questions:

1) I don't expect to use intimidate all that often but by my experience it can be invaluable when trying to save an incapacitated party member or when trying to protect an NPC.
Max heal would be 11 for a pure fighter instead of the 9 I got now. Are those extra 3 points really worth the hassle?

2) Also the high charisma really helps with UMD, which allows me to GH myself, resurrect fallen party members and remove negative levels. Also it helps with social skills for example the above mentioned intimidate. All in all, I've found that more charisma is always better.

3) Never had a non-swashbuckler SWF character before, so I don't know, but wouldn't using an orb negate my SWF?

4) If you think spell power matters that much, wouldn't it be better for me to choose Scion of Fire then? It would cost me 10 prr but add 10 mrr and boost my fire spell power by a bit?

5) An interesting thought. My only problem with that would be that the defensive stance would preclude any rages from working. During heroics I'll want all the heal amp that I can get since my healing options are so limited but during epics I'll have access to 2 powerful healing abilities so I might think about redistributing my points then.

1) Probably better than spot but who knows. its just a very minor difference.

2) Go for it then it is a personal preference. I dont know how high the umd would be with just the skill focus feat and highly skilled enhancements but I was thinking it would about get it. with a item swap needed maybe.

3) No. Orb use is great for any class SWF even if its just for passive benefits like elemental damage absorbtion.

4) Fire spell power will help your aoe damage in consecrate ground. Half the consecrate damage is fire Half is good alignment both scale from fire spell power. Lots of things are fire immune and some things are healed by it. You cant turn your fire damage from scion off either. So It may be better not to putt too many eggs in the fire basket. Your bigger spell crit damage wont apply to the fire damage portion of scion of fire, I dont know about consecrate. Helping Mrr is a serious consideration though. With no shield especially. Maybe Scion of Water. My mele builds at 30 right now use limbo for the barb and astral for the assassin. But I was rocking Scion Of Watter on a since reincarnated maul using fighter/fvs the cold portion was hitting for 140 or so when I did everything I could for cold power. (A questionable use of my necklace slot a upgraded Toee cold meele maul and a experimental feat respec). Over all though i like the scion of fire for the extra 10 mrr prr and spell power and especialy if it gives bigger crits on consecrate! Just fall abck and unequip anything that helps fire spell power vs Iron golems or helmed horrors for example.

5) Most rages work fine with defensive stance it turns out. Only barb rage isn't compatible as far as I have found. But yeah find out which one keeps you alive better at various times.

06-04-2016, 12:42 PM
20 improved combat expertise
You didn't list this as one of your Twists; are you just trying to show the best-case scenario?

20% Fighter cores
10% Divine Crusader
5% Perfect Two Weapon Fighting
50% Zeal of the Righteous
How to further raise this?

+3% Hail of Blows
+7% Celestial Avenger platemail - note: I think Celestial Champion is an enhancement bonus, so it won't stack w/gear but be replaced by it
+6% Inspire Recklessness - everyone runs w/WCs these days, right? :cool:
+9% Martial EPL x3

So that's an extra +25%. Which would actually push you above 100% for the first ten seconds of ZotR.

06-04-2016, 01:24 PM
You didn't list this as one of your Twists; are you just trying to show the best-case scenario?

Yeah that was a late addition. Came up with that one when I was typing up my post. 3 hours of sleep. Bleh.
Would need to be an Epic Completionist to fit that in or drop Piercing Clarity to make room for it.

+3% Hail of Blows
+7% Celestial Avenger platemail - note: I think Celestial Champion is an enhancement bonus, so it won't stack w/gear but be replaced by it
+6% Inspire Recklessness - everyone runs w/WCs these days, right?
+9% Martial EPL x3

So that's an extra +25%. Which would actually push you above 100% for the first ten seconds of ZotR.

Yeah unfortunately Celestial Champion doesn't stack with gear. That leaves Inspire Recklessness and Martial PLs (which I don't have). So looks like 85% is the best I can get.

06-04-2016, 07:23 PM
You didn't list this as one of your Twists; are you just trying to show the best-case scenario?


+3% Hail of Blows
+7% Celestial Avenger platemail - note: I think Celestial Champion is an enhancement bonus, so it won't stack w/gear but be replaced by it
+6% Inspire Recklessness - everyone runs w/WCs these days, right? :cool:
+9% Martial EPL x3

So that's an extra +25%. Which would actually push you above 100% for the first ten seconds of ZotR.

18doublestrike+7inisi+4quality is 29% doublestrike what u can get from gear stuff atm

06-04-2016, 10:11 PM
if heroics is the main concern, then defensive stance is absolutely a million times better than over investing in the human tree just for hamp.

rages? +2 str is worse than what you can get from defensive stance. madstone rage seems to be something you definitely wouldnt want going off anyway. in epics, you can use primal scream and defensive stance at the same time. rages are a non issue.

id really drop the skills focus. human action surge (+2-3 str, +2-3 cha if you want to spend that many points) can be maintained 100% of the time by powersurge.

+7% Celestial Avenger platemail - note: I think Celestial Champion is an enhancement bonus

where are you getting this dude? the platemail is listed on the wiki as +4% quality bonus, and the set i have in game says +4% quality bonus. unless the description isnt accurate (which i cant test as im now a robut), youre thinking of either the breastplate or the docent.

06-05-2016, 12:01 PM
where are you getting this dude? the platemail is listed on the wiki as +4% quality bonus, and the set i have in game says +4% quality bonus. unless the description isnt accurate (which i cant test as im now a robut), youre thinking of either the breastplate or the docent.
Yes, you're right: I was looking at the med armor (http://ddowiki.com/page/Item:Breastplate_of_the_Celestial_Avenger) with is +17% enhancement; but the platemail (http://ddowiki.com/page/Item:Platemail_of_the_Celestial_Avenger) is +4% quality. So the good news is Celestial Platemail does stack with Celestial Champion; the bad news is your options for DS enhancement bonuses >10% are limited. So it's actually a net loss of DS unless you're planning to use, say, Fellblade or First Blood.

06-05-2016, 09:28 PM
Yes, you're right: I was looking at the med armor (http://ddowiki.com/page/Item:Breastplate_of_the_Celestial_Avenger) with is +17% enhancement; but the platemail (http://ddowiki.com/page/Item:Platemail_of_the_Celestial_Avenger) is +4% quality. So the good news is Celestial Platemail does stack with Celestial Champion; the bad news is your options for DS enhancement bonuses >10% are limited. So it's actually a net loss of DS unless you're planning to use, say, Fellblade or First Blood.

not really, you can get rng with 15% dstrike at least (i have items with that) and i think ive seen 17% dstrike items on the ah, though i could be remembering wrong. so basically youre up 2% at least.

see a 17% dstrike item in ah. so the plate can give you a definite dps edge.