View Full Version : The latest on lag and game performance improvements

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04-14-2016, 05:02 PM
Hello! Our original thread has grown fairly large, so I wanted to start over with a new thread to track the results of the work starting today to improve game performance and reduce lag. Today's patch included several optimizations that we believe will improve game performance, along with fixes to several issues with barbarian enhancements that were causing them to decrease game performance for both them and anyone in the same instance as them.

We're continuing to work on improvements. For example, this afternoon we identified an improvement we will be making to our monitoring tools to lessen their impact on game performance, and will be working to bring that out to the game worlds in the relatively near future.

In the meantime, tell us about your experience as of, say, Noon Eastern on Thursday, April 14th. Please consider the following information:

1. Server
2. Approximate time
3. General class makeup and group composition
4. Size of party/raid group
5. Quest or raid run
6. General experience

We no longer need trace route information from players, although we'll let you know if it's helpful to provide that information in the future.

04-14-2016, 05:30 PM
We're continuing to work on improvements. For example, this afternoon we identified an improvement we will be making to our monitoring tools to lessen their impact on game performance, and will be working to bring that out to the game worlds in the relatively near future.

I knew it! Lag is caused by the NSA!

Work is a ***** today. I look forward to logging on this evening and seeing how things sit currently. Thanks for the info.

04-14-2016, 06:00 PM
Ran on Thelanis with groups of various sizes from around noon until about 1630 zerging through low-level quests (which means lots and lots and LOTS of loading screens) No noticeable lag at any point, I think only one slow loading screen the entire time. Was nice. I know we had a warlock, a bear druid, a fighter, a bard, a ranger, a wizard, and a pally in there at some point along with a couple of hirelings.

04-14-2016, 06:15 PM
joined a couple of raids on a level 30 artificer on khyber. mostly full or almost full groups, so 10 to 12 people.

mixed groups, pretty much every class present (have not seen a wizard. but everything else was there some time or another.. even a deep gnome barbarian)

DOJ: unfortunately the verdict is still unplayable with a full or almost full raid group. tried EE and EH. gave up due to lag

temple of the deathwyrm: EH, mostly went well lagwise. one person got seperated from group previously and trapped in portal room, which usually does not bode well for lag (we asked her to stay in for the completion at least, and spreading out the group is never a good thing in that place). stutters in final fight, 'volley' effect (attacks not hitting for a while, and then all of them seemingly hitting at once a bit later) and some delayed casting. first attempt at levers failed because lever only moved 2 seconds after it was flipped. we were blessed and got both jump room and red/green room (lucky, I know). Red/green was... wonky. some players standing completely still for minutes not even daring to range anything still died all of a sudden when lights changed.

Fire on thunder peaks: EH, lag was unpleasant. not completely crippling, but I for one died with nothing actually being near me and the combat log not even stating that I got killed.

FoT: was pleasantly surprised by no lag freeze after dragon/giant pairs were killed. occasional stutters, but nothing disastrous.

hoping to test legendary HoX, shroud and TS tomorrow.

04-14-2016, 06:45 PM
I knew it! Lag is caused by the NSA!

That's ok. Apparently once you find out about one of their listening posts there's a non-violent solution to that... (http://www.thelocal.de/20151006/nsa-spies-get-drone-attack-of-hope-in-hesse)

04-14-2016, 07:16 PM
Wayfinder back to normal.

None to very little lag on quests.
Raid lag is back to pre-data center move.

Overall...a very good day on Wayfinder.

Hope it stays.

04-14-2016, 07:22 PM
1. Server - Thelanis
2. Approximate time - 5pm MST
3. General class makeup and group composition - Barb x 2, Rogue, Pally, Fighter
4. Size of party/raid group - 5
5. Quest or raid run - Vale quests
6. General experience

The lag seems about the same to me. Consistent stuttering, slight rubber banding, and minor freezes when large groups spawn. Still seem to be missing a lot of swings while monsters seemingly shift about.

Not much of an improvement.

04-14-2016, 08:42 PM
19:40 EST
One caster
Grim & Barett
Epic Elite
* Horrible lag, monsters dying 5 seconds after they were already dead, spells having no effect after cast, etc...
* Quest was much better solo on EE before the "fix" today.

04-14-2016, 08:52 PM
1. Server: Argonessen

2. Approximate time: ~ 30 mins ago, aka 02.15-02.30 CET / 08.15-0830 PM Eastern

3. General class makeup and group composition:
9/8/3/10 cleric/fighter/pally/epic PDK, Legendary Dreadnaught, Twists: Sense Weakness, Balanced Attacks, Brace for Impact, Cocoon

4. Size of party/raid group: solo

5. Quest or raid run: LN Tempest Spine

6. General experience:
start with fire eles smooth. slight rubberbanding on first few drow groups. bypassed fire+ice cause to dumb for rune and just hunting some chests. in the room with 3 drow rednamed, rubberband was still ok on the first drow, slightly increased onward, on the 2nd one, caster at shrine more often hits didnt go in. once the thrid caster started spamming cloudkill, completely lagged out for 30 sec before server caught up and i was dead. cloudkill effect persisted during death, after shrining up, could not be removed by any spell or scroll and persisted after quest in house J public too ...

latency and loss were perfectly stable / non existent ...



04-14-2016, 08:54 PM
Just finished several heroic quests and a heroic Tempest spine full raid group on Canith. 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm eastern. Playing a wizard. No lag at all that I noticed.

04-14-2016, 09:05 PM
8:57PM Eastern

12 man DOJ Normal

4 Locks, 1 fighter, 2 barbs, 1 wiz, 2 rangers, 1 rogue, 1 Sorc

Made it past initial mobs first room up stairs lag started lightly, in blade room lag was worse but we killed all. Gate opened and lag went through the roof, unplayable complete stops and after 6 died lag disappeared until fail for too many adds.

04-14-2016, 09:17 PM
Things were going fairly well until 9:11pm ET on Thelanis.
Running a rogue Gnome + cleric hireling on Attack on Summerfield. Suddenly I got stopped very short for a minute or two.
Example? Shoot a barrel with an arrow, then literally count to 4 seconds before it blew.
Better now as I write this...and that's been the only note of significance right now.

Was watching for performance just running about in the marketplace public area, too: seemed a bit better, though slightly jerky if you're looking for it. It was more noticeable earlier in the week.

Edit: Correction - still pretty stop-n-go-like at 9:18pm...maybe it's that DoJ run (prior post)? The 4-second breakable thing is back, too (I'm in the warehouse).

Bad again at 9:23-24. At 9:27 it got me killed.

04-14-2016, 09:37 PM
No lag

Ghallanda 9pm EDT...

But i end up w/ some delays on load screens.

Did Shar quests and Harbor stuff

04-14-2016, 10:09 PM
9:15 PM Eastern

12 man DOJ Normal

4 Locks, 1 fighter, 2 barbs, 1 wiz, 2 rangers, 1 rogue, 1 Sorc

Made it past initial mobs first room up stairs lag started lightly, in blade room lag was worse but we killed all. Gate opened and lag went through the roof, unplayable complete stops and after 6 died lag disappeared until fail for too many adds.

04-14-2016, 10:11 PM
Ran with 8 peeps and lag was tolerable. Still small flashes when mob numbers were high @10pm EST on Thelanis.

1 rogue, 4 locks, 1 ranger, 1 barb, 1 bard

Made it to pit fiend fight and lagged a bit, one death and we were able to go until we failed for too little DPS, but it was playable.

04-14-2016, 10:18 PM
Cordovan, still seeing a lot in regards to when mobs die and server is divvying out renown. Was the renown mechanic changed at all recently?

04-14-2016, 10:35 PM
Not noticing any real improvement. Same lag as normal...and I have been soloing. Load screens are taking about twice the normal time (but that has been happening a while now). I am running with 16gb of ram and a solid state drive. Processor and video are far beyond what's needed for best graphics...should not be having long load times...

04-14-2016, 10:37 PM
1. Sarlona
2. Approximate Time - 1020pm eastern
3. Location - Tucson, Az,
4. Quests/raids run Von 5/6
5. Difficulties run - Epic Elite
6. Your character class - Rogue
7. Number of players in the group 12
8. Mostly freezing lag affecting everyone for short amounts of time through out the quest. Lag seemed better for me then it has been the last few weeks but others reported it as just as bad for them.

04-14-2016, 10:49 PM
1. Sarlona
2. Approximate Time - 1050pm eastern
3. Location - Tucson, Az,
4. Quests/raids run - Thunderholme slayers to get Flagged for both raids
5. Difficulties run - Slayer area
6. Your character class - Rogue
7. Number of players in the group 8
8. freezing lag affecting everyone through out the attempt to get flagged, lag just as bad or worse then it has been the several weeks.

04-14-2016, 10:56 PM
1. Thelanis
2. Early afternoon Eastern time. Say, between noonish and 2-ish eastern.
3. L30 Warlock, mostly using cone with the rest of the time the default EB; no aura. Consume, Stricken, Steal Life Force, occasional Eldritch Burst. In DC, level 2-3, with Aura of Purification and some (not much) Consecration.
4. Soloing
5. EE A Small Problem & Partycrashers, and some running around an empty-other-than-me guildship.
6. Mostly good, but some stuttering in both quests and on the ship. Generally while not firing everything off, but a couple of times while blasting. No "OMG, this game is unplayable right now!" moments, though I'm pretty sure some abilities never fired off when told (may've just not mashed the button hard enough, though).

04-14-2016, 11:04 PM
short Khyber.
8pmish CST
twin cites
l hound and L tempest
a few lag spikes but not too bad yet
8-12 people

04-14-2016, 11:24 PM
1. Sarlona
2. Approximate Time - 1120pm eastern
3. Location - Tucson, Az,
4. Quests/raids run - Temple of the Death Worm
5. Difficulties run - Epic Hard
6. character classes - 2 Rogues, 4 warlocks, 1 bard, 1 druid, 1 cleric, 1 ranger, 1 fighter, 1 wizard
7. Number of players in the group 12
8. freezing lag affecting everyone through out the attempt to complete, no improvement. Red light Green was nearly impossible, several deaths in just that part, far more then normal for High Lords

04-14-2016, 11:30 PM
1. Server: Khyber

2. Approximate time: 8:30pm - 9:30pm EDT 4/14

3. General class makeup and group composition: 1 Warlock, 1 Artificer, and 1 Paladin all level 23

4. Size of party/raid group: 3 real people in three different states; no hirelings

5. Quest or raid run: The Lost Thread - EE

6. General experience: This same group attempted this mission on 4/11 and 4/12 and we died miserably in lag stasis both night. The decision was made not to log in again until after a patch was made to attempt to fix the lag, so we tried again tonight. We had occasional stutters, but no freezing and no lag deaths. Whatever was changed, it definitely made a huge impact for us, unless all we needed was for the servers to be rebooted...

04-14-2016, 11:41 PM
1. Server


2. Approximate time

7pm to 11:30 pm eastern

3. General class makeup and group composition

trying to remember..

druid, rogue, barbarian, artificer, cleric and something else for all Stormhorns

rogue, cleric, fighter, fighter, ranger and something else for LOD chain

rogue, artificer, something else, something else, something else for Sleeping Dust

4. Size of party/raid group

5-6 for all but Spinner. we were down to 3- rogue, fighter, ranger

5. Quest or raid run

see above all heroic at level BB

6. General experience

a couple glitches running around the public instances, but near perfect. Stormhorns was a little laggy and seemed the animation was about a second faster than the action. certainly playable. LOD chain was near perfect. no real lag. Dust was also near perfect. overall a very good night. only 1 player quit in the middle of Stormhorns saying he wanted to take a break from the lag. I haven't really had too much lag problems lately, so the real test will be when I get into epics and start raiding again. that's where I had the biggest problems.

edit: I forgot to mention that the druid in the Stormhorns group used Quake a lot. I have always had a problem with the lag when druids use this spell, but that accounted for most of my lag problems in those quests last night. it just intensified the lag about twice as much.

04-15-2016, 12:32 AM
1. Server - Cannith
2. Approximate time - 5:00 pm EST to 12:11 am EST
3. General class makeup and group composition - Fighter - Bard - Warlock - Artificer
4. Size of party/raid group - 4
5. Quest or raid run - Korthos Village - Korthos Wilderness - Stormreach Harbor
6. General experience - I had NO lag inside of the quests I ran. Experienced just a smidge of lag in the public instances of Korthos Village and the Harbor, but it was very minute. Better now than before the Data Center move.


04-15-2016, 01:27 AM
argo, from 4h ago to now:

LN TS, 8 in party: 2 pure clerics, 1 pure arti, 1 pure barb, 1 fighter monk, 1 pure ranger ranged, 1 pure pally THF, 1 cleric/fighter/pally
comperatively speaking smooth run, minmal rubberbanding and stutter freezes of up to 3 seconds affecting whole party, nothing one would call a functioning product mind,´but playable.
were on platform and had the puzzle and runes prepped when major lag set in, was around 10.15PM to 10.35 PM. when i say major i mean people frozen in place for intervals of 20 to 40 seconds, then move a minimal margin of half a meter, do 2 swings that go in, then freeze again, rinse repeat for 10-15mins. during the long lag phase 2 more people showed up in channel and were invited into the party. doing the invites took about 1-2min till they registered on their end. those 2 were a bard and a rogue. they could move ok in house J on their way to quest, but encountered a laggy quest dilaogue, long load screen and immediately joined the laggyness once inside. half the party died, half got blown off. some were able to recover at bottom, make way back up, we eventually beat him down with 3 and one healer as the lag subsided somewhat. by subsided somewhat i mean you could move 5 meters, do 20 swings, then lag for 10 seconds. rinse repeat. then 2 mins of working ok, then again 2mins of lag inbetween ...

overall people agreed the lag was better on the way up as the mini freezes after mob kills were better, but that mess at the end doesnt even deserve to be called ugly.

LN HOUND: one cleric dropped another bard joined. another pally joined. ran with 11 i think?
by and large smooth run with only minimal rubberbanding and minor 1-3 second freezes.

EN DOJ: 1 bard switched to pally, 1 cleric switched to arti. added necro wizard, ran with 12.
lag on first group, 5-10 sec freeze after each dead mob. lag on ballista group, 5-10 second freeze on each mob. lag on gate, 5-15 sec freezes, totall stuttering till all mobs dead. lag on 2 first executioners. miserably jerked our way up the ramps. lasted 5 mins till wipe by reinforcements. constant lag freezes. impossible to switch to raise scrolls. spells not going off on targets. heals not going in either. absolutely unplayable. disastrous.

EN deathwyrm, same group minus 1 pally
more or less smooth, with what i would call the usual these days in terms of mini stutters or 1-2 sec every now and then, playable. got trap room. got red light green light. spellblocks were depelted by lag fast. usually, 2-4 of 11 were alive, busy raising the rest. several people died again right after being raised, unmoving, not under attack by mob. me too. they probably made it through we were on first level, but i just didnt wanna do the endfight with that ****. lag killed my mojo. told everyone to not punish themselves with this **** and released and quit game.

to clarify, all the above experience was on all raids always shared by all party members. party members hail from argentinia, canada, us in various places and germany ... both pnap and centurylink routing.

still overall very unfun, some raids/situations remain unplayble. we had a discussion inbetween on if there are improvements or not... one person said *i think it is better, i am rubberbanding shorter now* ....

yeah there is improvements, the point where you cant take it anymore and log is now like 2 raids and 1h30 later ... congratz...

04-15-2016, 01:57 AM
****, I had high hopes seeing that Sev finally decided to say a bit in the interview after a month+ of silence. I took that as a sign that something was finally going to work - but from these reports we are still well into the dark and no light at the end of tunnel when it comes to raids.

Much sadness - and even sadder that reports now state "a bit of rubberbanding, it was ok" as if people are starting to accept a worsened state as the norm.

04-15-2016, 02:15 AM
1. Server - Khyber
2. Approximate time - 8:00 pm PST to 11:00 pm PST
3. General class makeup and group composition - Mixed
4. Size of party/raid group - 12
5. Quest or raid run - LH Tempest Spine, LN Shroud/Codex and LN Hound
6. General experience -

My initial impression was much like having a 50 lb pack removed after a 10 mile hike. Overall LAG was not what was the central aspect of any of these raids. We still saw in the shroud what has come to be known as loot lag (First set of chests after first part is completed and party is running up steps). In Hound when the keepers were killed in the past group would get 10 to 20 seconds of frozen, tonight is was more like a stutter.

In all of these I saw micro-stutters in places where full blown Party Freezes use to occur.

I was excited and almost decided to go another round of these 3 Raids on a different character - but then thought better of it since I still have to work in the morning as well as meet with my Table Top Group in the evening.

I find this very promising and so far just like Mikey - I Really Like It. So hope this stays this way through the weekend.

Thank you Staff at Turbine that have been working on this, I like being excited to login and play. I like it better when people whine about loot in a quest and not lag :)

04-15-2016, 02:43 AM
Serious consideration should be given to a renewed announcement of 10th Anniversary, and the release of the Gnome race. If ever there were a time that Warner Brothers were going to help out, this is it, with actual advertising (even just a 72 hour period in near future).

You have to consider, the inertia was lost after lag hit, and we need to fire off a Flare into the virtual world to inform/remind potential players/customers that the Gnome Race is here, and the game hit its 10th Anniversary. This may help reengage that marketing inertia that ran into the Lag wall of Doom.

04-15-2016, 02:59 AM
In the meantime, tell us about your experience as of, say, Noon Eastern on Thursday, April 14th. Please consider the following information:

1. Server
2. Approximate time
3. General class makeup and group composition
4. Size of party/raid group
5. Quest or raid run
6. General experience

Wouldn't it be simply easier to build a logging feature into the game, allow users to choose to activate it and send that logging information directly to you guys? Instead of relaying on people's memories, you could get any data you want directly. And it could be as specific as you want.

04-15-2016, 03:25 AM
Hello! Our original thread has grown fairly large, so I wanted to start over with a new thread to track the results of the work starting today to improve game performance and reduce lag. Today's patch included several optimizations that we believe will improve game performance, along with fixes to several issues with barbarian enhancements that were causing them to decrease game performance for both them and anyone in the same instance as them.

We're continuing to work on improvements. For example, this afternoon we identified an improvement we will be making to our monitoring tools to lessen their impact on game performance, and will be working to bring that out to the game worlds in the relatively near future.

In the meantime, tell us about your experience as of, say, Noon Eastern on Thursday, April 14th. Please consider the following information:

1. Server
2. Approximate time
3. General class makeup and group composition
4. Size of party/raid group
5. Quest or raid run
6. General experience

We no longer need trace route information from players, although we'll let you know if it's helpful to provide that information in the future.

Hi Cordovan,

The game works nearly perfectly for me now. No lag during any of the quests, and minimal lag during the raids. DDO Store still crashing, but I know this problem will be fixed in U31, so everything's fine. :) Thanks!

04-15-2016, 03:31 AM
In the meantime, tell us about your experience as of, say, Noon Eastern on Thursday, April 14th. Please consider the following information:

1. Server
2. Approximate time
3. General class makeup and group composition
4. Size of party/raid group
5. Quest or raid run
6. General experience

We no longer need trace route information from players, although we'll let you know if it's helpful to provide that information in the future.

Sample 1: HoX:
1. Server - Orien
2. Approximate time- 10:30 PT (1:30 AM ET)
3. General class makeup and group composition - Mixed: Barbs, Warlocks, Fighters FVS, Wizards, Clerics multi-class
4. Size of party/raid group- 12/Raid
5. Quest or raid run- Hox LN
6. General experience - Got through but still somewhat laggy, seemed a bit better than before

Sampel 2: Legendary Shroud:
1. Server - Orien
2. Approximate time- 11:00 PT (2:00 AM ET)
3. General class makeup and group composition - Mixed Barbs, Warlocks, Fighters FVS, Wizards, Clerics multi-class
4. Size of party/raid group- 12/Raid
5. Quest or raid run- Legendary Shroud LH
6. General experience - Completed 12 man LH run, though still very laggy, seemed a bit better than before, though still very far from pre-Data Center move; Phase 1 (portal section) was especially terrible lag, after that only bad lag)

N.B. Please keep it up, network and virtual servers still seem laggy, though a bit better.

04-15-2016, 05:59 AM
1. Ghallanda
2. 5PM - 7PM EST
3. 2 x 10/6/4 Sorc/Wiz/FvS Shiradi; 1 x 20 rogue repeater
4. 3
5. Demon Assault; To curse the sky
6. Lag in every fight. As soon as mobs get in aggro range the game becomes laggy. Attacks don't go through. Cast spells don't get actually cast. Everything happens delayed. Overall stuttering experience. No lag inbetween fights.
Playable but utterly unenjoyable.

Check your AI scripts maybe?

04-15-2016, 07:42 AM
Wouldn't it be simply easier to build a logging feature into the game, allow users to choose to activate it and send that logging information directly to you guys? Instead of relaying on people's memories, you could get any data you want directly. And it could be as specific as you want.

The 'logging feature' would cause lag. It's a bit like the observer effect, the more something is observed the more you influence it.

04-15-2016, 07:54 AM
1. Server: Thelanis
2. Approximate time: Midnight EST 4/15/2016
3. General class makeup and group composition: 2 warlocks (auras off) {1 of these was me}, 1 thrower, 3 rangers, 1 mechanic, 1 palemaster, 1 bardbuffbot (dualboxed so mostly soulstone), and 1 other rogue icon (thrower or mechanic)
4. Size of party/raid group: 10 (9 people, 1 dualbox)
5. Quest or raid run: LE Shroud
6. General experience:
Overview Score - 4/10, where 5 is pre data center move, 1 is initial post data center move, and scores 6-10 would be improvement but haven't been seen in a long time

Part 1: Generally speaking a lot less laggier than other runs post-data center move. Significant lag after portal kill / portal spawns / curse debuff. Significant lag when approaching chests. More lag when split across the map / attacking multiple portals.

Part 2: Loading in lag (5-10s stutter). Lag after each miniboss killed (1-3 s stutters). Lag when killing crystal (8 second latency between when crystal should have died versus when it did die).

Part 3: Stutter lag (1s-2s a piece). Puzzles mostly didn't lag when going from on/off. Drastic lag when approaching chests. Smoothly run imo.

Part 4: Stutter lag (1s-2s a piece). Freeze lag 1x (5s-10s) pop during middle of fight, abilities ended up registering, resulting in weird cooldown / numbers interactions (if interested send me a pm and I'll go into more detail). Lag associated with blades (mostly stutter). Massive lag at chests.

Part 5: Stutter lag (1s - 2s a piece). Freeze frame lag 2x (~8 seconds and 13 seconds respectively), rakshassa spawn and book dying. Major stuttering in a few places. Massive lag when book died / chests in addition to freeze frame at start.

Endnote: Adaptation were made to deal with lag - auras off, limit party makeup to a certain extent, shortman, patient strategies, etc. Not an ideal situation but far better than before. You have a lot left to do - I seriously hope you look into auras (including other auras besides warlock ones). If you want more details, feel free to shoot me a pm.

04-15-2016, 08:34 AM
around 9pm GMT
Horc cleric lv 9
All good except for a few (short) moments where barrels and crates took a hesitation before breaking.

04-15-2016, 09:19 AM
6 man doj en ran 4 in a row almost no lag

no Barbs, 2 locks, can't remeber the rest

on 5th one (9:00 est) add 3 more ppl to party and LAG Happened. (TBF I think it had more to do with the time of night and that others were running DOJ (there were 2 more LFMs when we started

We dropped Group and my Guild did a 10 man LH TS no lag the whole way (10:30 EST)

Note I was triple boxing, one client in Amrath experienced the same lag as DOJ. the one in market was fin, jumping. banking etc

04-15-2016, 09:53 AM
Hello! Our original thread has grown fairly large, so I wanted to start over with a new thread to track the results of the work starting today to improve game performance and reduce lag. Today's patch included several optimizations that we believe will improve game performance, along with fixes to several issues with barbarian enhancements that were causing them to decrease game performance for both them and anyone in the same instance as them.

We're continuing to work on improvements. For example, this afternoon we identified an improvement we will be making to our monitoring tools to lessen their impact on game performance, and will be working to bring that out to the game worlds in the relatively near future.

In the meantime, tell us about your experience as of, say, Noon Eastern on Thursday, April 14th. Please consider the following information:

1. Server
2. Approximate time
3. General class makeup and group composition
4. Size of party/raid group
5. Quest or raid run
6. General experience

We no longer need trace route information from players, although we'll let you know if it's helpful to provide that information in the future.
Logged in around 9:00 pm CST on the Ghallanda server. Ran slayer in the King's Forest with three of my guildies for about two hours - one cleric, one monk and two palemaster gnome illusionist - actually had NO lag throughout the night, which was a nice change from usual. The only request that we ALL had was that you bring back the volume sliders for each party member - that was a nice touch that made balancing volume SO much nicer. So far, so good.

04-15-2016, 10:11 AM
Argo right now, in Offering of Blood with full group - 2 warlocks, one barb 1 wix 2 ranger 1 rogue. heroic elite.

stuttering rubber bandy hell, several lag deaths, hanging as runnig through traps and so on. Awful.

We've just run four or five quests with zero issue however. So perhaps OOB and respawning mobs?

04-15-2016, 10:15 AM
Today's patch included several optimizations that we believe will improve game performance, along with fixes to several issues with barbarian enhancements that were causing them to decrease game performance for both them and anyone in the same instance as them.

So ironic since it was common for people playing barbarians to blame lag on warlocks but I never heard someone playing a warlock trying to blame it on barbarians.

04-15-2016, 10:24 AM
Is it still where if you get a laggy instance, recall, reset, step back in that it is fixed?

Is the renown lag fixed?

04-15-2016, 10:46 AM
1. Khyber
2. 4:45-5:30 pm mountain
3. Paladin/Ranger TWF : Ranger : Paladin THF
4. 3
5. Raid the Vulkoorim (group) + Desert S/R/E (solo) (Also did one other quest but I barely caught the end of it so cannot report much)
6. Load times were much improved. Lag was minimal and generally consisted of brief pauses follow by a brief 'catch-up' period as by client synced with the server (usually this happened with larger numbers of mobs becoming active/spawning). No rubber banding like prior to patch.

1. Khyber
2. 6:30- 7:15 pm mountain
3. Paladin/Ranger TWF : wizard (ranged) : Fighter THF
4. 3 + hirelings
5. Spawn of Whisperdoom
6. Lag similar to above with added slow downs when any cloud type spells were cast by mobs.

1. Khyber
2. 6:15- 7:00 am mountain
3. Paladin/Ranger TWF
4. 1 + hireling
5. Framework
6. As above including slow down related to cloud type spells.

Generally lag was decreased for me. Load times were improved. No complete freezing as before patch. Attacks hit and abilities went off nearly all of the time. Cloud spells are causing issues for me; game slows down and get jumpy. Graphics card is new so I am doubtful that is on my end but I suppose it could be though I did not experience this level of slow down prior to the data center move. Session one was on a different PC in different location (with 3X faster internet connection) than session two and three.

04-15-2016, 11:22 AM
1. Server : Khybre
2. Approximate time : (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada) 11am -1 pm
3. General class makeup and group composition: 5 warlocks, 2 fighters, 1 sorc,1 ranger, 2 bards
4. Size of party/raid: group 11 person raid ,
5. Quest or raid run: Elite and hard attempts Defiler of JUST
6. General experience: Looked great for lag at start only to lock up mid quest and time out with a loss due to the inability to move to help save the archons early in the raid. The elite attempt came to halt in the blade room that becomes enclosed also became lag locked and wiped due to the inability to move or respond due to severe lag.

A few ideas to render this raid able to complete on elite for long time players:
1. The spinning blades that travel the arena are not needed on any difficulty
2. More time to kill the executioners and reinforcements due to lag related issues.
3. Time in between the waves are more relaxed due to lag related issues of spawns (at current they are not relaxed at all with a few seconds until a new wave hits)
4. for all raids consider a cumulative "lump sum" of GUILD REKNOWN in either a chest or a total after the completion. increments during the raid/quest are paired with lag spikes.

Other wise server wide and multiple other raids that were completed on the 14'th were enjoyable and minimum lag was experienced. NICE JOB on the hotfix.

04-15-2016, 11:56 AM
Thank you, everyone, for your reports, and we look forward to reading about your experiences over the weekend.

04-15-2016, 01:04 PM
1. Server: Sarlona
2. Approximate time: 1pm eastern, Friday 4/15/16
3. Fighter/Barb/Rogue, Monk, Ranger, Warlock, Barbarian
4. 5
5. Thunderholme Slayers
6. Sporadic Freezing and rubberbanding lag affecting everyone, making it difficult to move and almost entirely unplayable

04-15-2016, 01:04 PM
Based on last nights gameplay, I would say whatever was done was a step in the right direction.

I did a few solo runs last night on thelanis, then we ran a LTS. While still there, and occasionally game hampering, the lag-beast was noticeably subdued.

Thanks for that, and I look forward to future improvements.

Oh and the voice slider thing was awesome. It is nice to have the party list back to a reasonable size.

04-15-2016, 01:06 PM
1. Server: Khyber
2. Approximate time: 5pm GMT, 15th April 2016
3. General class makeup and group composition: Artificer level 2/epic 1, no group
4. Size of party/raid group: N/A
5. Quest or raid run: Walking around Eveningstar
6. General experience: The Northern Part of Eveningstar failed to appear for a few minutes

Follow up:
1. Server: Khyber
2. Approximate time: 5pm-5:50pm GMT, 15th April 2016
3. General class makeup and group composition: Artificer level 2/epic 1, FvS 20/Epic 1
4. Size of party/raid group: 2
5. Quest or raid run: Traveling through the Kings Forest
6. General experience: Took about 20 minutes to log in the Favoured Soul character which included a Server Disconnect, once teamed I started seeing bad lag where the game would become utterly choppy

Without any lag I get around 100 FPS, when it starts lagging it drops to 1 FPS or worse started combat and the next thing I know the game's pretty much frozen, reporting 1 FPS, I can only hear my artificer attacking not getting any indication of screen updating, next thing I see the target (Drow Warrior) is dead, I'm seeing damage spam from both myself and the Enemy.

Next few fights were better, but still seeing bad freezes on practically every action.

Game status: Main character (FvS) Unplayable.

Tried to /quit to exit the game on the Favoured Soul, Both Clients froze for a few minutes.

Once the Favoured Soul was logged off game performance improved but still seeing occasional spikes.

Favoured Soul has a few past lifes: Artificer, Rogue, Monk... (tried to log him on again to get exact list but got another server disconnect and gave up)

04-15-2016, 03:46 PM
Server: Sarlona
Time: 10:44 Gmt +2
Makeup of group: 8 maning dofj, 2 bards, 2 warlocks, two fighters, a rogue and something
Result: Terrible lag at the first monsters, terrible lag at gates going down, everyone stuck at pit fiend spawn, everyone stuck at first archon spawn, everyone stuck until wipe from reinforcements at about after 120 kills.

04-15-2016, 04:12 PM
1. Server: Cannith
2. Approximate time: 8:30 AM EST to 1:30 PM EST
3. General class makeup and group composition: 4 players(Cleric, Cleric, Cleric, Wizard/Rogue), two paladin hirelings.
4. Size of party/raid group: 6
5. Quest or raid run: 10th Anniversary event
6. General experience:

No problems.

Last week, I had lagged when there were two kobold Shamans on the raised platform. Did not lag at the killer kobold Shamans on the raised platform area at the end of the Kobold area, right before Jeets. The two Killer Kobold shamans became angry and were blasting meteor swarm and cylonic blast over and over and over and over and over and over, even through the walls. But that has always happened that way. But I was able to try a new strategy where I ran UNDER the raised platform. I could target them and use the platform to block their attack.

Never had a problem with any of the DEVs characters. But I don't think I ever lagged at those before.

The final battle I have never lagged there before, and i did not lag there today either.

For me, this doesn't prove anything. I need more data to make a conclusion. Let me muck around more in other quests

04-15-2016, 04:16 PM
1. Server Argonnessen
2. Approximate time 2pm cst
3. General class makeup and group composition Rogue
4. Size of party/raid group Party size 1
5. Quest or raid run An Explosive Situation
6. General experience I had little to no lag with in the quest itself. However in the public area. There was lag happening all over.

04-15-2016, 05:02 PM
Last night EE FoT, EE Deathwyrm. EE Fire, LN Shroud, EE Weloon pretty much no issues except at those points where we have almost always had issues. Even when there was lag it was not the total freeze-ups of the last month.

Typical freeze spots same as usual but better than during the last month:
* Wheloon explorer area full party separated lots of mobs.
* End of Shroud part 1 and each portal finishing
* Deathwyrm shadow side just outside individual phylactery rooms
* Occasional spawn times in EE Fire

It was such a relief to play last night and not have it be that special brand of awful that has been the last month.

Edit: Khyber, 8am EST

04-15-2016, 05:14 PM
1. Server
2. Approximate time
3. General class makeup and group composition
4. Size of party/raid group
5. Quest or raid run
6. General experience

1) Ghallanda
2) 5 minutes ago ( see forum timestamp )
3) 12 people, various classes, nothing dominant
4) 12, full raid group
5) Legendary Shroud
6) crippling lag in Part 2, Wiped after one almost wipe recovery due to the impossibility to stay alive and ( for me ) keep people alive.
Spells weren't landing ( but mana spent ), hits weren't hitting ( despite the animation ), stuck in place for minutes being torn into pieces by mob.

We had done VON5/6 and Legendary Hound just before and they were quite playable ( despite a lag spikes when Guild Renown and Quest Advencement were awarded ).
Shroud part 1 was not bad, the sual lag spot... but we just got stuck into place once we had the 3 bosses from Part 2 activated... and couldn't do anything.
We managed to have one single person with heal scroll to survive, and raise the rest of the party... only to wipe after a second try.... We then called it a night...
Because lag wipes are NOT FUN.

04-15-2016, 06:58 PM
yesterday play in Thelanis, between 9 pm to 12 pm
quests played with a friend, quite small groups, 2 to 4 players, really great experience, no lag at all.

then we all joined for a LH shroud... more around 11 pm
we could not finish part 1 due to lag
no lag wipe as before, but impossible for a 12 players group to kill fast enough the portal keepers (attacks were done, damage was not applied, mana consumed, spell did not land, and so on)

it was a real improvement, but we still have a severe lag problem

04-15-2016, 08:34 PM
1. Server Thelanis
2. Approximate time 7:20 PM Central
3. General class makeup and group composition 2 Tree builds, 2 Clerics, 1 Rogue
4. Size of party/raid group 5 players
5. Quest or raid run DoJ
6. General experience Slight lag at the archon part and then 3 big lag spikes (10s or longer) at the end fight that ended up causing a wipe

Taking a break for another week or two and then we'll be back to see if there are any improvements, unfortunately, it just isn't fun for me right now :(


04-15-2016, 09:17 PM
http://i1070.photobucket.com/albums/u489/roseofsharon33/GIF%20Response/Thumbs.gif (http://media.photobucket.com/user/roseofsharon33/media/GIF%20Response/Thumbs.gif.html)

comments in pug groups feel the same way.

04-15-2016, 09:26 PM
The lag issues are a lot better, but still many quests that due to mechanics or the configuration are hard to complete (eg. Deathwyrm, DoJ)

04-15-2016, 10:41 PM
Reporting from Cannith server

Time: 7:30-9ish EST.
3. Full raid group. I only remember that there were 4 warlocks, a fighter, a wizard, an arti, and a barb during FOTP. There were more, but not remembering them.
4. 12-man for 1 raid, 10-man for other raid.
5. EH Deathwyrm and EH FOTP

Deathwyrm went pretty well with only a few stutters until the combat room and the end fight. We got frequent freeze-ups effecting the entire party during both. Though we still managed to complete, it wasn't that fun. The spikes happened most during A) guild renown rewards, and B) shadow spawns.

FOTP was pretty much a disaster. We went 10-man. We got massive freeze-ups after the artifact's shield went down. I was tanking and ended up using all my heals because none of the were actually hitting me, at which point I basically became a sitting duck. People died to the point there was only one tank and one other person alive. We were sure we were going to lag-wipe. The fact we managed to recover that disaster and complete is memorable, but awful.

I've read the rest of this thread and can pretty much sum it up with one word: RAIDS. Your regular quests are doing pretty well now, but your raids are either completely unplayable or completable but not by any means a good experience. Major ones are DoJ, MoD, L Shroud, Deathwyrm, and FOTP.

04-16-2016, 02:21 AM
From 7pm pst - 10 pm pst.
Ran Von 1 - 4, stormcleave.
Party of 6 for von 1 and 2, party of 5 for stormcleave, party of 4 for von 3 and 4.
I noticed plenty of rubberbanding and jumping around. There were a few instances of stuck lag that lasted a few seconds.

Nothing too terrible, but definitely annoying enough to make me stop after von 4. As a matter of fact, I was thinking about it and probably will not play much ddo unless there is some sort of bonus like group bonus until the lag is really under control.

04-16-2016, 03:51 AM
1. Server: Khyber
2. Approximate time: After latest update
3. General class makeup and group composition: 12 Barb/7Bard/1 Rogue
4. Size of party/raid group
5. Quest or raid run
6. General experience

EH Three Barrel Cove and EE Turn the Tide chain solo - fairly unresponsive and shuddery throughout, but no major problems freezeups

EE Wheloon in a group - really shuddery and unresponsive e.g. heals, action boosts, etc not going off appropriately, a lot of things happening on a bit of a delay. Strong group so despite it being clunky it mostly resulted in see monsters, charge towards them in a slightly stuttery and definitely non-fluid manner, everyone use area attacks/cleaves etc, freeze up for half a second, all monsters dead. No major freezeups for long periods of time, just a little nauseating at times the way actions didn't seem to take hold when initiated but then caught up on a regular basis. Through a Mirror Darkly was a smoother and better experience than the rest of the chain after 2 of the group left so it was only 4 instead of 6 in party. Quite playable but not really pleasurably playable...

04-16-2016, 03:53 AM
After such a great day yesterday, I was sad to see lag back in force today.

Two of us running the first series of quests in Eveningstar.

First quest started okay, and went okayish though there were a few lag spikes.

Running from there to Unquiet Graves was still okay, just a tad bit more lag. Running the quest resulted in more lag but we still got it done.

Running from there to the Lost Thread, suddenly the lag came on like it was on Lance Armstrong's performance enhancing program. Freeze ups, snap backs, spells and potions and scrolls not going off. It was ugly.

The Lost Thread and Battle for Eveningstar lagged out bad. We got it done, but in the end it was not fun. It was just about getting through it.

Then I logged off. I had more time to play, I just did not want to.

Obviously, there is still a bit of work to do here.

04-16-2016, 04:47 AM
1. Server: Khyber
2. Approximate time: 5pm GMT, 15th April 2016
3. General class makeup and group composition: Artificer level 2/epic 1, no group
4. Size of party/raid group: N/A
5. Quest or raid run: Walking around Eveningstar
6. General experience: The Northern Part of Eveningstar failed to appear for a few minutes

Follow up:
1. Server: Khyber
2. Approximate time: 5pm-5:50pm GMT, 15th April 2016
3. General class makeup and group composition: Artificer level 2/epic 1, FvS 20/Epic 1
4. Size of party/raid group: 2
5. Quest or raid run: Traveling through the Kings Forest
6. General experience: Took about 20 minutes to log in the Favoured Soul character which included a Server Disconnect, once teamed I started seeing bad lag where the game would become utterly choppy

Without any lag I get around 100 FPS, when it starts lagging it drops to 1 FPS or worse started combat and the next thing I know the game's pretty much frozen, reporting 1 FPS, I can only hear my artificer attacking not getting any indication of screen updating, next thing I see the target (Drow Warrior) is dead, I'm seeing damage spam from both myself and the Enemy.

Next few fights were better, but still seeing bad freezes on practically every action.

Game status: Main character (FvS) Unplayable.

Tried to /quit to exit the game on the Favoured Soul, Both Clients froze for a few minutes.

Once the Favoured Soul was logged off game performance improved but still seeing occasional spikes.

Favoured Soul has a few past lifes: Artificer, Rogue, Monk... (tried to log him on again to get exact list but got another server disconnect and gave up)

Maybe try without the bot......

04-16-2016, 05:55 AM
Lag is getting worst patch after patch...

Did log in last night to test lag in raid...with full mixed party....no comment.

04-16-2016, 07:05 AM
Sarlona on Friday night.

LH Shroud
full party
Lag wipe
We started at 9:01pm PST and the raid failed in part 1 at 9:17pm
Party fell a part after that. I logged for the night.


Also I was able to repproduce some lag.

I ran around in the ship hold jumping and turning. Making allot of movements in short period of time. After about 5 moves the game lags with some stutter and on jumps.

Just trying to move my toon in the ship hold like I would be fighting and EE boss or something and you can create some lag from too many movements in a short period of time. This is not good as you won't be able to play some content if you cannot move like this lag free.

Basically run around and jump and you can trigger your toon to stutter and not have clean jumps.


Did notice some improvement since the last patch, but the game is still unplayable at times.

04-16-2016, 08:28 AM
Ran Lines of Supply on EH solo.

I had one lag pause where the convoys enter the quest and start running just after the timer elapsed to prepare for the fight.

Targeting was an issue at times. I could not keep the target in my orb.

Pure artificer and my bolts weren't hitting the targets or causing damage at times as well.

I did get the extra chest.

Had a stutter lag fighting the giant.

04-16-2016, 09:13 AM
* Server - Thelanis
* Approx time - April 16th, ~7:00 AM EDT (very off peak)
* Approx location - Japan
* Quest - Epic Shroud
* Difficulty - EH
* Number of players - 10, plus 1 multiboxer/piker

completed at 43mins.

Part 1 - several freezing and hitching at around the portal beating stage. Several lag deaths. Spells not landing, or when it lands you die too -kinda thing. Renown lags were problematic too. Major zoning lag at the chest (this is usual).
Part 2 - semi-major DPS lag at the lieutenants beatdown. It was trog/ orthon/orc/earth combo (the easiest) so didnt cause no issue for us whatsoever. Minor lag at the crystal beatdown (but a monk Nonthing'd it at the end I think?). Semi-major zoning lag at the chest (very usual).
Part 3 - semi- major DPS lag at the crystal beatdown. Minor lag while carrying water for unknown reason (blades cause it?). Chest lag.
Patr 4 - it was rather smooth. minor DPS lag at Arraetrikos beatdown. 1 rounder. minor zoning/chest lag.
Part 5 - major freezing at the beginning. Lag deaths. Renown lag caused major grief on us in the trash spawn part. DPS lag at the Codex beatdown.

My feeling is mixed. Whatever you guys did in the latest patch helped, but the game is still not fun for me. Yeah, the raid was completable, and so we did. But at least the renown lag needs to go. It gets really annoying after a while. Some members of the party considered it acceptable but for me it was no fun. We usually complete the raid in less than 30 mins, so it was 10-15 mins added up for the lag. I guess in the end it depends on how positive and passionate about the game. But I must say it was meh for me.

04-16-2016, 12:33 PM
I think its not to early to say on Ghallanda is now much less lag everywhere.
Some quests are still bad to very bad like Legendary Shroud, Mark of Death and Defiler of the Just.

This gives some hope because lag and a bad running game destroys the whole game experience rapidly and should have priority.
I would foremost suggest to track down lag sources and I just assume if lag runs bad on one instance that the whole instance freezes for several seconds it affects other instances too, if not the whole server.
One example is for me Against the Demon Queen where I had the second time player characters trapped in this Disjunktion orbs witch caused the whole instance to freeze for minutes for everyone,
The first time the whole instance even shut down after like 10 min freeze, witch means the whole party disconnected and logged back in the next public area.
The second time one of them was my character together with another and due to this issue even the chat window slowed down and my system while my whole group confirmed everything is frozen.
My workaround was to quit the ddo client witch helped and my group finished the quest before I was able to restart my client and log back in.
Another source could be Wheloon Prison (the outdoor slayer area), after the whole party finish out from a quest it happens very often that the whole instance freezes and I assume there is a problem with the dungeon scaling and spawn of more and more monsters in this area. This happens not every time, but when it happens it is really bad.
DoJ and MoD and still Temple of the Deathwyrm where allways bad and I see one element that appears in raid quests and foremost in these very often and this are infinite spawn points this might be one reason why there is so much lag in this quests, beside of maybe the huge increase of interaction with player characters and monster AI if you have 12 players.

And if you have no monitoring tool to track down what instance in witch quest producing on average server utilization. You may consider to hear players who tell you there is an issue and not assume in first place it is there problem with there graphic cards or pc or something.
From my personal experience, I claim I can very well distinguish between a graphical lag, latency/connection issues, and something that obviously happens on the server and I think I am not the only one.
This also for other players who feel forced to tell you it is you and your problem so you have to live with it, so do not complain and and please do not disturb me.
I think a lot players do not complain and disturb anyone... they just say bye bye to a bad working program/game and buy another.
And by the way I know this habit from a lot colleagues I had, to assume the user has no clue anyway and is just a bit dumb. My grand ma made a joke of it: Poland are not dumb they just speak another language.

04-16-2016, 02:37 PM
Report for Friday 4/15/16

1. Server - Cannith
2. Approximate time - 5:00 pm EST to 6:00 am EST (with breaks)
3. General class makeup and group composition - Fighter - Bard - Warlock - Artificer
4. Size of party/raid group - 4
5. Quest or raid run - Harbor - Market - House D
6. General experience - I thought it was better on Thursday, Friday seemed to progressively get worse as the hours ticked on. Not sure how the system works but it seems that it may store player information in something like a cache file witch thus uses up resources/memory = slower performance. as more players log on and log off and hours go by with this information just stacking upon newer login information. IDK but that's what appears to be happening.
This weekend is the perfect idea theory,
Servers where updated or maybe rested on Thursday and the game ran fine, but as the hours and days go on it gets slower and slower and more lag is noticed.
I'm starting to think that the Data Centers VM cannot handle all the information and retain it and at the same time allow the game to function properly.
Maybe switch back to a physical metal drive instead of trying to run the game on the cloud.

An interesting Link that was just brought to my attention and I just had time to read through it that I think you guys may want to take a look at but its most likely information about a VM that you already know. http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=3&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjploqVmovMAhUDmR4KHYceBz8QFghEMAI&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.st.ewi.tudelft.nl%2F~iosup%2F mmog-virt09netgames.pdf&usg=AFQjCNF1Cteve73c7q***RnFpyzvBVxzZw&sig2=XTZe8rpO3N0YCykPaBOP-g

"Quote" We have shown
through simulations that dynamic resource provisioning has
the potential to considerably reduce the MMOG operation
costs with a reasonable performance loss "Quote"


04-16-2016, 04:01 PM
1. Server : Thelanis
2. Approximate time : 3:30ish or after
3. General class makeup and group composition : Rogue/Paladin & Paladin & Rogue/Monk/Ranger & Monk
4. Size of party/raid group : Party or 4
5. Quest or raid run : Spy's in the House
6. General experience : Lots of lag when mobs spawned or when turning valves.

Not sure what changed, but when I was on yesterday from 5PM EST to 11PM EST we experienced hardly any lag.

04-16-2016, 04:02 PM
1. Server - Sarlona
2. Approximate time - 11:00 to 15:00 EST
3. General class makeup and group composition - AA Ranger, 2 FvS' and a Tempest Ranger
4. Size of party/raid group - 4
5. Quest or raid run - Vale slayers and then Coal Chamber
6. General experience- All smooth, except for one type of encounter

A good amount of time was spent slaying, locating 6 rares in different regions on the map, and hardly any lag was seen anywhere in the Vale. In some spots, rats or dogs would run in place for a second before actually moving toward the group, but this was not the norm.

The one exception happened at the Fiendish Bat Swarm. Everywhere else, shots & hits registered normally and the sound effects coincided with the damage counters. But as soon as the bats appeared at the cave-in, sounds were out of sync with hits registering, hotbar items had a slight delay on activating, and mob hp bars were not reflecting health in real-time.

Didn't think much of it until after inside the quest when the first fiendish bat swarm was triggered, then had the same effects all over again, which once again cleared up after the bats were dead. The entire quest was smooth in every other encounter with the exception of the dead-end bat swarms. The random bats that appeared on the spiral ledges didn't cause the same issues, although they did show some unusual targeting issues at times.

I did not notice any other lag triggers in either area. Before questing, there wasn't any noticeable lag in public areas, but afterward the Market seemed noticeably slower to move around in.

04-16-2016, 05:13 PM
1. Server
2. Approximate time
3. General class makeup and group composition
4. Size of party/raid group
5. Quest or raid run
6. General experience

1) Ghallanda
2) between 7:30PM UK Time ( 8:30 Continental Europe ) and 9:30 PM UK ( 10:30 Continental Europe )
3) Various composition no dominant class. Several relogging to swap to the flagged character depending on the raid.
4) 12 characters, some of them being piking secondary accounts.
5) In order : Epic Elite Chronoscope, Epic Normal Mark of Death, Epic Hard Temple of the Deathwyrm, Epic Elite Fire Under Thunder Peak.

Chronoscope : some small lag, but nothing difficult to cope with beyond the annoying factor. Huge lag spike ( 2 to 5 sec ) at each and every objective completion.

Mark of Death : some constant small lag during the fight, that lead to a long completion ( 13 minutes ) and lots of death. Huge lag spike ( 2 to 5 sec ) at each quest objective completed.

Wyrm : when too many mob were active it generated some lag spikes...
but the most obvious one was everytime guild renown was awarded... it was a 2 or 3 second stand still every single time some guild renown was awarded.
Quest objective completion also brought the lag spikes but it could be dealt with.

Peak : constant low level of lag from the start... Then Lag spikes from guild renown due to trash mob death hit, and it was impossible to keep thir number down to a manageable level...
Red DA, and more lag due to the number of active mob caused a wipe.
It was a loose loose situation : Killing mob generated lag where we got killed and not killing them generated lag where we got killed ( and mob harder to kill )

04-16-2016, 06:12 PM
3 quests and all in party suffered.

EE Tavern Brawl ~ 2 players at 1:19pm PST. Had ghost bolts not hitting anything.

EE Grinn and Barret ~ 5 players in party at 1:33pm PST. Stutter lag and I had 2 lag deaths. Others had lag deaths as well.

EE Subversion ~ 6 player party at 1:41pm PST. at 1:51pm a lag pause/spike. 1:52pm we started dying. Almost a party wipe. Lag was really bad in the end fight. I died twice, because I was forzen and could not move. We almost party wiped in the end fight as well.

04-16-2016, 10:15 PM
. Server: Thelanis
2. Approximate time: 7:10pm GMT, 16h April 2016
3. General class makeup and group composition: 2 Paladin,2 Fighter,Wizard,Barbarian
4. Size of party/raid group: 6
5. Quest or raid run: wizard king
6. General experience: cant move ... All stuck in the quest

04-16-2016, 11:11 PM
1. Server: Ghallanda
2. Approximate time: 11PM ET
3. General class makeup and group composition: 2 paladins, 3 warlocks, 1 artificer, 1 monk, 1 ranger, 1 bard, 1 cleric, 1 FvS, 1 wizard
4. Size of party/raid group: Full raid group (so, 12)
5. Quest or raid run: LH Shroud
6. General experience: Complete lockup lag at first portal. Raises/Resurrections taking a minute plus to get to the recipient. Group recalled out after first portal in frustration.

Whatever you did on Thursday, it didn't work, at least for raids. Back to my raid boycott. TR grinding, woohoo...

04-16-2016, 11:50 PM
1. Server: Thelanis
2. Approximate time: 10:20pm U.S. central Saturday April 16
3. General class makeup and group composition: Bard 18/rog2/epic 1 and a 20 Paladin/1 epic
4. Size of party/raid group: duo-ing with 1 hire Albus (2oth lvl fvs) and had panther hireling
5. Quest or raid run: Tharashk Arena EH
6. General experience: Incredibly poor, rubber banding, mobs appearing to slide around or disappear from one location only to reappear elsewhere, spells and attacks from players almost completely unresponsive while mobs appeared to have invincibility and doing massive sudden damage that could not be anticipated or avoided. Enormous difficulty targeting mobs that seemed to blink/teleport/move around the area during frequent game freezes that lasted a few seconds then allowed action for a few seconds then froze again over and over. Immense delays between special attacks/spells/actions being clicked and actually going off, if at all. Several times couldn't move at all for 10 to 20 seconds at a time. Both the minor few second freezes and the longer 10-20 second freezes were happening just mixed together in a torturous stuttering mess of AAAAaaaaaarrrrrgggghhhhhh!!!!!!

Also we ran Lords of Dust, Servants of the Overlord, and Spinner of Shadows all on EH, same characters, same hirelings, earlier in the evening and while we had some small lag hiccups of stuttering and the occasional (say once or twice per quest) rubber band lag nothing compares to the hot mess of lag we experienced just as soon as the arena fight began. It was like the arena narrator announced the arena fight would begin and then we had a sudden secret contender Megaboss LAG. And Megaboss Lag kicked our butts all over the arena floor while we tried and tried to move/respond/defend ourselves from the unexpectedly teleporting mobs and the invisible Megaboss Lag. We failed. Lag wins again.

04-17-2016, 01:19 AM
Report for Saturday 4/16/16

1. Server - Cannith
2. Approximate time - 8:00 pm EST to 1:00 am EST
3. General class makeup and group composition - Sorcerer - Bard - Warlock - Artificer
4. Size of party/raid group - 4
5. Quest or raid run - Market - House D
6. General experience - All night long I have been having like a 7 second delay in performed actions. No delay on the monsters side though, They hit you just fine.
I was on a level 4 sorcerer who has 6 wizard past lives and 1 fvs past life. Could not land a single spell. Each and Every time I would cast a spell the monsters would save against them. YES I AM GEARED! I had to finish questing using a Greatsword.

Redfang the unruled. got to the boss end fight, defeated redfang, went to go pick up the item to complete the quest, Game froze for 5 minutes then all party members was booted from the game world
Message said the connection to the server has been lost.
Logged back in to find ourselves in the market as if we had NEVER ran the quest. No xp awarded, partners hire was party leader. Quest items still in inventory.
Submitted a ticket at 12:45 AM EST. Its now 1:18 AM EST and I'm still waiting.
I am done. I am going to go play SKYRIM.


04-17-2016, 06:27 AM
8pm GMT+1, 15th April
Cleric 20, arti, rangers, barbarians, bard, warlock
8 people
Epic Elite Zawabi's Revenge
On the whole fine, minor lag moments, completed, no real problems

8.30pm GMT+1, 15th April
Cleric 20, Arti's, rangers, fighters, barbarians, warlocks and some others (can't remember)
12 people
legendary Normal Hound of Xoriat
On the whole was fine, short lag moment in middle of raid, and then completion lag when boss died, full freeze for a few seconds, completed.

9pm GMT+1, 15th April
Ranger 20, arti, bard, babrbarians, cleric, warlock
8 people
Epic Normal Chronoscope
Whilst no bad moments, I found certain aspects of the raid to be stuttery as if you had a really low FPS, this tended to be in the market place part of the raid, as opposed to in the bank or steam tunnels etc. checked FPS, and it was 80-100+ all the time. In the past I have generally found Chronoscope to run very well, and not be a lag victim, so this was a disappointing surprise.

8.20pm GMT+1, 16th April
Cleric 20, arti, fighters, barbarians, rogue, rangers, bard
10 people (number 11 dropped at start of part 2)
Legendary Normal
Part 1 - portals, no serious issues, just had a 2-3 second freeze each time a portal was beaten down and the curse was put on everyone, other than that just the extreme tediousness of portal beat down
Part 2 - crippling lag each time the 4 bosses died, full party freeze for 5-6 seconds, which meant we couldn't break crystal as bosses still walked back and respawned. Third reset we managed to get crystal, just
Part 3 - no lag - what was strange, I solved a 5X5 puzzle, door unlocked and let me out, and then puzzle somehow got unsolved? Never seen this before. The door was not unlocked by someone else, yes i am sure this happened (have run Shroud 200+ times at a guess)
Part 4 - we gave up after 2nd gnoll spawn re-genning Harry to full

Our incomplete Shroud run was essentially 2 hours+ of wasted time sadly.

On a different note and not lag related, this was not our first Legendary Shroud run, and previously we have completed Legendary Shroud in less time than this, so has something changed as we could barely scratch Harry in Part 4. We only had 1 portal keeper spawn in part 1, so whilst we may not have been the uberest DPS group, it was very disappointing to not manage this on normal.

Will be adding this to our raid groups, don't run list.

04-17-2016, 01:42 PM
1. Server - Thelanis
2. Approximate time - 8:30-9:00pm CST Saturday evening
3. General class makeup and group composition - a ranger (2wf), a mechanic, and a multiclass bow user. We also had a cleric hireling
4. Size of party/raid group - 3+hireling
5. Quest or raid run- Orchard heroic explorer
6. General experience:

Doing a typical loop and no issues until about 2/3rd of the way finished. Ran into a rather long lag spike (until this time, it was only a bit choppy here and there). Obviously, that was annoying, but then things got REALLY strange. Immediately after this lag spike, we started seeing epic monsters in the heroic encounter area. Granted, they were scaled down to level 14, but it was really odd. Seeing earth and wind elementals and a few other epic monsters was strange. Then, we encountered a rare (Troll?) on the way up to Inferno. I thought to myself (wow, I've never seen this rare before!). Yeah, it was an epic rare - again scaled down to level 14. We even received 2 epic tapestries for the kill! Crazy!

That initial lag was then followed by more lag. We managed to (annoyingly) finish the loop, where I promptly logged off.

I hope this helps and gets fixed soon!

04-17-2016, 02:25 PM
thelanis 11:12-25am PST
wheloon friends in low places HE
solo palemaster with paladin hireling Full Metal

stuttering, freezing, rubberbanding
frozen for almost a minute at a time, made the quest unplayable

it has been better since the patch, progress is being made

04-17-2016, 02:26 PM
1. Server - Thelanis
2. Approximate time - 8:30-9:00pm CST Saturday evening
3. General class makeup and group composition - a ranger (2wf), a mechanic, and a multiclass bow user. We also had a cleric hireling
4. Size of party/raid group - 3+hireling
5. Quest or raid run- Orchard heroic explorer
6. General experience:

Doing a typical loop and no issues until about 2/3rd of the way finished. Ran into a rather long lag spike (until this time, it was only a bit choppy here and there). Obviously, that was annoying, but then things got REALLY strange. Immediately after this lag spike, we started seeing epic monsters in the heroic encounter area. Granted, they were scaled down to level 14, but it was really odd. Seeing earth and wind elementals and a few other epic monsters was strange. Then, we encountered a rare (Troll?) on the way up to Inferno. I thought to myself (wow, I've never seen this rare before!). Yeah, it was an epic rare - again scaled down to level 14. We even received 2 epic tapestries for the kill! Crazy!

That initial lag was then followed by more lag. We managed to (annoyingly) finish the loop, where I promptly logged off.

I hope this helps and gets fixed soon!

I am not really an expert on orchard, in fact, I hate necro and avoid it as much as i can, so I am not 100 % sure about the rares there... but I think I would remember a troll on heroic... so yeh, kinda think that something went really side ways there. what's surprising me more is that the monsters scaled down. I mean if it was just databases getting crossed over somehow, I wouldn't expect the rare to change it's CR. I always assumed the auto-scaling lists only aplied to normal mobs and rares were kinda 'special'... of course I might be completely wrong here.

04-17-2016, 03:06 PM
Sunday 4/17 11:45 AM PST


Stuck in loading screen coming from the island of dreams in Inspired Quarters trying to come back to Inspired Quarters.

04-17-2016, 03:24 PM
Approximately 10ish Am CST

Cannith server. Tried to leave Inn. Got stuck in the loading screen. Bailed. Tried again No luck. Still stuck in the loading screen when trying to leave Inn. Bailed. Went over to Orien. No problem in entering Cerulean Hills. Had no lag in the Cerulean Hills.

04-17-2016, 03:48 PM
Server: Sarlona
Time: 10:46 Gmt +2
Makeup of group: 1 artificer 2 warlocks a paladin and a monk
Quest: Against the demon queen
Result: On touching dispel sphere, apply/dispel all effects causing everyone to lag out until I somehow died and lag stopped for everyone.

04-17-2016, 04:01 PM
1. Cannith
2. 3pm eastern
3. my nude runner & a ranger (he used a bow), both level 9, no hirelings or cosmetic pets
4. two
5. Quest: elite Gwylan's Stand
6. No lag, we stayed together

My nude runner does not have ship buffs or gear, not sure about ranger.

04-17-2016, 04:10 PM
1. Server - Ghallanda
2. Approximate time - 21:00 BST (UK Summer time)
3. General class makeup and group composition - Solo ranger warlock (no eldritch aura or aura blasts used)
4. Size of party/raid group - Just little old me and a pocket cleric
5. Quest or raid run - VON 3
6. General experience - rubber banding, persistent ice storm damage and subsequent death

04-17-2016, 04:21 PM
Been playing for over 10 years, and the game gets worse every update. you figure the longer you do something you get better at it, not the case here.this should be ftp since it doesnt work as decsribed

04-17-2016, 04:52 PM
Sat April 16, 2016 10:15 pm Old Grey Garl EE
5 party members

27 Rogue 1st life 1 epic tr
26 Monk 2nd life 3 epic Tr
30 Paladin 2nd life no epic tr's
27 4 rogue, 13 wiz, 3 artie epic 7 Many past lives and epic Tr's
28 4 fighter, 6 cleric, 6 paladin 2nd life 1 epic tr

Got into the room at the top of the stairs where it goes down 3 or 4 levels and there are Yan ti on all levels. Got hit with lag so bad, we were jumping all over the place, back ward, forward, All party members fell off the bridge at least once because of the lag. After most of the party died from all this lag and falling off, we re grouped at the shrine at the bottom, then got hit with more lag and the shamans were throwing obscuring mist, 4 of the party had to re log, their screens would not clear from the mist even when 1 party member had no issues. 2 of those reported they had to wait for the mist to clear on their log in character screen. The lag was mostly the stutter step lag, but it lasted for several minutes, instead of just a quick issue then gone. At the worst part it was also the lag that randomly had you move forward and back word.

2 party members had cosmetic pets no one summoned anything else.

04-17-2016, 06:39 PM
Last night back to almost unplayable lag. So that is Khyber ~6am EST. Content Shroud, Stormhorns explorer area, Stormhorns WGU, Epic Orchard. Not so good as we were all hoping it was better.

04-17-2016, 06:53 PM
Ran first three Wheloon quests on Heroic. Constant stutter through all three. The most glaring effect of the near CONSTANT lag was time and time again tactical feats failed to register - no saves, no effect, no nothing, just to be thrown backward with feats on cool down. Made the quests nearly unplayable. And as if that wasn't painful enough, after two of the eventual three completions I had to log off then re-log to break out of load screen purgatory.

Cannith Server
5:00 PM - 6:30 PM EST
Solo on a tempest ranger

04-17-2016, 08:44 PM
1. Server: Sarlona
2. Approximate time: 830pm Sunday 4/17/16
3. 2 Fighter, 2 Cleric, 1 monk, 1 artificer, 1 wizard, 2 warlock, 1 ranger, 1 FVS, 6 Highlords, 6 guest
4. 12
5. Legendary Elite Tempest Spine
6. General experience: extreme lag at every fight, entire group abandoned within 15 minutes because we could not complete the fire and Ice section due to lag

Gingerspyce has updated your guild's Message of the Day: ~ Sunday raids cancelled due to unplayable lag

Same thing happened in a 6 man Haunted halls group

04-17-2016, 08:49 PM
4:30 PM to 5:30 PM PST

A Vison of Destruction & Hound of Xoriat Heroic

The Explorer area had the lag that I've come to be use to when you view an open area. Did get some lag in the beholder room before the Hound raid.

But the raids went rather smoothly LAG wise. Group had lots of fun running these raids at level.

04-17-2016, 08:57 PM
Server: Argo
Time 8:45 PM
Quest: Eveningstars graveyard

Solo Rogue 20 with hireling cleric
Quest unplayable due to lag. Lag hit when it ended I am dead. Haven't seen lag like that since the marketplace tent got blown up

04-17-2016, 09:53 PM
When the worlds reopen, we would like to continue to get your
experiences and reports. Please provide the following info:

1. Server: Sarlona
2. Approximate Time: 8:32-8:43pm EST on 4/17/16
3. Approximate location of your computer: Detroit, MI
4. Quests/raids run: TS
5. Difficulties run: EE
6. Your character class: cleric
7. Number of players in the group: 12
8. Anything else you think we should know: I also get the permanent ice storm damage bug during the video, as well as the stuck but can tumble out of it bug.


04-17-2016, 11:00 PM
1. Server - Khyber
2. Approximate time - 6-8 pm pst
3. General class makeup and group composition - 5 people in quest, 11 in raid - random classes
4. Size of party/raid group
5. Quest or raid run -creeping death and Shroud LH
6. General experience - creeping death was very laggy but at least we completed it. Shroud we attempted twice and failed due to lag both times. The lag was both for renown and just general freeze up lag for no reason. We never got past part 1 in the shroud on both attempts. Seeing that we've done several LE without issue in the past, the last month of raid lag (and really the inability to do raids unless right after you reset the server - or unless you want to do a measley LN raid with 9 people and spend 2 hours! (i.e. 3x as long as it should take due to lag) has been very frustrating. I thought things were improved after the last patch but it seems like as the hours click away since the reset it gets worse and worse again.

04-17-2016, 11:18 PM
Server Cannith

4-16 and 4-17
Major lagging and loading screen freezes all day (4-17) . This has become nearly unplayable. Worst in 5-6 years of play. Every load screen whether a quest or change from market place to any house or vice versa. Not in any party. Everyone lagging. Hope there is a sure fire fix. Seems like this has become increasingly worse since database migration. Closing out client and restarting does not fix. Noticed issues yesterday with the Grim and Barrett chain far shifter. Today is most all loading screens.

04-17-2016, 11:21 PM
When the worlds reopen, we would like to continue to get your experiences and reports. Please provide the following info:

1. Server: Sarlona
2. Approximate Time: 10:43-11:03pm EST on 4/14/16
3. Approximate location of your computer: Detroit, MI
4. Quests/raids run: Thunderholme wilderness zone
5. Difficulties run: n/a
6. Your character class: cleric
7. Number of players in the group: 11 but only about half in zone
8. Anything else you think we should know: no sound


04-17-2016, 11:29 PM
Gingerspyce has updated your guild's Message of the Day: ~ Sunday raids cancelled due to unplayable lag

Yep, we suspended raid nights two weeks ago because of lag. Guildies are going back on hiatus one by one. Nothing really to do but keep grinding those TRs.

04-18-2016, 12:17 AM
Whelp, here goes:

1. Server: Ghallanda
2. Approximate time: 12AM ET
3. General class makeup and group composition: 2 druids, 1 warlock, 1 barbarian
4. Size of party/raid group: 4
5. Quest or raid run: EE Detour
6. General experience: Logged on tonight hoping to get a High Road chain done. Started locking up on load screens towards the end of the quest (our barbarian couldn't get past the load screen to the High Road and never made it to the quest). Rest of the party locked up on load screen for a good five minutes after recalling. Decided to take it as a sign of things to come and called it a night soon after.

04-18-2016, 07:35 AM
So I know you said you didn't need any more traceroute data, but you gottta see this to believe it...


For the record, I live less than 90 miles from the final destination, and yet it still takes a half dozen trips to NY, and at least 2 trips through Europe to reach my destination... I think you might still need traceroute info...

(PS: The latency listed on that site is pretty consistent with my in-game experience)

As for my experience just a little while ago:

Server: The DDO website (so.. yeah, no client even involved)
Aproximate Time: (See forum timestamp for most accurate answer)
Classes: Lone IT Guy
Size of Party: 1 Human
Quests/Raids: Log-in to the DDO website (Solo Quest...)
Experience: "Error with redirection" "404" "contacting server www.DDO.com... ... ... ... ... ... Connection Time out" and more of the like

Sooo.... yeah, I'm not convinced the problem has as much to do with "the client" and "software" and "barbarian tweaks" as you guys seem to think....

Also, pretty consistent packet loss of 0.5% (average across several samples per minute over better part of an hour) - that's just not good at all....

04-18-2016, 07:44 AM
When the worlds reopen, we would like to continue to get your experiences and reports. Please provide the following info:

1. Server: Sarlona
2. Approximate Time: 10:35-10:38pm EST on 4/14/16
3. Approximate location of your computer: Detroit, MI
4. Quests/raids run: VON 6
5. Difficulties run: EE
6. Your character class: cleric
7. Number of players in the group: 12
8. Anything else you think we should know: lag starts at about 1 minute


04-18-2016, 12:49 PM
1. Server: Wayfinder
2. Approximate Time: 4/17/16, all day long
3. Approximate location of your computer: In my office
4. Quests/raids run: FoT, LShroud
5. Difficulties run: EE, LN respectively
6. Your character class: Cleric
7. Number of players in the group: 10
8. Anything else you think we should know: Follows

LAG at any advancement in raids. Undead dragon/giant spawn? ~10-20 second LAG halt. Finish a Phase in LShroud? ~5 second LAG halt and rubberbanding. The same with any other quest advance. Intermittent (~20-30 seconds apart) LAG stutters all throughout both raids otherwise.

In a full group running EE quests LAG was much improved over the disaster which was the data center move. There, but not crippling.

Solo in Anni Party LAG was requiring multiple button mashing in order to activate abilities. Otherwise not showing the stutter/rubberband/dead stop typical behavior.

04-18-2016, 12:51 PM
sunday night raids, 8'clock or so eastern till people fell asleep, argonessen
group size 7-10, varying composition, cleric, artis, rogue mech, tempest, archer, pally, some multiclass splits

LN TS: by and large better. still frequent minor stutters but completable. this time no major lagout on endfight

LN Hound: as above, however biggish lag spike of 2 mins at end during beatdown and after

EN Deathwyrm: with 8, completable, better in general than last week but worse that the above 2. did floaty puzzle to prevent R/G. nobody wants to go into R/G under the current conditions ... had strongest issues on endfight, skelles were dropped but killing rednamed deathrpriest almost 100% reliably created lagspike. All red nameds on the way up almost reliably created lagspikes.

EN Firepeaks: with 7, frequent very strong freezes and stutters, would have been a mess with 10 in party most likely.

may i emphasize again what others have frequently mentioned:

there are clearly issues with those that greatly enhance the problems the servers themselves have.

04-18-2016, 12:51 PM
May not be a useful data point...

But I experienced almost no lag all weekend long... But I didn't run any raids. But I ran plenty of quests with full 6-person parties.

04-18-2016, 12:54 PM
Thank you for the weekend reports. We are continuing to work on our next steps, and will have more information in the coming days.

04-18-2016, 12:59 PM
More and more seeing it when multiple renown being awarded. Example, just one in a group of 10 kills, no noticeable lag. 3 renowns being issued in a group of 10 kills, lag spike.

04-18-2016, 01:00 PM
May not be a useful data point...

But I experienced almost no lag all weekend long... But I didn't run any raids. But I ran plenty of quests with full 6-person parties.

Similarly not much lag this weekend in my experience on Thelanis, but I didn't raid at all.

04-18-2016, 01:04 PM
Something Different.

server : Ghallanda
Approx time: 11am EST
Character: fighter pally FVS multiple epic and heroic past lives
Full raid group various including warlock rogue pally barb fighter ranger wizard
Usual VON 5 environment lag until end fight where part way through everyone lags for 5 - 10 seconds. Then usual chest lag. VON 6 was fine until all pillars drop then jitter lag heading for Velah one party member lags off the bridge. Hit end fight with Velah and part way through major lag spikes until finish. I get stuck unable to move on solid ground. Everyone can loot chests but I'm still stuck. Must be concrete boots :P everyone finishes and drops party but I still can't move. Do /stuck and that puts me on the bridge to Velah but still have the concrete boots on. Figure I just miss chests and finish out. Still have concrete boots on at quest entrance and can't move. Gave it another couple of minutes and log out of game then back in. Can then freely move.
Certainly different.

04-18-2016, 01:06 PM
1. Server
2. Approximate time
3. General class makeup and group composition
4. Size of party/raid group
5. Quest or raid run
6. General experience

1. Orien
2. Sunday, April 17 8:00 PM PST
3. Full range of classes
4. 11
5. DoJ EN
6. Zoning in was good. First pull, extreme lag many players froze and died. Crossbows - again, lag spikes, reknown lag.

Gateway Ambush: horrible freezing and lag spikes. Several deaths.
First Archon - killed executioners, begin to attempt to move to next fallen archon location, lag so intense unable to move. Party wipe.
Raid team logged out in disgust.

04-18-2016, 01:13 PM
On Ghallanda, I think I've had to Alt-F4 to kill the game out of loading screens more since the last patch than in the rest of the history of the game in total. 3 today so far, and all I tried to do was get off the ship and go to Eveningstar.

Edit: 5 times today so far. Taking a break. I wouldn't be except for this.

04-18-2016, 01:16 PM
Lag still romping around. Ran just a few favor quests solo in 3BC on Ghallanda at ~12midnightEST yesterday (4/17).
Had failed load screen (zero bar filled) after 2 minutes twice (restart of client fixed it). Releasing from 3BC explorer area and Going from 3BC public town instance to guild ship.
Had a good 30 seconds of rubberband boxed moving in 3BC explorer area (no mobs active at the time).
Had some minor lag in quests when things spawned and a few times opening chests or doors.
With a mostly empty server this is pretty terrible server performance.

In all cases with lag my ping to gls.ddo.com and my green network icon did not waver from green/good.


04-18-2016, 01:54 PM
1. Khyber
2. 9am-1130 am mountain, sunday 4/17
3. Paly/Ranger-13 ; Rogue-11 ; Bard-13
4. 3 + Hirelings
5. Tomb of the Unhallowed, Tomb of the Forbidden, Mired in Kobolds, Desert Caravan, Desert SRE
6. Both Tomb quests went well. Small amounts of lag that manifested as mobs shifting about on screen but not too bad. However, when we ran Mired (starting at about 11 am mtn.) it was very laggy. Mobs were jumping all over on my screen and had several bouts of game pause then rapid catch up (ie character is swinging on screen but no damage numbers then a huge burst of numbers w/ other players and mobs shooting around to catch up). This continued until zoning into the (dragon) end fight at which point things seems a bit smoother. Desert Caravan and Desert SRE saw similar lag to Tomb quests...some jumpiness but I do not recall any freezes like in Mired.

04-18-2016, 02:26 PM
Just after the *the fix* it all went pretty good, no major lag, logged on today, lagspike freezing (1-2min) after a few min playing and so it continues.
Before the hole game froze now its only the players that cant move, pet, hires and mobs still jump around.
Seriously this is getting a bit tiring and too frustrating :(

04-18-2016, 02:52 PM
1. Cannith
2. Saturday noon or so e
3. Forget sorry! 26ish fighter for me
4. 6, full group
5. EE jungle of khyber
6. I wanted to point this one out because I was running the prequest (on casual), while the other 5 were in the main quest (on EE), when they all started having total freeze lag, I started experiencing rubberbanding in the prequest that only ended when the people in the main quest could move again.
So this was NOT INSTANCE SPECIFIC since I was in the prequest instance.

1. Cannith
2. Saturday afternoon est
3. 2 fvs, monk, cleric
4. 4
5. HE servants of the overlord
6. We all froze during one of the fights where a lot of drow spawn. After we died, I recalled to airship, had ice storm damage still incoming so I died again. I shut down DD, restarted it and logged back in. It took multiple tries to log in after being stuck on the loading screen. When I finally did get back in the ice storm damage was gone.

04-18-2016, 03:29 PM
Similarly not much lag this weekend in my experience on Thelanis, but I didn't raid at all.

Oh, I should have said I'm on Thelanis too. Looks like most of the lag reports this weekend are from other servers.

04-18-2016, 03:37 PM
Just a thought on lag since I was reading another thread on the tracking of kills in the Monster Manuals .... & a re-post here just because

Musings on how much the MM's add to lag .....

Things that make me wonder about this possibility ...
- rewards from MMs cause major lag when you get one
- you have personal kills, this life, and account wide, party kills and party kills account wide and a few others

What I notice for lag and mob deaths as a generalazation
- low level mostly kill 1/2 mobs at a time ... minimal lag
- mid levels start killing 5-10 at a time in a party .. more lag
- High levels 10-20 at a time & parties .. more lag
- raids more people & at times more mobs dying at once ... bad lag

Thinking with best guess on numbers ... (using update below to denote a record of killing for each stat that is being tracked)
- Solo (1 party member) with 1 kill = 4 updates , 1 for my kill, 1 for this life, 1 for all time, 1 for party
- 2 party members 1 kill = 7 update , 1 for my kill, 1 for this life, 1 for all time, 1 for party, 1 for them this life, 1 for them all time, 1 for them party
- 6 party members 2 kills = 35ish updates
- 12 party members, 1 kill = 35ish updates
- 12 members, 20 mobs die = 700ish updates

Now consider a explorer area .....
- 12 members, 50-60 mobs die "all at once" or close enough .... getting close to 2000 updates needed ..... yikes .....


04-18-2016, 04:51 PM
Stuck on loading screens is improved!:
Last night was stuck on loading screens multiple times (maybe 5 times in 3 hours of mostly solo but a little group play)....
In the past when you kill the client and reconnect you could have a 10 minute lag of "cleaning up old connections"....
Now it just reconnects right away without that "cleaning up old connections" lag.
Maybe if you just added a button on the loading screen that would become clickable after 10 seconds of zero progress on your loading bar:
"reset connection"
We could just click that button and retry to load into the area without killing the client. That would fix our stuck on loading screens problem?

It seemed like lag when it was encountered was improved. When you got that corrupt instance that rubberbands you constantly until you recall out and reset it instead was semi playable delayed lag (as opposed to unplayable lag).

So overall lag experience when encountered was improved....
Why are some instances corrupt and laggy until you leave them but others aren't???

04-18-2016, 04:53 PM
Disable renown and guild decay for a while?

04-18-2016, 05:18 PM
1. Server: Thelanis
2. Approximate time: Between 8pm to 10:30pm PST Friday, 10am-1pm PST Saturday, and 8pm-10:30pm PST Sunday
3. General class makeup and group composition: Solo, Monk 12/Rogue 2,3,4 (leveled multiple times)
4. Size of party/raid group: Solo
5. Quest or raid run: All Vault of Night quests (Tharashk Arena, The Jungle of Khyber, Haywire Foundry, etc.) and all Gianthold quests (Trial by Fire, Maze of Madness, Prison of Planes, etc.). It was worst in Madstone Crater.
6. General experience: Significant lag multiple times, sometimes for no apparent reason with no enemies around, and sometimes in a mob of enemies (leading to almost death). Each time the lag lasted approximately 30-50 seconds. Some quests only had the condition happen once or twice, others resulted in several occurrences within short periods of time (3 times in 10 minutes on Madstone).

04-18-2016, 05:30 PM
1. Server: Ghallanda
2. Approximate time: Around 9pm to 10pm PST Sunday
3. General class makeup and group composition: Variety
4. Size of party/raid group: 8-12
5. Quest or raid run: Thunderforged slayer
6. General experience: Thunderforged was rough before the datacenter move, now it is 80% freeze and 20% choppy. Gets better as the party wipes ;).

04-18-2016, 05:55 PM
Something Different.

server : Ghallanda
Approx time: 11am EST
Character: fighter pally FVS multiple epic and heroic past lives
Full raid group various including warlock rogue pally barb fighter ranger wizard
Usual VON 5 environment lag until end fight where part way through everyone lags for 5 - 10 seconds. Then usual chest lag. VON 6 was fine until all pillars drop then jitter lag heading for Velah one party member lags off the bridge. Hit end fight with Velah and part way through major lag spikes until finish. I get stuck unable to move on solid ground. Everyone can loot chests but I'm still stuck. Must be concrete boots :P everyone finishes and drops party but I still can't move. Do /stuck and that puts me on the bridge to Velah but still have the concrete boots on. Figure I just miss chests and finish out. Still have concrete boots on at quest entrance and can't move. Gave it another couple of minutes and log out of game then back in. Can then freely move.
Certainly different.

This is to a "T" what happens to my toon on occasion as well. We encounter a lag spike game freezes, when it unfreezes the rest of the party can move again but I cannot. It's as you said "Concrete boots" or "Glued to the ground". Only way to get unstuck is to fully log out and log back in, and as many of you know Pugs are not the most patient of groups and normally just leave ya behind. This happens about 2-3 times per raid sometimes more sometimes less. I'm also on the G-land Server.
My Sub. is running out in June and I have NO Plans on Renewing unless the performance issues can be solved. There are to many other games out there that actually Work. It's a shame really. ( My first MMORPG & played for over 5 years)
Hope you guys get it fixed.
1. Server: Ghallanda
2. Approximate time: Anytime I'm in a group it can and does happen.
3. General class makeup and group composition: Variety
4. Size of party/raid group: 8-12
5. Quest or raid run: Deathwyrm,FoT. Servants, Spinner
6. General experience: posted above
Hope you guys get it fixed.


04-18-2016, 06:37 PM
Just ran a Legendary Shroud. LH, Cannith server, around 4:00p.m. Mountain time. Full party, crippling lag. We did manage to finish, although, half of the time the group was lag frozen.

04-18-2016, 06:44 PM
Thelanis, Public area (Cannith enclave and Crafting Hall) about noon Pacific (~4 hours ago) - not "lag" but a sort of jumpiness a I tried to move around, kinda constant staccato, as if watching a film sfx with 1/3 of the frames missing.

(Also, as of about 3 days ago, the Deconstruction machine there has a massive lag on it, like 7-10 seconds between hitting the button and the actual grinding and return on essences, and has been locking up for me 100% of the time after each de-con.)

04-18-2016, 10:04 PM
1. Server: Cannith
2. Approximate time April18 9:10-10:00pm
3. General class makeup and group composition: Ranger and cleric hireling
4. Size of party/raid group: 1 plus hireling
5. Quest or raid run: quest: EH A Cry for Help
6. General experience: Went well for about half the quest (completed a run of Foundation of Discord without issue). Then bowshots stopped landing, rubber banding, spells not going off. Persisted to the end of the quest.

04-18-2016, 10:34 PM
Server: Thelanis
Time: 4-18-2016 around 9:15-9:30 Central
raid group 10 people, various mix

Went fine until we were ascending the final part.... Horrible 60 seconds of massive lag where no one could move, many of us fell down into the lava.
Moderate lag at end-fight in VON 5
Massive lag at fire island in VON 6, all three of us at that island died
Moderate lag at end-fight with the dragon.

04-19-2016, 12:58 AM
Server: Argonessen
Time: 4-18-2016 started around 20:22 ET (big spike), better, but still laggy till 22:50 ET
party group 5 people level range 28-30. 1 pure wizard on shiradi, 1 monk with rogue split, 1 twf melee cleric with fighter and pally split, 1 pally and 1 warlock.
Anniversary Event: CR 31-33-35

We did several good runs, but at one run (I was running invisible through kobolds) we got 1 big lag spike just when I used the key to open the locked door. At that same moment I got 1 acid cloud stuck on me, slowing my movements and making the screen greenish.

Picture below (dont look at my bars x)


After relogging I crashed (router dc). Then I got stuck in loading screen and had to quit, relog again.

Didnt notice much more lag.

04-19-2016, 06:04 AM
1. Sarlona
2. 10am-23pm peninsula-time
3. Sorc
4. soloing/party/raid team
5. soloing TOEE EE P1/P2,ee mask of deception,no freeze,although lag spike when you made massive damage
on alt pal toon doing exp-runs,with 3-5 party miembros,no lag;but perma-freeze at wheloon wilds
With fuill raid team doing HOX,8 ppl on DOJ,perma-lag and failed both
6. lag better than before,but still kind unplayable.

04-19-2016, 09:05 AM
1. Server: Argo
2. Approximate time April18 -11:00pm est
3. General class makeup and group composition: Regular assorted pug
4. Size of party/raid group: 10
5. Quest or raid run: quest: Von 5
6. General experience: Sucked, several instances of crippling unable to move for 2-4 minutes, leader and 4 others tried to recall to quit.. couldn't even do that son the did the alt-f4 and quit, lag eventually cleared up with the 6 people left.
Finished.. but lag in von 5.. really... that is not a good thing...

While there have been improvements to bring lag back to almost preserver migration it is nowhere near where it needs to be.

Really need to get a handle on the lag issues out of all the things that peeves off players and drives them away from games I would rank Lag at the top.
almost as good as preserver move lag is still unacceptable. the server migration was supposed to help eliminate lag issues we were seeing last year that were unacceptable..
Lag free Legendary Elite Raids like DOJ with a full raid group of heavy hitters is where it needs to be at, not this BS of almost no lag when solo'ing basic content.

don't forget.. the server migration was supposed to improve the lag we already had that was screwing players from being able to challenge the higher level endgame content.

04-19-2016, 02:40 PM
I noticed on Ghallanda a coincidence between lag spikes and multiple end-of-buff events.

Whether this is merely coincidental -- lag causing several buffs to terminate simultaneously -- or whether end-of-buff itself is a cause of the current lag, I don't know.

Nevertheless, freeze and then multiple group buffs instantly terminate does suggest some form of possible cause & effect.


I've no doubt you'll pinpoint the most deleterious current core lag issues soon enough -- I'm still grateful that my own personal bugbear exotic affecting-possibly-me-only epic scrolls not dropping for 2+ years was somehow fixed, and fixed BTW even more just recently after you cured the more general no Tomes no Mnemonics annoyance that affected everyone.

04-19-2016, 03:53 PM
In the meantime, tell us about your experience as of, say, Noon Eastern on Thursday, April 14th. Please consider the following information:

1. Server
2. Approximate time
3. General class makeup and group composition
4. Size of party/raid group
5. Quest or raid run
6. General experience

We no longer need trace route information from players, although we'll let you know if it's helpful to provide that information in the future.

How is it that this issue has been going on for 6 weeks and you are still in the collecting information stages? As a company and as software developers you guys should be well past asking your customers for feedback and should be well on the way to correcting this. This lag is persistent, predictable, and obvious and if you are still in need of customer feedback then you guys are in need of more help then these reports will give you.

Also, lag was still there this weekend with the added perk of load screen freeze ups on top of it all.

04-19-2016, 07:51 PM
On Ghallanda, logged in twice, got stuck on loading screen twice trying to leave the ship. Am wondering whether to chance a 3d try.

Please create a way for me to gain xp on the ship, kthx.

04-19-2016, 08:19 PM
1. Ghallanda
2. 6:15-6:30 PM Eastern
3. 2 Druids
4. Party size 2, none raid, one account being afk at start of explorer area, no hirelings or pets (save maybe an ooze from LGS)
5. Thunderholmes Explorer area, forge level.
6. Named magma brute spawn in center room with forge. When it died instantly got locked up lag that persisted for near 15 minutes. Restarted to test if it was on my end and was unable to get back into game. AFK account came back during the time of me trying to reconnect and was not able to move or recall themselves (talking to them via outside game chat.) After a few attempts to get back into the game with being stuck on cleaning up old connection I walked away. Other account said that near 30 minutes after me giving up, they were able to get back into the game.

04-20-2016, 12:33 AM
11:30 PM eastern.
Thunderhomes slayers (again).
Full raid party of random classes, though a few were sitting at front door doing nothing, most of the party was together.
Lag was minor at odd points, till people tried recalling out to reset. At time of recall, anyone who was in the quest started lagging, and those that recalled froze on loading screen.
Unacceptable solution (as in this should not be said as even a temp fix by anyone on turbine's payroll) done by party was to log out and use passport to hall of heroes, use key if off timer, teleport, or any other way to exit adventure without recalling (one said they were logging and to boot them so they could rejoin when they got back in game.)

04-20-2016, 10:12 AM
1. Ghallanda
2. around 9:00 am est
3. 20 sorcerer 1 epic
4. 3
5. Against the Demon Queen on epic normal
The party leader entered the quest solo.
Me and another player (wizard, just from the symbol did not checked the rest lvl etc) joined the group while the party leader was in the quest.
The wizard and me where not able to enter the quest at all, the wizard tried 3 times then gave up and left the group.
Both of us got only the loading screen and the bar did not start to fill (I asked him)
I tried it 5 times and always sucked in loading screen. The first two times out of this 5, I rebooted my PC in addition.
Then tried to enter another quest (Dirty Laundry) and I was able to enter it.
So I was able to move into Zawabi's Refuge and The Marketplace and into another quest.
Then gave it a last try for AtDQ and after this still not worked I gave up and logged not back in after I canceled the game client.

04-20-2016, 05:46 PM
We have made some changes during today's downtime on Argonnessen and Wayfinder, and are very interested in getting your reports from these two servers (along with the other servers) overnight. Among the changes made to Argonnessen and Wayfinder are updated monitoring dll's along with a new internal game timer. Let us know how things go.

04-20-2016, 06:03 PM
How is it that this issue has been going on for 6 weeks and you are still in the collecting information stages? As a company and as software developers you guys should be well past asking your customers for feedback and should be well on the way to correcting this. This lag is persistent, predictable, and obvious and if you are still in need of customer feedback then you guys are in need of more help then these reports will give you.

Also, lag was still there this weekend with the added perk of load screen freeze ups on top of it all.

The first thing that comes to mind is that it is a server resource allocation issue, and not so much a bug. And if you have 1000 players standing around, the estimated resources work fine, but if those 1000 players are scattered among quests you need those resources + X. And if they are casting spells you need Y more. And if they are doing melee, you need M more. Ranged? R more., etc.

A faster mining would be what they are doing; get people who are doing a variety of things to provide empirical feedback on the changes they are testing. Because even with all the permutations internally, it is night and day difference once you step outside of their firewalls.

And believe it or not, devs and QA are not allowed to test from the outside.

Mind you, this is my opinion coming from years of QA and interaction with devs as an employee both for small companies like Monolith and Big companies like Microsoft.

04-20-2016, 06:56 PM
Ran some epic elite. the druids chain full group, no lag at all.
Noticed the game loads faster from windows, screen loading is faster, npc interaction is faster, chest interaction is faster.
Also the damage scrolling up after a mob dies was faster as well.
Did some slayer in kings forest no lag but noticed sound seemed to be crisper and cleaner.
I'm running a fairly good pc, windows 10 skylake processor ddr4 memory and a reasonable graphics card
All in all very good game play long may it continue. Dotj will be the real test.
Now all I have to hope for is that sagas don't keep resetting to zero before I have taken the exp.
This happens every epic tr usually same two sagas in e* sometimes I have had 4 sagas reset before I take exp.
This is very annoying as you can appreciate.
In total I have done approx 30 epic lives on different toons and at 350k minimum exp lost per life its a lotta lotta exp lost.
I have sent in reports and bug reports but all I got back was automated response.

04-20-2016, 07:23 PM
Ran some epic elite. the druids chain full group, no lag at all.
Noticed the game loads faster from windows, screen loading is faster, npc interaction is faster, chest interaction is faster.
Also the damage scrolling up after a mob dies was faster as well.
Did some slayer in kings forest no lag but noticed sound seemed to be crisper and cleaner.
I'm running a fairly good pc, windows 10 skylake processor ddr4 memory and a reasonable graphics card
All in all very good game play long may it continue. Dotj will be the real test.
Now all I have to hope for is that sagas don't keep resetting to zero before I have taken the exp.
This happens every epic tr usually same two sagas in e* sometimes I have had 4 sagas reset before I take exp.
This is very annoying as you can appreciate.
In total I have done approx 30 epic lives on different toons and at 350k minimum exp lost per life its a lotta lotta exp lost.
I have sent in reports and bug reports but all I got back was automated response.

I think this was probably the group I was in, and yeah, that was my experience too. Granted, it's still early, just a party, one server, etc, but was nice. Hope to see other reports of people's experiences, particularly on Argo and Wayfinder.

Unsure why two of your Eveningstar sagas are resetting before you take xp (?), perhaps you mean before you select your reward? Unsure what might be happening there. Perhaps someone can elaborate.

04-20-2016, 07:30 PM
I think this was probably the group I was in, and yeah, that was my experience too. Granted, it's still early, just a party, one server, etc, but was nice. Hope to see other reports of people's experiences, particularly on Argo and Wayfinder.

Unsure why two of your Eveningstar sagas are resetting before you take xp (?), perhaps you mean before you select your reward? Unsure what might be happening there. Perhaps someone can elaborate.

Cordovan, you and any of the Devs have an open invitation to join any of the High Lords raids on Sarlona. We try to run raids almost every night of the week at 9pm eastern.

Lag has frustrated many members and raid participation is suffering for it

04-20-2016, 08:37 PM
Like many other players on DDO before an epic rt we prep sagas for a jump from lvl 20.
When I do this if I prep saga completely ie do all quests in the saga it automatically resets before I take any reward as if I have done no saga quests at all.
This happens on all sagas for me.
My workaround is to skip a quest as vip and to be totally sure use shards to skip another.
I have tried having the saga completed and just have to click on the exp stone but after an epic tr the saga resets as if I have not done any saga quests.
The only way I can be sure of getting a saga after an epic tr is to leave three quests left to do.
I have tried reinstalling ddo to no avail I figure I must have some software issue or setting on my side that so far has eluded me.
This used to really annoy me to the point of nearly quitting DDO but now I just cuss at the game for a few seconds and carry on.

04-21-2016, 03:03 AM
Report from Argonessen, on level 30/5 shiradi pure wizard

I didnt notice much lag or none at all, though it s still early to say as tomorrow is the raiding day..

Did a couple short man (5 people) raids that we had bad lag before (Heroic Shroud and FoT epic). It went smooth, we didnt lag when getting favor, no delays on chest loots or spells/castings-damage.

Also did EE Devils Assault and the one in the Spyral, with no lag at all (party of 4: warlock, wizard, bard and cleric).

I hope this goes on like this :)

04-21-2016, 04:35 AM
1. Server
2. Approximate time
3. General class makeup and group composition
4. Size of party/raid group
5. Quest or raid run
6. General experience
1. Cannith
2. Yesterday, before midnight, polish time.
3. various, at least 4 warlocks, some meele, had a throwing build bard, and most importantly for the cause of lag - my pure (20 clr 10 epic) cleric with his Aura.
4. 10
5. Thunderholme Explorable Area
6. At first, I ran into dungeon and began exploring along with killing pesky undeads. Also, my Radiant Servant Aura was ON. While my Implosion had no cooldown I used it to get rid of first group of undead, so they did not swarm me. However, out of Implosion, I did more traditional undead beating - via positive energy bursts (aura still on) and aoe heals and sunbolts. The undead quickly swarmed me, aura started to damage them and there was like 4 or 5 of them that got the damage. Also, it is exactly when total freeze of whole party started. After undead dealt with me (aura did not finish them off) and I died, so did the lag. My death turned aura off and brought about lag-less sanity. Party told me to turn off my aura and rest of the run was near-flawless, with some minor spikes, but not freezes.

1. Cannith
2. Yesterday, before midnight, polish time.
3. various, at least 3 clerics (counting me, 20 clr 10 epic, that is. so at least two clerics had radiant servant auras), some meele, one or two locks. Also casters.
4. 11
5. Caught in the Web
6. By my previous experience with radiant auras lag generation I warned other clerics that they should not turn them on (raid contains undead and while radiant aura damages undead, it should cause lag). They did not listen, however and left auras ON. Well, at least one of them turned it on, not sure about the second one while I certainly did not turn on mine through whole raid. Raid was far from flawless, with loads of small lag spikes, and one freeze. The freeze happened during "leg of goddess" phrase - this area has the most concentration of undead, and there was at least one cleric with radiant servant on. He was a meele, so must have been among undead directly.

1. Cannith
2. 4 days ago approximately, maybe 5
3. I, cleric 20/10 pure, a dwarven druid and some meeles along with one warlock (or two).
4. 6
5. A Stay at the Inn
6. The most lag happened at the beginning. It was coincidentally happening along with our druid turning his earthquake on. Party assumed that earthquake caused this lag, and druid did not cast it anymore. Rest of quest went with minor lag spikes but not freezes and thus was not that bad.

04-21-2016, 09:50 AM
* Server - Thelanis
* Approx time - April 21th, ~8:00 AM EDT (very off peak)
* Approx location - Japan
* Quest - Epic Shroud
* Difficulty - EH
* Number of players - 10

completed at 47 mins.

I was fooled by Cordo's positive comment above. Nothing has changed since the last time (page 4 #65 post), at least on Thelanis.
On some cases it was even worse. Renown lag is still there. All other kind of lags - spells not landing, chest lag and rubber-banding too.

Part 2 was Fire/orthon/orc and troll, rather easy combo. Part 4, close 1 rounder.
On part 5, we tried not to kill the last mob from each wave to reduce the total spawn and thus renown lag but it didn't work out.

This raid can be done, in off peak hours, with a strong group. But it is still no fun.

04-21-2016, 10:08 AM
1. Server
2. Approximate time
3. General class makeup and group composition
4. Size of party/raid group
5. Quest or raid run
6. General experience

1. Argonessen
2. 15:30 CET
3. Acrobar rogue
4. 1
5. Sunken Sewer, elite
6. Almost everytime i get aggro, suttering for less a second. If there are more than 1 enemies (final fight), micro lags for about 1/2 seconds .. Using a Great Crossbow, you can see how 1 of every 4 shoots can't reach the target or impat with 1 or 2 seconds delay. Frustrating. Not unplayable, but very frustating.

Yesterday, in a 5 group, game was suttering the entire time in Kobold's New Ringleader.

At least i'm not getting stuck in the harbor for 5 solid minutes.

You (at Turbine) are turning DDO in a very disappointing game.

04-21-2016, 11:09 AM
1. Server: Wayfinder
2. Approximate time April21 7am edt
3. General class makeup and group composition: Paladin
4. Size of party/raid group: solo
5. Quest or raid run: Toee eh, breaking the ranks ee, DotJ en (untill reinforcements kicked me)

I tested fighting large groups of mobs, so I went solo into Toee part two on eh. Gathering all mobs from the first floor to get a red alert and cleaving them down, same in the central room with the east and west wing. At all time they were affected by my auras and Consecration while fighting them.
Usually I got some feedback delay on the sound for hitting the mobs in the early stage of the fight (before the server move). Also the recast of Consecration doesn't pop in with the key hit and the self healing with Renewal, or Cocoon were not synchronal with the shown cool down.
Today the sound feedback still got a little delay in the beginning of the fight (estimative 250ms) and the same with recasting Consecration, but heals, Renewal and Cocoon went off with the hit on the keyboard.
In this case I'd say the performance improvement made yesterday on Wayfinder made the game faster than it was before the server move.
Breaking the ranks EE solo: No micro lags at all. All casting went off in the second the key was hit. The damage scrolling up seemed to be a little bit faster this time. Felt good to be able to tear it up again without dieing by lag.
I can't tell, if there's improvement (compared to the time before the server move) with the time I need to open chests, dialogues with NPCs, accessing the bank and so on, because I never had an issue with that. I don't compare interaction improvements with the 'laggy time', because I think that was a kind of accident which shouldn't be referred to.

* Server - Thelanis [...] Renown lag is still there. [...]

For testing purposes on that issue I hit DotJ on en and got 51 renown entries untill reinforcements kicked me, but I didn't notice any lag while getting them. Maybe soloing is not suitable, or reliable for a confirmation/falsification.

In heroic quests I can't tell, if there's a difference between yesterday and today. With the bursting Warlock I had no performance complication at all.

04-21-2016, 12:00 PM
* Server - Thelanis

I was fooled by Cordo's positive comment above. Nothing has changed since the last time (page 4 #65 post), at least on Thelanis.
On some cases it was even worse. Renown lag is still there. All other kind of lags - spells not landing, chest lag and rubber-banding too.

Perhaps this is early morning, pre-coffee, mental obtusity but the comments I read above this post from Cordo related specifically to Argo and Wayfinder. Thelanis will reap the supposed benefits of those changes later today.

Let them make then changes, then rip them about it not fixing lag. :D

04-22-2016, 03:27 AM
1. Server: Khyber
2. Approximate time April 22 before and after Midnight
3. General class makeup and group composition: Pure fighter along with various others
4. Size of party/raid group: 7~9 players
5. Quest or raid run: DoJ ran till ransack

Little or no lag tonight.
Using static IP & open router

Still need to fix renown lag which was the main issue, but only about 1~1.5 seconds or so now per renown gained.

Word on the streets of Khyber atm is stuff like this:

(Party:): [Party] ______: run doj now 3 times, 10 people. close to zero lag

EE Fot full party not bad lag, some objective lag, renown

LN shroud full party same

EH full party DoJ failed due to lag

Same group 10 man EN Doj, some lag but sucessful

04-22-2016, 09:43 AM
4/21/2016: Kyhber between 8pm and 9:15pm Central time.

Was in Epic Orchard doing S/R/Es with 4-6 group members (had an open LFM up and people would come and go, but we always had at least 4 in group).

We stayed together, never got Dungeon Alert and we hit several "batches" of lag that last 30-60 seconds each... enough to get some of the team killed.

It eventually went away but it was the same type of lag that I've seen before whatever changes were made yesterday BUT NOT as bad as right after the data center move where the lag would be stronger and last a lot longer [/that's what she said]

04-22-2016, 11:06 AM
Let us know how your experiences are this weekend.

04-22-2016, 11:57 AM
* Server - Thelanis
* Approx time - April 21th, ~7:00 pM - 9:00pm
* Approx location - Canada Ontario
* Quest - Epic DOJ
* Difficulty - EH x 4
* Number of players - (8 - 10)
* Makeup - mish mash (had 3 locks with auras on)

almost no lag

* Approx time - April 21th, ~9:00 pM - 9:30pm
* Approx location - Canada Ontario
* Quest - Epic DOJ
* Difficulty - EE
* Number of players - (8 - 10)
* Makeup - mish mash (had 3 locks with auras on)

* Lag constant, could not get past Gate (wiped)
*** NOTE another Guild was running EH at the same time abd reported to us very little lag) (monty's members could confirm this)

* Approx time - April 21th, ~9:30 pM - 10:00pm
* Approx location - Canada Ontario
* Quest - Epic DOJ
* Difficulty - EN
* Number of players - (8 - 10)
* Makeup - mish mash (had 3 locks with auras on)

** Almost no lag

* Approx time - April 21th, ~10:00 pM - 11:00pm
* Approx location - Canada Ontario
* Quest - Epic TS
* Difficulty - EN
* Number of players - (8 - 10)
* Makeup - mish mash (had 2 locks with auras on)

** Almost no lag

04-22-2016, 02:24 PM
1. Server - Ghallanda
2. Approximate time - noon to 2:15pm EST
3. General class makeup and group composition - Assorted mix of class icons.
4. Size of party/raid group - 10 to 12
5. Quest or raid run - 2 EN and 2 EH DoJs
6. General experience - Terrible.
Failed one EN and one EH due to being completely lag locked while the reinforcements continued to spawn and thus exceeded the 15 count limit.
One the two wins, there were still multiple, large spikes of lag that nearly caused the raid to fail on multiple occasions. If the group running it had not been overpowered for EN/EH, both of these would have been fails, too.
In all 4 instances, almost everyone in the group reported getting invisible blade dervishes. It was unusual though in that usually it's all or nothing on that. On these runs, about half of the blades were visible and half invisible for people.
Overall, it seems like it's back to the way it was before this latest update.

04-22-2016, 03:34 PM
1. Server - Khyber
2. Approximate time - 1PM EST
3. General class makeup and group composition - Assorted mix of class icons. Using an anti-lag fighter build atm with great cleave
4. Size of party/raid group - 12
5. Quest or raid run - 1 LN shroud
6. General experience - very playable, actually much better than some of my pre move experiences due to static IP & open router along with tracert fixes (ty CS)

Still victory and renown lag but its lasts about 1 second instead of the 10 seconds from awhile back.
Turning off renown was suggested by one player during the raid.

04-22-2016, 03:51 PM
1. Server: Khyber
2. Approximate time: 7:40pm - 7:45pm GMT, 22nd April 2016
3. General class makeup and group composition: Level 4 Barbarian
4. Size of party/raid group: No Party
5. Quest or raid run: None
6. General experience: Logged in, took a few minutes for the game to become responsive, then went Red X as soon as it did, then shortly after that 'The Connection to server has been lost'.

Happens whatever character I try to log in.

Guess I'll wait till the next patch and hope for improvements...

04-22-2016, 07:24 PM
I wasn t there, just from what I asked to guildies and friends

1. Server Argonessen
2. Aproximate time: 21 april - 20-24hs Eastern Time
3. Party composittion: monks, clerics, ranger, cleric splits, rogue, arti, palladin
4. Quest or raids: DoJ, Tempest, FoT, Wyrm (with red/green), Thunder Peaks (all on epic normal)
5. Got completions in all raids, even on 9 man DoJ, Thunder Peaks was really good, the others had very small lag freezings, most of them when completing objetives or getting favor

04-22-2016, 09:05 PM
1. Server: Khyber
2. Approximate time: 0:50am - 1:00am GMT, 23nd April 2016
3. General class makeup and group composition: Level 9 Wizard (1 wizard past life)
4. Size of party/raid group: No Party
5. Quest or raid run: None
6. General experience: Logged in, took a few minutes for the game to become responsive, then went Yellow X before going Red X, then shortly after that 'The Connection to server has been lost'.

Figured I'd try outside UK prime times.

Did manage to log a couple of characters before that, so slightly better than earlier in the day, but still basically unplayable.

04-22-2016, 10:31 PM
1. Server: Sarlona
2. Approximate time: 1030pm Friday 4/22/15
3. 1 rogue, 2 clerics, 2 warlock, 2 ranger, 2 druid, paladin, bard, wizard
4. 12
5. Epic Normal Defiler of the Just
6. General experience: extreme lag (freezing and stuttering) at every fight/spawn, Raid failed due to lag. Every time the Archons spawned or the reinforcements spawned, it became impossible to move. The rest of the planned raids were canceled.

04-22-2016, 10:48 PM
1. Server- Khyber

2. Approximate time- 5:30 to 10:30pm eastern

3. General class makeup and group composition- 14 Deep Gnome Rogue/6 Wizard in a full party of various builds

4. Size of party/raid group- party size: 6 raid size: 12

5. Quest or raid run- quests: Spies, LOD, Servants, Von 4 raid: Von 5

6. General experience- almost completely lag free except, renown lag and boss killed lag. renown lag from mobs lasts for 1 second per renown drop and boss killed lag lasts for 1-2 seconds. so far so good.

04-23-2016, 12:21 AM
1. Server: Khyber
2. Approximate time April 21 and 22 around 7 pm PST
3. General class makeup and group composition: various -
4. Size of party/raid group: 10-11 players
5. Quest or raid run: Tempest Spine LE and Shroud LH

Yesterday after server reset both TS and Shroud were lag free. Today, the guild renown lag (lag whenever there is renown awarded) was noticeable, but was the only lag present and was not enuf to interfere with the raids. I just point out the difference between today and yesterday, since the past few server resets to fix lag have shown that right after the reset things seem improved and then gradually worsen the longer it gets from the reset. It was really nice to have 2 days of easy shroud completions though! Thanks for continuing to work on the various lag problems (especially the extended 5-10 min lag). Hoping you can get to the bottom of the renown lag (or if not, perhaps just award a lump sum renown amount at the end of a quest instead of throughout?). Thanks again for your continued efforts.

04-23-2016, 01:26 AM
... I just point out the difference between today and yesterday, since the past few server resets to fix lag have shown that right after the reset things seem improved and then gradually worsen the longer it gets from the reset. It was really nice to have 2 days of easy shroud completions though! Thanks for continuing to work on the various lag problems (especially the extended 5-10 min lag). Hoping you can get to the bottom of the renown lag (or if not, perhaps just award a lump sum renown amount at the end of a quest instead of throughout?). Thanks again for your continued efforts.

I was about to post something like this

1. Server Argonessen
2. Aproximate time: 20-24 Eastern Time
3. General Class and group composition: 1st) Lvl 16 pure druid, lvl 15 pure barbarian, later on lvl 14 warlock, and for crucible 1 int based shadow-kai bard.
4. quest runs: heroic elite quest for house Kundarak favor (stromvault mine, caverns of korromar, von 1; and 3 quests in giant hold: Cabal, Trial by Fire and Crucible

General experience, it started bad (though I had youtube opened) I got stuck on loading screen on first attemp, 2nd attemp was succesfull. I felt laggy for the first hour, then it got better. I did have high latency (1500 ms) for like 10 minutes but I think that was on my side.

I didnt notice much lag (or not lag at all) when doing the giant hold quests.

I did notice ramdom lag spikes during the day, in public areas.

04-23-2016, 02:17 AM
1. Cannith
2. Friday night, 7:00 pm Eastern
3. Raid group of variable composition
4. 12 players
5. EH Deathwyrm, EN FOTP

We run these raids every Friday at the same time, and we've kept doing them even after the DC move when the lag dragon was released. This is nice because we can kind of compare the performance of the raids across different weeks with conditions on the server being pretty similar. I can tell you that last night's runs were noticeably better than any other we've had since the data center move. Ever since the move, every time we did the combat tower room or went into the shadow side in the end fight, the whole party would get lag spikes where we were unable to move for 30 seconds to a full minute or two. Tonight that lag was gone. It was still choppy, but no rubber-banding and no more absolutely maddening lag of not being able to move/land hits on enemies and then finding out a minute later that you're dead. Thank goodness! FOTP was also much better - maybe not completely lag free, but better.

I'll be testing DoJ tomorrow. Fingers crossed.

04-23-2016, 07:21 AM
I am very upset that laggs still exist, as servers were brought down we did EH Defiler of the Just with full party with 0 laggs Im honest! For the next day we tried EE as we had a good team.. we Wiped out at ambush due to a HUGE HUGE lag, today tempest spine was also lagged for a while, 1 rust monster with 10 % of hp killed 6 of 12 players lol... I belive servers cant handle that many players because like i said after reset we had 0 lag in full group EH DOJ, i was really suprised because this raid was always laggy... however doing EN with 6 PPL still no lags at all or just bits of lags. Please turbine fix it i do belive in you.

04-23-2016, 10:29 AM
1. Thelanis
2. 21:30 UTC+9:00
3. Melee4 ranged5 bard1 healer2
4. 12 man raid
5. Legendary Shroud
6.?sometimes get the renown when killing a mob, but it feels like lag is occurring at the timing to obtain its renown.

04-23-2016, 04:52 PM
1. Argo
2. 430 pm EST
3. Pale Master Deep Gnome in a mixed group
4. 12
5. LH Tempest Spine
6. 1-2 second stutter step/rubber banding lag on the run through the outside to the entrance. Roughly every third spell did not go off yet the cooldown started and mana was deducted (and it's wasn't the "you're not facing bug"). 1-2 second lag on every renown given and a couple 5-10 sec total stops when fighting large groups. Completed easily though. It's better than where we started after the DC move, but it's far from what I would consider "good" or "acceptable".

04-23-2016, 08:02 PM
1. Khyber
2. 1pm EST
3. Paladin in a full group (warlock, bard, sorcerer, artificer, ___)
4. 6
5. LE Creeping Death and LE To Curse the Sky
6. Things went smoothly. I did not expect lag in creeping death, but past experience in To Curse the Sky has been horrible from the start of the quest. Today, all battles went smooth with few small freezes when renown was awarded. We did not use lag-safe tactics but instead rushed into some of the battles.

04-23-2016, 08:53 PM
Khyber Friday night

Between 9 and 10 PM PST
10 Man Legendary Hard Shroud

Had a few places in part 1 where I froze in place for 2 seconds but other than that ran smooth. First attempt ended in part 1. Seems the Keepers beat the sweeping team. Second attempt we made it to part 2, but we had timing issues and after 4 attempts some were just done.

Later between 10 PM and 12 AM I ran 2 Legendary Normal Shrouds. Both went really smooth, even the lag at the end of part one was less noticeable - It was there, just not as bad as it has been.

04-23-2016, 11:33 PM
* Server - Thelanis
* Approx time - April 23th, ~8:00 AM EDT (Saturday morning, off peak)
* Approx location - Japan
* Quest - Epic Shroud
* Difficulty - EH
* Number of players - 12

Completed at less than 40 mins.

Yes, after the 64-bit dll and game timer update, game experience is improved.
Compared to the last 2 runs I had (page 4 #65, page 8 #141), severity of guild renown lag is like now halved and it is somewhat manageable. It previously had 3-4 secs lockdown, now it feels more like 1-2 secs.

Part 1 - lag when portal blows up, DPS lag (?) on the large pile of mobs, chest lag/rubber banding.
Part 2 - something including a Cat. With mandatory 2secs freezing and a Cat in the combo this part can still be tough. Off-course we tried to kill the Cat last but mistakingly killed it 3rd while lagging out. Managed to break the crystal just in time but the Cat came back in life too. You know this happens when it is really close timing so we almost failed. We had to kill the Cat second time at the shrine.
Part 3 - just a minor lag killing kobolds.
Part 4 - no lag for the most part, easy 1 rounder.
Part 5 - 4-6 ppl died from lag at the beginning. Force blowup thingy and meteor swarm hit the entire party at the same time I think? Series of renown lags in mob waves were annoying but it was manageable. More deaths at Raksasha beatdown but for me this looked more of our fault, our melees didnt have jeweled cloak equipped this time it seems.

It is getting better overall but it still needs a long way to go, in terms of full group raiding. With this reduced amount of lag I wanted to see if EE DoJ is now doable or not, but nobody in the party was thrilled about the idea.

04-24-2016, 10:15 AM
I noticed on my bard character, Blighttongue, that there were repeats in the effects as you logged in & out. He is currently a dwarf bard/rogue 12/2.
He also consistently takes more than 15 seconds to get from where the logout bar finishes until the effects start to scroll to actually logout.

Login effect messages:


Logout effect messages, was hitting control-P to get them before they disappeared so they overlap:


04-25-2016, 02:40 AM
Sunday night
lag wasn't too bad, we can tell its getting abit better.
keep plugging away, mostly short spikes

04-25-2016, 09:29 AM
Had period of stuttering and complete stopping while in market and tangleroot. about 4 pm CDT

04-25-2016, 10:22 AM
1. Server: Argo
2. Approximate time April24 -9:00pm est
3. General class makeup and group composition: Regular assorted
4. Size of party/raid group: 12
5. Quest or raid run: quest: LH Shroud
6. General experience:
~Still laggy periodically throughout the entire raid.
~Every time a red named died there was lag. enough to cause a party member death or two each time.
~players get the lag, mobs don't..
~cast spells take mana, but do not land or are delayed in landing wile still allowing it to be cast multiple times and still taking mana subsequently after the lag catches up..

..They still have a lot more 'tweaking' to do.. Lag is nowhere near manageable levels to be considered acceptable...

04-25-2016, 03:03 PM
Server Argo. Lag has been stutter step and not for more then a few seconds. However, I am having issues when I first log on since Friday with no sound. Have to quit the game to get it to come back. Happen every day so far including today.

04-25-2016, 03:56 PM
Server: Cannith
Time: Saturday (late posting), 3:00 pm Eastern
Party size: 8-man
Party makeup: no idea
Raid: DoJ on EN.

Experience: I had periodic stuttering, but I'm really not sure if that was my connection or the server. I suspect it was my connection because the rest of my party didn't say anything about having lag. The lag that caused the whole party to be unable to move was completely absent. We completed easily, which was wonderful! However, I'm not brave enough to take a full group in or to try EH. I've heard both those situations result in lag fails. Please keep working on it!

04-25-2016, 04:54 PM
1. Server: Sarlona
2. Approximate time: Right now
3. 4 members in group. Ranger, Bard, Fvs, Wizard
4. 4
5. What goes Up EE
6. End fight rubberbanding last 10 minutes. Damage and movement late. objectives updates in 10-20 seconds after done.

04-25-2016, 08:48 PM

2:30 - 3:30 PM MT

Duo - Pally & Rogue

Various low level marketplace quests.

Rubber banding, freezing, and missed attacks continuously during all quests. Especially noticeable in Proof is in the poison and Freshen the Air.

No noticeable improvement from prior to hot-fix.

04-26-2016, 01:46 AM
1. Server - Wayfinder
2. Approximate time - 1PM-5PM EST
3. General class makeup and group composition - 9-12 players
4. Size of party/raid group - 9-12 players
5. Quest or raid run - LN Tempest Spine, LN HoX, EH FoTP, EN Deathwyrm, EH/EN DotJ
6. General experience - LAG in all. Details below.

LN Tempest Spine - Intermittent LAG, not crippling.
LN HoX - Severe LAG after completion.
EH FoTP - Severe and crippling LAG on any milestone. A full 90 seconds of able to do nothing at all any time we advanced the quest. Only strong dragon tanks allowed us to avoid a wipe.
EN Deathwyrm - Severe and crippling LAG on any milestone.
EH DoJ - Severe and crippling LAG on any milestone, including new spawn of fallen archons or new spawn of reinforcements. Wiped due to reinforcements for the first time ever. On the second attempt on EN, severe rubber-banding trying to advance into the ballista area. LAG on any milestone. LAG was slightly better than the EH attempt.

Throughout we had 9-12 players, with players dropping and others joining as their schedules permitted. A very strong group, and we could have easily handled higher difficulties on all of the runs if not for the LAG.

04-26-2016, 03:51 AM
Server: Sarlona
Approximate time: 10:20 PM EST on 4/22/16
General class makeup and group composition: see video
Size of party/raid group: 12
Quest or raid run: EN Defiler
General experience: very laggy in ambush room prior to
start of video. Lag starts in main portion of the raid just
before video starts. Video continues to the point of
failure due to lag.


04-26-2016, 11:11 AM
General experience: very laggy in ambush room prior to
start of video. Lag starts in main portion of the raid just
before video starts. Video continues to the point of
failure due to lag.

That was painful to watch, almost as if I had lived through it myself. Oh, wait. I did. :(:mad::(:mad:

04-26-2016, 07:42 PM
Server: Khyber
Approximate time: 7 pm PST April 21, 22, and 25
General class makeup and group composition: various
Size of party/raid group: 10-12

We did TS on LE, and Shroud on LH on April 21 (day of server reset), April 22 (1 day later), and April 25 at roughly the same time.

I already posted about the April 21 and 22 results (basically April 21 great, april 22, not quite as good but still very good). April 25 we had periods of freeze up and had to reset a TS. We decided to only run the shroud with 10 due to the TS experience. It really does seem like the longer after a server reset the more lag kicks in (this was noticeable after the prior server reset as well). Was guild renown lag in all the runs. Is there a way we can just get guild renown as a bulk amount at the end of the quest to prevent the renown lag? Not sure how you can fix the freezing up for several minutes type of lag though.

04-27-2016, 12:45 PM
Server: Argonessen
Aproximate time: 00.00-04.00 a.m. GMT on 4/24/16
General class makeup and composition: various (pure rogues, pure fighter, fighter/monk splits, cleric, warloks, palladin, bard, ranger, artificer)
Size of party/raid group: 10/12
Raid runs: LN Tempest Spine, LN HoX, EN DOJ, EH Fot, EH FoTP, EN Wyrm
General experience:

We noticed lag in all the runs, freezing with favor 3-5 secs long (and a few lag spikes maybe longer). The most annoying with this were DoJ (this one started really bad, we lost 1 archon in the first fight because of lag spikes and ruberbanding) and Wyrm (we got red/green room and lot of us dye because this get broken with the lag, it kills you/drain spellblock charges even if you dont move).

We did most runs on normal as we dont have a strong group and we can t go through the lag in harder diff

04-27-2016, 04:09 PM
Cannith server
Wednesday, 3:00 pm Eastern
10 man group

Experience: Some lag, all involving guild renown rewards. Still completed easily, which was great!

04-27-2016, 05:39 PM
Server: Ghal
Approximate time: 2000-2220 hrs UK Time (GMT)
General class makeup and group composition: Solo - Cannot get a group for love nor money mid levels at the moment
Size of party/raid group: 1
Quest or raid run: Lvl 12's - Relic / Invaders / WK / Marketplace
General experience: Lag lag lag. It never seems to stop. Did not rubberband tonight like it did last night but several near death experiences. Only save is on a warlock, boosted hp with displacement and try and fight near a shrine. Spoken to several players on Ghal and most are soloing because of the lag. The first day or two after this thread started it all seemed better. But it has steadily worsened to the point that I call it a night early now due to poor gaming experience. It lags everywhere, I avoid any situation where they maybe a build of mobs and any spells that worsen it. Getting weird things happen now as well. Game freezes, have to switch to windows home then back and is fine, can happen mid quest, if i stand still too long. Never had that before. Working my way to 20 then will call it a day. This is no longer fun. I love group play not just playing q's for the sake of it. I can solo but I feel so sorry for any new player at the moment. All I can say it was great once and lag free.

My suggestion strip back on all quests, close them all down. Then add level by level / chain by chain until you find out what the big drains are. Then take them out or rework them. I am not a techy but this is the way I tackle problems.

Why is the marketplace so bad ?? There are no players in it, there are limited quests - what area does it service? Maybe just work on that as if you can figure it out there then you have a template to work from ? I recall issues when the sub was first installed there but noone goes in it anymore. There are not enough lowbees to be running all the market place too extreme and are the graphics really that earth shattering n that place?

Sorry to be negative but I don't get it - how come it once was fine and now it's not?? Turn back the clocks and take us back there please. Or close down one of the worlds and see if that has any effect?
As many have said before I would rather no glitches than new quests. New players will have lots of content to play. Old timers like new content but want the game to work and to be able to run raids. So who are the new quests for over a game fix??

Just on a plus you have done some awesome work in the past, some great story lines and some knock out quests. I even like my Gnome :)

Good luck - thanks for listening..

04-28-2016, 09:37 AM
Its notcible when you're running thru the MArketplace or Eveningstar that there is hitch every so often when running from one place to the next. Its consistent like a bike chain that makes a rotation and rubs on the chain guard at one spot.

Last night:

9-10pm PST
Irestone Inlet
2 person party

LAg spike/puase at the start of the quest when you step out to encounter the 1st 3 baddies and then some lag spikes/pause when battleing at the campes when dps from both sides was in full swing.

04-28-2016, 12:00 PM
Time for another server reset Turbine, your game is right back to where is was. Maybe you should consider just rebooting the game every other day until you find an actual fix for the lag.

04-28-2016, 01:09 PM
Hi there,

I have had really odd lag behavior,
for one, am on Sarlona,

since last fix, lag is worse for me, loading screen into game after char select is painfully longer, as it was really quick before.
when switching toons, it gets worse each time, until after the third/fourth switch the game freezes then crashes on me.

One thing I noticed greatly tho,
was I dusted off my first life older lvl 18, now19 pure Drow Fav Soul, only Fav Soul I own... the last few several evenings,
and holy moly the lag skipping, freezing, was over the top unreal.

now it was walking thru Harbour the worst, and bad in all areas, least bad in house J, or the twelve..
Not so bad on my other char's... all classes, races, etc. were only light lag, but always worse on the Fav Soul.
i also solo'd all events, with Fav Soul; no hirelings, sometimes put up my Panther fighter, same lag.

Did Lords of Dust three nights ago, some Ensp Quarter, Giant hold, all hard to complete on it.
Was bad like when the marketplace tent blew up; that bad lag...
again ..other classes not so bad, but lighter lag on them.

hope this helps..

I am in Ontario Canada on cable high speed.

oh, and often game freezes now when I log off, and then won't shut down too..never had that before.

04-28-2016, 04:23 PM
group of 10 (paladin)
Still lag freezes when each dragon/giant pair is killed that led to the death of 2 people. No renown lag that I could see. Went smoothly.

04-29-2016, 08:12 PM
Time for another server reset Turbine, your game is right back to where is was. Maybe you should consider just rebooting the game every other day until you find an actual fix for the lag.

Maybe Lammannia being up at same time is causing more lag issues too?

Well about the lag, I notice when logging in/out, loading screen take more time, sometimes the quest portals (to get inside) take long to pop up; and when going through quests (specially raids) get heavy lag that can make quest hard to complete (freezing mainly, can t switch weapon/scrolls).

Reports are always the same..

Server: Argonessen
Mixed Raid group, size 8-10 ppl
Time: 00.00-04.00 GMT 29/04/16
Quests: LN Tempest, EH FoTP, EN Wyrm, EH FoT
Failed: MoD (on 7 man, really laggy though it wasnt the cause to fail xD)
Didnt dare to try DoJ last night, it was too laggy, 2 guys were having frequent dcs

04-30-2016, 12:40 AM
Sadly, a step backwards, or would it be lagwards, tonight.

EH Von 3 - Doing the Eric Carmen run (All by myself). <-- If you get that, you are most likely old
Around midnight EST
Latency was 134ish and loss was 0.1% - the best I have seen since the move.

Freezes, snap back, and the wonderful eternal AoE.


Lag caused me to die once, contributed another time.

04-30-2016, 02:24 PM
Renown Lag is not getting enough attention or acknowledgement.

Last night, raiding on Thelanis, 2 to 5 second freezes for all party members Each. And. Every. Time. a monster was killed and renown was awarded. Hard hound failed due to this and DoJ normal also failed. Fall of Truth had similar issues but was completed.

In DoJ we managed to slog through until the end with some serious lag, killed the worm and then 15 to 30 second complete freeze up for all party members leading to party wipe.

Yes, things have been much better since the recent adjustments and most quests are completely with minor issues but this is killing the raids. Several of our group logged off in disgust.

At this point I am wondering if we all just quit our guilds and raid guild-less if things would be smoother.

It would be really nice if someone official could at least acknowledge the renown lag and tell us it's being worked on.

05-01-2016, 08:15 AM
I think resetting the server is a wise move (probably twice a week, once before weekend and once after). The game has almost always been better after server reboots.

Could you guys' have a memory leak? This would certainly explain a lot of things.

Thanks for continuing to work on the lag. I have seen a noticeable improvement on thelanis compared to initial post-datacenter move.

05-02-2016, 04:46 PM
I think resetting the server is a wise move (probably twice a week, once before weekend and once after). The game has almost always been better after server reboots.

Could you guys' have a memory leak? This would certainly explain a lot of things.

Thanks for continuing to work on the lag. I have seen a noticeable improvement on thelanis compared to initial post-datacenter move.

This is a pretty good idea to reboot. Just once a week or something. Thursday morning, boom, hit it. It does seem like it is fine right afterwards for awhile and then gradually gets worse.

05-02-2016, 05:31 PM
Saturday afternoon Eastern
10-man group

We completed, but it was very laggy. I wouldn't dare try it with a full group or on a higher difficulty. By the way, there haven't been any posts from the devs regarding lag in quite a while. Update us please! While the lag has improved, many raids are not anywhere near enjoyable. There's still worth left to do.

05-02-2016, 10:45 PM
Khyber seems better,
still getting some odd lag every so often.
still not pre-data center move healthy, but much better

05-03-2016, 12:23 PM
Last night between 8-10pm PST.

Full and partial groups. Enter the Kobold, Monestary of the Scorpion, and Beyond the Rift. Choppy game play for the party and the run hitch in full force. Was worst in Enter the Kobold and Beyond the Rift. I had it (lag) worst in Rift with only 4 people in group.

05-04-2016, 08:55 AM
Lag in Legendary Elite Tempest Spine

1. Server: Sarlona
2. Approximate time: 10:50 PM EST
3. General class makeup and group composition: see video
4. Size of party/raid group: 12
5. Quest or raid run: LE Tempest Spine
6. General experience: this video includes 7 clips of lag from the
raid. There was minor stuttering between these clips.


05-04-2016, 09:45 AM
Lag in LH Hound of Xoriat

1. Server: Sarlona
2. Approximate time: 11:51 PM EST
3. General class makeup and group composition: see video
4. Size of party/raid group: 11
5. Quest or raid run: LH Hound of Xoriat
6. General experience: intermittent lag up until big lag spike at
completion. This video also shows the puppy facing bug during
the second round of charming.


05-04-2016, 05:31 PM
LN Shroud ~ 10 players Friday afternoon 4/29; fighter build in US with 4 forms of fast healing; various other players ~ very little lag

Flagging for ToD solo, same time, very little lag

LH Shroud ~ 12 players Friday night 4/29; fighter build in US with 4 forms of fast healing; multiple bards granting different warchanter buffs & warlock aura ~ flooded me out, could not participate

EN DOJ ~ 12 players same time of night ; flooded out, could not participate, could not loot, did get completion

Solo Servants of the Overlord EE ~ same time of night, had to log out and give up.

EN DoJ ~ 10 players midnight sat night 4/30 ~ renown lag per 2 seconds, playable

EN DoJ ~ 8 players mightnight Mon night 5/2 ~ very comfortable playing, minor renown lag

LN Shroud ~ 11 players same time of night ~ some renown lag of 1~2 seconds, but playable.

05-04-2016, 09:18 PM

started a little before 9pm eastern

EE Spies full group max level 24

group was in different places, a little above me and a little below me when I reached the water elemental part with the shrines near the end of the quest. lag locked for about 5 minutes and we all died. after the last player died, lag was gone. up to that point, just had renown lag.

first time I had logged in the past 2 days. previously it took 5 minutes just to log into the game. tonight it just took a minute and lag free running around the public instances. still experiencing a 1-2% loss though.

05-04-2016, 10:59 PM
1. Server: Sarlona
2. Approximate time: 1030pm, Wednesday 5/4/16
3. mixed group, no barbarians
4. 11
5. Legendary Normal Shroud
6. General experience: Several cases of extreme lag (freezing and stuttering) through out every part of the shroud

05-06-2016, 11:09 AM
1. Server: Khyber
2. Approximate time: 8am, Friday 5/6/16
3. mixed group, of 8
4. 8
5. Thunderholme Shadow dragon raid EE
6. General experience: minor lags till end fight. Red/green room bugy ppl dying even when afk not moving. First attempt on shadow dragon ended with lag and rip. We recovered, tried second time. Major lag after shadow dragon fight started. After 2-3 minutes of total freeze everyone dead. We abandoned.
2 hours of gameplay wasted due to bugy game.

05-06-2016, 03:48 PM
Server: Cannith
Approximate time(s):
5/5/16 3pm-ish and 5/6/16 12pm-ish (PST)
L HOX, L Tempest Shrine, L Shroud, Thunderholm (all had 8-12 people in group)
In almost all cases the lag seems to be related to renown from kills. Especially bad in Thunderholm since there are many more mobs being killed. The lag seems to spike for about 5-15 seconds after a kill where renown is given, but not when renown is not given.

Please shut down mob-kill renown immediately for better performance. We are willing to pass on a little renown for better lag performance. You can then work on mob-kill renown at your leisure.

Ratyr (and Ratyr-alts)

05-06-2016, 04:33 PM
1. Server: Sarlona
2. Approximate time: 9pm to 11pm Thursday 5/5/16
3. mixed group
4. 12
5. Epic Elite Von5/6, Temple of the Death Worm, and Fire on ThunderPeak
6. General experience: Several cases of extreme lag (freezing and stuttering) through out various parts of each raid. Still worse then before the data center move, causing much frustration and grumbling. Getting hard to fill raids when fewer and fewer people are playing due to lag frustration

05-06-2016, 10:04 PM
Server: Argo
Time: approx 6.15PM-6.45PM Eastern 05-06-16
Lords of Dust and Servants EE
Solo: 9/8/3/10 Cleric/PDK Kensei/Pally/Epic in LD, Twists: Sense Weakness, Balanced Attacks, Cocoon, Brace for Impact, 2WF Kopesh

Delay of 5-10 seconds on quest entry screens. various lag spikes in mobs of 2-12, no difference between large mobs and small ones. Issues with stunning blow and dire charge hitting as mobs moved weirdly due to lag delay. swings not going in about 1/10 of the time during laggy phases. several item switch delays of 3-5 sec from heroic GS blur/displace helmet to Sightless.

Ping constant at 145-155, constant green icon with 0.0 loss whenever i checked and i checked a lot ...

no fun ...

later (2h later) TRed another toon and had similar spikes on a lvl2 on korthos elite quests :/ RLY?!?

btw, question: on the latest u31 preview vid Sev mentioned once you ironed out the routing path issues we should be back at where we were BEFORE the data center move. might I inquire what happened to the notion of the data center move IMPROVING things?

05-08-2016, 11:05 PM
Not sure if this thread still matters..

For me, every day I play this game is more depressing.. good luck

05-09-2016, 01:43 AM
to put above post into context as we shared the pain:

Sunday 9PM-Monday 1AM Eastern
LN TS, 10 people: constant renown lag, many 3-5 sec freezes. bigger lockups on larger groups. completed but annoying

EN Wyrm: 10 people, constant renown lag, many 3-5 sec freezes, multiple R/G deaths due to lag and or spellblock charge drain bug, much stronger freezes on rednamed at boss, 3 (!) people rubberbanded of the platform after succesfully trying to grab the ledge when dropping the kulls, completed, but yet more annoying

EN Peaks: 9 people, constant every single darn renown kill LAGs 2-5 seconds, keeping alert below yellow without locking instance up friggin PAIN on normal, several 5-10 sec float around in the air freezes, several lag death due to heals not landing. died tanking the unbuffed EN dragon when some trash wondered in - in unyielding maxed, lvl30, 1150+ HP, 150+ PRR, 80+ MRR, 70-80 saves, blured, displaced, fire shield cold up, standing against the tide, blocking twf... rly?! completed, but frustrating

EH FOT: 9 people, constant renown lag, many 3-5 sec freezes, several longer freezes, several lag induced deaths, completed. not quite as bad as peaks but no fun much.

tried 7man EN DOJ with 2 warlocks lvl28 and 30, 2 melee lvl30 1 arti lvl28, 1 rogue mech lvl30 1 necro wiz lvl30 ....had very decent dps and killed execs in like 10 sec on the few occasions we could actually move decently ... lost 3 archons within 5min, 4th within next 2, fail on reinforcements after 8 or 9 mins. 3-5 sec complete lockup on EVERY single kill. HUGE 10-12 second lockups on every spawn of 5 reinforcements + trash. un fing playable.

tonights conditions were IN NO WAY better than before your last fix. this pertains especially to raids but i likewise had issues some hours before raids running a lvl3 through solo misery's peak on korthos....

needless to say raid issues were shared by whole party. you said on twitch US based players MAY SOMETIMES also experience issues when going through faulty routing. Raid experience would suggest that over the last weeks, miracolously, all US/Canada players in our static raid group unluckily and coincidentally just so happen to ALL share the bad routing path for bi-weekly raids. yeeeeaaah right. stop hiding behind that and fix your VMs, upgrade your hardware, AND FOR CHRIS SAKE LOOK AT THE BLOODY GUILD RENOWN CODE

otherwise do us all a favor and pull the plug for good

05-09-2016, 03:53 AM
to be fair, the otherwise overall somewhat frustrating raid night ended on a happy and satisfying note after the remainder of our group decided on "to hell with the lag, we gonna beat this ****". successfully completed an EN DOJ in a party of 5 and had great fun with it:


here's the downside though:
how can it be that our raid party of 7 lags out terribly but if i step into DOJ solo, kill a total of 40 mobs, recieve renown 28 times and run around with a pack of 20 orange nameds on me i get as good as NO lag (slightly sluggish once i built up a trail of orange) ?! and that our party of 5 got a lag spike on every single renown grant, only, that with 5 in party the spikes would last 2 sec max, or maybe 3 or 4 on a bad one, and you could still properly heal, properly hit with spells, and attacks and tactics landed, thus demonstrating absolutely clearly the correlation between party size and severity of lag? how can that please be routing related? I am a European player, according to turbine's explanation my routing should often make me miserable but not my whole party? yet, in DOJ solo it is almost flawless, in DOJ 5man noticeably laggy but manageable, and in 7 man party it goes to shambles?

How is that NOT your server, your VM, simply not being able to handle the load?

Now, I dont know if this is renown or like, whatever. BUT clearly your server is calculating *something* when mobs die, and this something bogs down the WHOLE party, and more extremely so the larger the party is. and if there is anything the spikes seem to synch with, yes, it is guild renown. when 1 person gets renown, its usually no issue, in a party of 4-6 it is noticeable, and hampering, though one can deal, in a 7+ raid group, it more often than not BREAKS the game, simple as that.

WHY can we NOT turn of guild renown for a week and see what happens? WHY is there no answer on this issue that gets mentioned by so many, time and again?

P.S.yeah sure, i DO get solo quest lag too, frequently atm, and maybe sometimes that is that mentioned routing issue. or maybe it is a party bogging down the VM that hosts BOTH our instances? ...

05-09-2016, 05:51 AM
how can it be that our raid party of 7 lags out terribly but if i step into DOJ solo, kill a total of 40 mobs, recieve renown 28 times and run around with a pack of 20 orange nameds on me i get as good as NO lag (slightly sluggish once i built up a trail of orange) ?! and that our party of 5 got a lag spike on every single renown grant, only, that with 5 in party the spikes would last 2 sec max, or maybe 3 or 4 on a bad one, and you could still properly heal, properly hit with spells, and attacks and tactics landed, thus demonstrating absolutely clearly the correlation between party size and severity of lag? how can that please be routing related? I am a European player, according to turbine's explanation my routing should often make me miserable but not my whole party? yet, in DOJ solo it is almost flawless, in DOJ 5man noticeably laggy but manageable, and in 7 man party it goes to shambles?
Each party member gets renown at the same time. It could be anything that has trouble being calculated/stored in the DB many times within a short period.

05-09-2016, 09:11 AM
Each party member gets renown at the same time. It could be anything that has trouble being calculated/stored in the DB many times within a short period.

yes, I'm well aware that while it coincides with renown from players view it does not necessarily HAVE to be the actual renown, it might just as well be AIs recalculating each time one of their side dies i.e., that's why i wrote "renown, or idk, whatever". But there is very evidently some sort of frontend/backend interaction that locks stuff that scales exponentialy on party size, and it is beyond me how Sev can go and say "we are confident we got the server side issues down, and expect things to be back to pre-server move state when we adjusted the routing issues" NO; you don't! Look into this and if you have no clue what causes it then blimey, maybe dedicated metal that doesn't further increase the effect like the VMs seem to do would seem to be the only solution ...

05-09-2016, 09:38 AM
yes, I'm well aware that while it coincides with renown from players view it does not necessarily HAVE to be the actual renown, it might just as well be AIs recalculating each time one of their side dies i.e., that's why i wrote "renown, or idk, whatever". But there is very evidently some sort of frontend/backend interaction that locks stuff that scales exponentialy on party size, and it is beyond me how Sev can go and say "we are confident we got the server side issues down, and expect things to be back to pre-server move state when we adjusted the routing issues" NO; you don't! Look into this and if you have no clue what causes it then blimey, maybe dedicated metal that doesn't further increase the effect like the VMs seem to do would seem to be the only solution ...
My response meant to explain why you're seeing the problem with renown in larger parties and not smaller parties. In larger parties, renown is given to all players at once. If the database has trouble registering those events simultaneously, it will lag. Or it may not be the database, but something else that has trouble doing concurrent calculations. Either way, it has to do with the event of getting guild renown for many players at the same time.

05-09-2016, 12:07 PM
1. Server: Sarlona
2. Approximate time: 1030pm Sunday 5/9/16
3. 1 rogue, 2 clerics, 2 warlock, 2 ranger, 2 druid, paladin, bard, wizard
4. 12
5. Epic Normal Shroud, due to current lag, any higher difficulty is not possible
6. General experience: extreme lag (freezing and stuttering) at every fight/spawn.

05-09-2016, 12:12 PM
Not a lag report but odd behavior.

Heroic quests and explorer areas lvl 13+.

Lots of mobs are having weird pathing behavior.

They really liked to jump off ledges to their death. (I especially enjoyed the archers that jumped into the mine field in undermine)

I've seen this before since the server move but it had stopped for several weeks, now it's back again.

I've also had mobs that randomly decide to run away from me. This even happens when solo so I know they're not agroed on anything else.

05-09-2016, 12:43 PM
This past weekend had an above-normal amount of poor game performance, and is something we will be looking into. We are continuing to look into the various reported causes of lag, including renown gain. We would continue to caution that Defiler of the Just has issues outside of server-client latency, and is not a good test case for lag. We fully understand people's frustration in Defiler of the Just, and will be considering some options for that particular raid in the future.

05-09-2016, 01:10 PM
This past weekend had an above-normal amount of poor game performance, and is something we will be looking into. We are continuing to look into the various reported causes of lag, including renown gain. We would continue to caution that Defiler of the Just has issues outside of server-client latency, and is not a good test case for lag. We fully understand people's frustration in Defiler of the Just, and will be considering some options for that particular raid in the future.

Glad to hear this. Hopefully those options include making the failure conditions optionals that reward a nice xp chunk and extra chests.

Hard to defend Archons when you are frozen in place.

Of course fixing the lag in there would be even better.......but I don't want to ask for the moon ya know? :p

05-09-2016, 01:17 PM
This past weekend had an above-normal amount of poor game performance, and is something we will be looking into. We are continuing to look into the various reported causes of lag, including renown gain. We would continue to caution that Defiler of the Just has issues outside of server-client latency, and is not a good test case for lag. We fully understand people's frustration in Defiler of the Just, and will be considering some options for that particular raid in the future.

appreciated you are replying and acknwledging to look into the renown issue.

as for the notion of defiler being the sad black sheep, I would advise against that approach. rather, you should be seeing defiler as an exemplary case that due to its particular design highlights general, underlying issues. the characteristics of lag spikes are the same on other raids and also the same on full 6man party EE quests. there is a reason fire on thunder peaks with its amount of trash, respawn mechanic, and amount of orange named granting renown is the 2nd worst offender, closely followed by red named mobs in shadow wyrm.

AI/renown/pathing/combat effects on mobs & frontend/backend interaction peaking the VM on RAM or CPU allocation, or on database access - one of those or several at once. defiler does not have worse issues, it just SHOWS issues more clearly.

yes, there are issues with soloing sometimes, and with smaller parties, and with heroics that do not fit said pattern, and these may be either the routing or the above core issues bleeding out via the VM when instances share same machine, but the above seems to be the crucial thing rly ...

05-09-2016, 01:45 PM
This past weekend had an above-normal amount of poor game performance, and is something we will be looking into.

Was this due to some sort of Operations squeezing of servers or such? The previous week had started to make DDO feel like notSlog. Then this last weekend, especially Friday evening turned into consistent bursts of no-move 5-10s server lag. Did Turbine try to squeeze some hardware resource down this weekend or is this just some code issues on the new virtual machine platform killing off some resource after the servers were up for a week?

05-09-2016, 01:59 PM
This past weekend had an above-normal amount of poor game performance, and is something we will be looking into. We are continuing to look into the various reported causes of lag, including renown gain. We would continue to caution that Defiler of the Just has issues outside of server-client latency, and is not a good test case for lag. We fully understand people's frustration in Defiler of the Just, and will be considering some options for that particular raid in the future.

With all due respect, "looking into it" is not going to cut it in my opinion. I understand your (Turbine's) unwillingness to expend resources and take action without a clear idea of what is going on; however, I really don't see you as having that luxury currently. Too, removing renown gain from the game at least temporarily is not likely to incurr a great deal of wrath from the player base, especially as it would likely be seen as a tangible effort to impact performance problems. My greatest fear is that it would not be as easily done as it would appear from the outside, ala the 'The' screen.

A second option, not exclusive from the first, is that in my opinion and those of many others I play with regularly, the game performance seems markedly improved after a server shut-down. As the time from the shut-down increases, so do performance issues. Given the game's historical problems with garbage collection and as I understand it, a move to virtual servers, it would make sense to me to perform regular (perhaps weekly) shutdowns of each server for the foreseeable, to help alleviate the issues the player-base are having. I understand that server shutdowns are not the easiest thing to do, given that servers are specificly designed to not be shut-down; yet it is possible and would I believe be helpful in this particular case.

Regardless what Turbine does, I sincerely hope that it is able to take action soon which at least partially remedy the current issues.

Best of luck,

05-09-2016, 02:06 PM
Whatever you do, don't kill DOJ by giving out loot chests like you did for CITW.

05-09-2016, 02:22 PM
Yeah we had a bit o lag this weekend. I was sad. Lots of spells not going off.

One thing I did find funny, really wish I had been running fraps or something to catch it. Elminster lagged in the beyond the rift and fell off the path right after he one-shotted the bebilith. We got to go through the entire narrative at the beginning sans his presence. I have never seen that before. Oh and Elminster does NOT have feather fall!

For the first time in a long time, I was two boxing. It was different. A couple of things I noticed:

1. Char A ran would run from point a to point b with no lag. Char B ran from point a to point b with no lag. But when Char B was running to point B and I was watching it on Char A's screen it looked like Char B was laggin like a *****. Lots of snap back lag on Char A's screen that char b did not experience. And when Char A was running there was no snap back lag.

2. Running Char B up while Char A was using a shrine. When Char A stood up from the shrine, Char B lagged. This may be coinkydink, but the only time that happened was when Char A had buffs from Char B going into the shrine. It did not happen every time Char A shrined with Char B buffs, but it never happened when Char did not have Char B buffs. Again, maybe just huge unrelated event convergence.

3. Pathing, while not back to normal had improved. But this weekend mobs were running off cliffs in a loop, getting caught in corners, etc.

Something else I noticed, when I was doing stuff in ventrilo (not talking, but starting, stopping the client, logging in/out of admin) while DDO was swapping instances (loading screens) the game would hang. Closing vent enabled the game to move on. It was a random thing and I never got it reproduce on demand, but it were there.

Did guild reknown get reduced this weekend? It seemed like it from what I ran.

05-09-2016, 02:48 PM
On Thelanis last night (10-11:15pm EDT specifically), had a very difficult time with major lag spikes (a few seconds on, a few seconds off) while soloing Fleshmakers/EH with my Pally. Managed to finish, but took at least twice at long as usual.

From about 9-10pm, item deconstruction/crafting was next to impossible. Very lengthy delays in doing each item.

Noted earlier in the day that running through public areas was very choppy... similar to the problems observed right after the new data center kicked in, but through roughly the 6-7pm time frame, the Orchard quests were very playable... few if any issues then.

Note: I swapped characters several times during the afternoon/evening hours... probably 4 times each among 2 toons. Dunno if that would matter, but figured I oughta mention it.

05-09-2016, 02:55 PM
Been getting bad rubber banding in GH slayer of all places over the weekend. What was really weird was that I could run around areas of rubber banding. If it continues I'll bug it.

05-09-2016, 03:42 PM
This past weekend had an above-normal amount of poor game performance, and is something we will be looking into. We are continuing to look into the various reported causes of lag, including renown gain. We would continue to caution that Defiler of the Just has issues outside of server-client latency, and is not a good test case for lag. We fully understand people's frustration in Defiler of the Just, and will be considering some options for that particular raid in the future.

teleporting = lag... always has.

05-09-2016, 05:21 PM
We are continuing to look into the various reported causes of lag, including renown gain.

I had not understood what "renown lag" meant until this past week. Essentially, as soon as the renown award was displayed in the chat window, the entire party would experience lag for a brief amount of time. It was *very* consistent throughout the week and through the weekend. This was primarily in Epic Elite quests as my guildies and I were working on True Elite Saga completions.

05-09-2016, 06:35 PM
This past weekend had an above-normal amount of poor game performance.
Wait wait wait. So, what IS the normal amount of poor game performance? I've asked the exact same question before. All this work that you've been doing has been to bring the servers back to pre-data center move conditions? Because there was plenty of lag back then as well.

05-10-2016, 12:54 AM
This past weekend had an above-normal amount of poor game performance, and is something we will be looking into. We are continuing to look into the various reported causes of lag, including renown gain. We would continue to caution that Defiler of the Just has issues outside of server-client latency, and is not a good test case for lag. We fully understand people's frustration in Defiler of the Just, and will be considering some options for that particular raid in the future.
It wasn't just this past weekend. The lag has been steadily increasing since the last server reboot. It's almost as if there were server side memory leaks that continue to grow.

It is also not just DoJ. Lag has been really bad the past week+ in DoJ, Deathwrym, Fire on Thunder Peaks, Mark of Death, Shroud, etc. Pretty much any end game raids with more than 4-5 people in them lags repeatedly now on Ghallanda.

We just wiped on an LH Shroud run earlier tonight due to lag + Portal Keeper spawn. All we could do was sit there and watch it fail while we were stuck in a massive lag spike. We were even short-manning it with 9 specifically in an effort to minimize the lag. The effort was in vain.

The game has severe performance and game-play impacting problems since the datacenter move and has not shown any signs of getting better in the nearly two months since. Mind telling us what sort of compensation you're planning to provide customers for this?

05-10-2016, 12:54 AM
This past weekend had an above-normal amount of poor game performance, and is something we will be looking into.

Well, that's one way to put it. By looking into it, do you mean restarting the servers and hoping the lag decreases to normal amounts of poor game performance? Because I've been asking for a server reset since the middle of last week in order to keep the worst of the crippling lag at bay. It's obvious that you guys aren't having much luck in finding a permanent solution to solving lag so why not just have several scheduled server restarts per week?

05-10-2016, 03:30 AM
It wasn't just this past weekend. The lag has been steadily increasing since the last server reboot. It's almost as if there were server side memory leaks that continue to grow.

I hate to speculate without evidence. And I hate conspiracy theories. But I will have to say that the LAG does seem to improve after a server reset, and slowly seems to get worse as the uptime increases. I've seen a lot of comments about Guild renown rewards causing LAG. I can't say that I've seen this one way or the other. But that might be because Guild renown is awarded whilst in the midst of combat, and I'm usually rather distracted whilst I'm in the middle of combat.

But this past weekend I was in FoTP, Deathwyrm, FoT, L HoX, and DotJ raids, and LAG was a factor in all of them. In most of them we could have easily run on a higher difficulty level, just the fear of LAG prevented us from even trying. We failed a H L HoX run, and then succeeded in the following N L HoX run, and LAG was the primary gating factor since healing the HoX/Puppy tank is a fail when the healer(s) can't manage to get a spell cast. The tank can be killed so very fast on LH or above that it takes a non-lagging healer to keep them alive.

05-10-2016, 03:56 AM
This past weekend had an above-normal amount of poor game performance, and is something we will be looking into. We are continuing to look into the various reported causes of lag, including renown gain. We would continue to caution that Defiler of the Just has issues outside of server-client latency, and is not a good test case for lag. We fully understand people's frustration in Defiler of the Just, and will be considering some options for that particular raid in the future.

Umm hmmm. Well, just be aware that from the observers side of things, DotJ has no different LAG issues than any other raid. LAG on fallen Archons spawn, LAG on Devil reinforcements spawn, this is the exact same thing which is seen in other raids. FoT: LAG on giant/dragon pair spawn, LAG on TO involvement after first acolyte dies. LAG when undead dragon/giant pairs spawn. Etc. No difference seen from the observers point of view.

So, please educate your player base. Tell us exactly how the DotJ LAG is different from the FoT LAG is different from the Deathwyrm LAG is different from the FoTP LAG, etc. Help us help you!

Your customers would love to have you explain the details to us so that we can focus on helping you fix the issues you don't seem to have a handle on. But really, for customer confidence to be boosted would mean that you might actually have to fix a LAG issue which you tell the player base that is an instance specific issue. Fix DotJ! If you fully understand people's frustration with DotJ, then why not just fix it?

05-10-2016, 09:25 AM
We are continuing to look into the various reported causes of lag, including renown gain

no no no no no no no ... dont look into it! .... remove it! ... take it off! ... slice it up! ... chop it off! ... break it down! ... punch it in the face! ...

we dont need the darn renown while questing, raiding, and its the MAJOR, PRIMAL, THE MOST IMPORTANT cause of lag in large groups.

remove it! ... take it off! ... slice it up! ... chop it off! ... break it down! ... punch it in the face! ...

we dont need new updates with op items, we arent kids crying out for candys... WE WANT LAG FREE EXPERIENCE :)

remove it! ... take it off! ... slice it up! ... chop it off! ... break it down! ... punch it in the face! ...

then look into it as many times u want ! but first : remove it! ... take it off! ... slice it up! ... chop it off! ... break it down! ... punch it in the face! ...

05-10-2016, 01:48 PM
5 man Tempest. 5 man Von5/6. The Lag was not very apparent in the raids. House J, lvl 11s prior to the raids, had a constant difficulty/lag increase. I would say it's difficult to determine the reason, but I'm no computer expert. It seems to vary for me, regardless of the mission, renown, quantity in the group, character classes. I'm thinking a new UI that scales a bit more for 4k would fix it. :p

05-10-2016, 02:44 PM
3. Pathing, while not back to normal had improved. But this weekend mobs were running off cliffs in a loop, getting caught in corners, etc.

Definitely saw this.

First in DW we saw spiders try to take a direct route toward us and fall off into the void, which was tbh, pretty amusing. It was not so amusing later when in Garl's the Yuan Ti on the platforms in the large room with the levers started doing it and led to them almost entirely being on the ground floor and resulted in a red alert that was a genuine pain.

At the penultimate fight, the high priestess was happy as always to be drawn away from the central platform, but even when directly lined up with the party and the bridge managed to path off into the water and reset. She likely reset 20-25 times before we were able go to the middle platform and drag her back to the entry. The associated spawns in the center were constantly flopping into the water and resetting. Ofc, there was a fair bit of lag out on the central platform, as you might imagine.

Also noticed gnolls dropping from the top of the maze in Crucible to the main floor. Yeah, wasn't really sad to see that one, lol.

Anywho, not sure what was done that impacted pathing, and it certainly was not flawless before this. Mobs facing walls and doing aggroing on furniture haa been happing for a long time. However, it's been a while since I've seen such extreme suicidal tendencies. ;)

05-10-2016, 08:19 PM
Today I was finally able to successfully log in my characters and not only that complete a quest without noticeable lag.

Let's hope whatever today's patch did stays helpful...

05-11-2016, 07:07 AM
joined a group doing epic Stormhorns last night. there are certain lag spots in What Goes Up that were completely gone. the whole group had been commenting on it throughout the chain that these lag spots seemed to be fixed. even renown lag seemed to be better, but not completely gone.

05-11-2016, 09:26 PM
just ran epic Wheloon and no lag in the usual old lag spots, only minor lag when running to one of the quests. we even had red alert. first Stormhorns and now Wheloon. hopefully this continues.

05-12-2016, 04:39 AM
Played on Ghallanda yesterday for about 3 hours, doing the new quests.
Except for some FPS lag (which is only to blame on myself) only had one noticable lag spike during that time. Groups were ranging from 2 to 4 people. Guildies also reported a playable DoJ earlier. I have some hope.

05-12-2016, 07:00 AM
Played on Ghallanda yesterday for about 3 hours, doing the new quests.
Except for some FPS lag (which is only to blame on myself) only had one noticable lag spike during that time. Groups were ranging from 2 to 4 people. Guildies also reported a playable DoJ earlier. I have some hope.

There was nothing in the U31 release notes (https://www.ddo.com/en/update-31-release-notes) which even hinted at Turbine implementing any LAG fixes. So why associate U31 with a reduction in LAG? What people are most likely seeing is a reduction in LAG due to a fresh server reset. Don't have some hope. Instead, watch and observe as LAG slowly increases across the next few weeks, just as it did since the last server resets around the mid-April time frame. There will be another server reset in the next few hours. If that is the last one for a few weeks or a month, then watch and see how LAG reports change over time.

Because after a server reset there is typically a bunch of "Horray, LAG is reduced!" posts, but then those fade away as server uptime increases and LAG increases back to the standard sub-standard levels.

05-12-2016, 07:27 AM
There was nothing in the U31 release notes (https://www.ddo.com/en/update-31-release-notes) which even hinted at Turbine implementing any LAG fixes. So why associate U31 with a reduction in LAG? What people are most likely seeing is a reduction in LAG due to a fresh server reset. Don't have some hope. Instead, watch and observe as LAG slowly increases across the next few weeks, just as it did since the last server resets around the mid-April time frame. There will be another server reset in the next few hours. If that is the last one for a few weeks or a month, then watch and see how LAG reports change over time.

Because after a server reset there is typically a bunch of "Horray, LAG is reduced!" posts, but then those fade away as server uptime increases and LAG increases back to the standard sub-standard levels.

You are right that this was the case several times after server restarts. We will see what happens the next days/weeks.
I'm not saying all is fine. I'm saying yesterday was the most lagfree DDO experience I had in months. That's all.

Reports go both ways. I reported lag plenty of times on these boards.

05-12-2016, 08:50 AM
1. Server: Sarlona
2. Approximate time: 1030pm Wednesday, 5/11/16
3. mixed group, no barbarians
4. 12
5. Legendary Normal Shroud
6. General experience: Several cases of extreme lag (freezing and stuttering) through out every part of the shroud every time monsters spawned.

05-12-2016, 12:25 PM
1. Wayfinder
2. 8-12 PM, EST (Georgia, USA) 11 May, 2016
3. Warlock, Wizard, Bard, Monk, Rogue, Cleric hireling
4. Five players, one hireling. All recently Reincarnated characters, level 1-3.
5. Korthos village, Korthos wilderness, Level 2 Harbor quests. All quests done on Elite difficulty.
6. Playing as a ranged rogue using a great crossbow. Personally i was experiencing a lot of lag, mostly in targeting, but especially while trying to turn to follow targets. Everything, including movement for me seemed to have a slight delay. The monk froze up completely once in Misery's Peak for about 3-5 seconds.

05-13-2016, 01:18 AM
These past few days, since U31 came out, the game performance has visibly improved. I can only hope its temporary, cuz there's still plenty of room of improvement, but on the other hand I can't even recall when I had my previous lag free DoJ. Was surely months ago. And I just experienced one within the first hours after the update was released - 8 ppl normal. The renown lag was nonexistent. Did some more runs today, 4 men, again very smooth runs. Although, 12 men hard L.Shroud, renown lag was again in place. Maybe not as annoying like it has been over the last few weeks, but once in a while would still get a 1-2 secs short freezes. It was a 12 men after all. I never take more than 10 ppl in a Shroud, but did it just to test the lag. I dont recall any lag after killing Arraetrikos in p4, that was smooth, but the small freezes after destroying the portals, just before you get cursed, were still there.
In conclusion, if a server reset was made or not, something was done, it improved game performance and gaming experience over the last few days. But i feel that the renown gain while questing or raiding still has a huge impact over a large group (>8). And if indeed a server reset was made, then it only means it will only get worse with time.
So my suggestion is again to remove the renown temporarily while u look into it, or completely, either way is useless.
The only alternative we have would be to drop guilds and post lfm with description "guildless only" ... and think about how fast those would fill up.

05-13-2016, 02:59 AM
These past few days, since U31 came out, the game performance has visibly improved. I can only hope its temporary, cuz there's still plenty of room of improvement, but on the other hand I can't even recall when I had my previous lag free DoJ. Was surely months ago. And I just experienced one within the first hours after the update was released - 8 ppl normal. The renown lag was nonexistent. Did some more runs today, 4 men, again very smooth runs. Although, 12 men hard L.Shroud, renown lag was again in place. Maybe not as annoying like it has been over the last few weeks, but once in a while would still get a 1-2 secs short freezes. It was a 12 men after all. I never take more than 10 ppl in a Shroud, but did it just to test the lag. I dont recall any lag after killing Arraetrikos in p4, that was smooth, but the small freezes after destroying the portals, just before you get cursed, were still there.
In conclusion, if a server reset was made or not, something was done, it improved game performance and gaming experience over the last few days. But i feel that the renown gain while questing or raiding still has a huge impact over a large group (>8). And if indeed a server reset was made, then it only means it will only get worse with time.
So my suggestion is again to remove the renown temporarily while u look into it, or completely, either way is useless.
The only alternative we have would be to drop guilds and post lfm with description "guildless only" ... and think about how fast those would fill up.

has anybody from the dev team even said they know for sure guild renown is a lag causer? because it seems like a couple forum people seem to have just glommed onto the next random thing and said it was definitely causing lag. next it's going to be "gaining experience points is causing lag, stop rewarding xp!"...seriously...

05-13-2016, 07:35 AM
has anybody from the dev team even said they know for sure guild renown is a lag causer? because it seems like a couple forum people seem to have just glommed onto the next random thing and said it was definitely causing lag. next it's going to be "gaining experience points is causing lag, stop rewarding xp!"...seriously...

Its not hard to figure out when you receive that small and insignificant number of renown while questing, based on the guild largeness (10, 13, 17, 25), suddenly you cant move for 3-5 secs and you hear or see at least 1 party member saying "laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag" that these two relate to each other. If its "the new thing", may be and for the good reasons. Can never have enough people to say it until its removed. And you can actually find some examples with videos ppl posted right in this thread to convince yourself. Furthermore, it can't be compared with gaining xp, as its a very insignificant number of renown being awarded and affecting the game. One we could be better off for the time being, until they "investigate/look into it" properly.

05-13-2016, 10:58 AM
Its not hard to figure out when you receive that small and insignificant number of renown while questing, based on the guild largeness (10, 13, 17, 25), suddenly you cant move for 3-5 secs and you hear or see at least 1 party member saying "laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag" that these two relate to each other. If its "the new thing", may be and for the good reasons. Can never have enough people to say it until its removed. And you can actually find some examples with videos ppl posted right in this thread to convince yourself. Furthermore, it can't be compared with gaining xp, as its a very insignificant number of renown being awarded and affecting the game. One we could be better off for the time being, until they "investigate/look into it" properly.

After the U31 Update/Hotfix, I managed to log on fine (which is rare these days), ran a couple of quests, got renown rewards with no lag at all.

Yesterday I was back to red X'ing connection lost to server. Feels like I can currently ONLY play on Patch day...

Renown might be causing some issues.

Nut I am more inclined to favour the idea that the servers start crumpling under the pressure over time, memory leak or the like.

It is possible that the Renown is the cause of the memory leak though.

05-13-2016, 11:57 AM
1. Server: Khyber
2. Approximate time: 3:30pm GMT - 3:37pm GMT
3. General class makeup and group composition: Favoured Soul
4. Size of party/raid group: N/A
5. Quest or raid run: N/A
6. General experience: After a 7 minute load, Red X and connection to server Lost

1. Server: Khyber
2. Approximate time: 3:37pm GMT - 3:55pm GMT
3. General class makeup and group composition: Artificer
4. Size of party/raid group: N/A
5. Quest or raid run: N/A
6. General experience: Stuck on Loading screen with no progress at all.

05-13-2016, 01:34 PM
has anybody from the dev team even said they know for sure guild renown is a lag causer? because it seems like a couple forum people seem to have just glommed onto the next random thing and said it was definitely causing lag. next it's going to be "gaining experience points is causing lag, stop rewarding xp!"...seriously...

I don't know that we can say for sure that "guild renown causes lag", but yes, there is definitely something going on that manifests in some folks (but not everyone) experiencing lag when renown is granted, and it affects everyone in the group. The reason I say we can't say for sure is it's not certain whether the renown lag is a symptom or a cause. This is something we are continuing to look into.

05-13-2016, 01:49 PM
Figured we should end the week with a bit of a status report:

We did work this week to improve game performance in Defiler of the Just, and at least initially the results seem quite positive. We will be able to say more definitively on both this and other improvements as time goes on; it's true that we rebooted the worlds yesterday, so we'll be monitoring how things change over time.

Yesterday, we ran some tech on Argonnessen that is being looked at to see if it delivers on smoothing out server spikes. The tech has some issues (like breaking Von4), but if the data shows a significant improvement, we'll do further work to remove these issues before putting the tech in place.

Overall, lag in parties and smaller raid groups is greatly improved over what it was, say, a month ago. We're continuing to work on identifying and resolving sources of lag, including an investigation into the so-called "guild renown lag".

05-13-2016, 02:03 PM
Figured we should end the week with a bit of a status report:

We did work this week to improve game performance in Defiler of the Just, and at least initially the results seem quite positive. We will be able to say more definitively on both this and other improvements as time goes on; it's true that we rebooted the worlds yesterday, so we'll be monitoring how things change over time.

Yesterday, we ran some tech on Argonnessen that is being looked at to see if it delivers on smoothing out server spikes. The tech has some issues (like breaking Von4), but if the data shows a significant improvement, we'll do further work to remove these issues before putting the tech in place.

Overall, lag in parties and smaller raid groups is greatly improved over what it was, say, a month ago. We're continuing to work on identifying and resolving sources of lag, including an investigation into the so-called "guild renown lag".

Any updates on why it seems to get harder and harder to actually log in characters (maybe it's just me?) the longer it's been since a server restart?

Cause since the data centre move I'm pretty much unable to play except on patch days...

Edit: I may have found a solution to my issues.

I would typically leave the Launcher open when logging into different characters on different accounts. I tried again this evening, just to take a look at the flash sales, and closed the launcher between logging characters to force it to precache the data for each login and I was actually able to Login successfully.

As a result I would suggest altering the Precache time from when the Launcher starts, to after the Server is selected in the launcher.

05-13-2016, 07:44 PM
Figured we should end the week with a bit of a status report:

We did work this week to improve game performance in Defiler of the Just, and at least initially the results seem quite positive. We will be able to say more definitively on both this and other improvements as time goes on; it's true that we rebooted the worlds yesterday, so we'll be monitoring how things change over time.

Yesterday, we ran some tech on Argonnessen that is being looked at to see if it delivers on smoothing out server spikes. The tech has some issues (like breaking Von4), but if the data shows a significant improvement, we'll do further work to remove these issues before putting the tech in place.

Overall, lag in parties and smaller raid groups is greatly improved over what it was, say, a month ago. We're continuing to work on identifying and resolving sources of lag, including an investigation into the so-called "guild renown lag".

Is there a reason why you don't just do a trial of disabling guild renown (GrantGuildRenown() { return; ) to see how much lag you are left with to fix?

05-13-2016, 08:17 PM
DoJ went much better for me, significant improvement.
EN, full group including pets and warlocks, Khyber 6 pm cst, fighter kensei build with fast healing in US ED.

Still had bad "renown linked lag" for several seconds.

Noticed that party had at least four players including myself with small or very small guild bonus renown calculations.
Also noticed an oddity that some renown caused lag and some did not, seemingly from whoever made the final kill?

Would consider letting go of small guild bonuses if such creates this lag, as the shutting off of renown decay did huge benefits for guilds already, or perhaps simplifiying the calculations?

Worried that renown is looking thru guild rooster every time it has to do very small guild bonuses?

05-13-2016, 08:22 PM
Figured we should end the week with a bit of a status report:

We did work this week to improve game performance in Defiler of the Just, and at least initially the results seem quite positive. We will be able to say more definitively on both this and other improvements as time goes on; it's true that we rebooted the worlds yesterday, so we'll be monitoring how things change over time.

Yesterday, we ran some tech on Argonnessen that is being looked at to see if it delivers on smoothing out server spikes. The tech has some issues (like breaking Von4), but if the data shows a significant improvement, we'll do further work to remove these issues before putting the tech in place.

Overall, lag in parties and smaller raid groups is greatly improved over what it was, say, a month ago. We're continuing to work on identifying and resolving sources of lag, including an investigation into the so-called "guild renown lag".

While you're at this kind of thing it, wouldn't hurt to look at those wheloon quest that dump 30+(?) mobs all at once and immediately send you to orange or red alert. Sure, if you happen to remember where the encounters are you can inch your way through, but if you don't know, or forgot and just charge ahead like usual, things will immediately grind to a halt and there is nothing you can do for up to 10 minutes until the lag crazed mobs wander away and things calm down. I can't help but think these quests cause no end of issues.

Just a thought.

05-15-2016, 12:04 PM
Full group and will post screenie below.

I did not run or jump over any gaps and was on solid ground running to the end right. I rubber baneded over nothingness and died and ended up at the bottom. Not cool, because I missed the end fight. The lag was horrible from when I stepped in until I finished. I know I was not the only one that ended up at the bottom due to this.

I ususally don't get this level of lag, even in EE. It was really bad. I had stuttering run lag on the way to Elimister after the raid as well.

I'm currently standing at the mailbox well after completion and I'm still hearing the ambient background sound from the chest area at the end of the raid. It's now 9:08am PST and I can't get the sound to go away. Will try re-logging.


05-16-2016, 04:28 AM
Back to almost constant yellow connection symbol, lag on any interactive action and stuttering movement. Nothing changed my end :(

05-16-2016, 08:40 AM
thank you for the update cordovan, please don't just focus on DOJ though , Temple of the deathwyrm is still having issues, i ran one friday around 8am on Thelanis, raid was ok until someone destroyed the real phylactery and then the whole instance locked up for about 10 minutes, this was on a EN run luckily we completed but it wasn't a great experience

05-16-2016, 09:04 AM
Figured we should end the week with a bit of a status report:

We did work this week to improve game performance in Defiler of the Just, and at least initially the results seem quite positive. We will be able to say more definitively on both this and other improvements as time goes on; it's true that we rebooted the worlds yesterday, so we'll be monitoring how things change over time.

Yesterday, we ran some tech on Argonnessen that is being looked at to see if it delivers on smoothing out server spikes. The tech has some issues (like breaking Von4), but if the data shows a significant improvement, we'll do further work to remove these issues before putting the tech in place.

Overall, lag in parties and smaller raid groups is greatly improved over what it was, say, a month ago. We're continuing to work on identifying and resolving sources of lag, including an investigation into the so-called "guild renown lag".

Experienced very choppy game play on Argo from 3 - 5 p.m. CDT. 5 to 10 seconds behind. Running threnals on and red fens on heroic elite.