View Full Version : Blood Tribute enhancement
04-05-2016, 03:35 PM
I have only used the Blood Tribute enhancement infrequently because I am not fond of the stacking Constitution reduction. Recently, a member of a party I was running in raved about Blood Tribute and suggested I should use it extremely frequently, almost continuously. I am curious how other Barbarians use this enhancement.
04-05-2016, 03:42 PM
I don't waste the AP on it myself. I can't see the benefit of using it frequently. Once or twice maybe, but not frequently and to me not worth the AP.
04-06-2016, 01:06 AM
I don't like it. But it probably works.
04-06-2016, 04:07 AM
I have only used the Blood Tribute enhancement infrequently because I am not fond of the stacking Constitution reduction. Recently, a member of a party I was running in raved about Blood Tribute and suggested I should use it extremely frequently, almost continuously. I am curious how other Barbarians use this enhancement.
IMO, it´s a waste of AP that you can spend better. Perhaps see that partymember telling you to use it extremely frequently in a different light?
04-06-2016, 04:11 AM
Wild guess. He was talking about blood strength, maybe he got the names mixed up.
Because it's a really, really good ability.
Blood Strength: Each time you land a hit there is a 12% chance you heal positive damage equal to half your Barbarian level. Each time you kill an opponent you are healed for 20 hit points. This healing scales with 100% Melee Power. Blood Strength has a one-second cooldown when you kill an enemy.
04-06-2016, 04:16 AM
Wild guess. He was talking about blood strength, maybe he got the names mixed up.
Because it's a really, really good ability.
Blood Strength: Each time you land a hit there is a 12% chance you heal positive damage equal to half your Barbarian level. Each time you kill an opponent you are healed for 20 hit points. This healing scales with 100% Melee Power. Blood Strength has a one-second cooldown when you kill an enemy.
Or Cruel Cut, that one has a "Constitution reduction" too, but for the mobs.
04-06-2016, 04:17 AM
IMO, it´s a waste of AP that you can spend better. Perhaps see that partymember telling you to use it extremely frequently in a different light?
its not that bad - it lets you use supreme cleave with no pen.
to me its filler to get to 40 to take capstone
04-06-2016, 04:24 AM
its not that bad - it lets you use supreme cleave with no pen.
to me its filler to get to 40 to take capstone
Blood Trail: Supreme Cleave costs 3/6/10 fewer hitpoints to activate
You can't compare hitpoints to temporary hitpoints.
Temporary hitpoints have the huge advantage that you can stack them on top of your HP.
Getting 400 temporary HP is great if you use it for situations where you need that extra buffer.
And you can also use it as an emergency "Oh S**t" button.
The Con penalty is not a big deal. You'd have to use blood trail 27 times to get to a point where it being up + the Con penalty is just as much total HP as you would have if you never used it.
I would not recommend spamming it though. Use it for stuff where you need those extra HP.
It's a good tool that adds versatility. If you have those 3 AP, take it.
And blood trail... yea, that's actually not worth any AP. Who cares if you lose 10 HP while cleaving?
04-06-2016, 08:53 AM
IMO, it´s a waste of AP that you can spend better. Perhaps see that partymember telling you to use it extremely frequently in a different light?
Well, none of his toons that I am aware of are Barbarian, so I do wonder why he is acting like such an expert about Barbarians. Judging from the the responses I am seeing here, Blood Tribute is useful in certain circumstances, but is certainly not the necessity that this guy was suggesting.
04-07-2016, 04:44 AM
I like it for the emergency button & in low to mid heroics it's great for those short & vicious fights where there's champions present who can really ruin your day, or you can combine it with uncanny dodge & a rejuvenation cocoon cookie (need to be un-raged for these but imo rage doesn't make as much of a difference in those levels vs. using other spell based cookies for versatility) for particularly nasty traps.
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