View Full Version : Once again the game is unplayable

03-25-2016, 09:39 PM
Well, another Friday, another bunch of wasted time with DDO. Tried to raid tonight in Fire on Thunder Peak and DoJ. Barely made if through FoTP with the lag, and DoJ was completely unplayable. Public areas (Eveningstar and Shavarath) were having area wide lag and rubberbanding issues. EVERYONE was having the same issues at the same time.

This is no longer any fun. Random lag in even small groups and quests is bad enough, but totally game breaking lag in raids even with small raid groups (7 or 8 people) nearly every time you try a raid is just not acceptable anymore. Raids are where I get to interact with all my guild friends at once. It's where we get to try and push our characters and skills by doing the hardest content at increasingly higher difficulties. I can no longer do any of these things, and neither can any of my friends. I'm tired of it. It's been going on for too long. This problem existed before the server farm move. It is worse AFTER that move, and all I have seen as responses from Turbine is "Hey, thanks for the reports, they really help!!". Clearly, they do not.

I am a founder. I have played this game since beta and subscribed to this game for nearly its entire run. I know no one at Turbine cares a single bit about those facts, but it should make them at least somewhat concerned as I have cancelled my subscription and I know of several other long time players that have done the same. If I felt that there was some real urgency to fix the game-crippling lag issue that has plagued DDO for so long now I would stick it out, but I am sorry, I just do not.

I am sad. I love this game, and the player base it has attracted is second to none, but I just can't do it anymore.