View Full Version : Ridiculous lag, ice storm debuff persists on death, clerics and party die immediately

03-20-2016, 06:31 PM

Running the Tide Turns in house D, elite, me and my son and two cleric hirelings. Lag has been very bad this weekend. QA should be able to resolve this quickly. We are both VIPs. The Anniversary was nice, but now we are left with a game that just isn't fun. I know it's frustrating for the dev's too.

So... We died by a shrine, we can rez and the clerics can rez, but when I or my cleric rez we die immediately. The champion enemy sorc died about 10 minutes ago, and her ice storm is not visible in game, but it shows up on my defuff bar and kills me immediately after rez. Put in a ticket. My son is not affected, nor is his cleric.

I seriously hope the lag issue is resolved soon. I'd like to see the game on a reliable server, and I'd really like to hear what the short term plans for the game are. We know kensai are being re-worked, but what about new content? Is the game already in maintainence mode and on a bargain price server?

Thank you,

03-20-2016, 06:33 PM
This bug actually happened to people before the data center move. It's not necessarily related to the move lag. I know I was killed in the Marketplace by an ice storm spell that was cast in the previous quest but persisted, and that happened something like three years ago.

Just wasn't sure if you knew it was a longtime known bug. You can resolve by relogging.

03-20-2016, 06:35 PM
" The champion enemy sorc died about 10 minutes ago, and her ice storm is not visible in game, but it shows up on my defuff bar and kills me immediately after rez. Put in a ticket. My son is not affected, nor is his cleric."

We were just in VON3, a party of 3 and each time we got hit with ice storm, we had to relog. It persisted even through death and so when we were ressed, we were getting hit again by the ice storm. The lag was unplayable too, I could see enemies attacking me where I had just leapt from in a jerky motion and then a a few seconds later I saw the damage on my hp bar. I love this game, but they need to fix it because it's just unplayable right now. I was even lagging in solo quests. Crazy.

03-20-2016, 06:35 PM
Update. No DM response, released from quest and died in tavern, ice storm effect persisted. Relogged, died again in tavern, and ice storm disappeared. So at least there was a short term solution.

03-20-2016, 06:36 PM
My wife also had the issue with the ice storm although it was slightly different.

The ice storm showed up on the screen so did not have to look at the buff view. but the ice storm persisted through death, quest completion, a visit to the bar only relogging removed the ice storm.

03-20-2016, 06:48 PM
you don't need to submit a ticket. to get rid of persistent ice storm and the like, all you need to do is relog. do submit a bug report though.

03-20-2016, 06:56 PM
This bug actually happened to people before the data center move. It's not necessarily related to the move lag. I know I was killed in the Marketplace by an ice storm spell that was cast in the previous quest but persisted, and that happened something like three years ago.

Just wasn't sure if you knew it was a longtime known bug. You can resolve by relogging.

I had it happen with Wall of Fire and a guildie had it happen with Acid Fog (I think). Relogging resolved it.

03-20-2016, 07:39 PM
I know there is a whole, stop complaining about lag initiative going on of late. But I am also a VIP and I dump a fair amount of money in this game. I don't want to seem entitled, I don't think anyone should have to put up with this lag. I am just putting out that I give you money, and you are frustrating me. I watched my wife try to disable a trap in the lag through 4 different deaths. At one point I healed her through it for a good 30 seconds while she was trying to find a place to stand because the lag kept saying she was hit even though she was not standing in the spray. During that time, she completed the disarm progress bar 3 times, each a success - however because of the lag, it never turned the trap off. I have cast all kinds of spell, buffs, heals - and they appear to finish but they never go through. I am talking standing at the rest shrine, not in combat.

This is not a threat, it is a reality - you have a limited amount of time to get this lag under control before subscribers and would be purchasers of your DDO point items call it quits and play something else. It is a 10 year old game and it is inexcusable. It is not the Everquest beta in 1998 (which btw, never lagged this badly). I appreciate people don't want to hear negativity, but if you don't voice your frustration with a problem en masse it is hard to make a business case that money needs to be spent to resolve it.

The situation is this, you have a lot of people interested in this game. You can a) throw more resources at the problem so everyone has a good experience and stays or, b) wait for the population to die down so the resources are not longer over taxed. I know if I was running a booming business and my store was too small, and staff under-resourced, my business acumen would be questionable if my solution was to wait for the customers to get mad and go away so there are less people in my store. Acknowledge and address the problem please.

03-20-2016, 07:42 PM
I know there is a whole, stop complaining about lag initiative going on of late. But I am also a VIP and I dump a fair amount of money in this game. I don't want to seem entitled, I don't think anyone should have to put up with this lag. I am just putting out that I give you money, and you are frustrating me. I watched my wife try to disable a trap in the lag through 4 different deaths. At one point I healed her through it for a good 30 seconds while she was trying to find a place to stand because the lag kept saying she was hit even though she was not standing in the spray. During that time, she completed the disarm progress bar 3 times, each a success - however because of the lag, it never turned the trap off. I have cast all kinds of spell, buffs, heals - and they appear to finish but they never go through. I am talking standing at the rest shrine, not in combat.

This is not a threat, it is a reality - you have a limited amount of time to get this lag under control before subscribers and would be purchasers of your DDO point items call it quits and play something else. It is a 10 year old game and it is inexcusable. It is not the Everquest beta in 1998 (which btw, never lagged this badly). I appreciate people don't want to hear negativity, but if you don't voice your frustration with a problem en masse it is hard to make a business case that money needs to be spent to resolve it.

The situation is this, you have a lot of people interested in this game. You can a) throw more resources at the problem so everyone has a good experience and stays or, b) wait for the population to die down so the resources are not longer over taxed. I know if I was running a booming business and my store was too small, and staff under-resourced, my business acumen would be questionable if my solution was to wait for the customers to get mad and go away so there are less people in my store. Acknowledge and address the problem please.


03-20-2016, 07:46 PM
I know there is a whole, stop complaining about lag initiative going on of late. But I am also a VIP and I dump a fair amount of money in this game. I don't want to seem entitled, I don't think anyone should have to put up with this lag. I am just putting out that I give you money, and you are frustrating me. I watched my wife try to disable a trap in the lag through 4 different deaths. At one point I healed her through it for a good 30 seconds while she was trying to find a place to stand because the lag kept saying she was hit even though she was not standing in the spray. During that time, she completed the disarm progress bar 3 times, each a success - however because of the lag, it never turned the trap off. I have cast all kinds of spell, buffs, heals - and they appear to finish but they never go through. I am talking standing at the rest shrine, not in combat.

This is not a threat, it is a reality - you have a limited amount of time to get this lag under control before subscribers and would be purchasers of your DDO point items call it quits and play something else. It is a 10 year old game and it is inexcusable. It is not the Everquest beta in 1998 (which btw, never lagged this badly). I appreciate people don't want to hear negativity, but if you don't voice your frustration with a problem en masse it is hard to make a business case that money needs to be spent to resolve it.

The situation is this, you have a lot of people interested in this game. You can a) throw more resources at the problem so everyone has a good experience and stays or, b) wait for the population to die down so the resources are not longer over taxed. I know if I was running a booming business and my store was too small, and staff under-resourced, my business acumen would be questionable if my solution was to wait for the customers to get mad and go away so there are less people in my store. Acknowledge and address the problem please.

Okay, but real question: what does this have to do with a longstanding bug? You couldn't post this in one of the other sixty threads (no exaggeration) on lag?

03-20-2016, 07:50 PM

Running the Tide Turns in house D, elite, me and my son and two cleric hirelings. Lag has been very bad this weekend. QA should be able to resolve this quickly. We are both VIPs. The Anniversary was nice, but now we are left with a game that just isn't fun. I know it's frustrating for the dev's too.

So... We died by a shrine, we can rez and the clerics can rez, but when I or my cleric rez we die immediately. The champion enemy sorc died about 10 minutes ago, and her ice storm is not visible in game, but it shows up on my defuff bar and kills me immediately after rez. Put in a ticket. My son is not affected, nor is his cleric.

I seriously hope the lag issue is resolved soon. I'd like to see the game on a reliable server, and I'd really like to hear what the short term plans for the game are. We know kensai are being re-worked, but what about new content? Is the game already in maintainence mode and on a bargain price server?

Thank you,

Someone is actually logged in and playing this garbage lagfest???

03-20-2016, 07:52 PM
Okay, but real question: what does this have to do with a longstanding bug? You couldn't post this in one of the other sixty threads (no exaggeration) on lag?

because right now everything is getting blamed on lag. even bugs that have been around as long as I've been playing people are now posting as 'look what happened due to the lag'. I wonder what people have been doing all those years pre-server move, if they never encountered those bugs before. and if they only log on now, notice these bugs for the first time ever, and immediately conclude that it is because of the server move.

03-20-2016, 10:30 PM
I'm not convinced this had nothing to do with lag. Maybe it's more prevalent when it lags or when it's happened before it was due to client lag. If the game was running smoothly and it happened, I would chalk it up to bad luck and re-run the quest.

I've been a VIP since launch. I've seen bugs and never left the game. I don't play any other MMOs. I still play when it lags. I'm sure the lag will be fixed, I just hope it's soon. I hope the game has a bright future and is not being neglected. I'm worried that we haven't heard anything about new content.

This reminds me of when beholder attacks would still affect you in taverns. :)

03-21-2016, 01:05 AM
It's called confirmation bias.

03-21-2016, 01:17 AM
Lot of new bugs returning...

I had an acid cloud hitting me after finish a quest... This one is happening pretty often, it seems that is related with all the new lag problems.

As other example (of returning bugs, or happening more often), mobs respawning after FoTP raid is finished.

03-21-2016, 06:54 PM
Someone save the clerics!!!!!!

03-21-2016, 07:10 PM
Saying it isn't due to lag is a bit short sighted just because it has been around a long time. I have never crashed going into the desert. Not once. Not ever. I would see a person crash zoning in from time to time and wonder why it happens. Now I have about a fifty percent chance of zoning into the desert if I am in a party. Now I zone in then hit the LFM because if I don't it may end my play for the day. It's not like I crash in, relog and it's fine. The entire party crashes and the only thing I can do is just shut my laptop and go about my day.

Long standing bugs are being made far worse directly because of the lag.

03-21-2016, 07:17 PM
This bug actually happened to people before the data center move. It's not necessarily related to the move lag. I know I was killed in the Marketplace by an ice storm spell that was cast in the previous quest but persisted, and that happened something like three years ago.

Just wasn't sure if you knew it was a longtime known bug. You can resolve by relogging.
This bug actually happened to people before the data center move when there was lag involved.

Yes, it's a known bug. If you lag while inside an AOE spell, you remain with it when the lag is over. Always has been the case. Except now it's a lot more common because lag is much more common.