View Full Version : Any way to track Legendary completions?

03-20-2016, 07:26 AM
the /raid completions and/or /quest completions list does not include the legendary raids, least that i can see.

any way to track these?

03-20-2016, 08:06 AM
never noticed that they aren't listed, and just checked /quest completions and /raid completions and it's listed in neither. Though... why would you want to check? it's not like there is a 20th list for them, the runes are doing that part. though personally I am all for bragging rights, of course :D

03-20-2016, 08:23 AM
never noticed that they aren't listed, and just checked /quest completions and /raid completions and it's listed in neither. Though... why would you want to check? it's not like there is a 20th list for them, the runes are doing that part. though personally I am all for bragging rights, of course :D

the why is irrelevant. but if you must know - i just want to know how many. I can estimate based on runes, but having it laid out gets me a better idea of how many more runs i need to get what i want.

03-20-2016, 02:38 PM
You don't.

Its called.

Instead of trying to code a separate quest mechanic....lets just.....

Take the counter off to stop flagging a 20 runs check.

Add loot pieces with a existing bartering system.

Say how hard it is for 3 months collecting a paycheck and no working, put out a release and say that is all we can do with spaghetti code.

Rinse and Repeat for a few years, then set oven to broil for last 12 months.

03-20-2016, 06:34 PM
For Legendary Tempest's Spine, you might be able to work it out through the monster manual by locating the entry for 'Sorjek'. Tracking kills of Jack Jibbers in Two-Toed Tobias is how I track how many completions I have without yet pulling the blade.

Probably the same with the momma dog in Legendary HoX, Mericia (or whatever she is called) in To Curse the Sky and the kobold boss in Creeping Death.

it's not an elegant solution, but it might do.

I also lament the loss of the counter for Legendary raids.