View Full Version : OK, when I start complaining about lag, you know it's bad...

03-19-2016, 08:36 PM
I might be the exemplification of a DDO fanboi - not sure what the measure is. But I just quit out of a Lords of Dust run with another guildie. Blew up the second shrine stepped out of the room, went up the hallway to the stairs and...MASSIVE lag. It took us 10 minutes to find Novice on the floor.

As a side-note, this would be about the 237th we've found Novice after the double-cross. You'd think he would have learned that you can't turn your back on Gnomen. However, I digress...

And yesterday? Me and four guildies had quite a lagtastic time in Xorian Cipher. The last half of the quest (where the party has to split up) was as painful as a 27 lb breach-birth: labored, slow, excruciating, and generally not something I'd want to do a second time. Bossfights take on a new dimension when you can only move about once every 20 seconds.

It's bad. There are some forms of lag I can just put up with. But since the last update it's been painfully, obviously bad.

That and I'm not getting a video driver BSoD after the game is over and I've logged out. Haven't had one of them in a long, long, long time. So this tells me that someone's been doing something with the graphics engine. It might also be YouTube but I kinda doubt it.

In general, I have very few problems with the game if any at all; that is until recently.

So, thought I'd bring to someone's attention out there in Turbine-land. I don't expect special treatment. I'm not going to hold my breath and stamp my feet. I'm going to assume that, like me, others are noticing this and that, hopefully, someone has looked at the forums and taken notice. Because, you know, if it's not worth logging into the game because it is unplayable, that's generally not good for the bottom line. Just sayin'.

Let the flaming begin.