View Full Version : Some Arcane Suggestions

03-14-2016, 11:55 PM
Here's what I've come up with while thinking about what could make arcane casters in the game more interesting.

Add the following spells to the game:

Level 1:

Enlarge person: +2 str, +2 dex, +3 melee damage but as the cost of -4 attack roll, could be useful for eldritch knight build.
Blade of fire: grant 1d6 fire damage buff for your weapon. Could also be useful for eldritch knight build.
Color spray: I know we already have this, but it's gnome only, let everyone use it.

Level 2:
Protection from arrow: grant 10 DR against ranged attack.
Mirror image: grant 1d4 +1 decoy per caster level. Enemies have 50% chance to hit the caster instead of the decoys. Decoy are disappear once being hit until all decoys are gone. For balance sake, this can't be use while having displacement on and vice versa.

Level 3:
Clairvoyance: +10 spot, last 1 minute per caster level.
Vampiric touch: 1d8 damage per 2 caster level, caster gain damage as hp. Useful for fleshies casters who doesn't want to take pale master.
Weapon of impact: give the caster weapon the ability to bypass bludgeon damage reduction, could be useful for eldritch knight.

Level 4:
Least spell mantle: absorb 1d4 +4 spell levels.
Evard black tentacles: add this to sorcerer/wizard spell list.
Assay resistance: 1d2 +1 per caster level to caster roll when trying to overcome enemies spell resistance. Last 1 minute per caster level.
Issac lesser missile storm: 1 1d6 magic missiles + 1 addtional missiles per caster level. Make the missiles in this spells only have 50% of 7% chance to activate double rainbow and color of the queen.

Level 5:
Lesser spell mantle: 1d6 +6 spell level absorb.
Vitriolic sphere: same as lightning ball but deal acid damage.
Cacophonous burst: same as lightning ball but deal sonic damage.
Greater fire burst: explosion around caster dealing 1d8 fire damage per caster level.
Firebrand: same as lightning ball but deal fire damage.

Level 6:
Issac greater missiles storm: same as above, but missiles deal 2d6 damage each.
Ethereal visage: 20/adamantine DR, protection from level 2 and below spell.
Stone body: +4 str, -4 dex. 10 DR/adamantine -50% movement speed, immunity to negative level & damage, disease, mummy rot. 50% resistance to acid and fire. Could be useful to eldritch knight.
Greater stone skin: same as stone skin, but 20/adamantine DR.

Level 7:
Energy immunity: immunity to 1 element type, last 10 seconds per caster level. Can only be immune to 1 element at any given time.
Spell mantle: absorb 1d8 +8 spell levels.
Bibgy grasping hand: 1d6 damage per caster level. Work on undead and construct.
Shadow shield: 10 DR/magic, immunity to death effect, negative energy damage, and necromancy spell.
Abasculate: stun a single enemy and reduce its hp by half, doesn't work on bosses. 90 sec cooldown.

Level 8:
Mind blank: immunity to mind altering effect.
Protection from spells: +8 to saves vs spells.
Black staff: grant the caster staff dispel on hit. Useful for eldritch knight.
Bibgy clenched fist: 1d8+11 damage per caster level and stun the target (fortitude save). Work on undead and construct.
Iron body: +6 str, -6 dex, -50% movement speed, immunity to negative effects, 50% immunity to acid and fire.

Level 9:
Greater spell mantle: absorb 1d12+10 spell levels.
Weird: AoE of PK.
Bibgy crushing hand: 2d6 +12 damage per caster level, stun the enemy (fortitude save), work on undead and construct.

Also, let morninglord choose wizard as their first level.

03-15-2016, 02:19 AM
Hi Viconiax,

new spells are a must and for the most part I like your list, I do have a few comments though...

Blade of Fire - isn't this slightly redundant given that Eldritch Knight has elemental weapons already, which is better than Blade of FIRE because it can be for any element.

Mirror Image - A classic D&D spell that should have been in from that start, but I'm assuming you are not advocating that each of the mirror images is actually represented graphically in game - high level casters would be hung drawn and quartered for causing lag if so... Perhaps one mirror image per five caster levels, chance of hitting decoy occurs before displacement and blur are checked for, so would stack with both.

Clairvoyance - Level 3 has a lot of nice spells, would this spell in this format ever be taken by any caster ? I'm all for new spells but some spells are more D&D than DDO and I think this one certainly in this format is one of those. As it is it is not worth the Dev time. Perhaps +1 spot and search/2 caster levels which would allow it to scale, I like spells that scale.

Mantle spells - I liked the mantle and barrier type spells from Baldurs gate/Ice wind dale series but given the huge spamming volume of spells thrown at players by MOB casters I think they would last all of one encounter if you were lucky. I would like to see them implemented but some more thought is needed on how they should work which I will leave to those better able to do so.

Firebrand - I'm not familiar with this one, but it sounds from the description like fireball/DBF so not sure what the point of it is, the name implies something else though more like another weapon with fire effect.

Ethereal Visage - again sorry not familiar with this spell but the name and the description do not seem to match up, I would expect ethereal visage to work like ghostly not to give DR.

All the rest seem fine, iirc wasnt Iron Body a cleric spell?

I would also like to see Silence, Silence 15' added so casters can get past mobs without fighting, I have no problem with that as a tactic, and I hate doors which will not open until mobs have been killed, stupid DM mechanism imho.

As for Morninglord, its an abomination which should be split into a HUMAN iconic and a SUN ELF iconic.

Arcane and Divine both need a shot in the arm, new spells would be a good start but I would like to see a bit more than just that. I am however realistic, DDO is not as popular as it should be for a number of reasons and hence does not have the funds to take it where it needs to go, but one can dream....

03-15-2016, 03:16 PM
Here's what I've come up with while thinking about what could make arcane casters in the game more interesting.

Add the following spells to the game:

Level 1:

Enlarge person: +2 str, +2 dex, +3 melee damage but as the cost of -4 attack roll, could be useful for eldritch knight build.
Blade of fire: grant 1d6 fire damage buff for your weapon. Could also be useful for eldritch knight build.
Color spray: I know we already have this, but it's gnome only, let everyone use it.

Level 2:
Protection from arrow: grant 10 DR against ranged attack.
Mirror image: grant 1d4 +1 decoy per caster level. Enemies have 50% chance to hit the caster instead of the decoys. Decoy are disappear once being hit until all decoys are gone. For balance sake, this can't be use while having displacement on and vice versa.

Level 3:
Clairvoyance: +10 spot, last 1 minute per caster level.
Vampiric touch: 1d8 damage per 2 caster level, caster gain damage as hp. Useful for fleshies casters who doesn't want to take pale master.
Weapon of impact: give the caster weapon the ability to bypass bludgeon damage reduction, could be useful for eldritch knight.

Level 4:
Least spell mantle: absorb 1d4 +4 spell levels.
Evard black tentacles: add this to sorcerer/wizard spell list.
Assay resistance: 1d2 +1 per caster level to caster roll when trying to overcome enemies spell resistance. Last 1 minute per caster level.
Issac lesser missile storm: 1 1d6 magic missiles + 1 addtional missiles per caster level. Make the missiles in this spells only have 50% of 7% chance to activate double rainbow and color of the queen.

Level 5:
Lesser spell mantle: 1d6 +6 spell level absorb.
Vitriolic sphere: same as lightning ball but deal acid damage.
Cacophonous burst: same as lightning ball but deal sonic damage.
Greater fire burst: explosion around caster dealing 1d8 fire damage per caster level.
Firebrand: same as lightning ball but deal fire damage.

Level 6:
Issac greater missiles storm: same as above, but missiles deal 2d6 damage each.
Ethereal visage: 20/adamantine DR, protection from level 2 and below spell.
Stone body: +4 str, -4 dex. 10 DR/adamantine -50% movement speed, immunity to negative level & damage, disease, mummy rot. 50% resistance to acid and fire. Could be useful to eldritch knight.
Greater stone skin: same as stone skin, but 20/adamantine DR.

Level 7:
Energy immunity: immunity to 1 element type, last 10 seconds per caster level. Can only be immune to 1 element at any given time.
Spell mantle: absorb 1d8 +8 spell levels.
Bibgy grasping hand: 1d6 damage per caster level. Work on undead and construct.
Shadow shield: 10 DR/magic, immunity to death effect, negative energy damage, and necromancy spell.
Abasculate: stun a single enemy and reduce its hp by half, doesn't work on bosses. 90 sec cooldown.

Level 8:
Mind blank: immunity to mind altering effect.
Protection from spells: +8 to saves vs spells.
Black staff: grant the caster staff dispel on hit. Useful for eldritch knight.
Bibgy clenched fist: 1d8+11 damage per caster level and stun the target (fortitude save). Work on undead and construct.
Iron body: +6 str, -6 dex, -50% movement speed, immunity to negative effects, 50% immunity to acid and fire.

Level 9:
Greater spell mantle: absorb 1d12+10 spell levels.
Weird: AoE of PK.
Bibgy crushing hand: 2d6 +12 damage per caster level, stun the enemy (fortitude save), work on undead and construct.

Also, let morninglord choose wizard as their first level.

These are really some excellent suggestions. I might add a few things:

Blade of fire: grant 1d6 fire damage buff for your weapon. Could also be useful for eldritch knight build. Allow the caster to use this as a buff, because EK has this as part of the tree.

Mirror image: grant 1d4 +1 decoy per caster level. Enemies have 50% chance to hit the caster instead of the decoys. Decoy are disappear once being hit until all decoys are gone. For balance sake, this can't be use while having displacement on and vice versa. This could act like a summon or a hireling that – say – immediately goes to the top of the aggro list, but has a chance of losing aggro every 10 seconds.

Clairvoyance: +10 spot, last 1 minute per caster level. Also increases Bluff / Diplomacy chance.

Weird: AoE of PK. If they save against death, then they have to make another roll to make them either fascinated, charmed, or stunned.

03-15-2016, 03:21 PM
Mirror Image - A classic D&D spell that should have been in from that start, but I'm assuming you are not advocating that each of the mirror images is actually represented graphically in game - high level casters would be hung drawn and quartered for causing lag if so... Perhaps one mirror image per five caster levels, chance of hitting decoy occurs before displacement and blur are checked for, so would stack with both.

Actually, this could be implemented as a single target Blind spell. You wouldn’t need to actually add graphics. The mobs see the mirror image, not the rest of the party.

03-15-2016, 05:10 PM
Here's what I've come up with while thinking about what could make arcane casters in the game more interesting.

Add the following spells to the game:

Level 1:

Enlarge person: +2 str, +2 dex, +3 melee damage but as the cost of -4 attack roll, could be useful for eldritch knight build.
Blade of fire: grant 1d6 fire damage buff for your weapon. Could also be useful for eldritch knight build.
Color spray: I know we already have this, but it's gnome only, let everyone use it.

Level 2:
Protection from arrow: grant 10 DR against ranged attack.
Mirror image: grant 1d4 +1 decoy per caster level. Enemies have 50% chance to hit the caster instead of the decoys. Decoy are disappear once being hit until all decoys are gone. For balance sake, this can't be use while having displacement on and vice versa.

Level 3:
Clairvoyance: +10 spot, last 1 minute per caster level.
Vampiric touch: 1d8 damage per 2 caster level, caster gain damage as hp. Useful for fleshies casters who doesn't want to take pale master.
Weapon of impact: give the caster weapon the ability to bypass bludgeon damage reduction, could be useful for eldritch knight.

Level 4:
Least spell mantle: absorb 1d4 +4 spell levels.
Evard black tentacles: add this to sorcerer/wizard spell list.
Assay resistance: 1d2 +1 per caster level to caster roll when trying to overcome enemies spell resistance. Last 1 minute per caster level.
Issac lesser missile storm: 1 1d6 magic missiles + 1 addtional missiles per caster level. Make the missiles in this spells only have 50% of 7% chance to activate double rainbow and color of the queen.

Level 5:
Lesser spell mantle: 1d6 +6 spell level absorb.
Vitriolic sphere: same as lightning ball but deal acid damage.
Cacophonous burst: same as lightning ball but deal sonic damage.
Greater fire burst: explosion around caster dealing 1d8 fire damage per caster level.
Firebrand: same as lightning ball but deal fire damage.

Level 6:
Issac greater missiles storm: same as above, but missiles deal 2d6 damage each.
Ethereal visage: 20/adamantine DR, protection from level 2 and below spell.
Stone body: +4 str, -4 dex. 10 DR/adamantine -50% movement speed, immunity to negative level & damage, disease, mummy rot. 50% resistance to acid and fire. Could be useful to eldritch knight.
Greater stone skin: same as stone skin, but 20/adamantine DR.

Level 7:
Energy immunity: immunity to 1 element type, last 10 seconds per caster level. Can only be immune to 1 element at any given time.
Spell mantle: absorb 1d8 +8 spell levels.
Bibgy grasping hand: 1d6 damage per caster level. Work on undead and construct.
Shadow shield: 10 DR/magic, immunity to death effect, negative energy damage, and necromancy spell.
Abasculate: stun a single enemy and reduce its hp by half, doesn't work on bosses. 90 sec cooldown.

Level 8:
Mind blank: immunity to mind altering effect.
Protection from spells: +8 to saves vs spells.
Black staff: grant the caster staff dispel on hit. Useful for eldritch knight.
Bibgy clenched fist: 1d8+11 damage per caster level and stun the target (fortitude save). Work on undead and construct.
Iron body: +6 str, -6 dex, -50% movement speed, immunity to negative effects, 50% immunity to acid and fire.

Level 9:
Greater spell mantle: absorb 1d12+10 spell levels.
Weird: AoE of PK.
Bibgy crushing hand: 2d6 +12 damage per caster level, stun the enemy (fortitude save), work on undead and construct.

Also, let morninglord choose wizard as their first level.

some fine ideas there, i like the effort of implementing classic spells. not so much that are modified.

Clairvoyance has nothing to do with spot (or diplomacy/bluff whatever), its simple farsight.

Mirror image is cool - i dlike to see it implemented, tho as it was pointed already if it has graphic representation it will be annoying, not speaking about possible AI troubles. If made like abstract it could be made like buff with charges with each one having chance to be removed with succesful attack preventing damage from it and any aoe attack directed at caster removes all.

Bigbys hands: no stun works on undead or constructs

weapon of impact, another spell with taken name and changed effects

Stone or Iron body shouldnt make u imune to level drain, at least original spells definitely dont.

03-15-2016, 07:45 PM
Some of these would be nice, but not all.

Definite no to:
Enlarge person
Protection from arrows
Blade of fire
Weapon of Impact
Stone body
Evard's black tentacles

I'm completely all in favor of adding Isaac's Missile Storm spells...provided the abomination of shiradi no longer works with spells. Otherwise it's just asking for trouble. Force damage needs a revamp, anyway, as all the spells are just too weak, and I also blame shiradi for them not being fixed, along with several other spells.

I made a thread about spell mantles a couple months ago and nobody replied. Rather than absorbing XXX amount of spells, which, in DDO, would last all of a few seconds against how often casters use spells, I think they should give a temporary MRR bonus:
~ lesser spell mantle - gives 1-15 MRR for 20 seconds, capped at caster level 15, cooldown of 60 seconds, doesn't stack with greater
~ greater spell mantle - gives 2 MRR per caster level, with no cap for 20 seconds, cooldown of 60 seconds, overwrites and doesn't stack with lesser
These would provide a temporary boost to protection against the nightmarish spells that some EE and LE casters use, while still being temporary.

I was never a big fan of Bigby's spells, but as long as they're not brutally overpowered, it's fine.

We definitely need more variety of elemental spells, because the ones just don't cut it for end-game PnP let alone DDO's end-game. I'm all for spells like vitriolic sphere, firebrand, arc of lightning, great thunderclap, and cacophonous burst. Also, fix the scaling on meteor swarm.

Big YES to adding weird. We need more illusion spells. It would be fun to see instakill casters NOT focused on necromancy.

Fix dispel spells. That will help the utility of all casters.

I might also add in spells like scintillating pattern, prismatic wall, time stop, balagarn's iron horn, and solipsism.

03-19-2016, 09:48 PM
Having been a PNP player or 20+ years and going and a DDO player for 6 i have to say that we can't forget about FIXING spells in the first place that were nerfed at some time to make other classes/enemies 'seem' better.

*True Seeing: now its *kind of seeing*. To make rogues *seem* better at their job. But who can be guaranteed a rogue in group at all times???
*Displacement: used to be party friendly, but we don't want that in a coop game! ..... seriously what????
*Neutralize Poison: one time use now with a duration nearly non existent to make drow *seem* stronger.
*Detect Secret Doors: same as true seeing. now its detect unimportant heroic doors.
*Bears/cats/owls/fox + Mass versions: Completely useless in ddo where a person can just tr and have all that or have a friend craft it at much lower level. needs to be changed to a different bonus type and lower the effect to be useful in DDO. say 2 points instead of 4?
*Knock: sooo useless in epic unless its EN/Hard. again; rogues *seem* more useful now tho at least! Maybe add some dc's per epic lvl you have to make it able to be viable in EE. If im a capped lvl 30 god toon i should be able to knock a door.
*I 'almost' said Wail of the Banshee: But i agree with that nerf. it was seriously OP. lol
*Summon Anything: always thought summon was one of the most under powered spells from the moment i started playing DDO. In fact, so under powered that a class is left out of DDO entirely. The summoner. Who cares if u summon 1 thing. It's just going to die fast. What if you could summon as many things as u have sp for though? THEN a summoner would be pretty awesome in a party right? Of course I realize that this is most likely 'blamed' to lag issues. None the less, summon monster is vastly ruined in ddo.

With all that said, lets talk more about 'additions' as you were posting.

#1: Been saying this for years now. Epic versions of many spells in ddo, or 'Mythic' if you play pathfinder :). The epic versions would have a base DC of caster level 9, being epic/mythic. On top of that the damages would be higher. For example Fireball: 1d6 per caster lvl max 10d6, Epic Fireball: 1d10 per caster lvl max 10d10. Devs wouldn't even have to change the graphic animations. leave it the same and just add in more dc's/dmg. Also allow this to to bypass champions, im thinking champs with TS to make epic Invis actually work for once. Allow a choice of 1 epic spell per 2 epic caster levels, so a max of 5 epic spells of your choice. At the same time, those epic spells should be amazing to balance things. Some epic CC spells would need more though to just be better. Maybe bigger AOE? longer duration? The spell point cost should be a flat number like Ruin/Greater but applying metamagic feats would be free *like an SLA* if you wanted to go the nuker route. This would give casters a lot more to do in epic raids where SP is a problem that devs tried to deal with in the past.

#2: New Spells

Level 1:

*Dazzling Blade (Illusion): Sheathes a weapon in bright light. Grants a +1 competence bonus to all combat maneuvers; trip, sunder, stunning blow etc. This bonus increases by +1 for every 3 caster levels, to a maximum bonus of +5 at 12th level. On Vorpal; subjects are blinded for 6 seconds unless they make a Will save to negate the effect. Subjects who save are instead dazed for 6 seconds. duration: 1 min/lvl
*Darting Doppelgänger (illusion): Creates an illusion of yourself rushing forward to distract enemies; drawing attacks for a brief time. 6 seconds.
*Repair Undead (necro): When you touch an undead creature, you channel negative energy that heals 1d8 points of damage + 1 point per caster level (maximum +5). This spell has no effect on living creatures, except those that are healed by negative energy are also healed by the spell. This should be much like cure light wounds and should have equal spells of those levels so i won't repost them on other levels.
*Ant Haul (Transmutation): Triples carrying capacity of 1 creature. duration: 1 min/lvl
*Dancing Lights (evocation): creates small balls of light to light your path, illuminating your surroundings. 4 balls of light, all radiating the light of a torch *20 feet illumination, 10 feet shadowy after illumination level* duration: 1 min/lvl

Level 2:

*Instant Weapon (Conjuration): You create a masterwork weapon made of opaque force. You are considered proficient with this weapon. As a force weapon you are able to strike Incorporeal creatures. If this weapon leaves your hand, the spell effect ends.
*Earth Rain (conjuration): A rain of dirt, gravel, and small pebbles fills the area, dealing 2d6 points of bludgeoning damage to every creature in the area. This damage only occurs once, when the spell is cast. For the remaining duration of the spell, this debris covers the ground, making the entire area difficult terrain (much like sleet storm). Duration: 40 seconds + 2 seconds per caster level (No maximum)
*Hideous Laughter (enchantment): This spell afflicts the subject with uncontrollable laughter. It collapses into gales of manic laughter, falling prone. The subject can take no actions while laughing, but is not considered helpless. After the spell ends, it can act normally. On the creature's next turn, it may attempt a new saving throw to end the effect. A creature with an Intelligence score of 2 or lower is not affected. A creature whose type is different from the caster's receives a +4 bonus on its saving throw, because humor doesn't "translate" well. Duration: 6 seconds/caster level.
*Mirror Image (Illusion): Totally agree with you on that one Vico.
*Darkvision (transmutation): See 60 ft. in total darkness. Duration: 1 min/lvl
*Spiderclimb (Transmutation): The subject can climb and travel on vertical surfaces or even traverse ceilings as well as a spider does. The affected creature must have its hands free to climb in this manner. It cannot, however, use the run action while climbing. Duration: 1 min/lvl (super OP spell for ddo tho. wont ever happen but hey we just voicing ideas xD)

Level 3:
*Fly: lol neva gonna happen xD
*Cone of Darts: (evocation): A cone of silver darts springs from your hand. These darts act as a silver weapon that deals 1d6 points of piercing damage per caster level (maximum 10d6). (range is much like burning hands).
*web Bolt: (conjuration): You launch a ball of webbing at a target, which must make a save or be affected as if by a web spell occupying only the creature's space. If the creature saves or breaks free of the webbing, the remaining webs dissolve and the area is not considered webbed.
*Invisibility Sphere (illusion): This spell functions like invisibility, except that this spell confers invisibility upon all creatures within 20 feet of the recipient at the time the spell is cast. The center of the effect is mobile with the recipient. Anyone who leaves the sphere becomes visible. Only the recipient can break the spell per the invisibility rules.
*Keen Edge: (transmutation): Grants 1 weapon the 'keen' property. duration: 1 min/ lvl

Level 4:

*Black Tentacles: also agree with that Vico.
*Confusion (enchantment): Much like the warlock abiility. 15' radius burst. effects all within range. will save to negate.
*Invisibility, Greater: (illusion): Acts the same as Invis but the duration is shorter, like displace. The benefit, doing hostile actions does not break this invis.
*Darkvision, Greater: (transmutation): acts as darkvision but 120 feet instead of 60.

Level 5:

*Acidic Spray (conjuration): A line of acid *much like lit bolt* is fired. This line deals 1d6 points of acid damage per caster level (maximum 15d6) to each creature within its area (Reflex half). This acid continues to burn for 1 round, dealing 1d6 points of acid damage per two caster levels (maximum 7d6) to any creature that failed its saving throw against the spell (a second Reflex save on the creature's next save negates this additional damage).
*Charm Construct: (enchantment): This charm makes a construct regard you as its master. The spell only affects mindless constructs that are attuned to the commands of a master, such as animated objects, golems. Duration: per the charm spell.

Level 6:

*Anti magic field: like a beholder. nuff said. (although its supposed to be 10' not 30' like ddo shows. :)

Level 7:

*Acid Eruption (conjuration): Acid erupts from your space in all directions, causing 1d6 points of damage per caster level (maximum 20d6) to creatures in a 30' radius burst. in each of the next 2 rounds, creatures and objects that failed their saves against the initial burst take an additional 1d6 points of acid damage per 2 caster levels (maximum 10d6) unless the acid is neutralized, dispelled, or washed away.
*Control Construct: (transmutation): Take control of a construct. much like dominate monster.

Level 9:
*Ride the Lightning (evocation): Much like lightning bolt except you actually *wind dance/abundant/leap of faith/etc with the lightning bolt. also this acts as electric loop in terms of stunning them as well to all who are caught in the path.
*Time Stop (transmutation): would be hard to implement. perhaps a lot of cooldown bonus' on spells/clickies/ED abilities/everything that requires cool downs?
*Wish (universal): make it like colors of the queen? or more like teleport, or other spells like contagion: meaning different versions of the spell. wish for better saves, more hp, or what have you. its wish. u should get what u need.

#3: Mass spells. Many of the spells in ddo have counter parts in pnp that are either mass or communal. Communal meaning the duration is split up pending on how many people are effected. Some spells that could have the 'mass' effect would be lower level spells so that they are higher level spells when given the mass effect. A perfect example is hold person which does exist.

Mass and or Communal versions of:

Ant Haul: lvl 2
Spider Climb: lvl 3
Dazzling Blade: lvl 3
Resist Energy:l lvl 3
Darkvision: lvl 3
Nightshield or shield: lv 3-4
Mage armor: lvl 3
Masters touch: lvl 3
Jump: lvl 3
Tumble: lvl 3
See Invisibility: lvl 3
Blur: lvl 4-5
Repair undead spells: lvl 1-9
Heroism: lvl 5-6
Displacement: lvl 6
Fly: lvl 7 (never going to happen lol)

And at the very end lets not forget about new metas. This one in my mind i cannot forget.

*versatile casting: you may change the element type of any given spell to any other element type. IE: fireball becomes acid ball, or ice ball, or lit ball. same as lightning bolt. it now becomes either acid bolt, firebolt, icebolt etc. now imagine polar ray *a no save spell, becoming electric ray or what have you*. the possibilities are endless. :)

03-19-2016, 10:17 PM
Clairvoyance: instantly displays full quest map with treasure and trap locations.

Not exactly overpowered to the veteran player. Somewhat useful for newbs.

03-19-2016, 10:31 PM
Clairvoyance: instantly displays full quest map with treasure and trap locations.

Not exactly overpowered to the veteran player. Somewhat useful for newbs.

i like that idea. I'm not a new player by any means but if i was; i'd like that a lot.

03-19-2016, 11:19 PM
I'd also like to add these spells to the list:
Level 7:
Sphere of Chaos: enemies must make a save every round they are in the sphere area of effect or one of the following random effect occurs: turn into a squirrel, confuse, paralyze, burst into flame, disintegrated, heal, teleport, haste, or render unconscious.

Level 8:
Maze: if passed a spell resistance check, send the victim into a forces plan, the lower the enemy intelligence is, the longer they stay in the maze, ie. barbarian would stay in there for awhile while wizard could get out quickly.

Level 9:
Imprisonment: if passed a spell resistance check, send the victim indefinitely into the core of the planet and imprison them there, only the spell "freedom" can reverse the effect of the spell. <-- this spell could be a great spell if boss have it due to the fact that only arcane and divine casters are able to use freedom, therefore, encourage more group play and not just blitz, etc. (you know what I meant). Also make high SR build useful.

Freedom: reverse the effect of maze and imprisonment.

Spells for divine:

Mass raise dead: cause, lag. J/k lol

03-20-2016, 11:54 AM
Invisible Stalker: behaves like the necklace with the shadow but only invisible.

Invisible servant: acts like a temporary pet to pull levers. Last 30 seconds.

03-20-2016, 10:40 PM
Spells such as bears and mass versions along with barksin (I know its not arcane) need a boost

+1 for every 2 levels seems about right for temp abilities they should be slightly stronger than permanent versions. (though I would like to see caster level go to 30) this would give +15 stats at cap, putting them inline with an item.

03-20-2016, 11:34 PM
Level 9 Imprisonment- single target will instakill usable vs orange named

Gate: Travel to Amarath and Eveninstar

Foresight: +10 insight ac and saves (or 1 per 3 levels) + same as insightful dodge (on others it provides a half that bonus)

Crushing hand non stacking aoe dot

revise dominate monster so it does not get extra saves as much (increase cool down if its a concern)


*** Wish but that would need a thread by itself

*** Also high level damaging spells need a bit more of a bump in power as they tend to not scale

add a % to crit either as base spell level or double spell level
add a bonus to crit multiplier based on level not sure what.

03-20-2016, 11:39 PM
8th level
Dimensional lock AOE great for teleporting mobs, if every mage cast it we could reduce lag :-)

Mind blank

Binding: slow cast but makes single mob helpless (ottos fast cast no helpless)

Charm needs to work on mobs longer
Death needs more than 1 level drain and should prevent regen of levels/hp

Iron body add PRR

Trap the soul get rid of components needing manufacture and get rid of hd requirements.

03-20-2016, 11:55 PM
7th level

Banishment 2 versions one as is and one single target with no hd limitations.

Spell turning (or just absorbtion) I would like to see a low duration fast cast spell that does this

Phase door auto unlock doors or massive bonuses

Force Cage (Make it force chains and reflex based improved version of web) no str check just a reflex save

*** Debuff spells

Many of the debuffs have not been looked at forever and do not function well with new game mechanics

Waves of Exhastion should reduce the base too hit ie the raw percentage and debuff to MP and AC

Other levels
Permanancy: should be able to extend any timed buff so it can't be dispelled. Not able to be cast again until shrine

Acid fog (ddo version should have PRR reduced as well as ac)

Rock to mud: 1. Reflex save is slowed or immobilised (not made vulnerable)

Curse: like other debuffs has limited use: add 10% vulnerable to the effect and 10% debuff to raw to hits.