View Full Version : Earth Grab SLA DC

03-12-2016, 11:17 AM
Hi, I just TR'd my Cleric to a Sorc, hoping to go Earth Savant. I noticed though that the DC for the highest SLA in the tree uses your CON instead of CHA. Can any pure Sorc's attest to this still being effective in epic's, with CON likely being you second highest stat?

03-12-2016, 03:25 PM
Hi, I just TR'd my Cleric to a Sorc, hoping to go Earth Savant. I noticed though that the DC for the highest SLA in the tree uses your CON instead of CHA. Can any pure Sorc's attest to this still being effective in epic's, with CON likely being you second highest stat?

It doesn't work most of the time. DC formula is outdated from pre-MOTU, which causes it to be 20+ points lower than other DCs.

03-12-2016, 03:32 PM
I did a melee sorc who took Earth Savant and went totally nuts with his CON score. It was an interesting build, I ended up having more hit points than most fighters or barbarians. I could Earthgrab things from behind walls and the grab lasted relatively long time and did a good bit of damage too, at least in heroics, had bit more trouble in Epics, actually had to debuff things first for the grabs to take hold. I can't really recommend it for anyone but I sure enjoyed that flavor build a lot.

However I can't see it being useful if you don't commit to it. The DCs simply won't be high enough.

03-15-2016, 08:56 AM
Single target, long cooldown, slow casting animation. It's simply not worth the 3 AP it costs, regardless of the DC working or not (and in mid to higher epics it won't).

A sorc already has enough abilities to make stuff helpless.

04-07-2016, 07:16 PM
I was thinking about making an earth grab and flesh to stone build and saw this thread.

I was thinking of using guards as well as being acid based soc with a dip into EK for armor/shield use (for the guards). what do you think?

04-07-2016, 07:47 PM
I did a melee sorc who took Earth Savant and went totally nuts with his CON score. It was an interesting build, I ended up having more hit points than most fighters or barbarians. I could Earthgrab things from behind walls and the grab lasted relatively long time and did a good bit of damage too, at least in heroics, had bit more trouble in Epics, actually had to debuff things first for the grabs to take hold. I can't really recommend it for anyone but I sure enjoyed that flavor build a lot.

However I can't see it being useful if you don't commit to it. The DCs simply won't be high enough.

Single target, long cooldown, slow casting animation. It's simply not worth the 3 AP it costs, regardless of the DC working or not (and in mid to higher epics it won't).

A sorc already has enough abilities to make stuff helpless.

On an EK build it could be a fun thing tho, as T5 from the EK tree is meh also.