View Full Version : To Hit in Epics?

02-14-2016, 07:17 PM
My bard is still in Heroic levels, and I've finally reached Different Tack and am using CHA for weapon damage. I don't have a ton of points in STR, probably my second highest stat if I recall, but I'm not having trouble hitting. I plan on putting all my level ups in CHA. Considering that, will I run into trouble hitting in Epics? As far as I know there isn't something that lets me use CHA for attack as well. Thanks!

02-14-2016, 07:43 PM
My bard is still in Heroic levels, and I've finally reached Different Tack and am using CHA for weapon damage. I don't have a ton of points in STR, probably my second highest stat if I recall, but I'm not having trouble hitting. I plan on putting all my level ups in CHA. Considering that, will I run into trouble hitting in Epics? As far as I know there isn't something that lets me use CHA for attack as well. Thanks!


A while back the developers rejigged the to-hit system to make it much more forgiving for people with lower attack bonuses, and so that AC would supposedly not be an all or nothing proposition.

The effect is that it's not hard to hit things almost all of the time anymore, even in most EE content. On the flip side, even trash mob ACs do seem to be high enough in some legendary content to make hitting things noticeably more difficult. Characters with to hit bonuses of over 100 will still be seeing grazing hits fairly often.

You can get gear which adds large bonuses to your chances to hit now (+20 and more), and the precision feat is useful too. Precision is also a very useful feat to have in content where mobs have fortification, so that you can get critical hits on them more often and sneak attack damage too if you have any. But if you're not running LE content much you probably won't need it.

I hope that this helps.


02-14-2016, 11:41 PM

A while back the developers rejigged the to-hit system to make it much more forgiving for people with lower attack bonuses, and so that AC would supposedly not be an all or nothing proposition.

The effect is that it's not hard to hit things almost all of the time anymore, even in most EE content. On the flip side, even trash mob ACs do seem to be high enough in some legendary content to make hitting things noticeably more difficult. Characters with to hit bonuses of over 100 will still be seeing grazing hits fairly often.

You can get gear which adds large bonuses to your chances to hit now (+20 and more), and the precision feat is useful too. Precision is also a very useful feat to have in content where mobs have fortification, so that you can get critical hits on them more often and sneak attack damage too if you have any. But if you're not running LE content much you probably won't need it.

I hope that this helps.


Thanks, this helps a LOT. I'm not used to playing melee toons, so I'm learning a lot of this stuff as I go along. I think I'll definitely be taking advantage of that Precision feat.

02-15-2016, 12:31 AM
Thanks, this helps a LOT. I'm not used to playing melee toons, so I'm learning a lot of this stuff as I go along. I think I'll definitely be taking advantage of that Precision feat.


I'm glad it did. If your character is a swashbuckler precision is even better for you than the rest of us because of the way it ties in with those enhancements.

Just to clarify my last post, I still think precision a good feat for epic (not just legendary) content, particularly if you raid. What I meant by the last sentence in the third paragraph was you may find you don't need precision and a to hit bonus from your equipment to hit almost all of the time anyway, not that you should only take precision if you run LE content.

Thanks, and good luck.

03-15-2016, 02:46 PM

I'm glad it did. If your character is a swashbuckler precision is even better for you than the rest of us because of the way it ties in with those enhancements.

Just to clarify my last post, I still think precision a good feat for epic (not just legendary) content, particularly if you raid. What I meant by the last sentence in the third paragraph was you may find you don't need precision and a to hit bonus from your equipment to hit almost all of the time anyway, not that you should only take precision if you run LE content.

Thanks, and good luck.
Hm... Main point of precision is % to hit? If yes, then are elf cores good?
And quick side question - does loss of bab cuz multiclass hurts (both for ranged and melee)? I have couple of ideas, but not sure about throwing tenzer on it.
upd: wait, does tenzer also increasing epic levels bab?

03-15-2016, 04:08 PM
And quick side question - does loss of bab cuz multiclass hurts (both for ranged and melee)? I have couple of ideas, but not sure about throwing tenzer on it.
upd: wait, does tenzer also increasing epic levels bab?
If you mean tenser's transformation, it takes epic levels into account as well. A level 30 character casting tenser's will get a 30 BAB. For every character in epic levels, BAB progresses at by 1/2 per epic level. So, a fighter will get a BAB of 25 at level 30 while a wizard with tenser's will get a BAB of 30.

03-15-2016, 04:23 PM
Hm... Main point of precision is % to hit? If yes, then are elf cores good?
And quick side question - does loss of bab cuz multiclass hurts (both for ranged and melee)? I have couple of ideas, but not sure about throwing tenzer on it.
upd: wait, does tenzer also increasing epic levels bab?


Precision does two things; it increases your chance to hit and it provide fortification bypass. The fortification bypass can be worth quite a bit of extra damage when it allows you to apply critical hit and sneak attack damage to an enemy which is normally resistant to that. The elf cores provide a small increase in the chance to hit with each step.

If your character is reasonably well built and geared, it's not going to be missing much outside of LE content, even without precision and/or the elf cores. Difficulty with hitting only becomes really noticeable in quests on LE, and only for some enemies. If you're not planning to run LE content often, it's probably not necessary at this time to invest very heavily in your to hit score because most of the epic level game just doesn't need it.

Like Faltout said, Tenser's will increase your BAB all the way to 30 at cap. As well as improving your chance of hitting, it will also improve the speed at which you attack; each point of BAB is worth a small increase in attack speed. But Tenser's does also slow casting down, which can make your self healing worse. This is really only a problem if you're taking a lot of damage fairly quickly.


03-16-2016, 01:35 AM

Precision does two things; it increases your chance to hit and it provide fortification bypass. The fortification bypass can be worth quite a bit of extra damage when it allows you to apply critical hit and sneak attack damage to an enemy which is normally resistant to that. The elf cores provide a small increase in the chance to hit with each step.

If your character is reasonably well built and geared, it's not going to be missing much outside of LE content, even without precision and/or the elf cores. Difficulty with hitting only becomes really noticeable in quests on LE, and only for some enemies. If you're not planning to run LE content often, it's probably not necessary at this time to invest very heavily in your to hit score because most of the epic level game just doesn't need it.

Like Faltout said, Tenser's will increase your BAB all the way to 30 at cap. As well as improving your chance of hitting, it will also improve the speed at which you attack; each point of BAB is worth a small increase in attack speed. But Tenser's does also slow casting down, which can make your self healing worse. This is really only a problem if you're taking a lot of damage fairly quickly.

Yay, thanks a lot.
And another side question? Is Swash/Ek good idea?

03-16-2016, 01:55 AM
Yay, thanks a lot.
And another side question? Is Swash/Ek good idea?


I don't know much about either build. From what I see and hear though, swashbuckler seems to be quite strong, but EK is maybe less so.

If you have an idea for a multiclass build which uses both of them, do it up in the character planner and post it in a new thread.

There are some very knowledgeable builders around and usually posts like that attracts their attention.

Good luck with it.