View Full Version : Any good Favored Soul/Warlock or Favored Soul/Monk builds out there?

01-10-2016, 07:14 PM
I'm mostly looking for something new to play around with. I really enjoyed my first experience with Favored Soul, and I really wanna pair it with one of the two classes I do not enjoy playing (though I can mix all three if needed).

Warlock is good, strong, OP. Only problem with it for me is that it's bland after a while. At least by itself. Favored Soul can boost the power greatly, and vice versa.
Monk on the other hand is just underpowered, needing a huge rehaul. But it also possesses a few synergies. I'm intending on having FvS be the primary class of the tree... so which should I go for, and what level split should I go with? What third class should I add in, if needed? I'm thinking of running it as another longsword build, considering all the longswords I have and it's versatility across all classes.

01-21-2016, 09:57 AM
9lock 1wiz or fighter 10 fvs just for pls and feats what i run works any class

more optimal 12lock2whtvr8whtvr melee or caster dont matter

01-27-2016, 08:35 PM
Hmm, that sounds interesting. Any ideas on Monk? I was thinking 13/6/1 FvS/Monk/Other or 15/4/1 FvS/Monk/Other but I'm not quite sure...

01-31-2016, 03:07 AM
Warlock is good, strong, OP. Only problem with it for me is that it's bland after a while. At least by itself. Favored Soul can boost the power greatly, and vice versa.

Honestly, with aura or SE Locks especially, I can't say for colored ball chuckers,

12 lock--3 second aura

15 lock--specialized instakill (fiend) that is good at killing non living cannons in Shroud and Cannons in EE Storm the Beaches, and Leap of Faith like Ability (Fey)

18 lock--2 second aura, 1 less blast and dmg die, 3d6 light dmg, immunity to knock down, and feather fall

are all the good spots for taking lock to get good use out of them. 12 and 15 lock would be augmented more with melee, but 18 is just to monsterous to let go. I have been running and testing both a 20 aura lock with charisma to hit/dmg and an 18/1 fvs/1 ftr strength to dmg through divine might for almost a year now going, well pretty close.

I don't feel that taking 4 lock levels away to augment it with 3 levels with 20 plus AP would be great. However, I don't know if you're referencing caster or melee over all though you state you'd like a melee-ish like build. I can theory craft one up though that would make a 14 fvs more defensive, while being centered with long swords or short swords.

Half Elf w/ Fighter Dilly
14 FvS--For Heal and Blade Barrier: You'd be a caster level down, but no biggy.
4 Lock--For access to the PRR/MRR/Alignment Spell Power/and mostly spiritual retribution (23 AP). With 400-500 spell power, this can add 60-90 light damage to your weapon.
2 Monk--Centered Sauce, 2 Feats.

TWFx3, Weapon Focus: Slashing, Whirling Steel Blades, IC: Slash, Adept, MoF, GMoF, TWF Defense. That's 9 Feats with level 24. OC at 21. Sounds like a fun build actually. Would need some work for dmg mitigation/avoidance, but you would have heal and the ability to kite through Blade Barrier.

02-09-2016, 05:04 PM
Okay, I got another thing I need some help answering (I don't think it warrants a thread of it's own) and that's Angel of Vengeance's Unstoppable Magic.

Unstoppable Magic: Enemies within your Aura of Menace suffer a -1/-2/-3 penalty to Spell Resistance.
Requires: Aura of Menace

Could this be taken (and used) with Enlightened Spirit's Aura of Menace, or does it require the AoV's Aura of Menace?

02-09-2016, 08:29 PM
Could this be taken (and used) with Enlightened Spirit's Aura of Menace, or does it require the AoV's Aura of Menace?
Interesting question! I've no idea. :o Can you make an Iconic alt to test and let us know if it works? ;)

02-10-2016, 09:01 AM
Interesting question! I've no idea. :o Can you make an Iconic alt to test and let us know if it works? ;)

Well, I could, but two things are in the way.

The first one is that I level very slowly, and on top of that I've started playing modded Skyrim. The second one is that to get Enlightened Spirit's Aura of Menace you need 12 levels of Warlock, and Angel of Vengeance's Unstoppable Magic requires 5 levels of Favored Soul (meaning it can't be tested until the testing alt hits level 18).

02-10-2016, 09:16 AM
Okay, I did make an Iconic, but I only checked AoV to see if the AoM Prereq was green. It was not, meaning it doesn't count ES' AoM as a prerequisite for Unstoppable Magic.

03-21-2016, 01:36 AM
I'm mostly looking for something new to play around with. I really enjoyed my first experience with Favored Soul, and I really wanna pair it with one of the two classes I do not enjoy playing (though I can mix all three if needed).

Warlock is good, strong, OP. Only problem with it for me is that it's bland after a while. At least by itself. Favored Soul can boost the power greatly, and vice versa.
Monk on the other hand is just underpowered, needing a huge rehaul. But it also possesses a few synergies. I'm intending on having FvS be the primary class of the tree... so which should I go for, and what level split should I go with? What third class should I add in, if needed? I'm thinking of running it as another longsword build, considering all the longswords I have and it's versatility across all classes.

Good? Probably not. Flavorful with the possibility of crashing & burning at higher level? Sure... :)

Drow holy assassin: 5 levels of FVS, 6+ levels of monk, X levels of rogue to suit.

Tier V Warpriest to max Vulkoor wrathful weapons & get divine power, max xen'drix training & ambidexterity. Split the rest between Ninja Spy (shadow veil at least) and Assassin.

Sure it uses short swords, but they're awfully pointy short swords blessed by the god of drow and scorpions :)

03-21-2016, 11:55 AM
If you're not opposed to ranged combat, 8 whatever/6 Rgr/6 Monk makes for a quite decent archer. Elf or Helf gives you access to the complete Arcane Archer tree. It is very tight on action points, but was quite fun to play, I did it with Cleric levels a while back, but really it can be done with any class as long as you have those 6 Ranger and 6 Monk levels.

Here's the link to the build I used. https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/466704-Is-a-Monkcher-with-6-levels-of-monk-viable?p=5712256&viewfull=1#post5712256
In the following post I note some things I would do differently on a second run. Depending on what ability tomes you have you may have to make some changes to starting stats, but as I say in that thread, Wisdom turned out to be not all that important since imbues that deal damage trumped the CC imbues.