View Full Version : Anyone seen the kobold admirals uniform?

12-16-2015, 04:32 PM
I pulled one today. But, it binds on equip and I can't tell what it LOOKS like. Do you know, those that have seen it... does it look "nautical"??? I really hope so. If it does... I will buy a big pirate hat to go with it.

It is really good 4th lvl light armor... and rare... with 2 kinds of dmg reduction and a blue slot. It would work great for a new gnome character... say... a rogue or warlock.

12-16-2015, 04:36 PM

12-16-2015, 04:42 PM
I pulled one today. But, it binds on equip and I can't tell what it LOOKS like. Do you know, those that have seen it... does it look "nautical"??? I really hope so. If it does... I will buy a big pirate hat to go with it.

It is really good 4th lvl light armor... and rare... with 2 kinds of dmg reduction and a blue slot. It would work great for a new gnome character... say... a rogue or warlock.

Has glamor potential for the rouge in all of us.


12-16-2015, 04:51 PM
I pulled one today. But, it binds on equip and I can't tell what it LOOKS like. Do you know, those that have seen it... does it look "nautical"??? I really hope so. If it does... I will buy a big pirate hat to go with it.

It is really good 4th lvl light armor... and rare... with 2 kinds of dmg reduction and a blue slot. It would work great for a new gnome character... say... a rogue or warlock.

It just looks like some random leather armour.
Not at all like a nautical uniform.

12-16-2015, 05:15 PM
It just looks like some random leather armour.
Not at all like a nautical uniform.

To be fair it does say in the description:

"The self-styled kobold 'Admiral' Ancker gussied up this old set of leathers to the best of his ability, sticking several makeshift medals to the chest"

12-16-2015, 07:04 PM
It just looks like some random leather armour.
Not at all like a nautical uniform.

To be fair it does say in the description:

"The self-styled kobold 'Admiral' Ancker gussied up this old set of leathers to the best of his ability, sticking several makeshift medals to the chest"

Don't 99% of all kobolds have delusions of grandeur? It's part of their charm. ;)

12-16-2015, 10:40 PM
rats! There goes my "nautical" fantasy.... yuck!

12-16-2015, 10:43 PM
it looks more like a "coat of many colors" than an admirals uniform.... :(

12-17-2015, 12:00 PM
The Kobold admiral has seen it! That was a trick question.

Just kidding.

I think it should be race restricted to halflings because larger humanoids should not be able to fit in a kobold outfit. Maybe that is why the sleeves are missing...It is too bad that visually, it has nothing to do with Kobolds and even less with nautical themes (save for that nice swirl on the calves, unless lack of sleeves is supposed to imply swimming skills).

You can see how the actual armor looks nothing like Ancker's outfit:


12-17-2015, 05:26 PM
and no medals anywhere.... disappointing.

although, I was not aware that kobolds had a navy anyway...