12-10-2015, 12:26 AM
With U29 fast approaching we are looking for people interested in running the new raids on a regular basis. We will probably run the raids on Legendary Normal/Legendary Hard and the new quests on Legendary Elite.
What do I mean by "Casual" as that word has so many meanings
- We value people over loot.
- We value relationships over run efficiency
- We tend to run between average and fast, but if people aren't comfortable with the pace we will slow it down if they ask
- If people die, even often, we raise them rather than leaving their stone and completing fast
- If people are new to the raid/quest, we do our best to explain things
- Casual doesn't mean we run EE in our korthos gear
- We don't expect people to grind for guild renown or join all our runs - have fun and play when you want to. We have several people that just do their own thing and join us very rarely.
We have several completionist/epic completionist players. We also have players that take their character to 28 and never tr/etr - so there is no pressure to TR/eTR. The most active people prefer epic levels and running end game content.
Lately we've been running
- TOEE Part 1 and 2 EE to finish gear, find mushrooms and armor
- We wanted to run DOJ tonight but an lfm was already up so we just 4-manned it rather than putting up a competing lfm
- 1 member posts alot of Jungle/Spies/Wiz King lfms for epic leveling as he is focused on etr
- U27 and U28 quests EE
- EE Quests to prep all our sagas so we can get some immediate xp when the level cap changes to 30.
I know alot of people on Sarlona are in guilds that once had people and are now solo or mostly inactive. We understand it's kind of a risky thing to leave the guild in case it doesn't work out, so if you want to run with us for a while to see if it's a good fit - that is fine. You can always leave one character in that guild in case you change your mind. We've had great luck so far - we never kicked anyone out and 18 of our 26 all-time members are still active - only 8 since 2010 that went inactive so we must be doing something right. We had a few people that asked to join the guild and decided to leave - that is of course fine.
A few final points. If you tried running EE and had some bad experiences - try it with us. Also, we do have people in the guild with teenage kids that play, so please keep conversations in guild chat PG and be aware of this when asking people in guild to your party - some may be minors and we don't want people posting things in guild chat like "adults only".
If you are interested please contact our guild leader (kronovere, neveira, orangefire) or me (any character starting with Rand).
What do I mean by "Casual" as that word has so many meanings
- We value people over loot.
- We value relationships over run efficiency
- We tend to run between average and fast, but if people aren't comfortable with the pace we will slow it down if they ask
- If people die, even often, we raise them rather than leaving their stone and completing fast
- If people are new to the raid/quest, we do our best to explain things
- Casual doesn't mean we run EE in our korthos gear
- We don't expect people to grind for guild renown or join all our runs - have fun and play when you want to. We have several people that just do their own thing and join us very rarely.
We have several completionist/epic completionist players. We also have players that take their character to 28 and never tr/etr - so there is no pressure to TR/eTR. The most active people prefer epic levels and running end game content.
Lately we've been running
- TOEE Part 1 and 2 EE to finish gear, find mushrooms and armor
- We wanted to run DOJ tonight but an lfm was already up so we just 4-manned it rather than putting up a competing lfm
- 1 member posts alot of Jungle/Spies/Wiz King lfms for epic leveling as he is focused on etr
- U27 and U28 quests EE
- EE Quests to prep all our sagas so we can get some immediate xp when the level cap changes to 30.
I know alot of people on Sarlona are in guilds that once had people and are now solo or mostly inactive. We understand it's kind of a risky thing to leave the guild in case it doesn't work out, so if you want to run with us for a while to see if it's a good fit - that is fine. You can always leave one character in that guild in case you change your mind. We've had great luck so far - we never kicked anyone out and 18 of our 26 all-time members are still active - only 8 since 2010 that went inactive so we must be doing something right. We had a few people that asked to join the guild and decided to leave - that is of course fine.
A few final points. If you tried running EE and had some bad experiences - try it with us. Also, we do have people in the guild with teenage kids that play, so please keep conversations in guild chat PG and be aware of this when asking people in guild to your party - some may be minors and we don't want people posting things in guild chat like "adults only".
If you are interested please contact our guild leader (kronovere, neveira, orangefire) or me (any character starting with Rand).