View Full Version : Arcane Caster Pass Changes (my ideas)

10-31-2015, 11:02 AM
Epic Destinies

1) Remove caster levels per core (move to epic level advancement)
2) Change stat bonuses to pick any of the 6 stats
3) Change all SLA DCs to Formula: 10 + Cha Level + Stat Mod + DC bonuses to school

1) Change Arcane Adept: Passive: -20% insight bonus to sp cost, Active(100 sp, 3 min cd, 1.5 min duration): Debuff, all spells you use against this target which are not saved refund 50% of their cost.
2) Add Automatic Metamagic Options tier 3/4: with 3 ranks - lvls 1-3, lvls 4-6, lvls 7-9, or 1/3, 2/3, 3/3 reduction.
3) Change Arcane Spellsurge: costs sp (maybe 100), increases spell dcs by 10, duration 1 min, cd 5 min (or 30 seconds, cd 2 min)
3a) Alternative: Add Deific Diadem like buff (+1/2/3/4/5) DC to School for repetitive use
4) Remove Sigils, Replace with Extra Spell (add's a spell to your spell list at appropriate level - tier 1 = lvl 1-2 spells, tier 2 = lvl 3-4 spells, etc) Allow taking from any spell list
4a) Alternative: Keep sigils but drastically buff their effectiveness - overall 1.5X on the numbers, increase duration, reduce cd (put sigils on shared cd)
5) Master of {Spell School}: Keep CL add, change to remove MCL from spells from that school
6) Call Kindred Being: Buff CR / Stats etc - make it usable - summons are in a really bad spot but this one ability above all should be easy to make into a good spot
6a) Make Buffs / Strength of summons' spell like abilities tied to your dc in the spell school
7) Change Arcane Tempest: SLA based off Spell School
7a) Necro: Single Target long long cooldown - save: suffer death's wrath permanent neg levels and big RUIN like damage, fail: death (works on all mobs, purple/red named automatically save but suffer neg levels)
7b) Evoc: AOE force energy burst, reduces reflex saves by 5 for 10 seconds afterwards

1) Dragons Fury: Active: For the next 30 seconds, all your elemental spells of dragon type receive 150% spell power scaling (cooldown = 5 min)
2) Daunting Roar: Reduce CD to 30 seconds, add spell point cost (maybe 50 or something)
3) Dragon Spell Knowledge: Addition: Removes max caster level on spells of that element
4) Secondary Spell Knowledge: Raises max caster level by 2/4
5) Go Out With A Bang: Toggle, Automatically Triggers when you drop to 25% health, gain greater invisibility, diplo effect automatically works on all but red/purple named (cooldown = 5 min)
6) Dragon Breathe Augmentation: 50% chance (does not work on red/purp named) - also allows regen of breathe at 1 per 5 min
7) Dragon Breathe: Additional Ranks lower cd: 2 min/1 min/30 sec
8) Energy Vortex: reduce cd to 1 min, change so that works like firewall, save for first tick, no save for additional ticks
9) Draconic Hunger: When you kill: gain 50 temp hp, 50 temp sp | while draconic fury is active: reduce 25% of spell point cost for spells of your element
10) Epic Moment: While active: gain 100 prr/mrr, restore 1% of damage done with element as hp, gain immunity to element, you benefit from draconic fury even if it is on cd
11) Flyby Attack: (30 sec cd)
12) Barrier of Scales: Gain 50 prr

Epic Feats

Epic Spell Focus: +3 to school instead of +1

Epic Universal Focus (requires 3 spell focus or 2 greater spell focus feats): +2 to all schools

Elemental Substitution: Swaps elemental damage
a) Multiselector: fire, elec , ice , acid
b) Replaces with opposite
c) possibly make it scale with original element spellpower/caster level/etc
d) possibly only partially substitutes, 50% or something
Note: main reason for this is to provide more mileage out of the spell list - for instance delayed blast fireball/meteor swam becomes usable in devil content

Enhance Spell: Removes max caster level cap on spell
a) increase spell cost by 10%

Intensify Spell: Maximum Damage of Spell multiplied by 2 (e.g. 6d6 would be 36*2= 72)
a) probably would want to change to max damage of spell and adds 500 spell power or something to that effect, adding additional multiplicative factors might be too much
b) increase spell cost by 50%

Extra Spell: Allow the learning of a single spell from another list (e.g. a sorcerer learns blade barrier, a cleric learns finger of death, a wizard learns evard's tentacles), the spell functions as any other spell on your spell list
a) alternatively allow at heroic levels but limit it to lower level spells
b) allow to be taken as many times as you want

Epic Spellcasting: Improves echo's of power significantly: regens sp slowly till (caster class level / 2)% of total spellpoints (e.g. wizard level 18, rogue 2, would be 9%), @ 8 spell points every 6 seconds, +1 dc to all spells


Pale Master:
1) Change spell criticals to also increase multiplier by 10, so a max pale master would have 40% crit multiplier to neg energy
2) Change SLAs
2a) Remove them and replace with things like circle of death sla for tier 5, etc
2b) Buff them, significantly
2c) Alternatively, keep rank 3 but make it a single rank and only cost 1 or 2 points
3) Change Cloak of Night - reduce effectiveness of light/repair/ etc by 20/35/50%, increases neg energy amp by 20/35/50 (perm while in form)
3a) alternatively place neg energy amp somewhere - this is the single biggest problem with this tree is that pale master healing as drastically dropped off since changes to healing amp
4) Negative Energy Conduit - increase neg energy amp by 15/30/45
5) Necromantic Focus - (ranks 3) +1/2/3 to necro dcs
6) Change Skelly Pet
6a) Remove completely and replace with anything remotely good
6b) Fix to actually be worth using / both ai and stats
7) Improved Shrouding: Archlich - increases spell pool by 10%

Arch Mage:
1) Change Core SLAs (they do not need to follow 1/2/3/4/5 for spell levels, this is a remnant from the state of slas back when this tree was originally made)
1a) Ex. Conjuration SLAs: 1) Grease, 2) Web, 3) acid blast, 4) evard's tenticles, 5) cometfall
2) Master of Magic: Add to current effects, +50 spell critical multiplier with spells of your school
3) Energy of Scholar: Reduce cost per rank to 1, or double effect per rank
4) Secondary School Mastery: add to current effects, Receive the first two core SLAs for that school
5) Arcane Supremacy: Clicky (90 sec cd, 12 sec duration): +100 crit multiplier, + 25% crit chance
6) Arcane Bolt/Blast: allow metamagics to apply
6a) move blast to tier 4
7) School Mastery II: (ranks 2, cost 2 per) +1/+2, stacking cooldown reduction 10% when using these spells
8) SLA for School (powerful) 3 ranks 1 per
8a) ex. Enchantment: Disco or Mass Hold or Howl of Terror

Add a 3rd Wizard Caster Tree (Wizards shouldn't be forced to be pale masters)
1) Should focus on damage/utility more than spell school bonuses
2) Should provide some way to increase positive healing effectiveness (heal amp, addition of healing effects, positive spell power, etc)
2a) its important to not be mandatory, just an option

1) Move tier 5 slas down to tier 4
2) New Tier 5 slas added (2 points, 1 rank)
2a) Air: Eladar's Electric Surge
2b) Fire: Wall of Fire
2c) Acid: Acid Rain
2d) Water: Niac's Biting Cold
3) Spell Pen: (3 ranks, 2 points each) +1/2/3
4) Awaken Weakness: +10% per stack, 5 stacks, 15 sec cd, 30 sec duration, 5 sp
5) Elemental Diversification: If non-force is chosen, remove penalties for using that element while in elemental form
6) Tier 5 Special Ability DC Changes: 10 + Cha/Con Mod + Sorcerer Level + School Bonuses {also allow metamagics}
6a) earthgrab: conjuration (works on all but purp/red named) | cd reduced to 8 seconds
6b) heat death: evocation | damage scales with spell power / metamagics etc | cd reduced to 15 seconds (works on all)
6c) icy prison: evocation | damage scales with spell power / metamagics etc | cd reduced to 15 seconds (works on all but purp/red named)
7) Elemental Form: same except 10% penalty only effects non-main elements (e.g. air savants dont have the cost when using chain lightning or hold monster but do when using wall of fire)
7a) secondary element (fire/water for air savant) can have the penalty removed by elemental diversification
7b) Add Crit Multplier to elemental form: +100 to element, -50 to opposing element

Add a 3rd Sorcerer Caster Tree (Savant doesn't count as 4...)
1) Pref Focus on Utility / DC casting or Force/Non-elemental damage


Revamp Dispels: deathward and fom provide great counterplay for enemy casters to use but should be dispellable.

Increase Spell Diversity:
1)Level 8 and 9 spell lists are pretty limited for casters
1a) e.g. there are 8 9th level wiz/sorc spells: Mord Disjunction, summon monster, dominate monster, power word kill, wail of banshee, energy drain, mass hold, meteor swarm and of these only power word kill, wail of banshee, energy drain, mass hold, and potentially meteor swarm are actually viable in epics (4 or 5 depending on if you count meteor swarm)
2) Spell School Diversity is pretty low too
2a) Lack of Illusion Spells
2b) Lack of high level transmutation spells
3) High Level (8/9) Damage Spells are effectively all single target non-dot elemental spells
3a) introducing more damage spells to the lists with alternative effects would be immensely helpful
3b) Note zero electric spells exist above level 6 for wiz/sorc

The above changes might sound like a lot (and truthfully that is a lot of changes) but its only because traditional casters have fallen so far behind.

I'd like to talk about why I proposed the changes I did:

Problems for Casters in Epics:
1) DC issues
2) Damage / SP issues
3) Damage / time issues
4) Lack of Defenses

My changes were mostly directed at 1-3. I believe casters shouldn't have the best defenses in the game. This is an area of counterplay essentially.

Most changes for 2-3 were focused on increasing crit multiplier, removing max caster level, and increasing spell point efficiency against single targets and with certain spells.

Magister changes make it dc oriented (with most of the boosts coming from non-twistable locations), note if you go dc focused your damage / time should suffer but your damage / sp should not

Draconic changes make it undoubtedly the highest burst damage destiny for casters (with most boosts coming from non-twistable locations), your dc suffers in comparison to magister though

Pale Master changes largely are focused on increasing dcs, increasing healing ability

Arch Mage Changes largely are focused on making the slas better, the damage better, etc. AND making arcane supremacy reliable for non-shiradi's

Savant Changes largely are focused on bringing up everything to the modern age (crit multiplier, updated DC formulas, addition of another SLA to tier 5, removal of penalties to sp cost on elemental form, etc)

Feats: largely focused on increasing damage, dcs, and ultimately sp issues - while also providing an option for taking an off-class spell from another list
Are all the changes necessary? Probably not - you could also modulate the numbers significantly to provide varying results.

I think overall the changes I propose would elevate arcane traditional casters to where they need to be in epics (with dc casters still having issues in certain quests like DOJ due to all red names). However, the numbers I provided for most things (besides cds/durations) were largely done by feel based on my live game experience.

Hopefully, at the very least, some insight for new ideas are found by reading this post.


10-31-2015, 11:26 AM
The column SLAs in archmage and palemaster would be useful if they supported empower and maximize. I would rather see metamagic added than replacing those with non dps-slas for palemasters.

10-31-2015, 11:41 AM
1) Remove caster levels per core (move to epic level advancement)

I've said it time and again: this is a nerf, not a buff. You're nerfing casters for 6 levels, especially those that use a lot of spell penetration spells like pale masters, enchantment archmages and spellsinger bards. They heavily rely on caster levels for spell penetration. This makes them worse than they are right now on live until level 27, which is when this supposed buff would take place. From 20-26 you would be losing 6/5/4/3/2/1 spell penetration, which is where most people do the menace of the underdark expansion quests which is chock-full of high spell resistance enemies like drow and demons where the extra spell penetration helps.

Other than that most everything seems like a run-of-the-mill-this-should-be-obvious fix. I'm with you 100% for changing the DC's of SLA's to be your highest caster stat (wisdom, charisma, or intelligence) instead of being class-focused only on the sphere in which they're in. This was okay for sorcerers, favored souls, bards, and warlocks, but it made epic destiny choices unfair for wizards and caster artificers, and to a lesser extent clerics and druids.

10-31-2015, 11:50 AM
Spell costs need to be looked at too. Spells with saves that generally are high in most mobs should not cost a huge sp to cast. It makes people rely on SLA's too much to conserve sp. Additionally metamagics sp need to be redone as a percentage.

10-31-2015, 12:08 PM
I think one of the most important issues to be adresssed is having WAY less difference between main school DC vs. secondary school DC. Currently if you spec max for DCs you'll probably have at least +6 DC on your main school compared to any secondary schools (+3 Focus, greater focus, epic focus, +3 magister), and probably more (hard to get items with augments for all relevant schools, and generic bonuses to all schools).

It seems as though the devs want you to have a reasonable chance of succeeding with your DC based spells, but not 100%, even in your main school. So say 80% is the highest chance of success obtainable. Then any secondary school spell has at most 50% chance of succeeding, and probably more like 25-30%, and that's given that you have all the relevant gear in the game. That generally speaking makes all spells that aren't your main school close to useless, which doesn't really matter all that much for some classes (bards mostly just need enchantment and/or evocation for instance), but for others, especially wizards which are supposed to be the versatile caster class it makes a huge difference. The main advantage of a wizard is traditionally a huge advantage in terms of versatility, but if the secondary school DCs are far below any main school DCs then the versatility doesn't matter.

Potential options for attempting to fix this:
- Maybe make most bonuses to a single school give a slightly smaller bonus to the other schools (magister gives +3 to the school you choose and +2 to others maybe).
- Make every source of +DC be to every school with only a few exceptions (maybe every +DC effect gives generic DC bonus with the following exceptions: tier 5 enhancements, spell focus feats, and enhancement bonuses from equipment (but the augment bonuses give to all schools) for instance).
- Revamp the way saves work in a way a bit like the way to-hit currently works because then a 5 DC difference won't be that huge - going from 75 to 70 DC gives you maybe a 10% reduction or w/e in success which is way more reasonable. This might be the cleanest fix, but also is the one with the most implications that the game moves even further away from it's core (3.5 PnP D&D) than it already is, which obviously is a bad thing, because I'm guessing that a big part of the reason to why many people choose to play DDO over other MMOs is the link to PnP (at least it is that way for me).

10-31-2015, 12:09 PM
I've said it time and again: this is a nerf, not a buff. You're nerfing casters for 6 levels, especially those that use a lot of spell penetration spells like pale masters, enchantment archmages and spellsinger bards. They heavily rely on caster levels for spell penetration. This makes them worse than they are right now on live until level 27, which is when this supposed buff would take place. From 20-26 you would be losing 6/5/4/3/2/1 spell penetration, which is where most people do the menace of the underdark expansion quests which is chock-full of high spell resistance enemies like drow and demons where the extra spell penetration helps.

Other than that most everything seems like a run-of-the-mill-this-should-be-obvious fix. I'm with you 100% for changing the DC's of SLA's to be your highest caster stat (wisdom, charisma, or intelligence) instead of being class-focused only on the sphere in which they're in. This was okay for sorcerers, favored souls, bards, and warlocks, but it made epic destiny choices unfair for wizards and caster artificers, and to a lesser extent clerics and druids.

Perhaps then: leave the caster levels in the destiny but then add another set of caster levels incrementally from 20-30 to make a total (between destiny and epic level) of +10. OR lower the spell resistance of mobs in the lower level epic elite quests.

10-31-2015, 12:18 PM
I think one of the most important issues to be adresssed is having WAY less difference between main school DC vs. secondary school DC. Currently if you spec max for DCs you'll probably have at least +6 DC on your main school compared to any secondary schools (+3 Focus, greater focus, epic focus, +3 magister), and probably more (hard to get items with augments for all relevant schools, and generic bonuses to all schools).

It seems as though the devs want you to have a reasonable chance of succeeding with your DC based spells, but not 100%, even in your main school. So say 80% is the highest chance of success obtainable. Then any secondary school spell has at most 50% chance of succeeding, and probably more like 25-30%, and that's given that you have all the relevant gear in the game. That generally speaking makes all spells that aren't your main school close to useless, which doesn't really matter all that much for some classes (bards mostly just need enchantment and/or evocation for instance), but for others, especially wizards which are supposed to be the versatile caster class it makes a huge difference. The main advantage of a wizard is traditionally a huge advantage in terms of versatility, but if the secondary school DCs are far below any main school DCs then the versatility doesn't matter.

Potential options for attempting to fix this:
- Maybe make most bonuses to a single school give a slightly smaller bonus to the other schools (magister gives +3 to the school you choose and +2 to others maybe).
- Make every source of +DC be to every school with only a few exceptions (maybe every +DC effect gives generic DC bonus with the following exceptions: tier 5 enhancements, spell focus feats, and enhancement bonuses from equipment (but the augment bonuses give to all schools) for instance).
- Revamp the way saves work in a way a bit like the way to-hit currently works because then a 5 DC difference won't be that huge - going from 75 to 70 DC gives you maybe a 10% reduction or w/e in success which is way more reasonable. This might be the cleanest fix, but also is the one with the most implications that the game moves even further away from it's core (3.5 PnP D&D) than it already is, which obviously is a bad thing, because I'm guessing that a big part of the reason to why many people choose to play DDO over other MMOs is the link to PnP (at least it is that way for me).

I agree on the problem. Somewhere between a 6-12 dc difference depending on different variables between primary and secondary schools. I tried addressing that with the change to magister end core - +10 to dcs would elevate your main dc to 95% success rate and your secondaries to ~70-95% depending on how far behind it was. Now thinking through it a bit more - I think this isn't enough as it will only have 20% uptime.

I'm not a fan of generic spell dc bonuses as I think that min/maxing for a school should be a feature of character customization - HOWEVER i think wizards should be able to have ~3 schools at which their dcs are 70-90%.

So your first option would be my choice.

Note that if they went with a revamp much like how AC was done - it would mark the final nail in the coffin for me as well as a lot of other players (I would think).

10-31-2015, 12:22 PM
I do agree that specialising for a single school should be a part of character customization. However the issue currently is that there is too many ways to do just that. There needs to be things that only boost your main school, BUT there needs to be FEW of them. Having your main school DC be 2-4 higher than secondary school DCs is fine. Having your main school be 6-12 higher than secondary school is not.

10-31-2015, 01:06 PM
It seems as though the devs want you to have a reasonable chance of succeeding with your DC based spells, but not 100%, even in your main school. So say 80% is the highest chance of success obtainable. Then any secondary school spell has at most 50% chance of succeeding, and probably more like 25-30%, and that's given that you have all the relevant gear in the game.

And herein lies the core problem. If the DCs are based on a maxed-out character (PLs, stat tomes, raid gear and augments) then DC casting in epics becomes almost unplayable by first timers, certainly, and even long-term players who are not completionists and hard-core raiders. DPS has a much longer spectrum (not just a d20 range) and can stack over time permitting non-elite builds to still tackle even epic elite, albeit with allies and taking longer about it. The all-or-nothing structure of DC casting, coupled with the cost of spells, means that it is a very precarious build type.

On the flip side, basing the DCs on some median number (62?) means that players with the maxed build will cruise through EE and we will find ourselves back where we were years ago with unstoppable, auto-kill PMs.

It's hard to find a way through with a game based on a 20-point variable that works fine for Heroic-tier, starts to get a little wobbly by late-Paragon and is unmanageable in Epic. Just look at Armour Class.

Perhaps a solution is to have a successful save reduce the target's next saving throw, an effect that stacks about 3 times. (This stacking penalty would vary in size according to the magnitude of the save.) In this way, even first-time builds can have an impact in quests with their DC spells, and even off-specialization spells could have value in the right situation.

10-31-2015, 01:22 PM
These are perfect ideas!


10-31-2015, 01:49 PM
And herein lies the core problem. If the DCs are based on a maxed-out character (PLs, stat tomes, raid gear and augments) then DC casting in epics becomes almost unplayable by first timers, certainly, and even long-term players who are not completionists and hard-core raiders. DPS has a much longer spectrum (not just a d20 range) and can stack over time permitting non-elite builds to still tackle even epic elite, albeit with allies and taking longer about it. The all-or-nothing structure of DC casting, coupled with the cost of spells, means that it is a very precarious build type.

On the flip side, basing the DCs on some median number (62?) means that players with the maxed build will cruise through EE and we will find ourselves back where we were years ago with unstoppable, auto-kill PMs.

It's hard to find a way through with a game based on a 20-point variable that works fine for Heroic-tier, starts to get a little wobbly by late-Paragon and is unmanageable in Epic. Just look at Armour Class.

Perhaps a solution is to have a successful save reduce the target's next saving throw, an effect that stacks about 3 times. (This stacking penalty would vary in size according to the magnitude of the save.) In this way, even first-time builds can have an impact in quests with their DC spells, and even off-specialization spells could have value in the right situation.

If this happens spell cost should be greatly reduced. Caster's don't have the sp to cast three spells per encounter to get something to land.

10-31-2015, 04:39 PM
If this happens spell cost should be greatly reduced. Caster's don't have the sp to cast three spells per encounter to get something to land.

Please note, the idea I posted was brewed up in less time than it takes to make coffee, but I still think the principle has merit ...

Yes, SP is already an issue in epic (elite, anyway), unless you have the Bauble, ERoSS and pots to spare. Not in every quest, mind you. Quests like Servants of the Overlord have plenty of shrines. But where the shrines are few or (as in many newer raids) non-existant, the need to have Max, Empower and other metas on permanently means you burn through the kind of SP that was fine back at the old level cap of 20, and which doesn't scale up as you get to 28.

One approach is to up the SP available in epic levels. Another is to reduce the cost of meta feats. A third is to reduce the cost of DC-based spells. A fourth is additional sources that reduce SP cost and stack, including a Epic Destiny feat.

10-31-2015, 07:14 PM
And herein lies the core problem. If the DCs are based on a maxed-out character (PLs, stat tomes, raid gear and augments) then DC casting in epics becomes almost unplayable by first timers, certainly, and even long-term players who are not completionists and hard-core raiders. DPS has a much longer spectrum (not just a d20 range) and can stack over time permitting non-elite builds to still tackle even epic elite, albeit with allies and taking longer about it. The all-or-nothing structure of DC casting, coupled with the cost of spells, means that it is a very precarious build type.

On the flip side, basing the DCs on some median number (62?) means that players with the maxed build will cruise through EE and we will find ourselves back where we were years ago with unstoppable, auto-kill PMs.

It's hard to find a way through with a game based on a 20-point variable that works fine for Heroic-tier, starts to get a little wobbly by late-Paragon and is unmanageable in Epic. Just look at Armour Class.

Perhaps a solution is to have a successful save reduce the target's next saving throw, an effect that stacks about 3 times. (This stacking penalty would vary in size according to the magnitude of the save.) In this way, even first-time builds can have an impact in quests with their DC spells, and even off-specialization spells could have value in the right situation.

Yes, that's why one of my suggestions was scrapping the current save system. The issue with that is just that if the game has nothing left in common with PnP then quite a few people might lose interesting in the game in general. Another option that I just thought of was having spells with higher save DCs than usual. So you could cast a higher level spell with a weaker effect but higher save DC, like say have mass hold as is, but mass daze as a 9th level spell with a +5 bonus to DC, such that people with lower DCs can use weaker effects with a reasonable success rate while geared out people can use the stronger CC effects with about the same success rate.

10-31-2015, 07:56 PM
Wait..... I had assumed that "Caster Classes" included Divines? Is it confirmed this is an Arcane only pass?

10-31-2015, 08:31 PM
Wait..... I had assumed that "Caster Classes" included Divines? Is it confirmed this is an Arcane only pass?

Nope it will be for all casters from the information we have. Though the initial pass will likely only touch feats and possibly epic destinies and/or spells. The actual classes will be untouched until their enhancement tree revisions.

I only did a list for what I think it would take to make arcane viable because that is where the bulk of my play experience lies. While I've played divine characters, most of it hasn't been at end game.

10-31-2015, 08:56 PM
Looks good.

Has the same basic needs as the stuff from the divine pass (thread) floating around on the forum.

10-31-2015, 10:23 PM
I think one of the most important issues to be adresssed is having WAY less difference between main school DC vs. secondary school DC. Currently if you spec max for DCs you'll probably have at least +6 DC on your main school compared to any secondary schools (+3 Focus, greater focus, epic focus, +3 magister), and probably more (hard to get items with augments for all relevant schools, and generic bonuses to all schools).

It seems as though the devs want you to have a reasonable chance of succeeding with your DC based spells, but not 100%, even in your main school. So say 80% is the highest chance of success obtainable. Then any secondary school spell has at most 50% chance of succeeding, and probably more like 25-30%, and that's given that you have all the relevant gear in the game. That generally speaking makes all spells that aren't your main school close to useless, which doesn't really matter all that much for some classes (bards mostly just need enchantment and/or evocation for instance), but for others, especially wizards which are supposed to be the versatile caster class it makes a huge difference. The main advantage of a wizard is traditionally a huge advantage in terms of versatility, but if the secondary school DCs are far below any main school DCs then the versatility doesn't matter.

Potential options for attempting to fix this:
- Maybe make most bonuses to a single school give a slightly smaller bonus to the other schools (magister gives +3 to the school you choose and +2 to others maybe).
- Make every source of +DC be to every school with only a few exceptions (maybe every +DC effect gives generic DC bonus with the following exceptions: tier 5 enhancements, spell focus feats, and enhancement bonuses from equipment (but the augment bonuses give to all schools) for instance).
- Revamp the way saves work in a way a bit like the way to-hit currently works because then a 5 DC difference won't be that huge - going from 75 to 70 DC gives you maybe a 10% reduction or w/e in success which is way more reasonable. This might be the cleanest fix, but also is the one with the most implications that the game moves even further away from it's core (3.5 PnP D&D) than it already is, which obviously is a bad thing, because I'm guessing that a big part of the reason to why many people choose to play DDO over other MMOs is the link to PnP (at least it is that way for me).

I feel Varg's statements indicating that the Devs want Casters to seek out monster save weaknesses (Reavers have terrible reflex saves), seriously needs to consider this point of the huge gap in spell school DC.

If we are to follow this path, then I charge the Devs with this:

Review spell choices (for example Cleric spells are highly limited) and consider the lengthy process of adding/adapting enough spells for us to make these choices.

Review the huge problem of any class other than an archmage being able to function in multiple schools, since obviously a single school will not provide a full choice of Fort and Ref and Will saving throws.

11-01-2015, 01:18 AM
As others have pointed out, the huge gap between primary and other schools is a problem.

Epic Spell Focus: +3 to school instead of +1

I think +3 is too much, and it widens the gap more. People already take Epic Spell Focus. Does it really need help? Does it do anything to change the feat that couldn't be done better by having mobs have lower saves?

Epic Universal Focus (requires 3 spell focus or 2 greater spell focus feats): +2 to all schools

I like the idea of a "Universal Focus", but, again, I would want it to narrow the gap instead of just inflate DCs.

Universal Focus (prerequisite: Greater Spell Focus [any]): +1 DC to all spells (does not stack with Spell Focus).

So for 3 feats, you'd have your same +2 to your main school, but +1 to all others. Improving all off schools without inflating main schools.

11-01-2015, 03:05 AM
Epic Destinies


4) Remove Sigils, Replace with Extra Spell (add's a spell to your spell list at appropriate level - tier 1 = lvl 1-2 spells, tier 2 = lvl 3-4 spells, etc) Allow taking from any spell list

As Sigils these are pretty much not worth using. If they where to become personal aura buffs that can be cast on the caster then they would have their uses and may even be twisted in. They would then be similar in power to Enlightened Spirits auras.

As others have pointed out, the huge gap between primary and other schools is a problem.

I like the idea of a "Universal Focus", but, again, I would want it to narrow the gap instead of just inflate DCs.

Universal Focus (prerequisite: Greater Spell Focus [any]): +1 DC to all spells (does not stack with Spell Focus).

So for 3 feats, you'd have your same +2 to your main school, but +1 to all others. Improving all off schools without inflating main schools.

Make it Greater Epic Spell Focus; ML24; Requires any Epic Spell focus; gives +1 to all spell DC's.

+1 DC to all spells for an epic feat isn't too powerful in my opinion. Some may still take a great ability instead if they will end up with odd caster ability score at cap as it would also give spells point and some also give +1 to a save.

Seeing as Gnomes look like they will be added I would like to see more illusion spells such as Weird and Scintillating Pattern.

11-01-2015, 11:30 PM
As Sigils these are pretty much not worth using. If they where to become personal aura buffs that can be cast on the caster then they would have their uses and may even be twisted in. They would then be similar in power to Enlightened Spirits auras.

Make it Greater Epic Spell Focus; ML24; Requires any Epic Spell focus; gives +1 to all spell DC's.

+1 DC to all spells for an epic feat isn't too powerful in my opinion. Some may still take a great ability instead if they will end up with odd caster ability score at cap as it would also give spells point and some also give +1 to a save.

Seeing as Gnomes look like they will be added I would like to see more illusion spells such as Weird and Scintillating Pattern.

I'd like to see the shadow spells finally added - shadow conjuration/evocation could make a very versatile illusion caster.

Illusion and Fear effects are great when paired together. One of the most fun builds I ever played in paper and pen was an illusionist who specialized in fear based cc.

11-02-2015, 07:02 AM
I've said it time and again: this is a nerf, not a buff. You're nerfing casters for 6 levels, especially those that use a lot of spell penetration spells like pale masters, enchantment archmages and spellsinger bards. They heavily rely on caster levels for spell penetration. This makes them worse than they are right now on live until level 27, which is when this supposed buff would take place. From 20-26 you would be losing 6/5/4/3/2/1 spell penetration, which is where most people do the menace of the underdark expansion quests which is chock-full of high spell resistance enemies like drow and demons where the extra spell penetration helps.

A level 20 character with 5 levels of caster ED should not have more 'caster levels' than a level 25 player with 1 level of caster ED destiny. This is one of many build costs imposed on casters that don't have a corollary version on melee/ranged "damage" toons.

For areas with excessively high spell resistance mobs, the devs should instead adjust the spell resistance on mobs to be more reasonable for the content level.

11-02-2015, 07:49 AM
Epic Destinies

1) Remove caster levels per core (move to epic level advancement)
2) Change stat bonuses to pick any of the 6 stats
3) Change all SLA DCs to Formula: 10 + Cha Level + Stat Mod + DC bonuses to school

What is "Cha level"? Charisma level? Caster level?

I realize you're noting "arcane casters" but divine casters are even further behind arcane casters (because arcane casters get better stacking bonuses) and should be considered part of any caster pass, heroic or epic. I did see the later post where you said you specialize in arcane casters, just throwing it out as a general comment,.

Stat bonuses should not pick any of the six stats. I'd reduce that down to picking between Charisma, Intelligence, or Wisdom, on both arcane and divine destiny trees so that there is more overlap between arcanes using divine trees like Exalted Angel or divines using arcane trees like Draconic Incarnation. I'd also like the bard destiny to to get some attention. Maybe doing something like shiradi, where it splits bonuses between combat and spells, but instead of ranged + spells, it's melee + spells.

If combat trees like Fury of the Wild can be equally useful to Paladins, Fighters, Barbarians, and Rangers, then certainly "caster" trees should be useful to different classes of casters, whether they're arcane, divine or...err...whatever you want to classify warlock and artificer :D.

11-02-2015, 08:34 AM
What is "Cha level"? Charisma level? Caster level?

I realize you're noting "arcane casters" but divine casters are even further behind arcane casters (because arcane casters get better stacking bonuses) and should be considered part of any caster pass, heroic or epic. I did see the later post where you said you specialize in arcane casters, just throwing it out as a general comment,.

Stat bonuses should not pick any of the six stats. I'd reduce that down to picking between Charisma, Intelligence, or Wisdom, on both arcane and divine destiny trees so that there is more overlap between arcanes using divine trees like Exalted Angel or divines using arcane trees like Draconic Incarnation. I'd also like the bard destiny to to get some attention. Maybe doing something like shiradi, where it splits bonuses between combat and spells, but instead of ranged + spells, it's melee + spells.

If combat trees like Fury of the Wild can be equally useful to Paladins, Fighters, Barbarians, and Rangers, then certainly "caster" trees should be useful to different classes of casters, whether they're arcane, divine or...err...whatever you want to classify warlock and artificer :D.

Sorry I should have specified that more - cha level = character level. As far as stat bonuses go, my intentions were to make it the primary casting stats (i.e. charisma, wisdom, intelligence), whichever is highest.

I noted arcane casters only because while I've played divine casters, I don't feel like I have the experience or knowledge base to adequately do a similar list for the divine classes (I could maybe do it for druid but I wouldn't want to do a partial list for divines). I felt it better to leave this task to someone more knowledge in divines. Note however, some of the things I've included definitely buff divine classes (the metamagic feats will benefit everyone) and the epic destiny changes would greatly benefit druids (who would be able to use draconic incarnation) or clerics (who could use magister).

The main reason why I didn't touch the bard destiny is because I'm honestly stumped on what niche its supposed to fill - I suppose some sort of sonic hybrid spellsinger/warchanter type niche would be okay.

I kinda see these niches being filled by destinies:
1) Shiradi = force damage / procs, high rate of fire, procs, rando/spammy playstyle - sustained dps {kinda unique}
2) Magister = dc king
3) Draconic = elemental damage / burst damage
4) Exalted = light damage / middle ground between magister and shiradi

I'd actually like more destinies to be implemented later on (read as: a year or more) - I think warlocks and artificer casters get the short end of the stick on this front.

11-02-2015, 09:13 AM
I am very curios to see what the Developers have in store for Update 29. I have all 3 of my Casters [Druid, Pure FvS, Light SPP FVS] ready and waiting.

11-02-2015, 09:17 AM
got a dc build palemaster, a shiradi caster and a druid ready for the first buff in u29 lol. More arcane power!