View Full Version : Downtime Notice: 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM Eastern (-4 GMT) Monday, November 2nd

10-30-2015, 04:38 PM
UPDATE: The game worlds have reopened! Thank you.

The DDO Game Servers will be brought down on Monday, November 2nd from 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM Eastern (-4 GMT) for a hotfix. Thanks for your patience, and we'll see you back in the game soon!

DDO Store

Fixed an issue that required reincarnated characters to log out then back in after making a purchase in the DDO Store.


Manyshot now increases Doubleshot by 120 and Ranged Power by 4 x Base Attack Bonus.

Quests and Adventure Areas

Adjusted some instance settings in Delera's Graveyard to improve performance.


To improve game client performance, we have greatly reduced the number of "line of sight" checks for the following spells, which now check "line of sight" from their center point:

Evard's Black Tentacles
Blade Barrier
Ice Storm
Lightning Motes
Otto's Sphere of Dancing
Sleet Storm
Wall of Fire

10-30-2015, 04:46 PM
thanks Jerry, it looks like the changes will help poor manyshot don't forget ash vs evil dead tomorrow.

that is a very good update to post. very informative thank you, and thank whoevers idea it was to post that much information

10-30-2015, 04:47 PM
TYVM for these changes.!

Although I don't see a Tactical Donkey or Flame Ferret, it all appears to be good stuffs.

10-30-2015, 04:50 PM
Tactical Donkey or Flame Ferret...

sign me up

10-30-2015, 05:02 PM
Manyshot now increases Doubleshot by 120 and Ranged Power by 4 x Base Attack Bonus.


We will see how it goes in play but I think this is a good fix. 100% manyshot now gives 2 shots and 20% chance of a third by default addresses a lot of the issue the new version of manyshot had. A dedicated bow user will be seeing 3 more often then not around level 12 (+~50% double shot = killer + stalker T5 + EPL's)

10-30-2015, 05:26 PM
For those wondering about the manyshot change:

Current version on live:

For the next 20 seconds, add your Base Attack Bonus * 4 to your Doubleshot and Ranged Power.

New version:

Manyshot now increases Doubleshot by 120 and Ranged Power by 4 x Base Attack Bonus.

Ranged power stays the same. (4 times BAB)

As for doubleshot, for characters with maxed out BAB, it used to be 28 x 4 = 112 Doubleshot.
That becomes 120, so it's a slight buff to Doubleshot. Characters with less BAB (or those heroic leveling) will benefit a bit more.

10-30-2015, 05:30 PM
For those wondering about the manyshot change:

Current version on live:

New version:

Ranged power stays the same. (4 times BAB)

As for doubleshot, for characters with maxed out BAB, it used to be 28 x 4 = 112 Doubleshot.
That becomes 120, so it's a slight buff to Doubleshot. Characters with less BAB (or those heroic leveling) will benefit a bit more.

They were already thinking level 30 cap when they designed the new manyshot, and max BaB of 30*4= 120. not saying its not a buff but its not an extra 8 DS its just max out DS.

10-30-2015, 06:09 PM
Looks awesome!

10-30-2015, 06:49 PM
To improve game client performance, we have greatly reduced the number of "line of sight" checks for the following spells, which now check "line of sight" from their center point:

should we expect these spells to have more or less the same performance or should we expect something different to happen?

10-30-2015, 06:58 PM
To improve game client performance, we have greatly reduced the number of "line of sight" checks for the following spells, which now check "line of sight" from their center point:

Evard's Black Tentacles
Blade Barrier
Ice Storm
Lightning Motes
Otto's Sphere of Dancing
Sleet Storm
Wall of Fire

Anyone know what this means? I can't figure out how "line of sight" would apply to any of these spells.

When I hear "line of sight", I think of the "you are not facing" issue.

10-30-2015, 07:04 PM
TYVM for these changes.!

Although I don't see a Tactical Donkey or Flame Ferret, it all appears to be good stuffs.


and +1 to Cordovan for posting release notes prior to the downtime! keep it up!

10-30-2015, 07:11 PM
thanks Jerry, it looks like the changes will help poor manyshot don't forget ash vs evil dead tomorrow.

that is a very good update to post. very informative thank you, and thank whoevers idea it was to post that much information

OH yeah - thanks for the reminder!

10-30-2015, 07:12 PM

The manyshot change is not exactly what I wanted but it is definitely an improvement.

Thanks for making it, and also for doing it so quickly.

10-30-2015, 09:05 PM

Any chance any updates to help with the log in issue some of us are having?



Shard of Vampirism crafting (possible Locus of Vol isn't an ingredient type any more)


TIA for any response!

10-31-2015, 12:12 AM
Anyone know what this means? I can't figure out how "line of sight" would apply to any of these spells.

When I hear "line of sight", I think of the "you are not facing" issue.

Even area effects require an LOS check, so they can't hit through walls and such.

If I were to take a wild guess, this is roughly what I'm assuming has happened:

Old firewall: o--o--o--o--o
New firewall: ------o-------

The "o" would be the point where it checks against each mob to see if there is something collidable in the way. (I'm honestly not sure how the old method actually LOOKS, but that's just an example.)

With the old method, you could get more accurate LOS checks... but it would require a lot more calcs every tick, and against every mob in range. The new version would only require it to check from the center once. Less accurate, but less calcs.

The only thing I'm wondering, is why it says "client performance." They must mean server also? I can't see how the client would benefit from that much... unless they mean "during placement." It would seem wrong if the client is the one that issues each attack per tick from the AE on the ground... I can't imagine they do that.... or do they?

10-31-2015, 04:36 AM
Even area effects require an LOS check, so they can't hit through walls and such.

If I were to take a wild guess, this is roughly what I'm assuming has happened:

Old firewall: o--o--o--o--o
New firewall: ------o-------

The "o" would be the point where it checks against each mob to see if there is something collidable in the way. (I'm honestly not sure how the old method actually LOOKS, but that's just an example.)

With the old method, you could get more accurate LOS checks... but it would require a lot more calcs every tick, and against every mob in range. The new version would only require it to check from the center once. Less accurate, but less calcs.

The only thing I'm wondering, is why it says "client performance." They must mean server also? I can't see how the client would benefit from that much... unless they mean "during placement." It would seem wrong if the client is the one that issues each attack per tick from the AE on the ground... I can't imagine they do that.... or do they?
lol, after recent revelations about how manyshot and doubleshot are coded (they create another physical arrow in the world which is totally unneeded), I may expect anything.

However, your guess would make sense if we could cast blade barriers that worked through walls/doors. Right now, it you cast a blade barrier with its center being on the door, you can't hit the monsters on the other side. That means that the line of sight checks are not being made from the perimeter of blade barrier (unless they have another measure in play eliminating certain points doing line of sight checks from the caster/center of spell). So, the question "do we expect the spells to act any differently" is legit. What monstrosities did the spells do before that won't do now? Or what functionality is being sacrificed in the altar of lag?

The client certainly does some line of sight checks as well. For example: I'm rubberbanding and know I'm close to the chest. If I click on the chest the client won't allow me to start opening it even if the server would. Likewise, if I'm close to the chest the client will start the opening animation and the server will reply with a "the chest is out of range" message. But I certainly hope the check of whether a monster is under the effects of some AOE is made by the server :D

10-31-2015, 04:43 AM
They were already thinking level 30 cap when they designed the new manyshot, and max BaB of 30*4= 120. not saying its not a buff but its not an extra 8 DS its just max out DS.

...so now it doesn't really scale with level at all except for the ranged power? Not sure what the thinking behind that is.

Most feedback I saw wasn't that people objected to the number of arrows increasing as you level - this new approach would certainly be a fix if people had been saying 'I don't like getting more arrows as I level'. But that isn't what was being said unless I missed something. I felt that the consensus in terms of heroic impact was simply that at lower than about L18 you pretty much couldn't reliably get even a second shot for your 'many' shot, and that felt wrong. I don't think anyone objects with the principle that you get more arrows as your BaB or level goes up.

So now, you'll get that second shot right from L6 (yay!) but you'll also have a small chance of a third right from L6 (is that necessary?), and other than that small chance becoming a larger chance if you pick up the right chunks for DS from the right heroic trees... that's how it will remain. You might get high enough in epic to guarantee that third shot and have a small chance of a 4th.

I have no problem with the 4th arrow being unavailable until Epic levels. I am loving that manyshot will now guarantee a second shot at least. However, I think getting from 2 to 4 shots should happen on a more predictable curve than that. I do appreciate that your damage per shot during manyshot should now scale better due to Ranged power but for me this was never about maintaining a comparable DPS - it was about the ability being fun whilst being a useful "Oh ****!" button. And mostly, its the fun. There's no getting away from the visceral fun of seeing a whole extra line of numbers appear as you level. I think this is still going to leave manyshot still feeling dull.

I think I preferred the player-suggested fix I read of auto granting a second arrow, and adding a lump sum of DS + some level-scaling DS.

I would like it to work like this:

-When I get MS I want 2 arrows minimum.
-By about L15 I want to be shooting 3 arrows reliably, have a chance at a 4th by 20,
-Reliably shoot 4 with a chance at a 5th by cap if I'm in the right ED.

I think that would be more fun. I really want to feel that progression. Bigger numbers don't hit the spot, I don't care what the maths says about comparable DPS between now and what we had before. Seriously, I'd take a 75% damage penalty per arrow for the privilege of shooting twice as many arrows - I'd rather see more procs and more-but-small base numbers than see fewer-but-larger numbers.

10-31-2015, 05:21 AM
We will see how it goes in play but I think this is a good fix. 100% manyshot now gives 2 shots and 20% chance of a third by default addresses a lot of the issue the new version of manyshot had. A dedicated bow user will be seeing 3 more often then not around level 12 (+~50% double shot = killer + stalker T5 + EPL's)

Hmm. I suppose a dedicated manyshotter might have this, if they are getting the last hit on the enemy and have gone DWS not AA (in other words, if they are a DWS ranger, and to hell with everyone else). If you are an AA, you'll be waiting for your core 4 or 5s in the very high teens, and if you're not a ranger at all, you're pretty much not going to want to bother building for manyshot.

But if someone is dedicated to building specifically for doubleshot, I guess this isn't too bad of a spread, and I've said often enough that I have no objection to specialists being way way better than generalists, and its nice that DWS now has a clear reason to go all the way to T5, so I guess I'll have to accept with good grace that if you want manyshot to actually be fun you now have to build for it specifically.

I can accept the new new manyshot if I look at it as an ability you need to build for to get effective use comparable to what we had before, and for which DWS is really the tree you want as a ranger if you want to build for it early. On that score I think it's probably fine. But I'm not sure its a great idea making it essentially not worth taking on a no-ranger-levels build unless all you're looking for is a small damage boost every now and again, or unless you are happy waiting until mid epics on an elf for any meaningful additional doubleshot to speak of to arrive.

The more I think about it the more I think the answer here was a lump sum plus some DS as you level, with additional meaningful sources of DS being added to the heroic game either from feats, buffing the loot gen effects available, or just spreading some around the 'ranged' PrE trees so it doesn't come in huge chunks at higher levels.

10-31-2015, 04:39 PM
Manyshot now increases Doubleshot by 120 and Ranged Power by 4 x Base Attack Bonus.

Now can I remove my signature xD
It was much more balanced for all levels. and buff reasonable for archers and tempest.
A doubt ... if it exceeds than 200 doubleshot can generate a fourth arrow?

10-31-2015, 04:54 PM
Now can I remove my signature xD
It was much more balanced for all levels. and buff reasonable for archers and tempest.
A doubt ... if it exceeds than 200 doubleshot can generate a fourth arrow?

save the signature until we test it :D it totally describes the neutering they did to manyshot.

11-01-2015, 11:42 AM
The DDO Game Servers will be brought down on Monday, November 2nd from 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM Eastern (-4 GMT) for a hotfix. Thanks for your patience, and we'll see you back in the game soon!

DDO Store

Fixed an issue that required reincarnated characters to log out then back in after making a purchase in the DDO Store.


Manyshot now increases Doubleshot by 120 and Ranged Power by 4 x Base Attack Bonus.

Quests and Adventure Areas

Adjusted some instance settings in Delera's Graveyard to improve performance.


To improve game client performance, we have greatly reduced the number of "line of sight" checks for the following spells, which now check "line of sight" from their center point:

Evard's Black Tentacles
Blade Barrier
Ice Storm
Lightning Motes
Otto's Sphere of Dancing
Sleet Storm
Wall of Fire

Thank you very much for getting this out a little earlier than usual. It allowed me to get it up on http://ddowiki.com/page/Update_28_Patch_1_Hotfix_2_Release_Notes sooner so people will know why the game is down Monday morning. I will say that four hours seems a little long for such a small hotfix, so I must assume that it is planned to be done in less time than that but you guys are finally giving yourself a buffer to reduce the "downtime longer than stated" rage that often seems to happen. That's great! :)

11-01-2015, 01:04 PM
The DDO Game Servers will be brought down on Monday, November 2nd from 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM Eastern (-4 GMT) for a hotfix. Thanks for your patience, and we'll see you back in the game soon!
nvm... carry on

11-01-2015, 02:14 PM
For those wondering about the manyshot change:

Current version on live:

New version:

Ranged power stays the same. (4 times BAB)

As for doubleshot, for characters with maxed out BAB, it used to be 28 x 4 = 112 Doubleshot.
That becomes 120, so it's a slight buff to Doubleshot. Characters with less BAB (or those heroic leveling) will benefit a bit more.

BAB in epic levels only increases by 1 every 2nd level, meaning 24 at current cap.

We can expect 25 at 30.

Tensers etc changes this, and my BAB goes from 24 to 28 when I scroll that.

So normal current capped increase to DS is 96. Not 112. That makes this change a little more valuable! :)

11-02-2015, 06:51 AM
Just wondering if the downtime was delayed by 1hr or if someone has their time zones mixed up?

8am (-4GMT) should of had the severs going down at 12:00hrs (GMT). They are going down at 13:00hrs (GMT).

Doesn't really matter just curious....

11-02-2015, 07:06 AM
They are down or going down now... I forgot about the down time and logged in 5 min ago. There was a broadcast that they were going down in 5 min.

I don't understand their time announcements either. I'm on EST and we are now -5 GMT since yesterday's time change. Usually the hour announced is right, ignore the GMT reference.

11-02-2015, 07:09 AM
Just wondering if the downtime was delayed by 1hr or if someone has their time zones mixed up?

8am (-4GMT) should of had the severs going down at 12:00hrs (GMT). They are going down at 13:00hrs (GMT).

Doesn't really matter just curious....

Daylight Savings Time in the US ended yesterday (after the announcement, but before the downtime). :) Just a posting mixup due to the time shift.

It's 8:09AM here at the moment.

11-02-2015, 07:14 AM
They are down or going down now... I forgot about the down time and logged in 5 min ago. There was a broadcast that they were going down in 5 min.

I don't understand their time announcements either. I'm on EST and we are now -5 GMT since yesterday's time change. Usually the hour announced is right, ignore the GMT reference.

Which is fine if you're in the same Timezone. Not so much when you're not.

Daylight Savings Time in the US ended yesterday (after the announcement, but before the downtime). :) Just a posting mixup due to the time shift.

It's 8:09AM here at the moment.

Thanks Steelstar. Just wasn't sure if it was a mix up or a delay :)

11-02-2015, 07:21 AM
Just wondering if the downtime was delayed by 1hr or if someone has their time zones mixed up?

8am (-4GMT) should of had the severs going down at 12:00hrs (GMT). They are going down at 13:00hrs (GMT).

Doesn't really matter just curious....

zero count as 1

-4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1
1 2 3 4 5 6

11-02-2015, 08:17 AM
Would like to see Core One Arcane Archer have +1% Double Shot per AP spent in tree. Melee trees get bonus to hp and spell casting trees get bonus to SP so this doesn't seem to be too out of wack.

11-02-2015, 08:49 AM
Daylight Savings Time in the US ended yesterday


11-02-2015, 09:07 AM
The DDO Game Servers will be brought down on Monday, November 2nd from 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM Eastern (-4 GMT) for a hotfix. Thanks for your patience, and we'll see you back in the game soon!

Manyshot now increases Doubleshot by 120 and Ranged Power by 4 x Base Attack Bonus.

Thanks !!!

You may now keep my monthly money !


11-02-2015, 09:10 AM
The worlds have reopened! Thanks.

11-02-2015, 09:11 AM
Daylight savings time ended.

I was farming keys because I knew of the downtime. The log out messages started with one hour of fair warning. Then 45 minutes, then 30 minutes, then 15 minutes, then 10 minutes, then five minutes, then one minute. I logged out.

The downtime occurred right on schedule.

11-02-2015, 09:12 AM
I am in game

11-02-2015, 09:25 AM
The worlds have reopened! Thanks.

And another underpromised and overdelivered maintenance. Keep up the good work and thank you!

11-02-2015, 10:14 AM
Anyone know what this means? I can't figure out how "line of sight" would apply to any of these spells.

These spells all affect areas, and can potentially be cut off by intervening terrain/walls/doors/etc. They used to do many LOS checks from multiple points within the area to see if walls "blocked" effects completely.

For instance, if you cast firewall, it should NOT burn enemies on the other side of a closed door it happens to be near. But if you cast it near a wall-corner, it theoretically could still burn enemies "around the corner" from the center of the spell.

The practical upshot is that these spells may now sometimes be blocked from dealing damage (& other affects) due to "intervening terrain" where they would not have before (for both players and monsters), but are now doing only a fraction of the LOS checks (raycasts) that they did before. Those LOS checks are both computationally expensive and happen quite a lot in those cases.

11-02-2015, 10:32 AM
The worlds have reopened! Thanks.

I cant seem to find a logon server.

11-02-2015, 11:54 AM
When I select my server (after login screen) the launcher sticks with "initializing", a file explorer window opens and asks "
where is the game client executable" ????

11-02-2015, 02:26 PM

To improve game client performance, we have greatly reduced the number of "line of sight" checks for the following spells, which now check "line of sight" from their center point:

Evard's Black Tentacles
Blade Barrier
Ice Storm
Lightning Motes
Otto's Sphere of Dancing
Sleet Storm
Wall of Fire

I just ran some tests with Wall of Fire and I do not like the new LoS check system if what I'm reporting is WAI. My wizards throw up a Wall of Fire at a door, then pull the lever to open the door. However it seems that the LoS check happens only when the Wall of Fire is first put up, standing in the fire as the door is opened absolutely no monsters took any damage while they attacked me (waited long enough there would have been several ticks of fire damage before this update); it seems the closed door being opened is not registering with the reduced check system.

While this may be acceptable for most spells listed above (ie Sunburst is cast and the entire effect is instantaneous), it is not acceptable for Blade Barrier, Otto's Sphere of Dancing, Wall of Fire or any other spell which is meant to affect creatures that "enter" it after it is cast.

11-02-2015, 02:47 PM
These spells all affect areas, and can potentially be cut off by intervening terrain/walls/doors/etc. They used to do many LOS checks from multiple points within the area to see if walls "blocked" effects completely.

For instance, if you cast firewall, it should NOT burn enemies on the other side of a closed door it happens to be near. But if you cast it near a wall-corner, it theoretically could still burn enemies "around the corner" from the center of the spell.

The practical upshot is that these spells may now sometimes be blocked from dealing damage (& other affects) due to "intervening terrain" where they would not have before (for both players and monsters), but are now doing only a fraction of the LOS checks (raycasts) that they did before. Those LOS checks are both computationally expensive and happen quite a lot in those cases.Gotcha. Makes sense.

While it is a minor tactical loss, it sounds like a reasonable change.

11-02-2015, 03:57 PM

The practical upshot is that these spells may now sometimes be blocked from dealing damage (& other affects) due to "intervening terrain" where they would not have before (for both players and monsters), but are now doing only a fraction of the LOS checks (raycasts) that they did before. Those LOS checks are both computationally expensive and happen quite a lot in those cases.

I just ran some tests with Wall of Fire and I do not like the new LoS check system if what I'm reporting is WAI. My wizards throw up a Wall of Fire at a door, then pull the lever to open the door. However it seems that the LoS check happens only when the Wall of Fire is first put up, standing in the fire as the door is opened absolutely no monsters took any damage while they attacked me (waited long enough there would have been several ticks of fire damage before this update); it seems the closed door being opened is not registering with the reduced check system.....

Thinking of my Arty's Blade Barriers - which I haven't tested myself yet:

So theoretically = I throw it down at a door, then open the door - it's sounding from Varg's description & Tev's test of Firewall, that if a mob can't see the center of the spell when it's cast, then that mob will be immune from damage if it runs into the spell through the now-open door?

11-02-2015, 04:53 PM
Daylight Savings Time in the US ended yesterday (after the announcement, but before the downtime). :) Just a posting mixup due to the time shift.

It's 8:09AM here at the moment.


From the video: "It's Daylight Saving. IT'S NOT PLURAL!!!"

Yeah, I didn't know (or care) either, but I still thought it was hilarious.

11-02-2015, 06:42 PM
Thinking of my Arty's Blade Barriers - which I haven't tested myself yet:

So theoretically = I throw it down at a door, then open the door - it's sounding from Varg's description & Tev's test of Firewall, that if a mob can't see the center of the spell when it's cast, then that mob will be immune from damage if it runs into the spell through the now-open door?

That would be my guess/concern based on what I saw with Wall of Fire. Like I said, for several of the spells they identified it wouldn't matter. But for enduring spells casters previously used defensively at a narrow spot like a doorway, this is a potentially major change/issue.

I have now also seen that if Blade Barrier is cast with a closed door, the door is opened, and monsters enter it and they stand around for roughly 10 seconds without being hurt, then suddenly they take damage. So it is more than once and done check with blade barrier, but its usefulness is significantly decreased.

I can see reducing the LoS checks to the center of the spell rather than multiple points. I could even see reducing the overall number of checks. But the time gap seems way too large to make such defensive use of spells a worthwhile tactic any longer.

If the blade barrier or wall of fire are cast after the door is open and then they enter, they take damage instantly. Why is that first check so heavily weighted in this new system so it can't recheck once the door is opened and/or when they enter it's area of effect?

11-02-2015, 06:44 PM
P.S. At this time (who knows for how long), flame turret seems to work the same as always... but blade barrier and other options are far less effective.

11-02-2015, 06:55 PM
If the blade barrier or wall of fire are cast after the door is open and then they enter, they take damage instantly. Why is that first check so heavily weighted in this new system so it can't recheck once the door is opened and/or when they enter it's area of effect?

It does check when they *enter* the area of effect. What you're asking is why doesn't it check when they move around IN the area of effect, and the answer is that the game isn't designed to be constantly executing checks of that kind because it'd create a big wad of information packets and eat up processor cycles and bandwidth.

The casting object isn't built to "see" doors and walls in this way. They would have to enable the door software "module" to talk to the spell software "module" in order for something like this to work. Which would be slow, and potentially create a lot of bugs, some of which would probably be negligible and some of which might NOT be.

Basically, they're trading a tiny bit of spell functionality in highly constrained circumstances for reduction in strain on the servers and network. Give it a couple weeks and you'll be used to the new way and you'll know how to position your spells effectively again. And some of the lag will be less bad.

11-02-2015, 07:39 PM
It does check when they *enter* the area of effect.
Apparently with Tevasama's tests it doesn't. Test was (if accurate):
- place a fire wall outside of door.
- open door.
- monsters enter the area of firewall and stay in it without taking any damage.

- open door
- place a fire wall in the same place as before.
- monsters take damage normally.

I haven't tested this personally but that's what I understood from the post. And seems like a bug rather than new functionality.

11-02-2015, 08:11 PM
It does check when they *enter* the area of effect.
Not after today's patch, at least not if the spell is cast on the other side of a closed door that is then opened and they enter it.

What you're asking is why doesn't it check when they move around IN the area of effect, and the answer is that the game isn't designed to be constantly executing checks of that kind because it'd create a big wad of information packets and eat up processor cycles and bandwidth.
Absolutely a mistatement of my concerns.

11-02-2015, 08:13 PM
Apparently with Tevasama's tests it doesn't. Test was (if accurate):
- place a fire wall outside of door.
- open door.
- monsters enter the area of firewall and stay in it without taking any damage.

- open door
- place a fire wall in the same place as before.
- monsters take damage normally.

I haven't tested this personally but that's what I understood from the post. And seems like a bug rather than new functionality.

This is indeed how my tests went down. And I'm hoping a dev will state it is a bug and not what they did by design in the first post's description of changes to the spells.

11-02-2015, 09:22 PM
This is indeed how my tests went down. And I'm hoping a dev will state it is a bug and not what they did by design in the first post's description of changes to the spells.

I felt myself wince when I read the last part of your statement. It reminds me of revisionist history, when someone changes the story to suit their needs.

11-03-2015, 05:12 PM
I felt myself wince when I read the last part of your statement. It reminds me of revisionist history, when someone changes the story to suit their needs.

Was in response to the poster I replied to who stated it seemed more like a bug than new functionality... I'm not as sure based on the vague description given for the way the spells were changed, but only a dev can say for certain.

11-03-2015, 07:16 PM
Was in response to the poster I replied to who stated it seemed more like a bug than new functionality... I'm not as sure based on the vague description given for the way the spells were changed, but only a dev can say for certain.

I'm with you :) I'm hoping that this is an unwanted side effect of the change, as I too like to set AoE spells prior to opening doors & losing that initial damage really negates the whole strategy of doing so.

Finding a footnote later on that says this is now WAI would be...irksome.