View Full Version : CITW Raid 10.15.2015 - 2230GMT

10-10-2015, 09:14 PM
Our two-person guild just flagged for CITW this week. We would love to do the raid this coming Thursday, 15 October 2015. We can start at 22:30GMT, or 5:30 Central US.

Neither of us has run CITW before, so this will be an 'experience' for us. We are both level 23. Difficulty is flexible, whatever the group wants.

Allipoin will have the LFM up about 22:00GMT.

Hope to see some of you help us out!

10-10-2015, 11:22 PM
My highest toon is L20 there atm and I would need to flag as well, but know the raid really well.

It's a long raid and I dont have a mic and would have to type the key details. Especially about the Portal Keepers at the end fight. Best is someone stays with Anna near the door at the end to run thru. At the end kill the trash first and then last Portal Keeper or you end up with more Portal Keepers and it can go on forever.

It's going to be a long haul on Normal with only a few people. You might want to make it a weekend event instead of a weeknight. I can try to flag by Thur., but will be a tight week for me next week.

Too sleepy to do it now since I've been playing for almost 24 hours straight.

10-11-2015, 10:07 AM
Hm, I'll try to be there. Need to flag as well, but have a barb at epic levels (Ougranter).

Btw, October is 10th month. Not 8th. :p

10-14-2015, 12:01 PM
I'd love to run CitW again, I have only done it a very few times. I'll look for the group posting tomorrow night. Niminae is currently a 26th level Cleric.

You might also consider joining the channel 'wayfinderraids' and telling the members there about the raid. Do '/joinchannel wayfinderraids' and then you can speak in the channel with '/1 blah blah', or /2+ if you're already in other custom channels.

10-14-2015, 12:26 PM
Hey there, Teabagged here. I will be on as well to help and guide. 25th level Monk here that has had much experience and currently guild leader of Tea Party of Teabags. See you there.

10-14-2015, 12:37 PM
I've only made it thru C1. I won't be able to do C2 and 3 tonight.

However, if you all want to a make it a weekly thing, that would be cool. For example, Wayfinder Thursday's in the CiTW. Even cooler if somebody live streamed it on DDO Twitch.

I would love a weekly raid evet on Wayfinder. For added value it would be cool if it was CiTW and FoT back to back on Thursday nights. It takes forever to get all teh CiTW weapons and FoT is better for getting the coms to upgrade them with. I usually take a Pinion from the CiTW 20th reward list.

I would partcipate weekly once I flagged for both raids.

10-14-2015, 08:03 PM
I can't commit to that without talking to my other guildie. My gut feeling is that we might be able to do this for several weeks, but not for months. I will follow up here after we run the raid. As for FoT, we would have to flag for it, which we are currently not. As we only meet once a week, the flagging would need to be done first. Anyway, will let you know.

I've only made it thru C1. I won't be able to do C2 and 3 tonight.

However, if you all want to a make it a weekly thing, that would be cool. For example, Wayfinder Thursday's in the CiTW. Even cooler if somebody live streamed it on DDO Twitch.

I would love a weekly raid evet on Wayfinder. For added value it would be cool if it was CiTW and FoT back to back on Thursday nights. It takes forever to get all teh CiTW weapons and FoT is better for getting the coms to upgrade them with. I usually take a Pinion from the CiTW 20th reward list.

I would partcipate weekly once I flagged for both raids.

10-14-2015, 08:39 PM
Do Epic Casual for faster flagging for FoT raid. You can probably do all 4 quests in 1 hour.

10-15-2015, 07:30 PM
raid went well and plenty of cool people to raid with in wayfinder :)

10-15-2015, 08:09 PM
Thanks to all who showed up and took us through the raid. A couple of people got some named items, which was great.

I found out what my audio problem was, somehow DDO decided to change my 'voice capture device" to my speakers in the client. How nice. It's fixed, so next time you can actually hear me :)

We haven't decided exactly what we are doing to do next, but I will put up a note here when we do.

Once again, thanks!