View Full Version : Small Quality of Life Improvements Requests

09-27-2015, 07:37 PM
None of these improvement requests are power creep requests.
1. Bard songs (other than fascinate, which is an attack balanced against the very long casting lead time): Can we get these switched to instant songs like some of the ones in Fatesinger? The long casting time of inspire courage, inspire excellence, et al doesn't play nice with the current metagame.
2. Hero's feast spell: Can we get this spell to just work like every other buff spell? Is there a balance reason for having it not take effect immediately? Again, it just doesn't play nice with the current metagame.
3. Fire storm spell: Any reason we can't get this spell to be normally targetable like every other AE spell in the game?

09-27-2015, 07:48 PM
These requests might possibly involve some power creep, but none at the higher end:
The bonus type of the PDK saving throw aura is the same type as the saving throw bonus type in the stalwart defender aura. Considering this is the PDK iconic class (fighter), this makes that enhancement a lot less useful than it ought to be. Can this be fixed (I believe it's a competence bonus for both). This is why you never see the PDK racial aura enhancements in any of the well min-maxed builds people publish.
Fatesinger: O Fortuna, gives a morale bonus to saving throws to the bard using it. Problem, this is a MORALE bonus, and thus is redundant with greater heroism, that pretty much everyone who uses fatesinger already has. Can this be changed?
Fury of the wild: Adrenaline doesn't affect all the targets in a cleave, whereas it does for an IPS/Multishot. Can this be changed? As it is fury is a seriously second or third tier destiny for melees whereas flavor-wise it is obviously intended for THF barbarians. Even with that change, LD and DC will be better by a good margin.