09-25-2015, 01:36 PM
Currently there are only 4 bonus generating state room options and 5/7 available state rooms on the largest guild airships. (Not that my guild has either...) Here is my idea for a set of amenities to fill that gap and take advantage of new mechanics:
State Rooms:
Tattoo Studio - Operated by a shady looking ;-) Shadar-Kai, this amenity will grant extra dragonmark uses per rest.
Harper Bard - This friendly fellow will grant a stacking spell resistance buff. Maybe +1/2/3 level based?
Psychic Surgeon (or chirurgeon if you like) - a reasonably friendly mind flayer who will nibble away at the inefficient parts of your brain which gives the patient a stacking 5% spell cost reduction and +1/2/3 stacking Spell Power.
Yugoloth Enchanter - Her magics will increase your weapons' effectiveness (+1/2/3 melee and ranged power) but she doesn't like you. I mean she really, really doesn't like you. Please just go away and leave her alone.
Celestial Armorer - This being (archon?) will conjure a holy shield about you which gives +1/2/3 PRR and MRR.
Hold Room:
Planar Nexus - a weak point in the planar fabric that has been tethered to your airship allows bridges to other planes to be made with relative ease. This allows your extra planar crewmembers to enjoy a bigger level of comfort than usual on this plane. It provides the effects of the 5 hold rooms above. Be aware that it was created with stolen Gatekeeper lore and should never be mentioned to a member of that group. And of course the devil is in the details: Early testing showed that extra planar entities of malign intent find it to be a useful place to enter our plane. It is advisable to keep a good supply of silver and cold iron weapons at hand if you install this amenity.
State Rooms:
Tattoo Studio - Operated by a shady looking ;-) Shadar-Kai, this amenity will grant extra dragonmark uses per rest.
Harper Bard - This friendly fellow will grant a stacking spell resistance buff. Maybe +1/2/3 level based?
Psychic Surgeon (or chirurgeon if you like) - a reasonably friendly mind flayer who will nibble away at the inefficient parts of your brain which gives the patient a stacking 5% spell cost reduction and +1/2/3 stacking Spell Power.
Yugoloth Enchanter - Her magics will increase your weapons' effectiveness (+1/2/3 melee and ranged power) but she doesn't like you. I mean she really, really doesn't like you. Please just go away and leave her alone.
Celestial Armorer - This being (archon?) will conjure a holy shield about you which gives +1/2/3 PRR and MRR.
Hold Room:
Planar Nexus - a weak point in the planar fabric that has been tethered to your airship allows bridges to other planes to be made with relative ease. This allows your extra planar crewmembers to enjoy a bigger level of comfort than usual on this plane. It provides the effects of the 5 hold rooms above. Be aware that it was created with stolen Gatekeeper lore and should never be mentioned to a member of that group. And of course the devil is in the details: Early testing showed that extra planar entities of malign intent find it to be a useful place to enter our plane. It is advisable to keep a good supply of silver and cold iron weapons at hand if you install this amenity.