09-23-2015, 08:28 PM
One problem with guild ship amenities is finding them. Where are the Cannith & greensteel crafting halls, the Orien Express, Three Finger Thad's, the hireling vendors, etc...? With up to four ship levels, it can take a lot of running and searching, especially for items you use only occasionally, probably less used, because it's too much trouble to find them. The buff bar is great for quick buffing, but a lot of the amenities you still interact with. Only once per life do I need the Banquet Hall spirit binder, but where is it?
The guild ship has a map with all the levels. Add markers to the map for each of the amenities installed, and when you mouse-over them it gives a description - just like other maps. (Don't worry about the Cargo Hold, they're all jammed together, not to mention deprecated.) When i want to find a particular amenity I just pull up the map. It still might take a minute to hover over the right one, but better than running through four levels of ship, hoping I can find it.
The guild ship has a map with all the levels. Add markers to the map for each of the amenities installed, and when you mouse-over them it gives a description - just like other maps. (Don't worry about the Cargo Hold, they're all jammed together, not to mention deprecated.) When i want to find a particular amenity I just pull up the map. It still might take a minute to hover over the right one, but better than running through four levels of ship, hoping I can find it.