View Full Version : NEW Iconic Pack : Monstous Humanoids

09-22-2015, 09:59 AM
Hello everyone, have to share with you some idea.
As it is mentionned in the title, it could be really nice to play some monstrous humanoids as Iconic.

- The Champion Minautor (Barbarian) : he has to prove his strength to the world (remember that all minautors we meet in our adventures are not our ennemies) --> http://ddowiki.com/page/Minotaur

In racial enhancement tree, the minautor get charges as "shield charge" in vanguard enhancements tree, rages and bonus to rage

- The Researcher Mind flayer (Wizard or Warlock) : everyone know fred the mind flayer in house Jorasco helping us with feats, that means all mind fleyer are not our ennemies. ---> http://ddowiki.com/page/Fred

- The Ancient Kobold (Sorcerer)

- The Druidic Dryad (druid): in racial enhancements she could have the dryad tree, healing allies close to the tree. ---> http://ddowiki.com/page/Dryad

- The Singing Medusa (bard) : in racial enhancements she could have Petrifying Gaze (There is Hesstess, the medusa in Lordsmarch Plaza) ---> http://ddowiki.com/page/Hesstess

- The Rebel drider (Ranger): rejected by loth, the rebel drider has lost many of his power. He is now really weak and short (same height as an halfling) ---> http://ddowiki.com/page/Drider

In racial enhancement tree, the rebel drider got the spell like ability Web (or web is added to rangers spells) and Web Line Trip. He could also have something like "ten thousand legs" giving bonus to doublestrike/doubleshot (active or passive, based on dexterity or not, it s just an idea)

Hope you like this, leave a comment if you appreciate it or not and say why. Thanks

09-22-2015, 10:03 AM
No its silly and we need our missing core races first

09-22-2015, 10:25 AM
No its silly and we need our missing core races first

1- I dont think that it s a constructive comment. You dont give argument about anything.
2- Initially, bladeforged were only ennemies in the game and now, they are really appreciated iconic and this is not a silly fact.
3- Monstruous Humanoids are not all our ennemies in the game, some are friendly, so they could incarnate Iconics.
4- You are talking about missing core enhancements, but it s not the point of this thread, let s make your own thread about this.

09-22-2015, 10:47 AM
lost many of his power
really weak and short

Rejects, weaklings and assorted losers... Don't see the appeal.

09-22-2015, 10:56 AM
1- I dont think that it s a constructive comment. You dont give argument about anything.
2- Initially, bladeforged were only ennemies in the game and now, they are really appreciated iconic and this is not a silly fact.
3- Monstruous Humanoids are not all our ennemies in the game, some are friendly, so they could incarnate Iconics.
4- You are talking about missing core enhancements, but it s not the point of this thread, let s make your own thread about this.

No I said races not enhancements ie gnomes shifters, khalstantar you don't want people disagreeing with you don't post

We don't need to be able to play monsters it is silly to me and that's my honest opinion

09-22-2015, 10:59 AM
Rejects, weaklings and assorted losers... Don't see the appeal.

Alright, i changed for the minautor ^^

And for the drider, have to find something to have a playable drider. In fact, drider are too big to be a playable character. Have to find something to make him smaller ( as an halfling)

09-22-2015, 11:10 AM
Hello everyone, have to share with you some idea.
As it is mentionned in the title, it could be really nice to play some monstrous humanoids as Iconic.

- The Champion Minautor (Barbarian) : he has to prove his strength to the world (remember that all minautors we meet in our adventures are not our ennemies) --> http://ddowiki.com/page/Minotaur

In racial enhancement tree, the minautor get charges as "shield charge" in vanguard enhancements tree, rages and bonus to rage

- The Researcher Mind flayer (Wizard or Warlock) : everyone know fred the mind flayer in house Jorasco helping us with feats, that means all mind fleyer are not our ennemies. ---> http://ddowiki.com/page/Fred

- The Ancient Kobold (Sorcerer)

- The Druidic Dryad (druid): in racial enhancements she could have the dryad tree, healing allies close to the tree. ---> http://ddowiki.com/page/Dryad

- The Singing Medusa (bard) : in racial enhancements she could have Petrifying Gaze (There is Hesstess, the medusa in Lordsmarch Plaza) ---> http://ddowiki.com/page/Hesstess

- The Rebel drider (Ranger): rejected by loth, the rebel drider has lost many of his power. He is now really weak and short (same height as an halfling) ---> http://ddowiki.com/page/Drider

In racial enhancement tree, the rebel drider got the spell like ability Web (or web is added to rangers spells) and Web Line Trip. He could also have something like "ten thousand legs" giving bonus to doublestrike/doubleshot (active or passive, based on dexterity or not, it s just an idea)

Hope you like this, leave a comment if you appreciate it or not and say why. Thanks

Wow - Talk about OP!

Drider, Medusa, Minotaur, Dryad, Mind Flayer?
As Player Races? NO!

Kobolds are NOT Monstrous Humanoids either!

How about we get a Humanoid Pack instead:

Kobold Shaman - +2 Cha, +2 Dex, -2 Int, -2 Str, Base Class: FvS

Hobgoblin Gatekeeper - +2 Con, +2 Wis, -2 Int, -2 Cha, Base Class: Druid

Gnoll Sharpshooter - +2 Dex, +2 Str, +2 Con, -2 Int, -4 Cha. Base Class: Ranger

Bugbear Herald - +2 Str, +2 Con, -2 Int, -2 Dex, Base Class: Bard

Orc Ravager - +4 Str, +4 Con, -4 Dex, -2 Int, -2 Wis, Base Class: Barbarian

09-22-2015, 11:12 AM
Wow - Talk about OP!

Drider, Medusa, Minotaur, Dryad, Mind Flayer?
As Player Races? NO!

Kobolds are NOT Monstrous Humanoids either!

How about we get a Humanoid Pack instead:

Kobold Shaman - +2 Cha, +2 Dex, -2 Int, -2 Str, Base Class: FvS

Hobgoblin Gatekeeper - +2 Con, +2 Wis, -2 Int, -2 Cha, Base Class: Druid

Gnoll Sharpshooter - +2 Dex, +2 Str, +2 Con, -2 Int, -4 Cha. Base Class: Ranger

Bugbear Herald - +2 Str, +2 Con, -2 Int, -2 Dex, Base Class: Bard

Orc Ravager - +4 Str, +4 Con, -4 Dex, -2 Int, -2 Wis, Base Class: Barbarian

Much better and in keeping with Eberron

09-22-2015, 11:17 AM
No I said races not enhancements ie gnomes shifters, khalstantar you don't want people disagreeing with you don't post

We don't need to be able to play monsters it is silly to me and that's my honest opinion

As you can see, i m french and there was a misunderstanding right here. I d like to see gnomes shifters, khalstanta as you mentioned. My apologies...

And in my honest opinion, i would like to play monsters, find it pretty cool ^^

09-22-2015, 11:22 AM
Wow - Talk about OP!

Drider, Medusa, Minotaur, Dryad, Mind Flayer?
As Player Races? NO!

Kobolds are NOT Monstrous Humanoids either!

How about we get a Humanoid Pack instead:

Kobold Shaman - +2 Cha, +2 Dex, -2 Int, -2 Str, Base Class: FvS

Hobgoblin Gatekeeper - +2 Con, +2 Wis, -2 Int, -2 Cha, Base Class: Druid

Gnoll Sharpshooter - +2 Dex, +2 Str, +2 Con, -2 Int, -4 Cha. Base Class: Ranger

Bugbear Herald - +2 Str, +2 Con, -2 Int, -2 Dex, Base Class: Bard

Orc Ravager - +4 Str, +4 Con, -4 Dex, -2 Int, -2 Wis, Base Class: Barbarian

I really like this also !!! Even if i really like my idea, your suggestion is really nice

09-22-2015, 11:28 AM
Oh and if we really must have Arcane Iconics:

Drow Savant: +4 Cha, +2 Int, -2 Con, -4 Str, Base Class: Sorceror

and I don't believe I'm about to say this but:

Tiefling Archmage: +4 Int, -2 Wis, -2 Cha, Base Class: Wizard

09-22-2015, 11:30 AM
Alright, i changed for the minautor ^^

And for the drider, have to find something to have a playable drider. In fact, drider are too big to be a playable character. Have to find something to make him smaller ( as an halfling)

Anti-Drider. Something went horribly wrong with your transformation from drow to drider. Created with the body of a drow and the head of a spider you wander Faerûn in search of a way to reverse the spell.

09-22-2015, 11:38 AM
Anti-Drider. Something went horribly wrong with your transformation from drow to drider. Created with the body of a drow and the head of a spider you wander Faerûn in search of a way to reverse the spell.

It could work for sure, but the interrest to play a drider is to have the body of a spider <3

09-22-2015, 12:16 PM
Oh and if we really must have Arcane Iconics:

Drow Savant: +4 Cha, +2 Int, -2 Con, -4 Str, Base Class: Sorceror

and I don't believe I'm about to say this but:

Tiefling Archmage: +4 Int, -2 Wis, -2 Cha, Base Class: Wizard

If you are a really going iconic and I can't believe I am saying it it should be tiefling warlock and drow arch wizard or female drow cleric

09-22-2015, 12:23 PM
If you are a really going iconic and I can't believe I am saying it it should be tiefling warlock and drow arch wizard or female drow cleric

We already have a Cleric Iconic - A completely broken Cleric Iconic but yep it's a Cleric.

We absolutely do NOT need a Warlock Iconic!

Drow Archmage would work - Just swap the Int and Cha around but then we've got no race to take the Sorceror Iconic.

09-22-2015, 12:56 PM
We already have a Cleric Iconic - A completely broken Cleric Iconic but yep it's a Cleric.

We absolutely do NOT need a Warlock Iconic!

Drow Archmage would work - Just swap the Int and Cha around but then we've got no race to take the Sorceror Iconic.

people keep trying to iconic for things that aren't iconic tieflings are iconic warlocks and drow are iconic wizards or clerics kobolds would be good iconic sorcs

09-22-2015, 01:14 PM
people keep trying to iconic for things that aren't iconic tieflings are iconic warlocks and drow are iconic wizards or clerics kobolds would be good iconic sorcs

Kobolds would also be good Iconic FvS - Which is what I've given them {Shaman = Divine}.

Wizard/Sorc - Let's be fair here...Same difference - Just different main stat - And Drow get +2 to BOTH!
As the ONLY +Cha race I feel Sorc would be the better choice.

Wizard we can go Gnome Illusionist {Int based Gnome obviously} if you want to hold off on Tiefling for Warlock.

Cleric - I really think the Iconic Cleric should have been a Dwarf! {+2 Con, +2 Wis}. But we have an Iconic Cleric already and it's an Elf so no to Drow Cleric!

09-22-2015, 02:38 PM
Kobolds would also be good Iconic FvS - Which is what I've given them {Shaman = Divine}.

Wizard/Sorc - Let's be fair here...Same difference - Just different main stat - And Drow get +2 to BOTH!
As the ONLY +Cha race I feel Sorc would be the better choice.

Wizard we can go Gnome Illusionist {Int based Gnome obviously} if you want to hold off on Tiefling for Warlock.

Cleric - I really think the Iconic Cleric should have been a Dwarf! {+2 Con, +2 Wis}. But we have an Iconic Cleric already and it's an Elf so no to Drow Cleric!

I didnt really say they should them but what is iconic as far as d&d is Drow from the modules were usually clerics, kobolds have had people asking them for sorcs for years. Gnomes are the classic illusionist Tiefiling were warlocks. Drows have never been considered iconic sorcs although they do have the stat mod for it.

Dwarves have always been a fighter iconic and half-orc barbarians

I dont think they really should do any more iconics.

09-22-2015, 09:52 PM
I didnt really say they should them but what is iconic as far as d&d is Drow from the modules were usually clerics, kobolds have had people asking them for sorcs for years. Gnomes are the classic illusionist Tiefiling were warlocks. Drows have never been considered iconic sorcs although they do have the stat mod for it.

Drow from those modules were Clerics of Lolth! {Or Lloth if you prefer}.

They were EVIL!

There is no such thing as a Good Iconic Drow Cleric!

In fact the only actual Iconic Drow is a Fighter/Ranger/Barb hybrid that would have been disallowed by the rules of the game in BOTH 1st and 2nd Ed. {Only Humans could Dual Class after all!}.
Supposedly Salvatore actually played D&D but he sure didn't play by the Rules!

Dwarves have always been a fighter iconic and half-orc barbarians

We already have H-Orcs in game so any Iconic should be a FULL Orc! {Barb is fine though Eberron wise Druid would suit too....I've given Druid to Hobgoblins though}.

Dwarves have always been Fighters - Every single one of the 13 in the Hobbit was a Fighter, Gimli was a Fighter, Bruenor Battlehammer is a Fighter, Fighter/Clerics, Clerics and Barbs - Thibbledorf Pwent {sp} is the definition of a Dwarven Battlerager {Don't give me that Rogue Spin again - Dwarf Rogue may have been allowed but it certainly wasn't Iconic!}.

The Dwarf Battle Cleric is by far the most iconic of those four!

I dont think they really should do any more iconics.

You didn't like Iconics in the first place so that's not a surprise.

But let's face it sooner or later we're going to get more Iconics so let's make sure the Devs don't do a Morninglord on us again and Make an Iconic Elven Cleric of a Human Deity with +2 Int {The absolute definition of Non-Iconic!}.

We desperately need a Cleric Iconic {Battle Cleric for preference} and as we already have an Elven "Iconic" Cleric and Drow Clerics are uniformly Chaotic Evil let's make this one a Dwarf for variety! {+ Wis also fits better on Dwarves than on any Elf!}.

09-22-2015, 10:10 PM
No its silly and we need our missing core races first Core for other campaign settings? Or core for Eberron?

09-22-2015, 10:13 PM
Drow from those modules were Clerics of Lolth! {Or Lloth if you prefer}.
{Don't give me that Rogue Spin again - Dwarf Rogue may have been allowed but it certainly wasn't Iconic!}.

I definitely could see a 2 arti/mechanic dwarf as totally iconic...maybe with 6 levels of ranger in DWS for good measure. Dwarves might be stereotyped as stout Vikings, but I really think there would be some kind of archaeological adventurer types.

09-23-2015, 12:13 AM
I definitely could see a 2 arti/mechanic dwarf as totally iconic...maybe with 6 levels of ranger in DWS for good measure. Dwarves might be stereotyped as stout Vikings, but I really think there would be some kind of archaeological adventurer types.

Arti fits Gnome {Svirfneblin and Tinker especially} far more than it does Dwarf.

Rogue - We already have Shadar-Kai and we all know who the REAL Iconic Hobbit is! {Not to mention Tasslehoff Burrfoot and many many others!}.

09-23-2015, 08:00 AM
I definitely could see a 2 arti/mechanic dwarf as totally iconic...maybe with 6 levels of ranger in DWS for good measure. Dwarves might be stereotyped as stout Vikings, but I really think there would be some kind of archaeological adventurer types.

How in the name of gary is that a iconic d&d character? And I don't know of where in d&d they are considered stout Vikings in d&d they are thought civilized not raiding barbarians and other thsn crossbows not ranged users

09-23-2015, 08:03 AM
Drow from those modules were Clerics of Lolth! {Or Lloth if you prefer}.

They were EVIL!

There is no such thing as a Good Iconic Drow Cleric!

In fact the only actual Iconic Drow is a Fighter/Ranger/Barb hybrid that would have been disallowed by the rules of the game in BOTH 1st and 2nd Ed. {Only Humans could Dual Class after all!}.
Supposedly Salvatore actually played D&D but he sure didn't play by the Rules!

We already have H-Orcs in game so any Iconic should be a FULL Orc! {Barb is fine though Eberron wise Druid would suit too....I've given Druid to Hobgoblins though}.

Dwarves have always been Fighters - Every single one of the 13 in the Hobbit was a Fighter, Gimli was a Fighter, Bruenor Battlehammer is a Fighter, Fighter/Clerics, Clerics and Barbs - Thibbledorf Pwent {sp} is the definition of a Dwarven Battlerager {Don't give me that Rogue Spin again - Dwarf Rogue may have been allowed but it certainly wasn't Iconic!}.

The Dwarf Battle Cleric is by far the most iconic of those four!

You didn't like Iconics in the first place so that's not a surprise.

But let's face it sooner or later we're going to get more Iconics so let's make sure the Devs don't do a Morninglord on us again and Make an Iconic Elven Cleric of a Human Deity with +2 Int {The absolute definition of Non-Iconic!}.

We desperately need a Cleric Iconic {Battle Cleric for preference} and as we already have an Elven "Iconic" Cleric and Drow Clerics are uniformly Chaotic Evil let's make this one a Dwarf for variety! {+ Wis also fits better on Dwarves than on any Elf!}.

Wrong on good drow clerics ellistrae or however you spell it is a good drow goddess and I don't see us getting more Iconics.

09-23-2015, 11:34 AM
Wrong on good drow clerics ellistrae or however you spell it is a good drow goddess and I don't see us getting more Iconics.

Eilistraee is DEAD!

Yet another thing wrong with current D&D!

But Eilistraee at her most powerful only had a handful of worshippers and even less actual Clerics! {Drizz't btw worshipped http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Mielikki!}.

Drow Clerics of Elistraee are about as far from Iconic as you can get without being an Int Based Elf Cleric of a Human Deity {No I'm never going to leave THAT alone!}.

Also for someone who professes to loathe the Realms with a passion why would you bring up a barely known by anyone other than her Worshippers {who have to stay hidden at all times anyway} Demi-Goddess that is Realms based and not even heard of in Greyhawk?

How in the name of Gary is that a iconic d&d character? And I don't know of where in d&d they are considered stout Vikings in d&d they are thought civilized not raiding barbarians and other thsn crossbows not ranged users

You don't know where they are considered Stout Vikings?

Pretty much EVERYWHERE!

Bruenor Battlehammer and his Clan are absolute archetypes!
The 13 Dwarves in the Hobbit {LotR I know but the BASIS for all D&D Dwarves!}. Gimli too!
Flint in Dragonlance! - https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=flint+dragonlance&rlz=1C1DSGQ_enGB629GB629&espv=2&biw=1366&bih=643&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0CDcQsARqFQoTCMrYzvrKjcgCFcxpPgody3UNOA

Vikings is the wrong term really but used because everyone knows the image.
Norsemen would suit better as we're not talking about the Looting and Pillaging aspects here but about the Dwarven Gods being incredibly similar to those of the Vikings!

09-23-2015, 12:07 PM
Eilistraee is DEAD!

Yet another thing wrong with current D&D!

But Eilistraee at her most powerful only had a handful of worshippers and even less actual Clerics! {Drizz't btw worshipped http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Mielikki!}.

Drow Clerics of Elistraee are about as far from Iconic as you can get without being an Int Based Elf Cleric of a Human Deity {No I'm never going to leave THAT alone!}.

Also for someone who professes to loathe the Realms with a passion why would you bring up a barely known by anyone other than her Worshippers {who have to stay hidden at all times anyway} Demi-Goddess that is Realms based and not even heard of in Greyhawk?

You don't know where they are considered Stout Vikings?

Pretty much EVERYWHERE!

Bruenor Battlehammer and his Clan are absolute archetypes!
The 13 Dwarves in the Hobbit {LotR I know but the BASIS for all D&D Dwarves!}. Gimli too!
Flint in Dragonlance! - https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=flint+dragonlance&rlz=1C1DSGQ_enGB629GB629&espv=2&biw=1366&bih=643&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0CDcQsARqFQoTCMrYzvrKjcgCFcxpPgody3UNOA

Vikings is the wrong term really but used because everyone knows the image.
Norsemen would suit better as we're not talking about the Looting and Pillaging aspects here but about the Dwarven Gods being incredibly similar to those of the Vikings!

someone here on the forums brought her up a long time ago and I remembered

as to dwarves its the first time in over 40 years of d&d I have heard it ever

09-23-2015, 12:29 PM
as to dwarves its the first time in over 40 years of d&d I have heard it ever

So you've never read the Dragonlance Chronicles? {Seriously Flint is about as Barbarian as you can get without being a Barb!}.

So you haven't noticed that every single one of the Dwarves in the Hobbit are Fighters? Always on the Road with no Home to go to but when they talk about home they're NOT talking about Civilization!
They're talking about Fortresses!

You haven't noticed that their personalities are based on perpetual War with Orcs and Goblins and therefore their ideals are based on the Warrior's Code!

I know you loathe The Realms so I'll let you off with Bruenor and the Battlehammer Clan but here's the 3 most famous examples:
http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Bruenor_Battlehammer - Fighter {Maybe with Barbarian Kit}
http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Thibbledorf_Pwent - Battlerager Barbarian {The Original D&D Frenzied Berserker!}.
http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Stumpet_Rakingclaw - BATTLE CLERIC! And brewer of awesome Mead! {Note Mead NOT Ale!}.

How about Dwarven Deities:

http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Moradin - Odin!

http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Clangeddin_Silverbeard - Thor!

09-23-2015, 02:56 PM
So you've never read the Dragonlance Chronicles? {Seriously Flint is about as Barbarian as you can get without being a Barb!}.

So you haven't noticed that every single one of the Dwarves in the Hobbit are Fighters? Always on the Road with no Home to go to but when they talk about home they're NOT talking about Civilization!
They're talking about Fortresses!

You haven't noticed that their personalities are based on perpetual War with Orcs and Goblins and therefore their ideals are based on the Warrior's Code!

I know you loathe The Realms so I'll let you off with Bruenor and the Battlehammer Clan but here's the 3 most famous examples:
http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Bruenor_Battlehammer - Fighter {Maybe with Barbarian Kit}
http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Thibbledorf_Pwent - Battlerager Barbarian {The Original D&D Frenzied Berserker!}.
http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Stumpet_Rakingclaw - BATTLE CLERIC! And brewer of awesome Mead! {Note Mead NOT Ale!}.

How about Dwarven Deities:

http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Moradin - Odin!

http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Clangeddin_Silverbeard - Thor!

Umm Forgotten realms so doesnt count for me NEVER liked it and didnt pay much attention to DL but what I did I liked better than the realms

and prefer greek/roman to norse.

I dont pay close attention to any d&d religon prefer to keep them abstract probably another reason I like eberron and yes I said dwarves are Iconic fighters

All of this is Moot anyways

anyways in the next year or the next depending on what is hapening I plan on a trip to europe and maybe we can raise a pint and argue in person :)

Plan on England, Ireland, and my wife's homeland of Romania

09-23-2015, 03:23 PM
Umm Forgotten realms so doesnt count for me NEVER liked it and didnt pay much attention to DL but what I did I liked better than the realms

So you're ignoring the two most popular D&D Worlds then {Greyhawk was the first but NOT the most popular}.

And even going by Greyhawk - I don't recall anything specifically saying Dwarves were civilized {well in the modern meaning of that word}.

Vikings were civilized at home.
Greeks and Romans were civilized at home.
Doesn't mean they weren't Warrior Races!

and prefer greek/roman to norse.

The Greek and Roman civilizations were heavily devoted to War {Athens had the greatest Navy in the World!}.

The Greek Gods {the Romans just nicked them and changed their names} really don't suit Dwarves in the way that the Norse/Germanic Gods do.

I dont pay close attention to any d&d religon prefer to keep them abstract probably another reason I like eberron and yes I said dwarves are Iconic fighters

Every Race apart from Halflings and Gnomes could be considered Iconic Fighters though.

PDK has that sewn up in DDO.

Second to Fighter for Dwarves is Battle Cleric {You could say Barb but then what would you give Orcs?}.

anyways in the next year or the next depending on what is hapening I plan on a trip to europe and maybe we can raise a pint and argue in person :)

Plan on England, Ireland, and my wife's homeland of Romania

I'm afraid I don't drink - It tends to make me angry.

And somehow I doubt you'll be anywhere near this part of England - It's hardly tourist territory.

09-23-2015, 03:39 PM
So you're ignoring the two most popular D&D Worlds then {Greyhawk was the first but NOT the most popular}.

And even going by Greyhawk - I don't recall anything specifically saying Dwarves were civilized {well in the modern meaning of that word}.

Vikings were civilized at home.
Greeks and Romans were civilized at home.
Doesn't mean they weren't Warrior Races!

The Greek and Roman civilizations were heavily devoted to War {Athens had the greatest Navy in the World!}.

The Greek Gods {the Romans just nicked them and changed their names} really don't suit Dwarves in the way that the Norse/Germanic Gods do.

Every Race apart from Halflings and Gnomes could be considered Iconic Fighters though.

PDK has that sewn up in DDO.

Second to Fighter for Dwarves is Battle Cleric {You could say Barb but then what would you give Orcs?}.

I'm afraid I don't drink - It tends to make me angry.

And somehow I doubt you'll be anywhere near this part of England - It's hardly tourist territory.

To bad and I am a happy and friendly kind of drinker