View Full Version : DDO Raid Quiz - Prizes! Trivia! Fun!

08-22-2015, 05:30 PM
Short notice, but 20 minutes from now Omni are hosting a ddo trivia quiz. We'll be doing a raid, most likely deathwyrm or doj and having a quiz for all party members. There will be prizes at the end (rare augments, raid timers and mystery goodies) for the winner. Join up now in our raid channel or send a tell if you're interested!

We'll be operating a "buzz" system, so ideally you'd be flagged for these raids and have access to Teamspeak to be eligible, although if that's an issue party chat is probably okay.

We'll be doing this again, possibly fortnightly so don't fret if you miss your chance tonight :D

08-22-2015, 05:50 PM
Weve moved the location to a shroud raid so we can get more levels in.

Omni's own Raezar Soulstone was victorious in this week's quiz (boo) but Yvonnel Baerne put up a valiant fight and took things to a tie break. As nobody goes home empty handed from an Omni quiz she won a raid timer bypass for her troubles. Thanks to everyone who took part, we'll be doing this again in a fortnight or so, this time with more notice. Hope to see some of you there.