08-20-2015, 07:58 PM
I feel that a sorcerer is a flavor class, not one made for maximizing a class. This is because of the core class structure. The core class structure of a wizard out matches a sorcerer in every way. This is because of the bonus feats, access to every arcane spell and the INT skill, spell craft.
Most people explain the power of a sorcerer is based upon the increased caster level features in their enhancement lines. Well, the wizard epic destiny includes an increased caster level and maximum caster level. This destiny is on the Fifth tier, unable to be twisted. In the sorcerer epic destiny, this is found below on a tier that can be twisted.
Still, the base class structure of a sorcerer is for flavor alone. This has never been addressed nor will it ever be. The flavor solely comes from their Bluff skill. The role play using the bluff skill is very powerful. This power never has influenced the sorcerer's spells.
Developers will not change this flaw. The forum community will give hate toward any fix for this flaw.
I have pushed for a change in the base structure of the sorcerer class, pushed it for years now. It takes a little imagination and a lot of guts.
I am complaining, yes. Part of the forums is to speak your mind about disappointments. Just recently, my main character's life was a sorcerer, to see how it played. I was very disappointed. I planned to use that build to do epic TR'ing. I decided not to after character level 22 because of the disappointments. All of the disappointment came from the base structure of the sorcerer class. There is no uniqueness and even less quality compared to the sorcerer's counter part.
As I said, just use your imagination, as D&D was meant to have. Imagination is the most important quality of D&D. Without it, we have lost all hope. But, we still have some imagination left in us for sorcerers. Its unbelievable in my mind as to the stories I can make about a sorcerer. You can, too !!
Most people explain the power of a sorcerer is based upon the increased caster level features in their enhancement lines. Well, the wizard epic destiny includes an increased caster level and maximum caster level. This destiny is on the Fifth tier, unable to be twisted. In the sorcerer epic destiny, this is found below on a tier that can be twisted.
Still, the base class structure of a sorcerer is for flavor alone. This has never been addressed nor will it ever be. The flavor solely comes from their Bluff skill. The role play using the bluff skill is very powerful. This power never has influenced the sorcerer's spells.
Developers will not change this flaw. The forum community will give hate toward any fix for this flaw.
I have pushed for a change in the base structure of the sorcerer class, pushed it for years now. It takes a little imagination and a lot of guts.
I am complaining, yes. Part of the forums is to speak your mind about disappointments. Just recently, my main character's life was a sorcerer, to see how it played. I was very disappointed. I planned to use that build to do epic TR'ing. I decided not to after character level 22 because of the disappointments. All of the disappointment came from the base structure of the sorcerer class. There is no uniqueness and even less quality compared to the sorcerer's counter part.
As I said, just use your imagination, as D&D was meant to have. Imagination is the most important quality of D&D. Without it, we have lost all hope. But, we still have some imagination left in us for sorcerers. Its unbelievable in my mind as to the stories I can make about a sorcerer. You can, too !!