View Full Version : Is this a good build?

08-19-2015, 06:38 PM
Would Artificer 15 rouge 2 paladin 3 be good or
Artificer 15 rouge 1 paladin 4 or
Artificer 12 rouge 2 paladin 6?
Are these good builds? which one is the best thnx

08-19-2015, 10:16 PM
Would Artificer 15 rouge 2 paladin 3 be good or
Artificer 15 rouge 1 paladin 4 or
Artificer 12 rouge 2 paladin 6?
Are these good builds? which one is the best thnx
The class split of a character build is only a small % of a build. Two builds can have the exact same class split yet preform very differently. Asking if a class split is a good build is not a question that can be answered without much more information.

What epic destiny do you want to use? What type of DPS, melee, ranged or spell? What weapon(s) do you have or want to use? What do you want the build to be able to do?

I recommend trying someone elses build that you have seen working (video or in game) that you think would fit your playstytle and gear you have available. After you have tried a few builds you should start to get more of an understanding of how a character build comes together and then try making builds of your own.