View Full Version : Dex-Based Swashbuckler

08-14-2015, 09:41 PM
I am posting this at a friend's request. It's similar to some other multi-class swashbuckler builds out there so I didn't plan to post it originally.

RACE: Human

1 Rogue
2- 5 Bard
6 - 9 Fighter
10 - 18 Bard
19 Rogue
20 Bard

14 Bard / 4 Fighter / 2 Rogue

STR: 14
DEX: 18 (all level ups)
CON: 14
INT: 8
WIS: 8
CHA: 15

FEATS (not in order taken - I can't remember order - it's been a while)
1) Single Weapon Fighting
1 Human) Power Attack
3) Empower Healing
6) Quicken (or weapon focus pierce or completionist)
Fighter 6) Weapon Finesse
Fighter 7) Cleave
Fighter 9) Shield Mastery
9) Great Cleave
12) Improved Critical Pierce
15) Improved Single Weapon Fighting
18) Greater Single Weapon Fighting
21) Overwhelming Critical
24) Improved Shield Mastery
26) Perfect Single Weapon Fighting
27) Epic Reflexes
28) Perfect Two Weapon Fighting (for 5% doublestrike)


http://i1281.photobucket.com/albums/a519/slarden/Swashbuckler%20Enh_zpsufhxpenn.jpg (http://s1281.photobucket.com/user/slarden/media/Swashbuckler%20Enh_zpsufhxpenn.jpg.html)


http://i1281.photobucket.com/albums/a519/slarden/Swashbuckler%20Epic%20Destiny_zpsybpafkzs.jpg (http://s1281.photobucket.com/user/slarden/media/Swashbuckler%20Epic%20Destiny_zpsybpafkzs.jpg.html )


Legendary Shield Mastery

Helm: Sightless with Power 250 and True Globe of Imperial Blood slotted
Necklace: Pendant of Quiet Movements with mythic bonus +1 with ins dex +2 slotted
Trinket: Epic Littany of the Dead with Anthem slotted
Cloak: Mysterious Cloak lvl 21 with Golem's Heart and Heal 11 slotted
Belt: Epic Chord of Reprisals with Good Luck +1 slotted
Ring: Ward Token with Int 8 and Ins Wis +2 slotted
Gloves: Iron Mitts with Ins Con +2 slotted
Boots: Epic Boots of the Innocent with Balance 11 slotted
Ring 2: Strange Tidings with Mythic Boost 1 and Fear Immunity / Ins char + 2 slotted
Bracers: Epic Ethereal Bracers with Draconic Soul Gem and Natural Armor 8 slotted
Armor: Shadow Dragonhide with Shadowkiller and False Life 40 / Wisdom 8 slotted
Goggles: Shadowsight with Sonic Resistance 40 slotted
Weapon: Thunderforged shortsword with 1st Degree Burns, Dragon's Edge, Mortal Fear and Devotion 138 slotted (and various other dr breaking weapons for specific quests/raids/fights)
Shield: Epic Swashbuckler level 24 with crushing wave guard slotted (basically for guardbreaking)
Quiver: Epic Quiver of Alacrity
Cosmetic Helm: Elite Spider Cult Mask

08-16-2015, 11:58 AM
Very nice build, I'm getting ready to "TR" in to almost the same thing but, going wiz for 3 lvl and 15 bard with 2 lvl of rog. Was thinking about drow but, your build is making think going human instead.

08-17-2015, 06:17 PM
Thanks for posting. I was planning the 12 wiz swashy but realized that it would be sloooow...
2 rogue for evasion and traps BUT what about 2 barb instead for ear smash/knockout (ear smash then CDG), parrying bond (builds to 12 PRR), barb PA (+3 damage) and a further +10% run speed? You would be very fast with 14 bard + 10 defender and 10 barb for 34. Or maybe I am missing something?
I would then run in SD for evasion and incorp and the nice vulnerability vorpal that would proc more on PSWF.

08-18-2015, 08:03 AM
Thanks for posting. I was planning the 12 wiz swashy but realized that it would be sloooow...
2 rogue for evasion and traps BUT what about 2 barb instead for ear smash/knockout (ear smash then CDG), parrying bond (builds to 12 PRR), barb PA (+3 damage) and a further +10% run speed? You would be very fast with 14 bard + 10 defender and 10 barb for 34. Or maybe I am missing something?
I would then run in SD for evasion and incorp and the nice vulnerability vorpal that would proc more on PSWF.

Wow that's a really creative and good idea. Shadowdancer gives you evasion/avoidance and that opens up another class possibility. Ear smash would definitely fit in well with this build.

This build uses alot of Legendary Dreadnought abilities: Lay waste, momentum swing, the haste and damage clickies and blitz. The passive abilities are also really nice - combining the action boost with human damage boost makes for solid burst dps. It would be tough for me to change destinies since this build is partially built around the LD epic destiny as well.

I am happy with 2 rogue and legendary dreadnought, but it's quite possible there is a better combination of class and destiny. I really like the idea - it may end up being better than my choices. I don't plan to TR this build any time soon though so unfortunately I probably won't be able to try it out in the near future.

08-18-2015, 08:05 AM
Very nice build, I'm getting ready to "TR" in to almost the same thing but, going wiz for 3 lvl and 15 bard with 2 lvl of rog. Was thinking about drow but, your build is making think going human instead.

Human is nice for the 20% damage boost and bonus feat, but the 20% damage boost is a little over-rated. It doesn't give bonus damage on sneak attack or proc damage. Any damage boost that gives a MP boost does boost sneak attack damage (rogue damage boost for example).

Everyone is splashing wizard in their swashbuckler - I will have to check out that out some time.