View Full Version : Devs would you consider?

07-30-2015, 12:37 AM
Instead of the epic past life feat fast healing stacking the amount healed. Lower the duration instead. For instance 2 stacks every 40 sec, and 3 stacks every 20 sec. It's not useless as is, but would be much more attractive with a lower duration.

07-31-2015, 02:02 AM
Fast healing should trigger every six (6) seconds. So I would say 18 / 12 / 6 seconds for the EPL Feats.

07-31-2015, 02:36 AM
Instead of the epic past life feat fast healing stacking the amount healed. Lower the duration instead. For instance 2 stacks every 40 sec, and 3 stacks every 20 sec. It's not useless as is, but would be much more attractive with a lower duration.

And the same for the Fury of the Wild fast healing.

07-31-2015, 09:00 AM
Instead of the epic past life feat fast healing stacking the amount healed. Lower the duration instead. For instance 2 stacks every 40 sec, and 3 stacks every 20 sec. It's not useless as is, but would be much more attractive with a lower duration.

Or you could get a cleric hireling or post for a cleric to join you in your adventures.

08-01-2015, 11:58 AM
Fast healing should trigger every six (6) seconds. So I would say 18 / 12 / 6 seconds for the EPL Feats.


08-01-2015, 11:59 AM
And the same for the Fury of the Wild fast healing.


08-01-2015, 12:08 PM
Or you could get a cleric hireling or post for a cleric to join you in your adventures.

Sorry to be that guy, but hireling AI is so bad you can barely count on them in heroic and forget about it in epic. Being a healer these days is a thankless job, and all the divines have gone all battle-clericky, with the result that people expect to self heal most of the time, especially in high power groups; and that is why these suggestions would be most helpful and welcome :)

08-01-2015, 12:13 PM
Just drink a potion between the fights.

08-03-2015, 12:38 AM
Sorry to be that guy, but hireling AI is so bad you can barely count on them in heroic and forget about it in epic. Being a healer these days is a thankless job, and all the divines have gone all battle-clericky, with the result that people expect to self heal most of the time, especially in high power groups; and that is why these suggestions would be most helpful and welcome :)

My thoughts exactly.

08-03-2015, 04:38 AM
Sorry to be that guy, but hireling AI is so bad you can barely count on them in heroic and forget about it in epic. Being a healer these days is a thankless job, and all the divines have gone all battle-clericky, with the result that people expect to self heal most of the time, especially in high power groups; and that is why these suggestions would be most helpful and welcome :)

All the divines have _not_ gone battle-clericky.

Many divines would happily heal their way through groups. If a divine does that they're screamed at for not healing everyone +and+ not also having more than their slice of the kill count.

If the devs stopped pandering to the solo players, healing clerics would return.

The game needs to stop being designed around the supposed needs of the "high powered groups".

08-04-2015, 09:46 PM
Instead of the epic past life feat fast healing stacking the amount healed. Lower the duration instead. For instance 2 stacks every 40 sec, and 3 stacks every 20 sec. It's not useless as is, but would be much more attractive with a lower duration.

I agree. most times the feat will not save you, but it would be nice to have it spread out over the minute.