View Full Version : New Adventure

06-28-2015, 02:03 AM
Ddo is the best D&d moo, has many classes and races (need more), but many aspect of the game need to be updated. I was thinking in take advantage of the franchise (the game).

using DDO plataform to bring back many 3.5 dugeon and dragons games, that where sucesful at it time. Not as a MMO, but as a VIDEOGAME, keeping the original ideas.

1) TOEE (including all the village and nulb etc etc)
2) EYE BEHOLDER 2 etc etc
3) dream (the original neverwinter nights 2) etc etc

The idea the player can learn to play the game, get in love with it. All the video game are from level 1-10, after the game is complete. They can explore Eberron and Fauron DDO MMO.

The goal:

1) The game can be sold avarege of 20usd, get extra money.
2) make the attractive to any player
3) The game doesnt need to be tested in lammania not online etc etc.
4) The character can tranfer to DDO for free after the won the game ddo has to fix itsue with the name (database) maybe include a surname and the place they come from: we can have: John Wolf from Thelanis or John Winter from Thelani or John Winter from Neverwinter
5) Ddo is a diificult game to learn, special depend on grp and ppl with all type personality. After capping in the videogame the are full train player in all the aspect of the game.
5) The new games has to be 2015 standard,and give a feedback to ddo to devolpers of new technology, art customize, that can help ddo improved it standart.
6) Turbine can hire a new group ppl for the project, different bussines model.
7) Skyrim it a good standart.Neverwinter mmo and wow wasted of time. DDO a good plataform and Skyrim art and is the new focus.
8) MMO DDo can continue improving it content but focusing more on epic contents.
9) Include more F2P content from lv 10-24 for the new players and include great loot, take the favor on F2p games.